Will Capcom continue being this based from here on out or will they eventually fall from grace yet again?
Will Capcom continue being this based from here on out or will they eventually fall from grace yet again?
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Nothing lasts forever but we should be okay for the next few years at least. Apparently leadership at Capcom has changed and they're not using western devs/pandering to the west.
We can only hope. I'm happy with them as of right now, they still need to chill out on the microtrans though. If they can fix Street Fighter they'll officially be back.
I mean, no company can keep up a pace like this, but I definitely think it seems like they have got things moving in a positive direction. Dragon's Dogma 2 will probably happen, at least.
They're definitely gonna lose steam. Expect no more heavy hitters until Dragon's Dogma 2 is announced 3 years from now.
Depends. Capcom themsleves said that DMC5 and RE2make are budget titles. If their next huge gamble fails, They'll scramble for a hit and probably lose steam for another couple of years.
They "fell from grace" because of the shitty management from Inafune back in the days, don't fall for the "but that was 10 years ago" shit, it takes time to recover from something like that and build new talents and strategies.
I'm positive for their future.
Literally only good right now because of games that mimic games they made 10-20 years ago
hopefully they drop the realism shit.
Watch people call out the new mhw expansion as "more of the same" and "too grindy".
They need to blow a ton of money on some mediocre RE spin-offs that won't sell well enough to justify their budgets, maybe put out another terrible Dead Rising, and then also waste a bunch of money on a new IP that will come out 60% finished and need to be ported 8 times over the next decade to make its money back.
But we'll get Dragon's Dogma 2 and REmake 3 before that happens, Capcom works in cycles.
>all this dragons dogma talk
I just want breath of fire to come back, but maybe without face scanning
I hope they make a new Strider and Forgotten worlds while they're on this streak. Internally developed, of course.
With their new Release plan it seems like they actually plan to have at least one big release per year. What do you guys think is next years big title?
It was mostly Inafune's push for outsourcing. Most of their games from the 2009-2015 era that were internal games were good, and most of the outsourced games were bad. Inafune was forced out of the company in 2010 because of the 2009 Bionic Commando bomb, but it took 3 years or more for the rest of the projects he started to be done. Then it took several years for Capcom's internal games to be made. The first real new Capcom game was RE7.
they are pandering to the west though a lot of the changes made to RE MHW and DMCV were made to pander to the west going for a more realistic art stlye and less goofy weapons were the start look at dante and nero beyond their anime coats they are wearing normal outfits
Lets just forget that Generation 7 was a thing, Capcom was going through a rebellious phase once they realized they had a bunch of mega hits.
DD2 or RE3, probably RE3 because they already have the assets ready from RE2
Nah, I mean those two games in the OP weren't even that great in the first place. People will soon notice they're just eating up polished turd and Capcom isn't as "based" as they thought before.
Yeah, that outsourcing idea was crap
There's only one IP Capcom need to revive to officially be based again.
Bring Dead Rising back from the dead/rock bottom then we'll talk
Itsuno has been pushing for realism over anime since dmc3. He was just held back by technology
>and less goofy weapons
What do you mean?
>Wanting another Dead Rising game after 4
>that entire combo barely made a dent on the health bar
Holy fug.
you cant have another redemption arc if there are no fuck ups
Is there any hope for a return to JRPGs like Breath of Fire?
I want them to fix Dead Rising
monster hunter world removed the goofy weapon designs of the past and replaced them with bone or iron pus monster part equals new weapon because a big complaint of monster hunter was the goofy weapon designs in the west
lol okay retard
Yep, just look at the video posted today.
A guitar that shoots bats.
Is being a contrarian fun?
Itsuno is a fucking retard
>There's only one IP Capcom need to revive to officially be based again.
Everyone internally at Capcom thinks Godhand is one of the worst games ever. The higher ups just see it as a financial bomb (tehy don't play games, undrestand them or care about anything but money). Everyone else though, even though they come from a gaming background, hate the game.
I was talking to a former American Capcom employee, and he was shocked that I liked Godhand. Like he couldn't wrap his head around it. He just thought it was one of the worst games ever, and said that's how everyone internally at Capcom thought too. They thought Mikami had lost his head. It really awoke that not everyone sees the game the same way Yea Forums does.
