Post a game idea and the last two digits determine the metascore

Post a game idea and the last two digits determine the metascore.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sonic Mania 2

Who is this guy?


devil may cry 2 remake

Probably what it actually would get


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A character action where you play as a fungi killing plants

A resident evil game set entirely in a hospital with different departments and a lot of floors with a lab on the B3 floor. Has somewhat open exploration with some immersive sim elements and multiple ways to solve puzzles.

Battle Royale Demolition Derby

Silent hunter but it's merchant ships and you sail around the globe, and there's a companion mobile app which lets you monitor progress and respond to threats/emergencies/manage crew and equipment

A good game.

Princess Maker but you raise cute girls with animal ears instead.

you ain't wrong

bloodborne kart ds

FFXV but the main 4 are chicks

Street Fighter vs FighterZ


Diablo 2
Foxhole mixed

Devil may cry 5

a VR game about jerking off your dad and his friends who were all drunk at pokernight

F2P action RPG third-person-shooter MMO with a battle royale mode and lots of microtransactions.

bully 2

an RPG with CUHRAYZEE combat

you were the only nigga that gave a good score to this, fag

Loli AoE 2

So fucking awful it’s good.

Final Fantasy XV, but with good writing, great pacing, game is actually done and any DLC adds lore rather than explaining shit that made no sense the first time around, and all 4 lead characters are hot babes who don't act stupid like FFX-2.

1920's aviation simulator


A Mario game that ends with Mario kissing Peach, wedding her, and Peach bearing Mario's children.

The sequel will be called King Mario.

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People don’t want that clearly

....did anyone buy his book?

Okay, they act stupid.

Fascist punching simulator 2019


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Smash but the only characters allowed are Nintendo only and have to have had a game made within the last 5 years. Veterans that don't meet these requirements are cut.

Liberal "Educator" Punching Simulator 2020

Timesplitters 4

The Riddler

SMT fighting game

Pokemon mystery dungeon for switch

a game were you run around Washington DC trying to sell your book that gives you secrets on how to do your taxes better while being chased by the secret service

Kill lefties and righties sim 2020

LA Noire but staring Nick Valentine from Fallout 4


FPS survival Mad Max

pokemon snap 2 for wii u

Based as fuck

Ball in a cup DX


>tfw no one will get this because Yea Forums is full of zoomers

I support this unironically, Fallout 4’s problems didn’t involve the characters.

Paperboy but it's battle royale

I remember seeing his commercials as a kid and thinking he was completely mentally unhinged.

Mass Effect but without humans.

It's just 6 hours of tutorials & no actual gameplay

A VR MMO where game takes place in a giant prison shower and the point of it is to not get raped in the shower

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An mmo where every single aspect and npc is a player or player controlled

Mujahideen Is Missing

A Pokemon game that doesn't revolve around an evil organization trying to capture all powerful legendary beast to take over the world/universe

A female only fighting game where all the ladies are naked and every fight ends with the loser giving cunnilingus

an empty open world videogame with a few landmarks and boring puzzles in between

Now we’re talking

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an empty open world videogame with a few landmarks and boring puzzles in between...
but nintendo makes it

Based and neutralpilled

game where you are luigi

God Hand 2

Pokemon Puzzle League 3

Oh it's every modern game. At least it got an appropriate score.

Sex in the city MOBA

You're a knight that starts out with the best equipment.
The enemies never get harder, you just lose equipment to increase difficulty.
At the end, you're just fighting with what the fuck ever you can find.

IGN strikes again!


Animal Crossing Battle Royale

New Jet Set Radio game

open world Tenchu

You die in game
You die in real life

Dragon's Dogma 2

Devil May Cry reboot

it's ok when nintendo does it

God bless Itsuno.

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based. fuck nomura

Those lucky enough to finish it said it was pretty decent.

A game like DLC Quest but instead mocks gachashit

that's when you must have not realized your autism set in place and couldn't understand that's not actually how people act and it's just an actor.

Yea Forums

Super Duper Wario Bros

A sex game about 69-ing with as many people as possible.

Minecraft with guns and too much water

TWEWY 2 but made by Platinum

A Star Wars game free of EA



Very nice!

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Nice la




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impressive very nice

Put me in the screencap

Okay i'll give you that one, Sex Wizard.

Fucking nice

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Fucking absolutely based

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This but with Sony making it instead and with more cutscenes than gameplay

Apex Legends was a good free game

The people could be about giving people high 5s.

Megaman Battle Network 7

Fire emblem but with insects in a tiny world

this only announced by Valve and never actually completed.

