DMC 4.5 songs were pretty good dante theme boss theme perphaps

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is the best track in DMC5

It's sad that Itsuno still walking on tiptoes around Kamiya's canon. The fact that in 5 Lady is literally wearing Dante's clothing but the game actually goes out of its way to say there's nothing romantic going on there is fucking retarded. They can't have Dante get with Trish because it's too creepy, but he won't ever end up with anyone else because Kamiya didn't invent them. He's doomed to be forever alone because Kamiya was too much of a coward to admit he has a mommy fetish and say Dante fucks Trish, and Itsuno is too much of a coward to tell Kamiya to fuck off and make Lady his canon waifu.

It's because of Lady that Dante wakes up to justice to finally seal the gate to the Underworld again and inadvertently gives him the name for his business.Dante and Lady is one if not the best couple in vidya. Literally made for eachother

Hopefully next director will hook them together, before Dante gets cuked by Crewcut

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dead weight

Anywhere that states those were the original tracks?

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He is railing both deep and on the reg.

It was from before DmC, but Inafune cancelled It and throw them to Dead Rising 2 just to not waste ot

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I just want to say it's amazing we got a pretty much perfect sequel to DMC4.
Before the announcement I would've never thought this would be possible

My nigga

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Are the blue and purple orbs in the shop meant to be bought or are they crutches for people who can't be arsed to explore?


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This fight is L I T E R A L L Y impossible on DMD.

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you have to both buy and collect the orbs to maximize your health and dt bar

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If it's like the rest of the series, they're meant to be bought right?


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Buy em.
You'll be missing 6 HP bars if you don't even if you find everything else.

If you mean Nico's shop, buy them. You can't get those from exploring. If you mean PSN shop, those are crutches.

I think 5's OST is overall best in the series.
It doesn't have anything as great as the very best tracks in 1 and 3, but the general quality is definitely higher than before

Welcome, Sir. Is this your first time here? I'll treat you so nicely that you'll never want to leave.

Come on sugar.

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t. wojakposter

are you getting the 3 health pickups from the towers? there are vines you break throughout the level that drop down more shit for the fight

I just noticed sin devil trigger judgement move is the same one sparda did in the dmc 1 intro

Isn't that the implication, that Lady is spending the night at Dante's and having to wear/stealing his clothes?

*Blocks your path*

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The Luce is from Lucia's DT in 2
And pretty much the only reference to her in the game

she's in

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5 Music rip when? Or even the OST. I need those DMC1 remixes in high quality.

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Don't worry, I'll be gentle.

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Do we have any sales figures yet? Someone said we'd see official total figures soon(aside from physical sales)?

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lmao just hit em and don't get hit
more seriously though, use ranged weapons (in particular Kalina) against Shadow and melee Griffon. Also prioritize Griffon over anything as he has the most annoying attacks.
And make sure to break the roots throughout the level to reduce the number of times that Nightmare can heal up
Finally, dealing damage to Shadow and Griffon is not pointless since everytime Nightmare spawns, he heals up both of them by reducing his own health

I want every version of the tracks that change with style ranks

I dunno, I was looking around for figures and stumbled on resetera retardation. Those people legitimately have no fucking clue w hat they're talking about and their posting style is identical to the retards concern trolling here.


Why does everyone hate Gilgamesh? It's actually a pretty fun boss fight.

The 20th

Is Void difficulty set to whatever difficulty you last played on?

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I like it :3

>caring about romance in DMC
Might I suggest

> A guitar that shoot bats is lame

It's a gimmick boss fight like Leviathan Hearts. Not exactly enjoyable.

It's definitely the least awful of all the DMC gimmick bosses. I would fight him a thousand times over the Savior or Gigapede. But in terms of DMC5 bosses he's just okay.

aight cool I finished DH and ended with only one line of healthbar and four DT bars

Sweet, thanks user.

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It's the least awful gimmick boss in the series but it's still the worst boss in the game
On the plus side it's also the easiest fight to get No Damage Taken bonus on

I can't believe no one has made an edit for that end of mission photo where V is carrying what looks like a yellow sports drink.

>I want every version of the tracks that change with style ranks

Yes this, all the mixes from the dynamic soundtrack.

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have sex


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If you wanna link me the shot I'll whip it up for you.

mad cuz fat

>"this demon is your reason..."

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They have already, and that drink is VIRILITY FROM DmC

it's nothing to do with deference towards the past or anything like that, it's just how they see the series and the desire to avoid tangling the cast in interpersonal connections, plus also leaving things open for fans the way practically every japanese series does. you'll get little hints and fanservice spread around but never anything substantial

holy fuck idk why i was laughing out loud, thanks user it made my night

I had to do a double take when the photo unlocked because it looked like a monster drink.
Unfortunately I don't have the photo and I don't think anyone has compiled them online yet.

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To be fair most people just want Dante to have an offspring to run the series with Nero in case Dante and Vergil get sidelined, romance be damned. Though my main personal reason to support it is for Lady to finally be part of the family because all of the others are somehow connected aside from her, Nico and Morrison, though Nico has her connection to Goldstein which links to Dante regardless and I wouldn't even count Morrison as he's barely present on the overall franchise compared to her, it'd also help her finally get over her trauma of killing her own father and have a family again.

I agree, like DMC3 for example has my favorite song in the series (Devils Never Cry) and great songs like Suffer etc, but with previous DMC games it feels like they mainly had a handful of great tracks (mainly battle themes) and then the rest of the ost is mainly just serviceable/okay. Not saying that the ONLY good songs in like 1-4 were the main battle songs, since there are underrated tracks no one really talks about as much, but you get what I mean. 5 has some bangers too like Faded Tone and Cavaliere's theme but just overall feels like it has the most solid OST.
DMC2 has the second best overall OST

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You guys probably shouldn't read my post unless you're also diehard Mega Man fans because it's a doozy. Anyway, I was thinking about the Mega Buster in this game, how its trailer got me into the series, how people say it's one of the worst arms, etc. I was thinking of ways to make it more fun and it occurred to me that most of Nero's breakers are similar to abilities already found in the Mega Man games. What if you could pay an exorbitant amount of orbs, say 200,000 each time, to imbue the Mega Buster with the abilities of another devil breaker? Either 1:1 or corresponding to an ability in the Mega Man series, like:
>Overture = Elec Beam
>Gerbera = Gemini Laser
>Punch Line = Rocket Buster
>Rawhide = Wire Adapter/Slash Claw
>Tomboy = Flame Sword
>Ragtime = Flash Stopper
>Helter Skelter = Drill Bomb

And so on. Even if these abilities were in-name only and just copies of what the breakers already do with the Mega Buster still equipped, it would be an awesome improvement. You would switch between forms with the Break Away button because if you're carrying a Mega Buster with even one of these attachments, it can't be swapped out with another breaker. As a possible balancing tool, maybe breaker drops in missions are replaced with energy drops that replenish the number of uses you have on your selected weapon form, with the base Mega Buster being infinite like in the Mega Man games. Another change: the Mega Buster does NOT have the ability to wire snatch enemies unless the Rawhide form is equipped, instead the base buster can shoot diagonally.