And even if you read the normie news, if they ever talk about god hand they never praise it, and seemingly can't even understand it.
ok faggot
>We tried to make a game that you could mistake for a movie
DMC5 confirmed movie game.
Talking boxing gloves
Motorcycle that can be split in half and dual wielded
Dmc3 ceberus on crack
>not goofy
user, DR4 was outsourced to some faggots, their in-house devs can do it.
Instead we have a motorcycle as a WEAPON. I don't see the problem. If anything 4 had the weakest weapon selection. Lucifer was cool but it isn't WACKY. Either way Red Queen exists.
Good thing he wasn't the only one saying that, as the time I linked in the video showed.
God Hand is popular outside of Yea Forums, too, you know. It has a strong cult following.
Yet we are united in that one feeling. That JP only mobile kusoge broke my heart and it's still not yet recovered.
wasn't even talking to you autistic moron
Now you got a motorcycle and Michael Jackson.
God Hand is unironically on par with DMC3
who were you talking to
>Monster Hunter
>Street Fighter
>Resident Evil
>Devil May Cry
What are their other big titles? I mean games that will probably be released late 2019/early 2020. They could announce DD2/RE 3 Remake in development but those would take 2-4 years before it's finished
the worst thing is they know there is some demand for breath of fire but they ruined it with that garbage mobile game. At this point I expect the series to be forever dead because it seems like they think they will only make money with bombastic action games
Marvel vs Capcom 4 is likely in development
This seems much a short sighted look at the past games. Photorealism just doesn't fit the series.
Dont think they can make a mvc or sf comeback. Different expectations and game philosphies.
>He thinks DD2 isn't already in pre-development
>Different expectations and game philosphies.
and devs
who the fuck are you to say that, the game is gorgeous
It's not, moron.
But it.. fits it just fine?
They still want $200 for each fighting game so....
DMC4 had a better and more varied aesthetic.
>demonic motorcycle
>dual wielding rocket launcher
>a fucking hat as a red orb gun making you perform MJ moves
>>>"less goofy weapons"
look at this samefag
>motorcycle weapon
>cowboy hat that shoots red orbs and lets Dante become Michael Jackson
>not goofy
the forest missions have got to be the worst part of dmc4.
>DMC4 had a better and more varied aesthetic.
4 was peak "anime" designs and compared to 5 they look like shit. The "photorealism" thing is on brand with Capcom because Capcom has always been a big westaboo company.
That was mostly a money saving decision, they didn't wanna make as many new 3D models.
Also, Nintendo era MH weapons were unironically dogshit and i'm glad they're a little toned down again.
Fuck nintendiaps.
>Marvel vs Capcom 4 is likely in development
isn't Infinite already 4 or is Capcom going to pull a DmC again
what do you want to see be used in the RE engine next?
Where's my new Onimusha game?
Doesn't change the fact that the environments are nice and the game progresses through more environments (snowy mountains, downtown streets, Gothic castles).
DMC5 is basically "Grey: The Game".
yeah unfortunately the first comment isn't mine
hopefully they do something for the fighting game fans too
I just want a fucking realistic Nemesis and he's gotta be more agressive
>variety is good even if it's done poorly
ok idiot
That's what Dead or Alive 6 is for, user.
DMCV areas maintain a consistent theme while also all being very visually distinct.
You're basically just saying that unless a game cycles through every generic game setting, it's not varied enough.
Fuck you, learn to appreciate subtlety.
You're probaply one of those retards who thought DS2 looked better than DS3 as well.
>for the fighting game
Stupid retard
NIGGA if you don't stop posting your fucking hands looking for (yous)
>less goofy weapons
Nigga.... DMC5 has a fucking motorcycle... and a crazy demonic hat as weapons. Did you even play the game?
No because they will never admit that they were wrong and that there's genuine demand for a new Megaman Legends.