Team fortress 3

Donkey Kong Battle Royale

Fuck, I'm actually making this

Pokemon battle royale

Overwatch 2

Valve is finished

Poor Donkey Kong.

Maybe Diddy Kong Racing 2 featuring Fortnite Guy as a playable character.

Dwarf Fortress on Steam.

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Only if you get the definition of fascist correct.

What went wrong user?

Another reminder that TF2>SJWatch

I get it :(


Nu-Rare takes over and Nuts and Bolts it

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Damn user you wasted your digits. You could’ve had the worst pile of garbage ever made.

Gachimuchi themed fighting game

It's like DMC but the enemies actually fight back

Persona 5 but with yuri shit

Turn-Based Real Time Strategy

nice digits broski

bomberman battle royale with different configurations for the maps, powerups and bomb types/elements

they included the whole DK64 cast but forgot Lanky

When I played Game Dev Tycoon, one of my game ideas was called "Super Testicle Kickoff." It's like football, but instead you kick the opposing team's testicles to try to make field goals.

Mother 4

Turok rereboot

>when you realize bomberman was the first BR game

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Super Kill Butt 3

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What all has been worth playing so far?

Super Smash Bros 6

A battle royale using mechs, vehicles like jets, tanks, etc.
No one has weapons and you have to have certain amount of people to pilot certain vehicles.
Ex: A large mech takes 5, while a small mech takes 1. Or a tank takes 3 while a gunner car takes 2.

matthew lesko, author of books about how to get free money from grants
or so his infomercials from 20 years ago would have me believe

Run Over Game Journalists Simulator 2019

A new bungie property

A game where if you lose, your cat dies in real life.

Great way to get free ideas for your game, OP!
My idea is you fuck off. What's the score?

there hasnt been a game worth playing since like 2005

God Hand spiritual successor

A game where you have to eat different kinds of food and drinks and take shits. Better more solid shits result in more points. Different foods and drinks and how long you hold it in affect the score.

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Halo Infinite with sprint

A Nintendo Game


looks like critics didn’t like THE BALLBUSTER (BALLBUSTER)

Halo Infinite without sprint

Never. My game is not a 59 at max score!

Minecraft but with triangles

Mario but it plays like a sony walking simulator with a gritty art style and you play as Mario with Luigi as a partner who helps you out like Ellie would in The Last of Us.

Metroid Other M 2

Yoko Taro finally gives up and just makes porn.

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A Sony game

A hentai racing game

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Big Rigs Over the Road Racing 3

A good game

The Legend of Zelda OOT but it's made on the unreal engine and completely soulless

Fish tank simulator

The Nigger

Based desu.

Walmart tycoon

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

souless battle royal game but its slightly better than the current most popular on a technical level

Ram Ranch: The Game

add +15 for Nintendo

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A bad game

What went wrong bros?

Bass Hero

Jesus christ, turns out waifus can’t save a bad game.

thats a european style rating its actually a 90, sbrgbisbttcmpontl is the game of the decade


The Legend of Sparda

white genocide simulator

A Resident Evil spinoff where you play as Wesker and developed by Platinum.

Lack of loli waifus

free to play (not pay to win) FFXI HD Remake without Playonline

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An EARLY ACCESS SURVIVAL CRAFTING OPEN WORLD game but you play as a cute waifu

so you like fuck the cars or something?

Still buying it

Yandere harem RPG: the game


nigger genocide simulator
play Hitler as MC





Full House Tournament Fighter

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Super Mario Bros: Battle Royale

Mario with Bowsette

Fucking nintendo bonus

Ape Escape 4

>great game, lacks jews though
-IGN (8/10)

Ultima Online remake in full 3d. Combat is a bit more engaging without mashing or being cool down driven. Monthly sub to keep f2p and br's away. Higher skill cap.

Fuck Niggers and Fuck Nigger Gaming: The Ultimate School Shooting Simulator


I’d take it at this point

Minecraft but the Devs actually care

Final Fantasy XVI

International Politics Simulator

Grabbed by the Ghoulies: Ghoulhaven’s Gloom

Preordering now.

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jojo part 5 game but not bad

white girls getting BLACKED

VR gacha Labo game

hentai where you play as the monster to rape girls

Metroid Prime 4

Castlevania Symphony of the Night but on N64

It's a mystery.

son of a bitch

Fortnite 2

DmC2 but with Itsuno

"Load times are too short"

Ape Escape but with lolis.

