>Steam will community ban you for a week if you set your name to the christchurch shooter
>Steam will community ban you for a week if you set your name to the christchurch shooter
>Steam will community ban you for a week if you set your name to the christchurch shooter
Steam will community ban you for a week if you set your name to the christchurch shooter
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf Yea Forumsros this cant be happening
Why would you anyway
Make history yourself
ahaha, I don't even play online games or talk to any of the FIVE friends I have on steam.
why would you name yourself that? sounds like something an edgy faggot would do.
oh my god how dare they infringe on my right to self-expression like that! it's part of my MAGAsona!
to be an edgy faggot
>name yourself after a mass shooter
>say nigger in your favorite vidya
>get banned and lose your multiplayer privileges
>post "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN" on vee
you should know by now to be subtle in your attempts to be baste and redbilled
>play stupid games, win stupid prizes
nobody likes an edgelord faggot
>steam community
oh no
Good. You and every faggot literally celebrating terrorism should legit be jailed.
>this level of cuckoldry
Is this how zoomers actually think?
>mass shooter
Mass shooters do shit because they snap and just want to kill everyone. Terrorist have clear political goals and intend to direct society via fear using said attacks. This guy fits into the latter.
This, coming from someone that hates mudslimes and wants them all deported.
Only one week? I would make that permanent
say it with me muh freeze peach OMEGALUL
>cant celebrate terrorism
>cant play rape games
what is steam even good for?!?!? I thought Gaben was Based and Redpilled!
you truly are a dumb nigger if you think it's smart to spout memes out in a platform that will revoke your privileges to vidya
he shot masses of people in an event, i don't see why he couldn't be both
terrorism is just another tool.
I changed my name to that to remind white people of what they did to my people
g2b faglord era m8, you don't even belong on twitch let alone here.
steam should literally have zero people employed whos job it is to ban people for shit that isn't cheating on official servers. imagine being so retarded that you think it's an issue what some cunt puts on their profile or as their picture when they don't break the law
steam community was a mistake
Try “Kebab remover”
inb4 the fbi knocks on your door
jesus christ
For murder?
Oh No! Gamers are being oppressed again! It's time to rise up!
Bottom Text
>being part of the steam community
i hope you don't do this user
But what if somebody actually does share the same name as the shooter?
Good. Fuck you and fuck you mass murder loving psychos. I have ZERO issue with you fags getting in serious life destroying trouble due to your sociopathy.
Get fucked.
What kind of person uses their real name on Steam anyway?
Good luck, I'm on the other side of the planet
grr so angery
Beheading videos kosher?
>good, im glad the government is overstepping rabidly because right now it aligns with my personal moral soapbox and anyone who isnt part of my moral clique should be punished, imprisoned and killed
yeah bro i agree, orange man bad :^)
It's better to snuff out the edgy teenagers now rather than if and when they get radicalized further.
Which is why /pol/ as a whole should be banned.
they are also guilty of his crimes
>orange man bad
he is though, literally everyone besides dying baby boomers hate drumpf by now.
his manifesto could have been longer
No one said anything about Trump, you retard. The fuck does Trump have to do with ANYTHING you muttpolitics obsessed nutjob?
t. democrat tranny
Just pick another shooter.
Isn't it on liveleak?
t. enemy combatant
I actually am a registered democrat as of this week. Andrew Yang will provide the same shitty policies as Trump but with an additional $1000 for me.
This is really weird.
I've been shitposting in Dota2 chat for years, calling people niggers, faggots, kikes, subhumans, telling them to kill themselves.
I play this shitty game everyday since 2014. I NEVER got banned, not even muted.
I said the most offensive things possible.
And Valve banning people for something like naming yourself a mass shooter?