Ruminating on all this made me realize Nero doesn't have a cool breaker that gives him a barrier weapon similar to Dante's "Man in Red" Faust ability, but that's another discussion. Thoughts?

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>watch out V, hes got horsepower
You're soulless if this didn't at least make you smile.

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It's going to be interesting to see what the sales look like. Steam numbers say its doing good but physical numbers are coming in kind of underwhelming. Didn't Capcom immediately within days of release brag about how much RE2 remake sold? The fact that they haven't said shit about DMC5 worries me.

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Slowly getting there.

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this is really fuckin cool im gonna admit

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The gallery music is dope as fuck

They should have let you use these tracks at the mission select screen so i can just let that shit play.

Hopefully they put this shit on itunes so i can buy some of it

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Is Rebellion or Sparda weaker than DSD when replaying through the game on higher difficulties as dante.
I hate the DSD Swordmaster gameplay

Little Chickee was a treat.

Two boys stucked in hell fighting each other and two girls stucked on earth dealing with DMC bussiness. Next game probably could be about Lady and Trish.

dont use swordmaster then

That's how I feel about DMC5 in general very good game all around and is in general better than DMC3, but it also never reached the peaks of DMC3.

>Nico calls griffon a "Pecker" in his profile


Sparda does more damage on moves where it transforms. DSD is only good for the summoned swords which you can use in other weapons via swordmaster or burning DT.

>when the music is so bad you have to substitute it with something else

>mfw Griffon says open wide or AHAHA FUCK YEAH

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This. I just listen to Bach or Mozart when. I play via Spotify

God damn that's so low quality.

take that back

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DmC had the best soundtrack

Another Megaman fan here.
Had a similar idea myself.
Nico just deciding to adapt all 8 baseline breakers into Mega Buster because it matches the Megaman theme of 8 special weapons.

Think that's evolving a cameo/bonus into far too central a gameplay system. It already gives you basically a second gun and modifies his movement system.
Would have loved the ability to upgrade the Mega Buster into the X Buster so that it's breakage didn't destroy it and you could just switch out of it via breakaway.

Would have also loved Dante getting a Z-saber.

I think Gerbera's neutral B gives some deflection shield and he he can hold enemies up as shields with a later upgrade.

Griffon was the best new character and I fucking wish he didn't die

No. The explanation that matt gave during one of his podcasts was one day Dante couldn't pay his debt so she took his clothes as compensation.

>Think that's evolving a cameo/bonus into far too central a gameplay system.
I realized that myself before I even started typing but the fanboy in me wouldn't let the idea go. And you gotta admit, something in that vein would shut up the small subset of people that keep saying they wish they could switch breakers freely.


>literal noise

>They can't have Dante get with Trish because it's too creepy
Capcom has done worse

the 3 summons had a weird arc, why did they want to kill dante again?

To save Vergil

>ears too retarded to recognize music

Suicide by cop.

What even is this

Why couldn't they get ShootieHG for the OST? Crimson Cloud, Devil Trigger and some boss themes such as Cavaliere's one are fine but the others are just boring wub wub trash.

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VERY nice

V was the only one who was reminiscent of the old school chessy silly DMC1,3,and 4 days and i think thats why a lot of us feel in love with is character.

Especially since DMC5 is more akin to Dmc in the tone of its story.

V is the collest one of the group

They didn't want to kill Dante. They were going to die anyway, and they wanted to make sure Dante was up to the task of winning.

Can you void practice on all enemies and can you get them to attack or do they just stand there?

It was basically suicide to free Vergil from his nightmares

Cause they're the remnants/memories of Vergil's time as Nelo Angelo or something
>Especially since DMC5 is more akin to Dmc in the tone of its story.
explain. just because they swear more often?

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You can set them to attack.

Fair enough.
Just figure one could better integrate it into the core system instead relying on the cameo.
I was again thinking along similar lines.
If Legends was more popular these days they could have even given some of the arms skins based on Volnutt's gear.

Since we're discussing it anyways I'd continue myself.
Since the games aren't afraid of directional inputs I figure one could have adapted from megaman 11's weapon switch mechanic.
Press the breakaway button plus the stick in one of 8 directions for the breaker you want.
Pressing Breakaway without any directions just sets it back to the mega buster.

Also Nightmare should have gotten a Yellow Devil Skin.

>doomed to be forever alone
As much as I prefer Dante and Lady, and Patty more than that, there is nothing wrong with Dante not getting involved in a relationship. There's more to his worth than that and he hasn't needed one so far.

yeah it's a huge bummer. I can only hope that capcom heard the fan disappointment that he's not back and hire him to do Vergil, Trish or Lady's battle music if they become playable

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Alright, here you go user.

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>doing well on dmd so far
>only died to first fury and urizen 2 (since i forgot you have to break the crystal once)
>controller breaks right as i finally get to dante
>game was nonstop crashing on geryon last night, only got past it by streaming to a friend to slow my comp down enough (no idea how that worked)

why does god not want me to git gud?

>Press the breakaway button plus the stick in one of 8 directions for the breaker you want.
>Pressing Breakaway without any directions just sets it back to the mega buster.
>Also Nightmare should have gotten a Yellow Devil Skin.
Holy fuck user stop making me yearn for things that were never on the table

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merzbow dmc ost when

>Especially since DMC5 is more akin to Dmc in the tone of its story.
In no way is it similar to the tone of the story. It's closest to 2 and three for intial plot and theme wise it's a character study of Vergil and a closing of the arc of the brothers. DmC is just a watered down version of 3 at best, and at worst it has no clue what it's doign outside of the "they live" knock off.

Vergil getting executed

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Hey scum, remember you are only casual.

Again a big Megaman fan and DMC fan. I haven't even gotten the game yet because too busy with school but I love theorizing these combos.
The moment I saw there were 8 breakers and the Mega Buster Breaker the idea just clicked immediately.

>The soft "are you okay?" dante gave to trish after Angelo fight
>DMC5's website talks about how Trish and Dante's relationship is a mysterious one
>"Looks like somebody knows how to get the girl"
>Dante and trish fugged once in a movie theatre
>Trish says that she wears the pants in the relationship and says Dante could teach vergil how to have a bit more 'fun'
>recap calls her the beautiful trish who woke up in the face of Dantes love
>'Dante & Trish' Seeds of Love'
>literally designed to be Dantes lover interest from the start
>Kamiya ships it
>Itsuno ships it
mommygf wins again

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I wish I knew I'm stuck on 10 myself. 1 on 1 with fury is easily doable if you use the trick of balrog's breakdance to parry it. Then I'm going to look into blowing my sin DT just to erase the 2nd one you fight cause fuck trying to parry that bitch when fire bat cunts are shooting me


what went wrong?

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>He's kept the same ice cream glass all these years
haha what a loser lmao

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tfw final fantasy 13 has better dmc music than dmc5

I have controls down pat for Nero and V, what's the best scheme for Dante? I have R2 set for guns on the both of them but Dante seems a bit too complex to move things around.