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Diablo 4

Mega Man Legends 3

Sonic but re-designed so he is vulnerable

The Ultimate Cuckoldry: BLACKED edition

Castlevania but developed by Platinum

The Sleepers: A horror game based upon creepypastas

Quake 3 arena but in a medieval high fantasy setting

>that score
Fuck you. You had to ruin it.

that should've gotten at least 99 wth

A real Star Wars fighting game

John Carpenter's The Thing: The Online Video Game

Rape survivor exploratory sim.

World of Warcraft 2: Battle Royale Edition

Alien: Contamination

Dark Souls combat and level design
Diablo 2 Loot System
Diablo 1 Atmosphere (Bloody, Dark, and Gothic)
Made in Japan with input by Kentaro Miura

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An F-Zero fighting game

game where a gang of swarthy immigrants breaks into your house and you need to hide to save yourself

Ape Escape but with hyper masculine dudebros to dab on pedos.

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>Kotaku: very artistic and allows us to stomp misogyny and male dominance 10/10

Fucking based

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Ape Escape already had lolis.

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Dino Crisis 3

a game where you can kill niggers

Dog walking simulator

FEZ 2 + you get roasted by Phil Fish each time you die in the game. Game ends with "Thank you for your money, motherfucker."

Jesus it’s worse than the original 3 somehow.

Ass: The Video Game (adapted from the film in Idiocracy)

a goddamn economy game with no gimmicks, the entire goal is to make money by tapping into a market. is that so hard? why can't this game be made?

Actually final final fantasy.

lol fitting

A game where you play as a husky looking to fuck dogs and at higher levels lolis

brigandine 2 god fucking damn it

Borderlands without randy and badass sjw jokes

a game where you can worship feet

Truly it is the thinking man's Rape Day.

Michael Jackson: Children Fingerer, featuring Subway Guy


A sequel to System Shock 2 that actually delivers.

Game in which you are a 12 year old Japanese middleschooler and you seduce old men to get them to give you pocket money :^)

you kill blacks

A stealth game about playing as a cat

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Zelda Twilight Princess

A game where we show diversity is our greatest strength and whiteys die in the good ending.

Isn’t this what it actually got?

Slavery Tetris.

Death of a Salesman: The Game

i want to be the 12 year old Japanese middleschooler seducing old man, but instead of pocket money i want to swallow their cum

Pac-Man World 4

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Half Life: The Playing Card Game.

Those are nice digits user, but I dunno if they'll stand up to these dubs

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Clerks The Official Video Game of the Kevin Smith Movie and not Lord of the Rings but Really We Wish it was Star Wars.

Arli$$ sports agent manager.

What went wrong

cock and ball torture: the movie: the game

Game Journalist Simulator

Total War: Dominions

Bloodborne 2

Smith was in the dev offices the whole time getting high and trying to get others high with him.

Yea Forums Simulator



Xcom but with Partisans in WW2.

Concentration Camp Tycoon

Hyrule warriors 4: Whichever chick wins canonically gets to bear link's children.

Hyrule Warriors but every single level you play as Naked Midna bonus level is naked imp Midna

A bisexual heterosexual couple infiltrate on a drug network in South America by FBI's request. They end up blowing up a nuke.

Postal 4

but imp minda is always naked...


A Smash Bros title, but with every single character originating from the world of video games as a playable character in it, each with fitting stages and music and a Subspace Emissary mode

Sounds like if Suda51 tried to make a western game, or Kojima was really stoned.

What if... the middle schooler paid the creepy old men instead to swallow their cum!!!?

>Kotaku: An interactive experience that truly balances and evokes the emotions of enjoying games and the pressure and societal stressing inducing process that accompanies it. Like no other, it delves into the human mind and spirit of a very marginalized but respectful profession.

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Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2


A gay man simulator.
You play as a gay man in the US and must win by infecting everyone with Aids.

portal but you shoot them out of your peepee

A spiritual successor to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

I remember seeing a website about 15 years ago about a guy who got turned on by cars and liked to stick his dick in their exhaust.
Yeah, can't post that here, sorry

My idea


A mascot brawler but every character is a fast food mascot or drink mascot.

Fallout: Buenos Aires.

>Upside: It's not Postal 3. Downside: That's not saying much.

Godzilla 3D Brawler Reboot

Long Dark style homesteading game set in the American Frontier. Major focus on large world and wife AI

co-op looter shooter stargate sg-1 using chevrons to create instances like .hack's keyword system
there would be some specific gate addresses that would always go to certain places for story reasons

Todd, how the fuck are you still there?

Call of Duty Racial Warfare

porn game about corrupting angels until they become succubi

based lesko

Any game, then slap the Nintendo logo on it

Castlevania but in a dollhouse instead of a castle. Enemies and stuff are based on fairy tales and fables. The art style is based on this kind of art nouveau fairy tale illustration.