Oh no I can't say "nigger" and support mass murderers we need Hitler and Trump to make the fourth reich for all us free thinkers and intellectuals
This guy wasn't a terrorist, though.
seebecause all you rabid authoritarian leftfucks are the same, it's all memey groupthink bullshit
>haha cool arrest people for posessing footage
>arrest people for thoughtcrime, ebil bad nazis
>everyone who disagrees with my alignment should be murdered
Been uploaded several times, gets taken down every time. It's up on bestgore, but buffering is abysmal. That .tokyo site has it, though, but I don't remember the name of the site
Trump has put some good policies in place but has undeniably lowered other nations' respect of the US (and that's a bad thing). He's more of a liability than anything else at this point and could be replaced by literally any other Republican and the President's ratings would soar.
Orange man is actually bad, for both parties.
the Yea Forums party van was cash. you're missing out.
I never said any of that you fucking mouth-breathing fat piece of subhuman shit retard.
There is also a torrent on kiwifarms
are u 12 or something ?
>wants to shoot children and brutally murder them
>talks about left being authoritarianism and groupthink while his entire ideology falls head over heels for a TERRORIST because he hated muslims
At this point you people are as dangerous as ISIS. Should I let ISIS do whatever they want? Even Trump said the internet should be censored to stop terrorists.
Would you be in trouble with steam if you simply linked the video in a steam chat ?
>can watch muzzies murder girls all day if i want
>watch a white guy do the same to them and get threatened with prison
like if you would like videos of some nutjob killing your family and then said terrorist being worshiped by edgy kids who edit the massacre videos with funny music
did they actually catch/kill the shooter
Your particular opinion about jailing people with the footage is shared by other people who believe those things, user. Hence why you're being pigeonholed. If I told you I thought you were an asshole for eating eggs, cheese, and meat, you'd probably take me for a rabid vegan but I don't have to be vegan to hold that belief. It doesn't make particular sense that I wouldn't be a vegan while bashing you for practicing a nearly exclusively non-vegan life style but it's certainly possible when outliers not only exist but want to tell everyone how cool and unique they are
You are retarded. They made the same threats for the Moroccan beheading videos.
>Your particular opinion about jailing people with the footage
Yeah but that was only because they wanted to protect the Dindu's
I do this on all my dota smurfs
My current name is "CHRISTCHURCH WAS LIT"
Don't worry, soon we're getting a new shipment of recruitable redpilled young boys when they read the news, to annex the cuck boards by force so we can spread our agenda even stronger, then there shall be no cuck faggot tranny left on our ancestral site and Yea Forums will return to it's roots as a WN site like it always was.
imagine being a kiwi and being owned by muzzies
He surrendered himself. In his manifesto he said he greatly wanted to avoid killing police, unless they were non-white.
>one lunatic faggot goes off the deep end and murders a bunch of people to meme songs
wow orange man why did you and your voting base murder innocents? why is everyone who disagrees with me a mass murdering lunatic?
why is everyone on the internet a murderous psychopath unless they're aligned with the left?
>wow teenagers on the internet are doing the same thing they've always done, being edgy contrarian hostile teenagers, regardless of ideology
sure is cool learning about what humanity is really like when offered anonymity huh friend?
better lock everyone up who called someone faggot in league of legends, because that's evil and bad and they're probably a nazi
Was not you or something
Only edgy 12 year olds looking for reddit gold would set that as their name.
It's good to know they're getting filtered out.
Preach on brother
>but has undeniably lowered other nations' respect of the US
respect of the US Government*
FTFY. Other countries don't respect or care about Americans, only the Government.
the white controlled media is trying to push the agenda that only minorites kill
>brown guy commits terrorism
>some /pol/ memer commits terrorism, like posters on the board threaten to do on the daily
Stop letting your primitive fucking feelings get to you holy shit
If the shooter was black, he would have been brained and or plowed by a PPV. Legit example of white privilege imho
>not naming your steam HELP ME HELP ME
why bother
seething incel
>radical Islamist kills innocent people
>nobody cares
>mentally insane white man kills muslims
Why is that
Nah that comment about our wonderful open-borders president was my first post ITT.
Because when you wake up and find shit in your toilet it's okay, but when you find shit on your dinner plate, there's a problem.
Because we hold white people to a higher standard.