King Cerberus > Sworn through swords tbqh

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>Be the physical manifestation of Vergil's worst nightmares as Nelo Angelo
>some dorky autist that turns out to be Vergil's human half pops up
>try to bully him again but V manages to win them all over because he's a great guy
>V dies and becomes Vergil again
>decide to die rather than continue living and haunting Vergil with their existence because they appreciated V so much

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>curse words out the ass
>realism over Animeish style
>easier and more user friendly for casuals/new comers

ITs what Dmc should have been instead of the abomination we got from Ninja Theory

I play Dante the same way I play every other character in DMC4 and 5, with square and L1 swapped.

Sworn Through Swords sucks, you should have just posted the original Cerberus theme

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>that first l ink

holy fuck thats the shit, jesus. anyone got any recommendations for stuff like that?

where is my proper wipeout sequel

Sworn Through Swords:
>actual riffs
>doesn't bleed your ears
>has an easy to remember tune

King Cerberus:

When does this even happen in the game?

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Never, V got cheat engined in.

true, but you get my point anyway

Not in right now, just done through cheat engine.
Likely for Bloody Palace

>Dante and trish fugged once in a movie theatre
[citation needed]


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>>curse words out the ass
Dante says shit once and Nero says 4 or 5 curses throughout the game which is a little more than DmC, your'e over exaggerating.
>>realism over Animeish style
Devil may cry's never been anime, outside of Dante's goofy ass outfit's it's always been more westernized which is something nobody seems to get. Hell all of capcom's games are westernized. Outside of Dante dressing like a gay cowboy, and Nero's bizarre outfit in 4, it's basically more or less western. 4 was the farthest we went towards anime, 3 wasn't that at all.
>easier and more user friendly for casuals/new comers
This was the argument I heard for everybody hating on 4 in the old days. Nothing's been made substantially easier than it was on the level of DmC.

So so far you're maybe 1 for 3 on your assertions, and it still doesn't resemble DmC in any reasonable way. In fact DmC was more colorful and cartoony compared to DMCV which is soemthing I wish they'd took a cue from. All you can really say they took from DmC was style announcers, zoom in finishers, some musical cues, and environmental kills.

I wish there was an option to spar with cavaliere-kun in the void


Okay you prove my point in saying DMC5 is what Dmc should have been and thst what i was trying to say in the first place

Trish is outright called his partner in 5

they are partners as in demon hunting partners

Thankfully his level isn't that long, but it'd still be nice.
I think they mentioned Bloody Palace having specific points where you could start it back up from once you've beaten it, maybe we'll get a pseudo boss select screen through that
>reading comprehension
you don't have to be so defensive user.
Partner can mean a lot of different things.

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Don't take damage

No I don't, because DmC shouldn't have happened or it should've been a side story. DMCV is what DMCV should have been.

>Devil may cry's never been anime
of course it always was. remember how Dante rode up a fucking tower on a motorbike and then proceeded to wield it like a sword and bash some demon's faces in ? Or when he rode on a rocket ?

>you don't have to be so defensive user.
Has nothing to do with being defensive and everything to do with this stupid comparison being made, DmC is nothing like DMCV, and any similarities are in the most superficial details you could imagine.

Anyone have that three image column collage of "I want yours, too" Vergil?

>curse words out the ass
Yeah, shame on an MA17 game using big boy words. Shame on Dante, someone who has shown to be not shy to using swears before, for having a potty mouth. Shame on Nero, a highly hormonal teen, do teen things. For shame.
>Realism over animeish style
DMC never was supposed to have an anime style. Watch the Design Philosophy video Capcom just released, Itsuno himself says that DMC tries to be as photorealistic as possible. DMC HAS anime inspirations, but photorealism has and always will be the priority choice for style.
>Easier and more user friendly
To parrot what the other user said, DMC4 did it too and whatever added ease you think there is is purely a placebo excuse.

>remember how Dante rode up a fucking tower on a motorbike and then proceeded to wield it like a sword and bash some demon's faces in ? Or when he rode on a rocket ?
That's not anime that's fucking action movie shlock.
Anime is more or less Nero's KRIYE!11!! Spam 24/7 with lots of anime gasping and filler. If anything DMC4 is poking fun at anime, where Nero is a quasi anime protagonist, Dante is there to just fuck around and ruin the "anime" shit.
People complaining about V being boring should give this a shot. Put your pets on auto and join in with them.

>Trish is ugly as shit, a Mundus realdoll of Dantes mom and the only memorable part of their relationship is the comically bad DARK SOUL WITH LIGHT scene

>Lady is cute as shit, has somehow aged incredibly well despite being a white woman and has SSS chemistry with Dante while also having a well written character arc mirroring his

Itsuno is a fucking retard if he doesnt put them together

Is there porn or good fan art of the pairing? Even a fic or two?

Come to think of it, why doesn't Vergil use guns? Do you think he's a bad shot? Is he too dumb to use any other weapon that isn't his weeb sword?

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That's the wrong hand.

Mhy only complaint with V is that his cane doesn't have a weak 3 hit combo, his teleport stab fucks up a lot, and that I can't put one of the pets on auto at my pleasure. Other than that he's dynamite, can't wait to see how they clean up his playstyle in 6.

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>mfw finally learned how to use all 4 weapons at once
I used to be so adverse to changing through weapons after DMC4, I think the reason was not that I was bad but that I hated Gilgamesh and Lucifer.
Now I just gotta learn what to do with all the guns, I can use E&I and the Coyote effectively but I have no idea how to stylishly use Faust and Lady's Gun
How useful is Royal Fork?

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Vergil has good taste

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>Serious Moonlight
good taste

What's the best controls for Dante?

the character in it isn't Nero, it's just his outfit

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Vergil's a fuckin weeb sword autist, a revolver would probably be the only weapon he'd like to use. I bet Sparda would make fun of him for not using guns.

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V Probably wont be in 6, I wouldnt doubt that they only made him playable in the first place as a tech demo for a summoning class in Dragons Dogma 2

Nice. Do you also happen to have the regular one so I can try to make my own edits?

The only one Dante is ending with is Patty, that's why they made her canon and legal. Don't kid yourselves.

reminder that you're a normalfag if you find the idea of a dante and trish romance disgusting

He apparently doesn't like guns.
Wanted to rely more on his demon magic.
If they ever give him an alternate ranged weapon I guess they could give him a bow.

>How useful is Royal Fork?
It allows you to kill enemies without the pets.

It's motivation time.

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would you fuck a physical copy of your mother?

God why is he so hot?

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I can help with faust. Level it up to level 3 for e-z orbs, go to mission 13 devil hunter mode, and learn the timing for the hat trick stuff. You basically use gunslinger to hit people wiht the hat, and/or targetting and doign a forward + shoot attack. When the hat comes pack from the fling or the mad hatter move, you press and hold the shoot or style button when it lands in your hand, timing is why the hat razor is in front of you, or right after the hat's red streak dissapears into your model, there's aduio and visual cues for both of em. Once you farm enough orbs for all the moves and ex taunts you'll have Faust down.

