You're still playing BBTag, right?
You're still playing BBTag, right?
yes, it's a great game. but rwby a shit
Nope I play UNIST now
Not currently but I'm ready to jump back in whenever Arcsys drops the fucking patch. Also Rwoobs a cute
yes fampam
No, but I AM masturbating to porn
Yeah, I'm playing the version with all the Blazblue, Persona and RWBY shit removed.
keep crying
Babytag is an objective failure though. Central fiction has more players.
Jlullaby RWBY porn?
>Baby is an objective failure though. Central fiction has more players.
I don't think it was supposed to replace anything I think it was just supposed to be a fan service game that advertises the other series and with UNIST recent success I say it achieved that goal. Also it's still pretty fun by itself.
Nah Rwby's a shit man.
I mean I’m still playing it, but fucking this. Drop the patch already plz
I'll get back into it when they drop the update and new characters.
Sorry, I play the thinking mans game.
Not to start talking about DLC already but
>yfw we’re probably only getting seven characters now and another seven when the sixth fate arrives
Balance....Patch... when?
Also 5 more days until Heart's character video
No, I don't like team games.
His work objectively gives RWBY a reason to exist.
I got the platinum last week and was playing with a friend a few days before that, but will probably take a break until the new characters come out. Though every time I see a thread I do get an urge to play as my girl Nu and maybe pair her with Rubes, Yang or Nine since I usually go Vatista with her
No. It's frankly the most unneeded game on the FGC at the moment. BB players will just stick to CF or play DBFZ, UNIST players are high off the Evo announcement and the added attention to their game, and I'm sure there's a big Persona discord that only plays Persona Arena (is there netplay for 2.0 yet?). RWBy fans don't play games so that audience is out and AH players have Six Stars. This game literally appeals to no one and I hate that it's a main Evo title.
is that any good?
God I know how you feel.
Good to know! The four newcomers, and I believe the balance patch as well, are also going to be featured at the Toushinsai event, so be on the lookout for gameplay of all that there
>I hate that it's a main Evo title.
Should of just lead with this that way I didn't have to read this salty ass post.
Yeah, it's probably one of the best fighting games out right now. Pretty easy to learn as well.
Pls don’t die BBTAG thread
Back to /afgg/ for your avatarfaggotry
nice opinion
Does every girl in UNIST besides Mika fight in heels?
Don't be rude
Fuck off and go spam images some other thread. Not like playing games is ever your reason for being in a thread.
You're harsh, user
I don’t even visit the generals, why does this keep on happening to me. All I did was post a Noel reaction...
Noel's pretty shit posty ngl. Not mad at you user just thought you should know. Thanks for bumping the thread.
nothing against Arcana Hearts but it just doesn't excite me
I wanted the 5th fate to be something to stir up as much controversy as RWBY did
it would have to be another western series probably but would have been more interesting than "oh yeah, its that series"
I love BBTAG threads, as quiet as they usually are, the pleasure’s all mine!
I think Noel’s cute, but she’s not really my favourite. Now Orie on the other hand, she’s a good girl.
I’m in a similar boat. I’m not mad about AH at all, but I really did think they were going to go for something else, like Senran Kagura or Neptunia. It’s also why I’m thinking the Sixth Fate will be Chaos Code.
>already has ties to ArcSys like AH did
>a fellow sprite-based 2D anime fighter that resources can probably be pulled from like stages, music, and movesets
>probably a stretch, but the cyan colour
No. It's better to play the home titles of the non RWBY franchises than waste time here
I would if it didn't have western trash like RWBY. That shit is seriously gross and cringeworthy.
I like Arcana Hearts, alot, and I'm glad to see it getting some love but I'mma be honest nobody asked for it. It's so niche that casuals that bought the game would never know what it was and it's too anime for ironic weebs to get behind so it fails at being a good advertisment. I'm still gonna love playan Heart and the gang but I feel it probably wasn't the best chose.
YFW 6th fate is Melty
>reading comprehension.
nah even Senran Kagura or Neptunia wouldn't have been that interesting
Why go back to it when I have no friends to casually play it with and already 100%ed the game?
Single player wise the game is done. No new content other then a few new fighters whoopde fucking do.