LMAO, MIGApedes have lost all their allies thanks to trumpberg. /pol/ shills for a chink socialist democrat, even /ptg/ is half yanggang shilling. Fucking DAILY STORMER and Stormfront literally shills for a chink socialist democrat, writing support articles every second day. 8ch? Yep, the chink. Trump was the worst decision you niggers ever made, and now you're losing. Badly. To a Chink. Socialist. Democrat. Chew on it.
>one lunatic muslim blows himself up
>this is grounds to ban muslims from the country, ban Islam, shutdown or monitor mosques etc
Funny how whenever a group you dislike does something, we can judge them all as complicit and part of the action, but when your friends do it, it's somehow not a big deal and we shouldn't assume large groups of people like yourself with similar beliefs as ISIS would be dangerous.
Do you agree on allowing ISIS to run around?
What about "Kebab Remover"
Westerners expect that of non Westerners but once a subhuman Westerner is radicalized they flip out and have to come to terms that it can happen to them too.
>I pretend the ebby shit, Je suis shit, German riots of muslim rape etc never happened so I can keep being the sole victim
I can tell by the way you type that you are a closeted pedophile.
Nobody answered my question, I just linked an archive link of the livestream to a liberal friend of mine (the archive did have a glorifying description of the guy tho) a few hours after the shooting, im worried I'd get banned off steam for it even tho I don't condone the actions and promote his plans or behavior.
>some muzzies decapitate some white bitch who literally went out looking for it
>"OMG SO SAD. I have watched many torture vids but this was so sad. Like when she said "mamaaa" ;-;
>some nutjob white guy murders kids screaming for their mom and help
The funny thing it's not even a strawman
Fair enough but you're a cunt for replying on someone else's behalf while simultaneously dodging the argument (on the virtue of not being the person who's argument you picked up, the fuck)
ITT sheltered NEETs and virgins seethe over their obession with total destruction for humanity and society will make them successful
But noone cares about any of that? They got #thoughtsandprayers for a day and everyone moved on.
And I can tell you're a manlet incel who desperately needs to have sex before he shoots up a McDonald's playplace.
t. normalfag
go back to leftddit
bash the fash
You'll be fine, just don't change your name to his. That's a no no
fuckin badass
trolling is a art that's lost
He literally spelled out his very political goals of his attack are you retarded
The joke's on you my country doesn't even have McDonald's.
I think part of your confusion may stem from the fact that only brown people are being shoved into white nations, white people aren't being emigrated by extraneous billionaires into all brown and black nations and miscegenating their populations into oblivion.
>africa for africans
>china for chinese
>white places for everyone :^)
islam is fundamentally fucked as it hasn't undergone a great schism and promotes a conservative and barbaric culture, I'm all for leftists forcibly pushing more islam into our cultures because it will expedite the arrival of hard-line conservatism under the guise of islamism and sharia law, etc.
find me 3 countries with majority muslims that are anything other than horrific humans rights violators and theocratic shitholes. i'll wait.
meanwhile, white nations and eurocentric countries are the closest thing we have to egalitarian and free. so yeah, when a white guy does terrorism people expect higher standard, when a brownie from a theocratic shithole with a backwards-ass ideology rooted in hardline conservatism and bigotry does terrorism it's part and parcel, yeah?
Name a more kino moment in the last 10 years I dare you
who bitch this is
You mean an art
liveleak has been blocked by all major NZ ISPs
so has kiwifarms, 4+Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Yang is Taiwanese which is much better than being a Chinaman and he might take a stand against Chinese military and corporate espionage, unfair trade practices, and their attempts at buying American newspapers.
Thank you user, this is reassuring. I was worried all day after realizing there could be consequences to propagating the stuff but after all it was before the authorities there started saying not to share the footage.
It didn't happen in America
put jim profit into the name field guys :)
Ouch, they're really going hard on this
What are they hiding?
They're still han chinese. What else are we to slur them with? Twinks are already taken
anyone who isnt a newfag should know that nu Yea Forums is literally r*ddit 2.0, go back to /pol/ faggot no one cares about why you cant get laid
Did all that happen after the shooting?