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>V Probably wont be in 6
Did you miss the cue where he told Nero to hold on to his book till he got back?
You could very easily write him back in and make him his own character in the sequel, too muhc work to jsut toss him aside, and he's a fan favortie now even if he was really just a vehicle for Verg.

>sworn through swords sucks

I know it's not the best, but come on man.

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I don't find it disgusting, I just don't think Trish and her dynamic with Dante is all that interesting. Her actions being the cause of the villains of DMC4 being able to accomplish their goals doesn't really help either.
People probably find Lady and Dante more compelling because their interactions are from the best written DMC game

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>mission 10 S rank

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Why did they make DMC5 Nero resemble him so closely? So Dante could make "dead weight" jokes at the expense of the "reboot"? Even if that was the intent, it was still fucking weird.

Fresh from Twitter

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Is there any reason to use the single Kalina Anns over the double one?

>Her actions being the cause of the villains of DMC4 being able to accomplish their goals doesn't really help either.
She had to get that lazy bum Dante to do something at least

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Literal trash remember when DmC music was good? Im talking about Combichrist and Noisia times

Why are you sharing DMC memes with Joe Dirt?

Fucking kek

That's Reuben.

It's just not very good, it's repetitive and the beat isn't even that good in the first place. Every other Shootie song in DMC is so much better.
I use the original Kalina Ann just because I really don't like the design of the new one. The pattern on it is gross.
That and the joint laser beam really isn't as useful in the higher difficulties.

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Capcom should have a partnership with Monster, ez money lmao


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>Patty finally appears
>she magically became black like Morrison

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He could have some demon gun that uses his demon magic to shoot out demon bullets to kill demons.

He doesn't really look like Donte outside of the haircut tangentally. Mostly that was done to just differentiate himself from Dante and Vergil. Nero doesn't look right with facsimiles of his old haircut if you look at him with the modded hair.

>Patty walks in on this

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Literally my favorite OST from the entire series

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>That and the joint laser beam really isn't as useful in the higher difficulties.
The Gunslinger Lv4 version of the laser stuns the fuck out of everything

I see your point, but I still like it and think it fits very well as a boss theme for Berial. Speaking of songs with a cool beat I'm sad that the Deluxe edition didn't include this one:

I bought the DLC because I wanted the music, but I don't know how to change it. What do?

Nah, he just doesn't like guns.
It's a matter of taste.
He's used a gun to shoot arkham with Dante but he just doesn't like them.


Have you tried kicking your jukebox.

I like that they gave Fleming's son one of the lamest names possible.


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>go to Gallery from the Main Menu (Van)
>from the Gallery, Jukebox
>select music you'd like to change
>press Confirm

>First level as Dante
>After the SDT cliffhanger
>IGNITE THE FLAME right out the gate
>One of the most spectacular looking boss fights
>One of the best boss themes
>Turns into a fucking bike
And people say 5 didn't reach any peaks.

Oh, wait, there's a gallery option now. I guess it doesn't unlock until the third mission or something.


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Was that the boss from Viewtiful Joe?

>Countering furies with Gerbera jump

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For my first playthrough, I think I'll just pick up whatever Devil Breakers that come my way rather than buying them from Nico. Air Hike seems to have been nerfed compared to the demo, though.

Shame that for all the badass hype before the game was out and how sick his theme is, the fight turned out to be really easy.
I kind of dunked on him effortlessly on my first time through.

>Dante and Vergil together
>Vergil scowling and fiddling with a gun
>Dante asks what it is and where did he get it
>Vergil says "that woman made it, insisted that I should bring it with me. To think I'm taking orders from a human female now."
>Dante scoffs that "it wouldnt be the first time"

>says rest in peace little chicken, it's been a bash
>is what vergil sarcastically called the party when they reunited atop the tower in dmc3

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There was no "hype". You mistakenly thought he'd be more impressive than he was simply because he was the boss they showcased the most.


What if Vergil gets new ranged options that are based off of V's animal friends?

I'd actually suggest that you forget that idea and just buy Breakers to have a full loadout. There's not enough on the road to fully kit yourself.
And even then, to fully come in prepared for bosses, you'd be limiting yourself to whatever randomly spawns, you'd be limiting yourself from using the fully charged breaker moves and breakages, and that's not even including if you get hit when activating them and lose them.

>mfw people want DMC5 to end like DITF

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Really? I kinda liked the idea of not knowing what would come next. Though I already find Sweet Surrender to be stupid and boring.

>summoned saws
>summoned meteors
>summoned shittalk

Whens the dunkview coming out?

in 11 years

I wish you could turn off the DLC breakers.

>Vergil can attack enemies at a distance by shouting insults at them while sounding like Gilbert Gottfried

waittill you get to virgil, that motherfucker is raping my ass, and i refuse to use orbs

>thought they banished once V fused with Urizen
>Have to kill them all
>"Aw man seriously?, I really liked them"
>Get to Shadow and Psycho Siren starts playing
>Rest in peace little chicken

Man, what a ride.

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To be honest I'm disappointed with the main story.
The gameplay is great but everything else is just meh.
Who else is just waiting for Bloody Palace? It might as well be the entire game at this point.

Anyone know how to get the Obedience Training achievement? Googling gives me contradictory answers, no one seems to know how to get it from King Cerberus.

On my first run through I barely used Breakages and just shoved extra arms into storage if I had a full loadout after a stage

>only two actual co-op missions

wasted potential, meeting up with Nero/V in mission 7 and fighting a squad of angelos was kino

They show up in extra spots so they don't really take away from the normal Breakers that spawn

Not 100% sure, but I think you need to knock out each one of the elemental heads while they're active at least once during the fight.

so dante have a edipo complex?

>shot of him tapping Y over and over
>"you know this game's alright, this game's pretty fu-"
>cut to loading screen for 1 minute
>"this is terrible"
>"for a game that has a multitude of various movesets, with three very fun characters to play, the game suffers from the shittiest story."
>"you have an angry that yells nothing but being dead weight, edgy reject Kylo Ren that thinks quoting literature isn't at all annoying, and a hobo. not to mention how every female character in this game is a sex object."

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Whats the best way to farm red orbs? I heard there was a method but it got patched?

Dr Faust Level 4, Mission 13

Hit final Urizen with a Faust Hat and pray to god you don't get hit.

Repeat over and over.

King Cerberus has a good song though. Especially great in-game.

No, that's Alastor, who is also the demon inside Dante's sword in 1. He actually grills Dante about that in VJ1 for spinning him around till he pukes, he also tries to stab Joe through the chest in VJ2. I want to play as Alastor and VJ in DMCv's engine.

mission 13 got patched out?

I haven't played the game yet, what exactly is Faust? Is it a style? A Devil Arm?


>thought wub wub from DmC was bad
>hear Cerberus theme butchered by a rave remix.

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Its a hat.

But it's also a scarf that's also a ghost.

He's got a lot of health and doesn't really fight back enough. It's more just about trying to stay on him and a gimmick fight like that can be a little fun, but he ends up just kind of mostly annoying on the later difficulties. Also he's not really all that threatening.