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>Godzilla save the earth 2
>never ever
n-nice digits tho user

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A game where you kill numale & ironicweebs

Good god user, what the fuck happened with this? Does it not even work? Is it just shit in a case?

Cuphead: Japanese version.

fallout : metal gear solid

in a world after the cold war heats up and the earth is destroyed by nuclear fire, ashen snake must sneak through military bases run by a technology-hoarding, power-armour wearing soldiers.

run a survivor's base, building PMC called Outer hell
now give me a 100/100

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A Castlevania 3 remake.

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A racing game where you play as a sperm trying to race to an egg.

Maybe it means it go a 100?

main character is a loli and you must have sex billions of times to complete the game. the reason for this is because a nuclear attack wiped off 99.9% of humanity and theres only a loli and her older brother. her mission is to repopulate the planet, so she'll have to get pregnant many times. and during her pregnancy she will have more sex because it'll serve as entertainment Looks like it's on the the way.

It was 3 zeros sadly not 1 and two zeroes

Notch's next game

A Smash Bros game but with characters from EA-published games, including the Valve ones.

It’s like Dark Souls but actually good.

Resident Evil where you can play as every single RE girl fully modeled naked with innie pussy and optional hair options.

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...made by Nintendo.

It was too easy. Dark Souls maintains it's identity by keeping a certain difficulty curve intact which was absent from this one.

Hey that's better than most Sonic games

bing bing wahoo

Fate/stay night but all the main girls are straight.


>covering her tummy
what a waste

Not looking good for Days Gone


Star Wars: Death of Whitey

Eternal Darkness Sanity’s Disturbance

Fate/stay night but every single character is bisexual.

Makes sense.



Robocuck: Robot Children in White Wombs

Good game with a gimmick

A sonic game but made by Platinum

A space opera rpg with aliens and shit, but the cold war between America and the Soviet Union is still going on.

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orc girls


The Neverhood Remastered, in 4K from the original materials.

Rape Lay: American Edition

A space first person shooter game where you play a heroic alien hero resisting the genocidal invasion of his planet by Human space marines.

fallout 76 but good

BLM Race War

An Ninja-Gaiden-esque action RPG based entirely on the Tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare to appease storyfags

A Vampire Hunter D game by Platinum.

A pornographic Pokemon romhack hastly made into its own game through a 50 shades-tier Ctrl-R runthrough


A gay teen and his boyfriend have to escape from white nationalist skinheads in a fascist dictatorship gang to get to the gay pride party in the basement of a bar

Wario Ware VR

Fallout, but with more Rick & Morty memes.

>its literally nothing but microtransactions


This would be unironic kino

40k version of Vermintide
You play as a squad of Deathwatch marines slugging its way through a horde of Orks or Tyranids.

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Zone of The Enders Action RPG spinoff with customization comparable to armor core

A game based on the civil war the Christchurch terrorist provoked.

Fish Aquarium Dating Sim

There are two ducks, an eggplant, and a sarcophagus. The ducks are using the sarcophagus to travel around the world, and their objective is to spread the word of their religion's greatest prophet, and convert a strange and wacky assortment of small mammals to the Church of the Water Salmon. If they succeed, there is a major reward headed their way. If not, they may face execution. It will be a perilous journey, but it's one the duo must take. If not for the mutant mustangs, it may have been a simple task. Will they be able to cross the Panama Canal with relative ease? Or will the struggles of the Mississippi River prove too much? It's up to you, the player, to discover how this journey unfolds.


A Turn based Mario Dungeon crawler.

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These digits of mine speak no falsehoods, Horatio...

Tails Gets Trolled the Game

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An RPG where all the NPCs are generated by analyzing your friend's characters and what they spend time on in the game.

Titus Andronicus

Make this an actual thing user, this sounds insane

Tony Hawk's Underground, But with guns

a variation on katamari? wheel shape?

Gay charters

Borderlands 3

Chris Chan RPG

Dark Souls dating-sim.

>You just had to steal everything, didnt you user?

titanfall 2 but with a halo like sandbox

Videogame adaptation of Curb Your Enthusiasm

Defecation simulator with ragdoll physics

Sonichu the Hedgehog: Zap to the Extreme!

VR exploration game akin to LSD: Dream Emulator with fantastical/surreal environments, animations, and creatures that all take advantage of todays advancements in TECHNOLOGY to make you feel like you're astrally projecting into another dimension

Graphic adventure based on United Artists' Manhattan.