DMC4 looks awful. DMC3 and DMC5 look much better. Variety means nothing if it's not executed well.
this is fucking bait
dmc5 is merely a good game which should be the god damn standard yet you all treat it like it's a masterpiece of game design when it does nothing new and merely plays on the strenght of nostalgia
re2 has been completely ruined thanks to a careless attention to its story, dialogue and pacing
>oh hey the original had a boring sewer level that nobody liked
>what should we do?
stop fucking shilling this piece of shit company, you make facebook look like a safe heaven, you stupid inbreds
No, DS2 genuinely looks awful. DMC5 is more than competently graphically, but the art direction is bland and uninspired compared to past titles.
>DMC4 looks awful.
Keep telling yourself that.
What franchise would you like to see Capcom use their new RE engine on?
>Will Capcom continue being this based from here on out
5 is way more in line with 1, 2, and 3 than 4 was.
seething s(o)ytendo
That's a nice Anor Londo.
Post proof of purchase of both games moron or stfu.
shut the fuck up assblasted Barry lol
It really does. The bloom makes everything unbearable to look at.
Curious to see if RE Engine can handle an open-world such as in a potential Dragon's Dogma 2.
>replying to himself
its just a heavily flawed game, but its not irredeemable, as you can easily see in vids and shit, the game has lots of things going for it mechanically, lots of shit you can do. Actually putting effort into something isn't actually how normies like to view their hobbies though. Also what really sparked the whole thing was the IGN review it feels like, this is the sorta game you'd expect to get a 6 or a 5 maybe from IGN but then imagine babiez being rated higher was just retarded.
Capcom has a full hold of the zoomer consumer base. Both RE2RE and DMC5 are all about dems gotta go fast gotta be quick big sick flashy combos.
I applaud them.
>Posts image that looks better than any 5 environment
You're only proving my point.
i love RE2 combos, Leon bangs pretty quickly
DMC5 isn't a perfect game,but its the best damn capcom game released in years so STFU and show a little gratitude.
Itsuno is the reason we actually got a non shit capcom game.
Itsuno managed to pander to both old scholl DMC players with game play and New comers with photo realism and graphics.
He did something that is very hard to do and i(and majority of old DMC lovers) commend him for it and you should to bitch.
It's flawed, but it's still a masterpiece of action vidya. There's a reason it's still talked about today.
Good argument bud.
Ace Attorney
Capcom said the next game they're making is something that would make even the fans double take. What could it be?
>it does nothing new
well if you ignore the entire new arsenal of devil breakers, nero's new mechanics like the bringer knuckle and his ammo, several new weapons for dante that also bring new mechanics into the game like fausts red orb usage, balrogs ignition and cavalieres gear wheel, and a completely new characters that is build around summons which is completely new to the series then yeah it really did nothing new
But dmc has always been about that since itsuno took helm
But will it double take Yea Forums?
DmC sequel.
It's MML3. Capcom is in full on pander mode.
Nice so they're going back to the arcade style of games that made them popular to begin with. If that's what zoomers want then they've got better tastes than late millenials ended up having desu
>DMC5 isn't a perfect game,but its the best >damn capcom game released in years so >STFU and show a little gratitude.
>Itsuno is the reason we actually got a non shit >capcom game.
>Itsuno managed to pander to both old scholl >DMC players with game play and New comers >with photo realism and graphics.
>He did something that is very hard to do and >i(and majority of old DMC lovers) commend >him for it and you should to bitch.
You do realize the only people who don't think DMC5 is a masterpiece are söy guzzlers, right?
>It's flawed,
Shocked no one's tried to rebalance the game. A lot of the issues stem from unbalanced attacks (some are trash, some amazing). You can also rely on Godhand power and special attacks as a crutch.
Dino Crisis 4
>would make even the fans double take
Division 1 makes a new fighting game in Nintendo vs. Capcom
Buddy shhhh. The little twerp made such a little effort to get a rise out of you, maybe just skip replying to the real lazy baits next time.
even Assassins Creed is doing good again (Odyssey/Origins)
maybe devs are getting their shit together?
You can't do god hand/roulette cheese on a kick me sign run so that's not much of an issue, bad balancing yeah but which action game doesn't have major balancing issues among moves? If not for the style meter DMC games would come down to spamming a few moves too. The biggest problem with God Hand is how tedious it can get on hard KMS with all those bloated enemy health bars which force you to fish for counter hits if you want to do any damage and do actual crowd control. Random health/item spawns suck too.
no assassin's creed is as shitty as ever
kill yourself
>AC is as shitty as eve-
I remember a while back that the devs on MVC3 were talking about how they were surprised at how many people requested Gene from Godhand to be in the game. They mentioned thinking everyone hated the game. I'm sure Capcom is aware of a cult fanbase around the game.