It's a new gun for dante, it's a cowboy hat that gambles red orbs. It costs orbs to use, but if you land all your attacks you get more than you spent back.

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A gun.

It's a DMC4 enemy that Nico turned into a hat off screen

I really have to aplaud this game for making me the most hyped I've ever been for a game and still not letting me down. Even as a newcomer to the series. I imagine this was even better for long time fans. The last time I was so hyped was for fallout 4 and I got let down hard. Kind of weird to think I may never be as hyped for a game as this one. Probably has something to due with how fun these threads have been

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A gun/hat. It's whole point is using Red orbs for ammo. If you use it well enough and you can get more than you lose from it.

well, dante's gotta pay the bills somehow
no judgement

is it even worth using this thing except to pop a hat on enemies and get free orbs? and even then I forget to do that usually

>Capcom made Nero's Red Queen have max exceed at all times with super mode
For fuck's sake, give me one fucking thing to do while I'm plowing through enemies, jesus christ

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Post ideas for playable crew cut's weapons/abilities

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So did Mundus kill Nicos grandmother the lady who gave him Eb and Iv
Reading in the gallery and it says he was killed right after she gave him the guns

Hat trick gives a lot of style if you land it on a decent amount of enemies then catch the hat

>Dante didn't call him feather face.

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does he have a rendered face under the goggles?

>give me one fucking thing to do while I'm plowing through enemies
if you press the devil bringer button during any attack animation it does a phantom punch

I wonder if it was meant to be a Mario Odyssey reference

Vergil killed her. Set fire to her workshop while she was working on Ebony and Ivory

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Mundus generated Vergil clone did that IIRC.

Mission 19 spoilers.

Thanks dude. I only knocked out two, but I still got the achievement randomly.

There's no reason to have Kyrie. Morrison is Dante's manager, and he shows up a fair bit. At the beginning, to recruit Dante in a flashback in the middle, and at the end.
Kyrie is off screen; safe. If she was ANYWHERE near the combat zone Nero would be unable to keep his cool and we'd have a repeat of DMC4.

good question. No sure if he does. maybe some modders can check

Mission 11 is my favourite mission too. Cavalier is my new Credo.

How do I beat Vergil as Nero? my shit has been pushed in like a dozen times. When he pulls his devil trigger I can't figure out how to get him vulnerable without getting my dick slapped by a dozen attacks.

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Faust Hat has a really amazing grab mechanic similar to Nero's Snatch. You basically hit an enemy with the hat and hit shoot as soon as Dante catches the hat. Difference being that the hat can grab multiple enemies depending whether they're wearing the hat or not. Also, you're gonna be needing a lot of red orbs in this game.

This theme was hype as fuck, easily one of the best boss themes in the series.


I honestly like the remixes of the 1 themes more than the originals. The Psycho Siren remix is fantastic.

crewcut dlc with vanquish/re6 style combat when?

All of its attacks are great. It's probably the best gun in the series barring summoned swords.

>he's losing an actual real life cutscene fight
You literally just hit DT and slap his shit, what the fuck

looks like somebody took note

Can you use Buster to grab those teleporting lizard assholes out of their teleports, but before they hit you?

>pressing b with an enemy targeted fast slides you towards them while shooting

could be kind of nero's grapple but you go straight to the enemy always.

I always sort of pictured him with one of those exosuits and doing MMA style beatdowns like trish powered by his suit, and then gunfighting like lady

Human trigger.

Full slide mechanic like Dante's gun stinger and Mega Buster side roll, but can shoot during it like with Nero's normal side roll.

This guy's a real pro at taking notes.

It's not working, I can get the first half done in a single juggle but I'm having a hard time finding an opening without getting shit on after he transforms. Even after killing his clone.

It gives Dante his own version of Snatch and the charged attack is a room wiper even if it costs thousands of orbs, you'll make more than that just using the thing
And you can have the hat just floating around on its own machine gunning things, or have a shield that attacks everything nearby and blocks projectiles in exchange for more red orbs.

>thought I'd just have to deal with timing for Exceed
>game adds another timing mechanic with Buster at the very end

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buster arm grab his clone close to him

>crewcut's taunt is him taking out a small notebook and actually taking notes while mumbling something like "hmm I see that wasn't so hard"

This idea that Itsuno doesn't have Lady and Dante together because of Kamiya exists solely in your head you mentally ill freak. Kamiya consulted on DMC3's story and Bingo is on record as saying he let them change whatever the hell they wanted to change. Itsuno completely replaced Kamiya's swordfu with Rebellion, that's a much bigger deal than who he may or may not be fucking. He's also retconned the shit out of Kamiya's original novel twice. You are delusional.

No, you have to hit them first. Use buster knuckle if they lock you into a combo. You will be easily able to grab them if they're on the ground, but if you snatch them you can't; you can snatch them into the air and the grab them however. Shooting them also works, and spamming combo B is an easy parry. Punchline and specially ragtime are good against them.

He has all the same openings and Nero can actually stagger him quite easily when he DTs
Buster him every time he staggers
If he blocks the Buster with Doppelganger, quickly hit DT and Buster again
You can Buster him when he does his divebomb
Breakers in general fuck him up and he has no way to deal with most of them.

Knuckle isn't for damage, it's to stop enemy momentum or staggering if they've locked you into a combo.

Don't worry about Buster Knuckle unless you're in a long animation like Helter Skelter or charging an Exceeded Streak

Ok WTF is up with the fury in mission 10 SoS. I can 100% success rate fight them with no damage when it's 1v1 in the void, and the 1v1 encounter in the actual mission is all fucked up. It behaves totally differently and I can never get the balrog parry. I think it's something to do with the weird camera in that area affects its behaviour. What am I supposed to do to kill it with no damage?

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No. What you are going to want to do with Fury is learn how to parry them. Go into Void and practice against them. Gerbera parries them easy, so does Rawhide. If you don't have those, then you are going to want to learn to use Double Down against them. If they slowly walk towards you with blade out, then jump and split/double down once they disappear. You have about a half second or more depending on distance. Once they are parried, you can snatch and buster them if you are in the air. Grounded needs them to be prone to work. Charge shot can work well against them, but only certain times can they be hit by projectiles. Arms crossed and just after they have attacked. So jumping and shooting right before their attack works well.

But seriously, just go in the void and practice them. They become a push over once you get to know them. The only problem is once they introduce two at once and I can't imagine three of these fuckers in BP.

hit them with the forward+shoot throw and then shoot? I can't seem to get it to work

>That's why I built him that well functioning pen, to take demon logues!

>mfw I watched the cinematic and thought breakers were disabled

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Has a comprehensive list been made about the extra bonuses you receive at the results screen?

It does provide good style and prevents Nero's shit from getting stale easily. If you have no breakers, it's a nice replacement.

Why hasnt anyone ripped the NUDE models?

The only problem is you don't get a chance to buy more breakers if you didn't have many left on your last Nero mission like four stages ago
I also spent like an hour dying when I was screwing around against Vergil and completely forgot how to play Nero for my first attempt

Damn, the live action Monster Hunter movie looks like THAT?