Baywatch on terraformed Venus with aliens.

VR lewd gacha games

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Sonic Adventure 3


Citizen Kane 2 & Knuckles


K-ON Meets Luis Fonzi ft. Daddy Yankee.


A platformer where you play as cute girls on a tropical island

Terrible game idea

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What even is this? Guess it’s supposed to be good

Erotic sonic furfagging dating sim.

Fucking told you classicucks and modernfags that it was gonna be pure fucking kino

A good digimon game

Dream Mommy Dating Sim. You play as a shota.

Ricochet 2: Ricochet Harder

stalker battle royale with factions and 2 hour long respawns, entire zone

Your Favorite Game

NeoTokyo remake with a proper singleplayer

Dominant trap rape sim


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Fantasy version of DoW
Total Warhammer does not count

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A day in the life of Arin Hanson

Ok, no singleplayer.

Ghost in the Shell action-RPG like Mass Effect 1

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Ouch, well given the quality of Artefact...

Judge Dredd game made by id



Mother Trilogy remake

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this could be a fun, a game about finding out who people are

Super Mario Bros. remake for MS-DOS.

It's beautiful

Half-Life 3

Press X and the credits roll

half life 4

solvalley school two

A CRPG based on Pugmire

Dark Souls BR

an FPS where you're a loli having a pretend war with other lolis. You use funny lookin sticks and your hands in fingerguns as weapons. Grenades are waterballoons, and melee is a pillow. The clothing of the girls is determined by map / time of day, IE in a house at night will lead the girls to be wearing footsie pajamas and in a park at noon will lead to everyone wearing sundresses.

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accurate score

Half-Life 5: The Halfening

PlayStation 1 Classic Collection for Games for Windows LIVE. 1000G for each game.

Fable 1.5

Mother 4

Ground Control 1 Remaster

Lootbox simulator


Arkham Beyond

Wehrmacht WW2 game FPS or TPS

Nukurearu Ame.


A Full-Life Consequences game.

Killer instinct 4

AKIRA: The Video Game. Developed by Epic Games, published by THQ Nordic.

The Elder Scrolls V: Remade: Remastered: Legendary Edition: GOTY

Gay Hamster Forest Adventure.

You play a gay semi-athromorphic gamster who explores the wild wonders if Happy Happy Forest. Build boats to float down creeks and use pebbles as picks to climb giant redwoods in a quest to find the elderberry to save your stallion friend of illness so both of you can ride off to deliver a young hatchling to her mother on the mountain nearby.

Fucking checked

Catholics v. Evangelicals v. Liberals v. Nazbol v. Government.

A fantasy DnD themed 6v6 team fighting game, but the folktale inspired characters are also urban gang members.

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Fallout 77

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Alex Jones: The Video Game.

Fighting game with a focus on fundamentals, but it lets you do kuhrayzee air combos

Dark Souls 4 made by b-team From Sofware

a stealth game where if you die, you take over as the guy who killed you instead of respawning

Sonichu dating sim

A Marta Minujin x Osamu Sato videogame.

Horror Game set on an Oil Rig

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Guitar Hero: Christian & The Hedgehog Boys

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they'd probs fuck it up somehow and it would actually get a 51

wow lmao

A game that explores love.

Exploding Office Chair Simulator 2019

I live in MD and see this dude all the time.

Persona 6: Skyrim

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Monstrum was pretty scary.

No one's broke 99 yet

Tetris The GrandMaster 4

It was so good that fortnite guy only lowerd the score by 3

fallout: vault 1

Post apocalyptic VR fishing game.

That looks pretty interesting, I'll have to check it out sometime.

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The Dark Night Rises: The Video Game

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Based, fuck yuri fags

Very nice

Cryptosim as Bogdanoffs

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A new F-Zero game.

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That's a big score.

Survival horror set in 20s about mob war with a pack of werewolves being uncovered half way.


DMC: Battle Royale

Dead Space 4

Multiplayer dungeon crawler where you play as a monster. At the end of each dungeon is a "corrupted" version of a monster, if you beat them you unlock them as a playable character. Also has a comfy village where you can build your own house and shit.

back when us boomers had to watch commercials


a game where you have to prove the holocaust was a hoax

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A game where you have to fake the holocaust

A cooking Fate game.

>FBI Login

>89 - 24
jews win once again

A game where you fake people trying to fake the holocaust to cover up it actually happening.

Anons, Anons would could try actually looking at some of these ideas instead of memeing and being smartasses, Anons.

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isn't that Metal Gear?


Persona 5 but with Yaoi shit