>Play Multiplayer you fucking fucktard
Again. No friends to casually play it and fuck about. Not feel like I am some try hard training dummy. Fuck that shit.
I hate RWBY but I like the characters and would definetly shove my dick down Ruby's throat
This but unironically. Who is this game even aimed at?
I really want TWEWY characters in the game, but we're most likely going to get some shit like Dengeki Bunko first
>AH players
I use RWBY characters as practice when I'm offline.
Ah I see you're a man of culture
Is he ever going to finish the Yang smegma dick comic?
>They could've got Penny, Pyrrha or even fucking Jaune (as a Videl character with Ren and Nora as part of his special moves) for RWBY; P5 reps and Fem P3 protagonist for Persona
>Instead we get Arcana rep
>"Oh okay, that's co-"
bbtag sucks because it didn't give the UNI girls a porn boost. that's the only thing rwby is good for yet it didn't run off.
>I actually thought that comic was pretty hot.
How did I become this much of a degenerate...
All of his stuff gets posted to shadbase, user.
I don't see why it would. It's not like the game is popular in Japan. And secondly it's not like it made any new content.
rwby is shit bro it's cool tho you can go back
no I dont play garbage.
Not worth streaming.
Streamed it for about 4 hours got 0 Viewers.
RBWY is objectively shit, this is not up for argument. so please do me a favor and continue eating shit in the corner when the game finally dies.
Pls stop making Shiki look hotter
Sign me the fuck up, I’m all for having Melty Blood in here. I may not know a lot about the series, but it’s really fun to play. The music and stages are awesome to boot.
>what series addition could cause as much controversy as RWBY?
Should've had more story routes with multiple characters on each franchise playable
>I may not know a lot about the series.
If your curious and don't mind VNs and amateur art Tsukihime is still very much worth the read. Don't wait for the remake it's never coming.
I started playing this game with the intention of making team "retard blonde twintails flat justice", aka Mika/Platinum, work at all costs.
Quit when I finally accepted that Ruby/Gord, aka "every other match", was gonna push my shit in without even trying no matter how good I got.
TWEWY characters in anything would make me hype as fuck, honestly.
If it helps Gord is getting publicly curb stomped next patched gonna be lived streamed and everything. Oh and Ruby's getting a light spanking too I guess.
should of just thrown in all the bullshit from every game instead of the game being characters with the best hitboxes win
I know they’re not going to do it, but honestly I’d be completely for more story mode episodes, especially if they focused on DLC Pack 4 and onwards. Even if they were paid downloadable content I’d purchase them.
Thank you so much, I appreciate it! Lol artstyles were never really something that bothered me anyhow, so I’ll probably enjoy it. :D
Like the other user said, Gordeau’s getting kicked to the curb with all of his nerfs with the upcoming balance patch, so hopefully you come back when it drops.
I played it a tiny bit at launch. Now I'm worried that there are no beginners left for me to play against.
If the big update brings some people in I might give it another shot, but for now I picked up unist.
What's the patch going to do to my boys Kanji, Akihiko, and Hyde?
Just fucking ask for matches in /afgg/ they'll play you casually.
>hopefully you come back when it drops
As happy as it makes me to hear Gord is FINALLY getting nerfed, I ended up going back to BBCF, and I'll probably just stay there until Granblue.
Nah. Seems like it will be desperate asking for any
See for yourself. Also there's still a good amount of blue squares in the lobby even now. PS4 I'm sure you could find someone around your level.
>Also there's still a good amount of blue squares in the lobby even now. PS4 I'm sure you could find someone around your level
This is BS.
They are all smurfs. The fuck you are on about son?
It's literally what the general is for don't worry.
>They are all smurfs. The fuck you are on about son?
Really? They're all really bad for smurfs.
Blues are typically Tryhard Professionals with multiple accounts that love bodying unsuspecting newcomers and make them feel like they shouldn't ever touch a fighting game in their lifetime ever again.
Forgot to say its on PC version
They seem kind of small outside of the dash speed buff but I'll take what I can get
What the fuck. Was he that lacking before?
It's okay user. Rest.
I better get Crossing Fate feat. AH or I'll riot