Man FUCK RoyalGuard! Worthless as fuck style,

They've been ripped. They have no genitalia.

No, there are a lot of them and while some are clear how to get them, others aren't. There are also some that are exclusive to certain stages. Like the balloon popper. All bosses seem to also have exclusive bonuses.

It's easier than ever dumbass. The Just Guard window is the same as Trickster's iframes now

Dont care about genitalia. I want to see nips. Or anything, really. Where are they?

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fight it,
pause the game,
hit checkpoint, it puts you right before the same fight

use that to practice thje fight instead ot he voice

Why do you say that? It's better now then ever before. Since any attack you are uncomfortable with you can just hold the button, still get style and just drain your DT a little bit. Then you have royal revenge, one bar of rage for 500 damage and a 5 second long window for the parry to happen and it's a ranged seeking projectile?

They don't have nipples and you're a week late.

how the FUCK do you S-rank Mission 18? the fight with all 3 is such a clusterfuck

Fucking plebeians, all of you.

>mission 13 is too easy on SoS
>DMD is too hard for me to even get to mission 13

Man I keep forgetting about Royal Revenge
It just feels too good to blow the whole bar on a counter for a quarter of a boss' life

I want to be a cool guy and get the perfect guards, but this just feels clunky.

Just because you CAN mash every button on your controller on every swing with Nero while also holding down lock-on and your gun doesn't mean you have to.

What's clunky about it? You literally just press style before you get hit, same as Trickster.
If you want easy perfect guards start a jump for the iframes and then hi B, if the attack is still contacting you then you get a free perfect guard.

Don't care. let me see.

Nico and Trish mod has nips, Lady doesn't as far as I know.Go to nexus mods to get em

I wish I were this attractive.

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You'll learn the timings eventually. Enemy swings are pretty funky sometimes. Just practice them in the void. I'm still shit at most enemies, funny that Vergil though is still the most easy for me, 4 judgement cuts in a row and he can't touch me.

Find them yourself. They're in the obvious place.

Do you mean the entire thing or a single bar? Because if you mean the first one then Royal Revenge only takes a single bar.

I was talking about how I always just default to saving for a massive Release and never remember the other counter exists

How actually difficult is Hell and Hell? Because off the 2x multiplier for style I can assume you're able to get away with a lot more cheese?
>muni in a DMC thread
weird feel

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On one of the earlier podcasts they had Ali and Casey Edwards and the composer of Devil Trigger, and basically Capcom told him what they wanted and left him to it, he made the decision to hire the Edwards since he'd worked with them before. Based on that, if it worked the same way for 3 and 4, I think Shootie was Tetsuya Shibata's guy, but between 4 and 5 Shibata went off and founded his own company and moved on from Capcom. Basically no more Shibata means no Shootie.

is that V's face model? I'm honestly convinced at this point either itsuno or mat are bisexual/gay

>DMC never was supposed to have an anime style. Watch the Design Philosophy video Capcom just released, Itsuno himself says that DMC tries to be as photorealistic as possible. DMC HAS anime inspirations, but photorealism has and always will be the priority choice for style.
That was for DMC5 not the older games

I don't even know what that is. Sad Panda or something?

>Bearded Vergil
Please don't

Same, I think it's just because most of us are so used to Vergil's attacks from DMC3 and 4 that it was easy to adapt to them. I can almost consistently Table Hopper a good deal of his attacks with Nero too while I don't have that much luck outside of that fight.

>continuously get my ass kicked by Cavaliere trying to be fancy and see what I can get away with with me fancy new laser cannon
>never once get frustrated or tired of losing
He's pretty good.

Cavalier is the best fight in the game overall imo

>Vergil killed her. Set fire to her workshop while she was working on Ebony and Ivory
No, that was Gilver, a clone sent by Mundus, which is interesting, because there's also a clone of Dante out there too,

>No I don't, because DmC shouldn't have happened or it should've been a side story. DMCV is what DMCV should have been.

No DMC5 is what Dmc should have been meaning the realistic modern less anime verion of the DMC series that capcom told ninja theory to create and that they failed at doing

You really do need to work on yourr reading comprehension user

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Have modders fixed Trish's face yet

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Nexus Mods, user. Here's a bone.

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You're trying to save face over your dumb as shit comment, it's not working.

Don't say clone, that gets people confused. They are suppose to be like Trish. Artificial demons that have the combat data of Dante and Vergil. Also the Dante one was killed by Vergil, it's not wandering around. It said that both brothers took care of them easily.


Yeah I'll probably just do that tomorrow then. I was just wanting to figure out Fury's move set since all I've been doing it DT'ing and stingering him.

You're a polite guy. Have another.

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Yes. They have good taste in men.

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You'll have more fun fighting them as Nero. For Dante, just use Ice Age with Cerberus and you have 360 protection. He can't touch you. Then you can do a combo loop using Balrog for some good damage. With only about 2500 health, it doesn't take long to kill him.

and youre still mad
Stop spazing out over a dumb as shit comment

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How much of the original DMC novel is an isn't canon anymore

The only thing changed from the original novel is that Gilver is no longer Vergil in disguise being an asshole trying to get Dante to remember that he's Dante.

Now it's an artificial demon created by Mundus with Vergil's face and combat data. Dante kills him easily once he gets serious, but not before it kills Nell and does a fucking massacre, same as in the novel.

>anime reaction images
oh, is this Barry? would explain the SEETHING and lack of critical thought. Your posts are as stupid and worthless as you are, kill yourself bb.

Am I playing V right?

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I don't think anything has really contradicted it

Holy shit my sides

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Yup, high level V gameplay is going to be about sticking close to certain enemies so that dodging doesn't fuck up shadow and griffon. Also it's just fun hitting shit with the cane for a laugh, parrying with the cane is even better.

No i posted that webm to show what you look like getting ass ravaged by a dumb ass coment

>he hasn't gotten past devil hunter difficulty
Vergil isn't as hard with nero as he is with dante, but he can still be a challenge on DmD

Man, people are already doing some sick shit with Bringer Knuckle. I keep changing my Nero control scheme since I can't find any comfortable way to do everything with him. I'm almost thinking about buying a foot peddle just to be able to have some action off the gamepad.


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practice, that's literally what the video is, someone practicing

I just jump over everyone.

Cavaliere Angelo is seriously one of the best fights in DMC. Like holy shit how fun is it on DMD?

Oh okay. Thanks for the help, user!

Fucking incredible

Man Vergil, between this and Tomboy Blue Rose railgun, you just can't have fun as a Jet can you?

I saw a clip earlier today where a guy fired it in the wrong direction and Vergil was about to swoop in and hit him from the side, and the hitbox STILL knocked him out of the air
It's actually fucking massive sideways from Dante apparently

>tfw giving vergil the GOOD SHIT

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When he teleports across the map to charge up, sometimes he'll do a fakeout and rush you instead
Before I would generally just rush after him with Trickster and build Royal Guard/DT on the lightning bolts so that really fucking threw me for a loop

Why did they use the exact same DT design from 4 when it's clearly meant to mimic Dante's DMC4 outfit?
The red shins are supposed to look like his chaps which he doesn't wear any more.