I honestly think they should give the game an HD remaster to see how well it does after stewing all these years.
my point still stands
Isn't that basically how we got REmake 2? Capcom remastered REmake and it sold really well, so Capcom realized that there's a market for that type of game.
MegaMan legends 3
With the RE engine
Would you buy it under the only condition that it a dually came out
Yeah. They just threw RE on HD on all the consoles, not thinking much of it. Then it sold over a million copies.
What they didn't realize I think is that REmake feels actually pretty fresh since they don't make games like that anymore, it's still graphically impressive as hell, and lastly, this was the first time releasing it on a non-nintendo console. So many people just had Xbox-Playstation, the majority of whom would love RE games. Ninty consoles are mostly Nintendo fans.
Regardless of your personal feelings on AC, Origins and Odyssey did so well that Ubisoft has decided that AC is now a full fledged RPG series.
you got btfo
I think that's true, it's just that the main difference is that God Hand wasn't really met with warm reception on its initial release. Even if a giant drum was beat to get a remaster for the game, it'll still be a massive uphill battle.
I checked and it was actually 2.3 million.
I don't want a Legends 3 without the artstyle. Just use MT Framework. Capcom is still making games with it. Fucking Beatemup Bundle uses it.
We're not even sure if RE Engine can handle stylized video games since all the games have used scanning as an important aspect for their models.
Capcom will eventually start pushing out rushed products again to capitalize on the success of revitalized franchises and/or new IPs and then they'll shelve them when they do poorly, missing the point entirely. Probably. I hope not.
They need to fix their fighting game division first before they could ever be based again. They're on a roll though.
Capcom will never be based. Not after MML3.
Because the company that made Ghosts & Goblins, Darkstalkers, Mega Man, Captain Commando, Okami, Breath of Fire, Ace Attorney, Power Stone and Viewtiful Joe was totally never known for stylized games.
So let's say they somehow managed to get the style in, even adding a low poly mode as an optional setting
>Beatemup Bundle
what the hell does a game collection need with MT Framework
You're forgetting a big one.
Forgotten Worlds was a flop back in the late 80s, why the hell would they make a sequel now?
It's all ogre once Inafundme gets a position back at Capcom, rumors say.
Marvel vs. Capcom 4
source: my mom's dildo
dude Unity and Syndicate are hot garbage even by AC standards
>imagine babiez being rated higher was just retarded.
Maybe it's just a better game
Japanese corporate culture is stupid, and they never hire people back. In this case it's beneficial because Inafundme is an idiot.
Hee hee
Capcom actually does have one of the rare examples of hiring people back in Fujiwara. Not that that's saying anything about Inafune, though.
I think Capcom learned their lesson. This is one of the biggest blunders in vidya history.
Talk about that when the Legends series has better sales than even the ZX series.
Fuck the haters, CAPCOM is BACK BAYBEEEEE
Immensely enjoyed both games, and funnily enough, both games were plagued by contrarian niggers pretending to be "Real fans" while slipping up and listing shit that either wasn't even present in the older titles as shit they missed, or shit that was in the new games.
It's fucking hilarious watching these posers slip up and backpedal in an attempt to pretend they have some sort of imagined oldfag clout as they slip and slide at every turn, and actually believe they're convincing anyone into believing they're old fans that are sad about the outcome of the series.
You look like massive faggots, suck a dick
Both are flawed. Both are fairly ugly, and have awful art direction and ugly faces. Decent games though. DMC5 also has a terrible storyline.
Didn't you read his posts, gameplay doesn't make a video game, it's all about stylistic character models and Victorian architecture.
In other words, he's a fucking retard.
>they never hire people back
i think there was a former SNK dev that worked at Dimps on SF4, then came back to SNK for KOF 14 and the new Shodown
Everyone is ugly, and the game is mostly blue-grey color scheme. Its' falling for Western meme realism. Animations are awkward and a little uncanny valley too.
