How does Yea Forums feel about Imps?

How does Yea Forums feel about Imps?

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Other urls found in this thread: mendspark/


That's a Yordle

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Waiting for yordle pubes

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I would fuck male and female yordles

Built to be lifted off the ground and forcibly bred

Are yordle tummies more sensitive compared to human tummies?

search impmon on e621 to find out

I never understand some of these top choices. Why not Gangplank or something?

Yes, human sperm feels very good in our tummies because there is so much of it.

Calm down Jevil

shut up and fap

Do you think Yordles like their ears stroked?

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They love their ears Fucked

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Seriously, how can human women even compete?

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this, nothing feels better

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is this considered furry?

Technically yordles are furries, they're all covered in fur and have animal noses
Some go even more extreme and go full furry


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Redpill me on Yordles. How do they compare to Imps?

I personally think they're better, I've never played LoL though.

This was the best

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love how riot "beautified" her by changing her race from black to white

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I thought at first the cock had been censored.

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I think that's a yordle, bro.

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They literally can't

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Yordles, Goblins, Imps, shortstacks in general
Love em, loveemloveemloveemloveemloveemloveemloveemloveem
Skin, fur, scales, whaterver, I love em

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WoW Gnomes are a personal favorite of mine.

Yordle ears are made for human cock.

yes please.

I loved the 4 minute video of the guy raping that yordle in every hole

I’m thinking they’ll be getting off to some yordles.

I’m not even ashamed I know the video you’re talking about.

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so am i

I like my imp shortstacks 50ft tall and crushing me underfoot

Doesn't sound very short.

What do you even do when you realize that both of these could dominate you effortlessly with just a fraction of their physical strenght?
Do you really want to get overpowered and teased by a yordle girl half your size?

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Of course, faggot.

>Do you really want to get overpowered and teased by a yordle girl half your size?
Not him but yes.

Are those?

>Do you really want to get overpowered and teased by a yordle girl half your size?

is that even a question?

I want to make love to her belly

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Reminder that the boys are the only good yordles

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hairy is best

Also needs hair downstairs

womanlets give birth to manlets

Poppy is my wife.


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Based chinese bastards

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Honestly, I think it's more of a daily routine. See how she just leaves him back at her place?

Her best skin, fight me

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yordle feet are disgusting

Yordle girls? On my Kazakh milk-fermenting website?
It’s more likely than you’d think.

>father was barely 5”10 before he shrank from age
>mother is 5”4
>me and my sister are 6”2 and 5”8 respectively
Genetics are weird

I just got done jerking it to "Get your Yordles off" for like the 8th time. You fucking tell me.

That animation has made me harder than ever

we exist, get used to it

i think you make this question in the wrong board

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Ear fucking is my newest fetish since January and I wish there were more animations/art that didn’t involve a tentacle fucking the ear. I want a penis in that ear god damnit!

Yes but not by a yordle that deadlifts with a mixed grip
double overhand masterrace

>MFW Poppy because hot at the time the game stopped being majorly popular.

she has less pages on paheal and it saddens me.

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Like I want them train myself to get stronger on a regular basis?
I mean these are mystical creatures here...

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Imagine this: Midna lets you enjoy the same kinds of power/ect. she has, but in exchange, she will turn you into a quite hugely stacked and immensely voluptuous shortstack of an imp permanently and have her way with you all day and night long for 24 hours.

Would you accept the terms of such a deal, knowing what would happen and what she is capable of?

>heels up
what the fuck


>only 24 hours

>character with 10+ pages of porn
My heart really breaks for you.

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>get dominated and teased by shortstack
was that rethorical question ?

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good fucking lord, yes

it's very close, but earnest elf takes the cake for me.

They're pretty much my main fetish at this point. My ERP partners like to tease me by sending images like this one and telling me how much they're going to dominate me when I play as it. I get so hot when they do.

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>deadlift on tiptoes

can't look past it, ruins the whole pic for me

Hello, did someone order the Yordle Exterminator?

Singed is the only Champion that matters.

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How can human women even compete?