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Same with Gerbera's laser I believe

>Not stuffing 8 Overtures into his pockets

I think it also has a hitbox behind him from the exhaust. It's a crazy attack, made even better when you realize that you can switch out of GS mid attack and go to sword master and protect yourself with Sword formation during the start up and cooldown. Same shit with Faust Hat. You might only get the first charge, but you can make yourself stupid safe while doing it, Perfect for shitting on Behemoths.


Nero's dance reminds me of True Crime's after credits ending.

So they don't have to design two new DTs.

>DMC5's OST is ba-

I don't know what people are complaining about because shit like The Duel, King Cerberus, Voltaic Black Knight and Devil Trigger were fucking killer

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Probably just lazy and they focused all of their efforts into Sin DT. Vergil also has a DT in the concept art that looks like Dante's, even though that doesn't make sense.

Shame you can only do three at a time.

I agree with you on everything but King Cerberus.
Fuck that wub wub shit.

How does the ranking system actually work. What is the meaning of the different sections of the level you see at the end and how does it all factor into your final grade? I've attempted mission 10 on SoS about 20 times now only to always come up a couple hundred points short of 5500, and I wanna know what I'm doing wrong.

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Too much effort to make a whole new normal DT for Dante.

Damn, Ace Combat 8 looks great

He's funny but his gaming opinions are fucking cancer. It's all just for jokes but he puts it in the form of an actual review and his child audience thinks he's being serious

Looked more like a combination of his new Sin DT and his DT from 3 really

Has anyone tried delaying the timer with ragtime's breakage to plant more?

this triggers the ladyfags

It will make sense when they come out with his DLC. He'll have 2 DTs like Dante.

I would have preferred a remix of Suffer but just because it's wub wub doesn't mean it's bad, it reminds me of a Madness background song.

I like Owen. He seems like a cool dude. He posts DMC stuff on his insta story lately and even follows some dmc fans and posts stuff they sent him on his story too.

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It definitely did because of 3 key moments.

>Dante's Sin Devil Trigger
>Vergil's Resurrection
>Nero's Awakening

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is cerberus ice age any good

Obviously. I hope that some of his moveset won't be locked behind his DT like last time though. I'm fine with move properties being changed, but whole moves is just bad.

also he's hot as fuck

I can't stop playing this game, its so fucking sick.
I hope some sort of big Multiplayer update gets implemented, I wanna SSS with friends.

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It's great at bullying Furies

Multiplayer presumably comes out on the 1st.

You're in luck. Datamines show not only an "Online Bloody Palace", but a lobby system. So we will be able to set up rooms to play together.

So are they going to add actual alternative costumes to the game? Instead of just recolors.

Do you hate timing parries against Fury or Antanora? Then that move is your gig. It's just free style against most enemies if you know their tells.

Don't bet on it. I think they are more concerned with getting gameplay additions in, but maybe they will announce more stuff for the BP update. Stream on the 19th will talk about it.

Wouldn't surprise me if they were rewards for the BP, it's been one of the biggest fan complaints so far.
Wouldn't get my hopes up too high though.

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If you don't take damage you get your score doubled at the end, pretty much guaranteeing an S rank

>finally get down Fury clashes so I can easily beat them 1 on 1
>Suddenly have to fight two at once


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>Tfw actually wrecking niggas in Bloody Palace with your Yea Forums bros


Can you imagine Vergil fuming over this.

>Dante stop
>Stop, Dante.
>This isn't a game Dante, we need to settle this with might.
>I hate you so much right now.

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What stream?

This alone will increase the life of the game by years. An easy match making system, bosses every 20 floors, almost all enemies in the game are fun to fight, with only one or two exceptions, like Judecca and the bats.

Capcom is suppose to have some kind of showcase on the 19th. An announcement for DMC5, most likely about BP, since it comes out the 1st and they would want to show off multiplayer which I imagine was suppose to be a surprise.

use the nunchuks the ice bubble shits all ofver the furys

>Co-op vs Cavalier
>Co-op using Gilgamesh as a fucking jungle gym
Man the co-op mode in Bayo 2 was already great, if it's the full Bloody Palace but with more players it'll be fucking amazing

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I like to think he's fucking pissed that Dante has summoned swords now

Gilgamesh probably wont be in BP, he doesn't have any animation for V killing him

Do the spinny bois recover their spikes or are they permanently crippled when you break them?

>Dante! I will return
>doesn't return for the grand finale
>his minions do
what the fuck happened to him?

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Ah, makes sense I suppose.

It ain't over yet

It's so good.

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Why did they give Trish a jew nose? She looks disgusting.

>Mundus returns
>Nero is kicking his ass
>The hell do you care?
>Man, if you gotta know, my dad's name is Vergil

Ok, here is how it works. The sections you see are used as markers so you can tell where you need to improve. Score is kept track of through the entire level. If you keep your style high, then your average will raise throught the level. Say your first fight was a 3000. Next fight you manage to do better, so your average raises to 3500. This can continue to happen through the entire stage. The boss fight is also graded and added into this average, or it could subtract some if you do poorly.

As mission 10 doesn't actually count Urizen as a boss, it doesn't impact your final score. Your final score for that level comes from the Angelo fight. All you need to do to cheese the mission, is sit there using Royal Guard to boost your score. Just leave a Scudo alive and guard against it over and over again. The longer you stay at SSS, the more style you'll get.

to not trigger the femnazis. They fucked up Lady's nose and jaw too.

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I'm a complete scrub at royal guarding but I'll try, cause I've finished the mission twice with exactly 5482 points on runs where I played as godlike as I can and this is getting ridiculous


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Everyone in the series had fucking huge noses before 4
Go look at DMC3 Dante again

>Mission 12 Urizen DMD
Who thought this is good idea need to be shot with artillery.

>Capcom has done worse

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The book was just a poetry book that Vergil read as a kid, it wasn't a spell book. Griffin, Shadow, and Nightmare didn't spawn from the book, they were nightmares cast off from Vergil and tethered to V by the tattoos all over his body. V merged to become Vergil and the nightmares chose to die for his sake. V's role in the story is done. Vergil is on the path for redemption, so there's no sense in V showing up again.

It's not the size but the curvature of nose ridge. It looks absolutely disgusting like all other jews.

If you hit Vergil with the rose mid-combo you can actually get a few extra hits in before he dodges out

He seethes pretty hard if you bully him enough.

if they're his nightmares, why are they friendly towards V?

Remember that you can hold the button and you'll just consume some DT, but still get a bit of style. Then you can taunt to get some DT back. Practice Scudo strikes in the void, they have a fair number of attacks, all with different timings.

Oh yeah, I have one more thing to ask. Since I've tried this mission so many times I've perfected the very first fight and my style points there are between 6200 and 6500 but it just keeps going down until around 4300, then up to 4500 after angelos and I get just under S rank. Is it necessary for me to get such a high score on the first fight? Or if I end up with only say a 5800 should I continue on anyway. I'm not sure how the points in my first fight are affecting the rest of the mission. After the second fight they always drop down to about 5200 no matter how well I play.