Lady doesn't look like Lady, but a grown up Makoto (SF).
>big budget shmup in 2019
lol are you crazy, that will completely fucking fail no matter how good it is
Just play this
How about some new IPs and not ones we're already sick of?
pray for cvs3 or rival schools lads
>Everyone is ugly
That, my friend, is where you are wrong.
>for a more realistic art stlye
RE has always attempted to look realistic graphically speaking, same with DMC. Back in the day people called the original RE games "interactive horror films" from time to time.
>and less goofy weapons
The goofiest weapon in all of original RE2 was the Spark Shot. It's still there in the REmake.
Why in the fuck would I bother to buy a new IP on release instead of a series I'm already a fan of?
All of you faggot bitching about new IPs probably don't even fucking buy new IPs on release and wonder why they usually fucking flop if they're not a console exclusive getting money from the exclusivity deal
I fucking adored DMC5 and it's easly a goty contender for me already and I know this is a shitpost, but come on. At least make an attempt at a decent shitpost.
The story is laughable (as dmc games always are) the re engine handles faces terribly, you cant switch breakers with Nero, and the sheer unpolish in regards to V (both story wise and gameplay wise) is a topic worthy of it's own discussion.
It's flawed.
It's hard to say I mean the last fuck they had it almost fucking killed them no their on the right track so what else could they do? Hmm Street Fighter 6(have be a completed game this time) Deep Down release or tell us if it's cancelled already, Dragon's Dogma 2 that seems like a given since Itsuno made the first one and had to choice DMC 5 or DD 2, and lastly for this seems kinda like a fairy tale but Capcom all Stars fighting game. we can all agree that Marvel is a nightmare to work with so fuck them we all know Capcom has more than enough characters to make a 2v2 or 3v3 MvC like fighting game that would be amazing.
Trish was the only ugly face in DMC5.
>How about some new IPs and not ones we're already sick of
You act as if you actually played any of the games. We haven't got a Devil May Cry game in over 11 years. No one was sick of it.
Nintendo vs Capcom would be way more interesting than MvC4 where at least 80% of the roster was from UMvC3.
you retards just assumed it was re2 and dmcv when one of the biggest games to have toned down weapons is mhw
RE2 just tonned down monster designs because zombie spiders seemed dumb to them the only reason the gator is in is because the head of the team wanted it in
Not being able to switch them is intentional.
As evident by them making self detonation on the breakers being a defensive maneuver and the fact you can find more on the levels
The story was absolute garbage. I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit where they waste away a cool new character so that fans can cream themselves over the reveal of their favorite cool katana man. The ending feels like it has no stakes or consequences, they just fight and then everyone is just alright with each other, Vergil killed like millions of people in not London and Dante talks with him like he's just some normal bro.
I don't play Monster Hunter so I only focused on RE and DMC, which were also mentioned in the post.
>I wanted something kino like DMC3
>I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit
So, the average DMC game
>I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit
Resident Evil has been made for the west since day one. They didn't even have japanese dubs until Revelations.
>I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit just like DMC3
>Not being able to switch them is intentional.
Clearly, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't have been handled better. Until you get the bringer back, the breakers are supposed to feel like Nero's answer to Dante's style switching. Being unable to freely switch them however only makes things needlessly cumbersome, especially if you are going for specific setups on specific enemies.
Its fine as is to an extent, but it's a bit rough around the edges in it's current state and I wouldn't mind seeing it reworked a bit in a future title.
If they hit us with Dino Crisis, I would shit my pants and eat it. Fucking capcom I don't care if you make it action packed or horror. It would work and we will it eat up.
DMC3 is anime as fuck.
But I agree with you, 3 had a really great story, despite being shounen anime.
They can't even revive Darkstalkers, so Rival Schools is completely out of the question.
That's not true. I bought Half Life on release. And GTA. And JSR. And Shenmue. And Halo. And Splatoon. In the age of YouTube and Twitch new IPs would thrive. Everyone can see before they buy so if they're good then they'll sell.
DMC was always shitty over the top faggotry for faggots. People were sick of it after the first game.
There is a season for all things user. A season for greatness and a season for mediocrity.
