Pirates of the Enchiredion

Why doesn't anyone talk about this game?

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Because it was shit.

turn based combat doesnt fit adventure time

We did. We just didn't want to tell you about it. You know how you get about these things.

But I thought Yea Forums loves turn based combat? Full of needless trash to remove endless debuffs, just like classic final fantasy.

the fuck is this shit

Official Adventure Time game.

I got this game only to hear Marceline.
Instant boner.

It was shit? Did you even play it?

what type of game would you make for with an adventure time license Yea Forums?

Breath of the wild Adventure time

>muh open world!
I’m tired of this Yea Forums meme.

Adventure Time could really only be fully realized in a Zelda clone game.

True but it actually makes sense with Adventure time.

Dungeon crawler. Ever play Necropolis? Something similar to that but not shitty dark souls ripoff.

Would be pretty cool, but let us play as our own character instead.

How would that work? Adventure Time's world is so insane and non-consistent.

Finn gets some standard jump and punch stats, plus whatever weapon he happens to be holding.

Jake isn't playable. He shows up every now and then to advance some plot element.

That's not playing our own character though.

I don't know what that wants with that. I guess he can be some candy citizen, performing fetch quests while something interesting is going on elsewhere.

Candy Citizens are borderline retarded though.

His reward for accomplishing something is that Princess Bubblegum will notice his achievements and reset his brain to factory stupid.

I watched gameplay of this a couple months ago and it looked like shit. Just play "Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage" instead; it was fairly decent for a licensed game.

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Adventure Time went to complete shit after season 2. There's no way any game of the series would be good.

PotE with real-time combat would be enough to satisfy me

Why would anyone want to talk about a shitty licensed game for kids, you tremendous faggot?

It's a video game being talked about on a video games forum you autist.