>slashes you in the end anyway

We're even.

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>Vergil taunts back when you do

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>Try and use the ice shield against the two furies
>Can't get it to come out because my camera keeps on freaking the fuck out

He beat the shit out of them

As long as you are continuing to perform well, a lower starting score won't matter. It will quickly go up from a stand out performance later in the level. If you can maintain an SSS for 10 or more seconds, then you will usually get close to 5k. Also, to get 5500 for your SoS S rank, the final score you are looking for is 4583. If you can manage to keep your score around there for the whole level, you'll have earned that S rank if you don't continue.

You too? Pissed me off.

>if they're his nightmares, why are they friendly towards V?
They were linked with V, so they were stuck with him no matter what. V was very respectful, and a nice guy, so they started to like him. If V had been an asshole, then they very likely would have continued trying to kill Vergil rather than leave him alone because V was part of him.

ok thanks for the tips, I'll stay motivated. my previous finish was 4569 after the angelos and I thought I had it for sure.

Have you seen the "Vergil face fix"? Objectively worse in every way. Don't get your hopes up for Trish.

Besides the map, right?

>17 points off
Ouch, that has to hurt. I was 11 points off once for my run of mission 8 on DH. It's not a good feeling. Anyway, there are two fights you shouldn't ignore. The Red Empusa spawns, the one where you find the purple fragment and the other one. Both of those can lead to easy SSS and they take a while to die, so you can beat on them for a bit maintaining the rank. My 7th run of DH M10 needed those to get enough style.

Is Demolition a reference to anything?

>Time Has Come/SNS
>Kyrie prologue song
>Blackened Angel
>Forza del Destino
>Sworn Through Swords
>Frozen Frog
>Lock and Load
>Divinity Statue ambient
>Swipe of Sword
were all pretty good. And the rest wasn't bad. Then there's the SE Vergil theme if that counts, also good.

>April 1st
>Capcom delivers on Bloody Palace with FULL co-op all the way through
>Hook up with 2 other players
>Crazy shit ensues as you execute cooperative combos on some demon ass
>Dante / Nero / V reach the final stage
Yfw it's a 3-way winner takes all PVP showdown


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Royal Guard got nerfed because it doesn't cancel nearly everything anymore.

Nah the game isn't designed well for pvp

Oh now that wouldn't even be fair
>Dante enters SDT
>Activates The Luce twice

Except it does, if you're getting guard broken you fucked up the timing and didn't have any DT left

>Except it does, if you're getting guard broken you fucked up the timing and didn't have any DT left
I meant it doesn't cancel Dante's moves

Doesn't even need to do that, just does Demolition. Anything caught in that is automatically erased and they can't move. Dante wins again.

>the second urizen fight on DMD

jesus fucking christ how do I do this. It requires you to run up to his fucking face so all of his gay fucking projectiles hit me every time and its borderline impossible to dodge the fireballs fuck this game

Aside from Balrog sword master kick move, what else? Any of Kalina Ann stuff?

You mean Nero's fight on M8? Yeah, not looking forward to that one. SoS was already hell and I only just managed to bring down his shield in the second phase, get two hits in and then he killed me.

Though I am more dreading Mission 12.

Cerberus and obviously Cavalier have some moves you can't cancel easily

At least there you had some challenge to reflect her lightning spheres back. Gilgamesh is snorefest.

Last fight should be super duper vergil

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If they do, and he still has the blue gauge from 4SE, then they could make it so that having it full or high slows down how fast DT depletes.

>final stage
>it's 6 of this guy

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Is Nero the most Christian DMC character?

>Balrog breakdance
Nothin personnel

Cavalier donuts with summoned swords would probably be effective as well

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this never works for me outside of the void

They just know their target audience well

>Virgil smile
He's so fucking HOT

Isn’t she wearing that because she’s wearing clothes that were in the van? Nico’s clothes?

Why would I ever not use Gerbera?

>best for mobility
>best for evading
>best for parrying

because gerbera gp01 is better

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the ambient track for the mines was pretty good too imo

Because if you rely on gerbera too much you'll quickly find yourself getting overwhelmed when you can't use it as a get-out-of-jail-free card. Gotta admit though, it IS really fun using it to bounce around a battlefield.

1 > 4 > 5 > 3

honestly not even bait

>Why did they make DMC5 Nero resemble him so closely?
They didn't. You are just faceblind.

>not a get out of jail free card


>Finished my first playthrough without ever realizing you could tap the Devil Breaker button to get a smaller effect
>I had only been using the charged mechanics


He's saying that someone who gets too comfortable with using it will panic when they CAN'T use it for the added mobility. Which is sensible.

When does V stop feeling like ass? His panther often just teleports next to V and slashes the air rather than the locked on targets, and his entire system seems weird when it feels like alternating X/Y is way worse than focusing on one then maybe swapping to the other.

>That filename

I know that feel too well.

>L-look h-how cool I am

Just finished the game, what a ride. I'm looking forward to playing on the other difficulties - do bosses and enemies get new moves on them or is it a damage/health/speed increase? Can I play any character on any mission now that I've beaten it?

Did anyone else rebind Nero's DT to LT and set breaker explode to d-pad?

Too bad Trish is uggo and irrelevant

Stop using lock-on unless you want to use attacks with directional inputs, stay closer to your enemies, rebind Griffon to a trigger button.

Why is Malphas' theme never talked about? It's pretty damn great.

Don't fight the shitty mobs and only go for the bosses, abuse double Kalina Ann's gunslinger super laser, abuse Real Impact, and abuse SDT and get an SSS easy, do that and don't die and you'll get above 5500 easy. I thought I'd have the most trouble with them even on DMD but I somehow didn't die and got over 6000 stylish points.

Also start buffing your summons so they auto-attack. When I intend to do something specific with Shadow I put Griffon on autopilot for a bit and vice-versa.

>when they CAN'T

And when is that? I hardly ever use the charge ability.

are any of the DLC arms worth it?

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This. Auto-pilot is really handy and only costs a single bar of DT so you can use it frequently, even when you've got Nightmare out.

I put back on L1, eventually I corrected myself.

I wouldn't bother with them if I didn't have the Deluxe edition. I'd say Gerbera GP01 is worth it. That's about it.

There's no way this is true.

Is this the hardest enemy in the series? Nothing else I have trouble with this much. Their teleporting can get you even when mid air jumping unlike Blitz.

I didn't know empowering them made them attack on their own, does using the ability stack/extend it or just waste DT gauge?

He probably never ever played DMC4 or watched the trailers.

It extends the autopilot time, yes.

Whats the deal on proto angelos, I can weapon clash them constantly but it doesn't usually seem to yield a benefit. How to get them into a jugglable state easily as Dante?

Why didn't they just use the same face for vergil?

Get behind them.

proto angelo is the big sword boy. he will fuck my shit even from behind

Go outside

I had WAY more trouble fighting Blitz then I did Fury. Fury are really fun and are stupid easy once you know the parry timings. I just use Double Down as Nero and they run right into me. Dante, use Ice Age, or punch with Balrog, easy parries.