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I also want to ERP as a shortstack
why is it so hard to find partners i just want to be a WoW Gnome


buddy I will blow your mind there is a whole website dedicated to erp

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Holy based. Anyone who ERPs as a shortstack is eternally my nigga
tfw no longterm partners to turn me into their slut

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I know but finding partners who exist at like 4-5 in the morning when I actually get the time to do it is a pain. I've dropped like... 3-4 partners because I just can't find the time.

That’s not Riot Girl.

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And stay dead.

All Yordles are scum.

>moba players
>literal incels

Every time I read or hear this term it's like there's a fucking knife going through my ears.
Do I have autism?

buddy get this there are people from all over the world on this website as well

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All of them should die

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I have no idea, like I said, I was given this by a partner. One that wants me to tell you that they're plowing my tight Goblin pussy right now.

Took awhile to find people who had similar fetishes beyond just the 'stacks.

I commiserate.

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You're a guy. Not a female goblin.
Mentally ill degenerate.

I know. BUT. I dunno I guess I should switch my timezone to when I'm more accurately around. Or is there a way to not show it

I want to mercilessly cuddle until that little cutie fucking falls asleep in my arms

>It's not a fetish I like so you're mentally ill

go project elsewhere, tranny


>call him mentally ill
>"n-no, you're mentally ill!"
I said the insult first, now come up with a better insult. That's how it works.

Why do you care what other people do?

for me, it's omega squad
*it ain't me begins playing softly in the distance*

I don't play it but I still want to fuck them

I care enough to insult them, I dont genuinely care if they do it or not but once they announce it, it's fair game.

>dude sex mental illness lmao

absolute drivel not even worth further arguing with. Take your (You) and post more imps.

Not on the Interbutts Beanstalk. Also, wrong thread to get all uppity about it. mendspark/ I tend to use discord more, but this was my older profile.

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buddy bruh broheim

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:^/ this is kinda sad.
I hereby am calling you both double gay and Ending the conversation here because mom said it's time for dinner

Time to ruin the thread

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good more


>Took awhile to find people who had similar fetishes
What fetishes user?
>tfw into filth and diapers and would love a super depraved RP involving them but no one into that stuff
>one person I found wanted to get lovey dovey but I just want to be a slut
Hey man I've used it like twice.

I've ERP'd as a giant shortstack before if that counts.

I usually get a lot of shit for this but I exclusively take Futanari's or Herms as my partners. I just can' enjoy anything else playing from the bottom role. I also like to mix in 'preference' of Futas as sexual partners, that they're 'better' than other lovers.

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What if a shortstack dominated you and then started growing a little bigger and taller each day until they towered over you and began teasing you about your height?
No one would want that right? Haha...

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>what if shortstack stopped being short
No one wants that

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ruin me good user

haha, I'm actually the same. Males are... fine? but they always feel so normal and plain, and they don't like even slightly extreme stuff like exhibitionism half the time... straight up girls are fine with me too, if they're doms they usually actually get into it.



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Google image search doesn't work like it used to.

This but the other way around would be better, where every time you start to feel submissive towards her or intimidated by her increasing strength you shrink a little more.

What does it taste like?

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like bhc (big human cock)

You'd know all about how that tastes, wouldn't you

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I want to dress those with whip cream and then lick it off

i don't want whipped cream "flavor" polluting my raw yordle ass flavor

Guys, I want to learn how to draw so I can draw cute girls (including delicious shortstacks).
Where should I start?

>raw yordle ass flavor
tell me more

If all them of Yordles I'm highly suspicious that most of them have some human lineage somewhere.

I hate that this artist disappeared.



Yordles females look different from the males because they used to be a different species entirely called Meglings. Then riot made the 2 the same race.

No way, fag.

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Go to /trash/ drawing improvement thread.

Yep. Males seem to put in less effort and the mental picture isn't something I enjoy.

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Well I'm glad I'm not the only one. Good luck in your searches for more

someone post the hairy pussy picture

i drunkenly told my friends i like midna
and now they wont shut up about me liking midgets and linking midget porn
midgets arent what i wanted. the proportions are all off man
i want a thicc short girl, tiddies optional and midna fits perfectly

Get better friends.