I got permabanned for linking a snuff video. Took all my games away, nuked my account. Thousands of dollars gone.
mma fighter mackenzie dern
They are trying to stop people from seeing the video
Understandable I guess but it doesn't work, and I have to change my DNS settings just to post about ordinary things on an ordinary video gaming board which is fucking stupid
>find me 3 countries with majority muslims that are anything other than horrific humans rights violators and theocratic shitholes. i'll wait.
literally all of them? no muslim country practices "sharia law" and most of them crackdown on hardcore versions of Islam.
Is this image now officially debunked?
Have sex .
I visit /pol/ once every 6 months but ok.
The video or the truth?
Why are you lying? Like, this isn't even a clever lie. It's like asking why cops allow you to speed when they don't. It's just backwards and retard.
Because it was a reaction to those islamist killings and because it happened in a relatively white, peaceful country. So the media plays it up a lot and that results in drones being as upset as they are. It's fucked yeah but it's not like this sort of shit doesn't happen daily in other parts of the world.
okay incel
So, you're saying terrorism is justified if you don't like certain groups?
I don't believe you, post proof.
I don't actually know, but you're most likely fine. I'm in a worse position as I have video sitting on my desktop waiting for Microsoft to send that sweet data to the NZ government and send a party van my way
oh you're a tinfoil hat retard
kebab remover works for me
>being this ignorant of islamic nations
syria throws faggots off buildings as official policy, if proven to be in carnal relations with same-sex. if not proven but speculated by 3+ witnesses, it's hard prison time, 3-10 years.
executes homosexuals and christians are jailed
same as above; try walking across Iran's border, the punishment is immediate execution with no trial, per their publicly available theocratic code
>saudi arabia
same as above re; gays, others
how about you learn some shit instead of being retarded
>Ma ma! MAAAMglurglghllll!
>facefucks severed head
What proof would I still have? It's all nuked, I had to start over completely with a different IP.
>media reporting it was part of his plan
5D chess
What I don't get is why these people always is so ugly. Breivik and this guy looks pretty much the same
>squinty eyes like a gook
>huge nigger nose
>feminine v jaw
>fat baby cheeks
>Irish redness of the skin
>balding and receding hairline, like sois
>shitty beard growth, very non nordic
>Anglo tiny mouth and warts
They're like everything rolled into one disastrous mixture.
Even young Dylan looks ugly as hell and have that dumb bowl haircut I didn't even know people had anymore after the 60s.
why on every community there is always some fuck saying "edgy" shit?
I remember when some dumb frogposter came here complaining about getting banned on siege
>Name a more kino moment in the last 10 years I dare you
haha le chinese incel mascot gurl
The video of the attack. Apparently, there were planted ammo magazines that people who watched the video noticed. Guy supposedly picked up a clip that was planted in the entrance hallway before he entered the building.
Probably bullshit, but there were a number of threads on it.
Ugly people are usually terrible people.
Context matters.
One is an evil ideology killing an innocent woman in a horrifc, brutal and innane act of depravity.
The other is a man who sought put revenge because of france from 2 yeara ago, and took it out in those that actively practice said idealogy.
Insane? Sure.
In the wrong? Yes
Misguided? Absolutely.
Can you like, not read, or something? Or are you retarded?
It's almost like the biggest act of violence and terror in NZ ever, unlike Muttland where it's normal business.
It's called the untermensch look.
why would a non-ugly person do it?
>an immigrant goes to another country to kill people
Every time, no matter what race.
>cant own guns
>#1 in freedom
woah, now
that's an insult to Breivik
Sauce on that video?
not almost, it is, by miles
Nah i'm saying you want to equate apples to oranges. Overwhelming and spreading religious supermajority of the earth insinuating itself into every other culture and actively preaching the indoctrination and overwriting of foreign nations, government, systems vs pretty much unaffiliated people worried about falling prey to the above, which results in incidental lashings-outs, which aren't good either.
one is a system assault on the planet as a whole and the manifest destiny of a deeply rooted ideology
one is the rash and retarded reactionary exceptions of a subset of the world population on the brink of annihilation from the former.
ya dig?
Because it's always a seething incel who can't get laid.
Damn how will I recover?!