Enjoy the good times while they're here and remember them when they're gone.
>People were sick of it after the first game.
And that's why it got 4 sequels, a "reboot", multiple spinoff material, and several inclusions in other media huh?
People were sick of it
>the final boss is literally just Vergil 3 again but with a few new moves
What the fuck did Itsuno mean by this
>Take the second best boss in the series and make it better
>This is somehow a bad thing
The story and the events leading up to the ending was great, but mission 18 should've been a Nero mission where Nero learns more about his dad via V's summons, and the ending was shit.
Don't tell me you don't think the Vergil reveal wasn't kino.
Yes. Can't you read?
I've already played DMC3. If I wanted to fight Vergil 3, I'd load up DMC3 and play it. I have no interest in just repeating the same shit I've already done in other games, make new fucking things.
No user I'm blind. I'm only able to parse a few words here and there thanks to my braille monitor and an out of date version of Google Text to Speech
Wheres dmc4 my nigga?
Up your butt
teach me how to stop switching to kicks when i just want to punch niggas
quit pulling back
Is there any hope for Dead Rising?
Someone post that slide where they show their new strategy is just "release big games, support them with DLC, utilize IP". It had an example of three series being put out over a 4 year sequence and covering up each other's absences.
is this the fairly ripped black guy that posted a pic when the other fit guys in dmc threads did?
I mean, did you play 4? I'm not sure how you can comeback from that, not even RE6 was that bad.
I'm cautious on how well the Luna Engine would do with big open worlds. The background area at the end of RE2 looks like dogshit. Plus all the games it's used in have either genuine loading screens or cutscenes masked to hide loading screens, so how well would it handle loading in whole environments consistently and seemlessly?
Parasite Eve 4 that ignores Third Birthday
we came back from DmC, didn't we?
They seem to go in cycles, don't they?
There was a period last gen when they really weren't doing so hot, then a period where they were gods.
Then they were absolutely shit tier during the beginning of this gen, and lately they've been amazing.
I can only assume they'll go back to being utter shit at the beginning of next gen.
am i the only one who thinks shes really hot?
She's trumped by Lady but yeah she looks fine.
Capcom spent a berjillion dollars on Asura's Wrath and it sold poorly, which made them broke and prompted them to go into shitmode of only developing low risk low effort games and licensing their properties to third parties.
They took a decade to recover by selling (terrible) monster hunter games to autistic japs and goober weebs who don't know better. Then china lifted the console ban and a billion chinks bought MHW so they have money again to develop stuff that doesn't suck.
Would be terrible if someone went after them for royalties on stolen ideas.
Street Fighter 7
yes, they're skipping 6. surprising, i know.
RE6 was actulaly the game that made them change their approach. They had a string of failed games bomb like Bionic Commando, and others underperofrm like most of the outsourced games. But RE6 was meant to be what saved them. The game sold massively, however, it was so expensive and complex,a nd took so long, they likely didn't make much on it. It's why RE7 was such a smaller game with like 1/4 of the staff.
a Megaman X reboot
but in RE Engine
I think a 3D mega man could work. Make it a third person shooter style game.
>Capcom took one look at C.Vancouver's upcoming projects and decided it's better to ruthlessly pull the plug
make it like vanquished
Asura's Wrath 2
I was thinking of Vanquish. Give it a bit of the MMX anime art style and setting. Incorporate jumping.
Should they bring back dino crisis series
>everyone is ugly
objectively wrong, they used literal models for all involved
>animations are uncanny valley
>The story is laughable
No it's not.
>and the sheer unpolish in regards to V
He's msotly finished.
A few nitpicks doens't make it flawed, fuck off you crybaby cunts.
>A guitar that shoots bats.
There's nothing wrong with Nevan, the weapon adds spice to an already excellent variety of weapons available.
>being this assblasted by the idea that something having flaws can still be good
>objectively wrong, they used literal models for all involved
First, they look like models. Models don't look like real people, they look like models. THey're always kinda odd looking ducks, overly pretty, overly masculine. Just weird looking. I've always hated models and have always found them rather ugly.
Pretty much everyone in RE7, RE2 remake, and DMCV is at least weird looking.