>literal BUGS mantra
Haha okay gramps, of to stormfront with you
Bullshit, he dropped the magazines and picked them again when he needed too reload
Shows what you know, steam doesnt just delete accounts like that.
yeah is not like the white men did not went around colonizing and genociding people around the world
also the US right now wants to invade a country to kill people and force their puppet president so they can steal their oil, thats worse than anything muslims are doing, wich many of their countries were ravaged by USA to begin with and causing them to "invade" countries that are not in the middle of war
>its ok when muslims do it
One is two dumb bitches getting what they wanted and the other is a psycho killing children because he's psychotic.
What are you even trying to say with this?
So, yes, terrorism is justified if you don't like certain citizens. Got you. I legit have no idea how ones brain could be this fucked, but it's pretty clear that there is no point arguing with someone more deranged than an ISIS fighter.
Imagine dedicating your whole life to just thinking about getting laid and instead of looking at yourself in the mirror you project all your anger on here and other sites and end up doing some horrible shit outside. theres more to life than this anons dont go down like this
>imagine being so retarded that you think it's an issue what some cunt puts on their profile or as their picture when they don't break the law
It's a privately-owned platform and they can do what they want. You can criticize their decisions on a case-to-case basis, but questioning their right and motivation just shows how underage you are. Maybe you'll figure it out once you get bounced from a club for shitting on the bar.
big cringe
>disregarding or too dumb to actually read the post
ok. have a good night.
try enhancing that reading comprehension sometime.
Both of you are sick. Stop blaming the victims for retards killing them
Bye Mr. Psycho. Try not to murder a kid because some how children are responsible for someone who did something bad prior to their birth.
t. seething incel
Good look getting me in Mexico you fairies.
Based feigning ignorance user
>took it out in those that actively practice said idealogy.
yeah just like all christians are repsonsible for America backing dictators in the Middle East right
>thread archived
The fucking state of vee
Dense retard.
I don't approve of the actions of either extremist, but you're showing a total lack of intellectual honesty in equating the overwhelming, daily terrorism exhibited by islam with some random memer on the internet shooting up innocents in a church.
One is an orchestrated, worldwide effort to overthrow the order with a death toll in the hundreds per day.
One is literally a dumb fringe psycho doing insane bullshit.
Stop pretending these two things are the same and represent the same threat to society.
>be a 3 year old
>go to mosque because obviously parents take you along to religious things and you have no say
>this child deserves to be butchered by you because he "practices" Islam or something
How do you actually justify this in your brain?
uhm... well if it is true, how long did it take for you to get your shit nuked after you posted it ?
How about everyone who posts
first, hm?
About a week. I would back everything up now disconnect from the internet.
Christianity went through a reform because all their backwards thinking. New Testament is the what is being taught today. Basically tells you to turn your cheek and pray for sinners.
Hebrew still says anything not a jew is less than human
Islam still says to kill all who dont practice islam
When will they reform?
edgy faggot.
He's not wrong. You know London had constant bombings from the IRA before, right?
Christianity had a reform in the past 200 years? Why are Christians not responsible for the Tai Ping rebellion that destabilized China and killed between 40-80 million people? It would never have happened if a missionary hadn't got a guy to believe he was the brother of Jesus.
I'm gonna make the real question here.
Does Steam ban you if you name yourself Ted Kaczynski?
If the answer is yes then Steam is falling into hypocrital behavior
Most Islamists don't think they should kill all those not Islam either, certainly not the ones in New Zealand
There's literally no contradiction in these statements.
Is there any actual proof that this happens?
I'm not defending anyone. I just see his thought process behind it
well that's if they see it as something delete worthy, who knows maybe they wont, after all people can share videos of ISIS execution or 9/11 on steam all they want, I didn't condone the shooter in any way and surely there's no way they will take this linking of the footage out of context ? At least I don't think so.
The "extremist Muslims" are just doing what the central figure of their religion has told them to do. As long as Islam is taught it will be impossible for the "extremist Muslims" to not exist as they are just following Islam how it is supposed to be followed. I'm not saying that I approve of murdering Muslims, but that is the difference between "extremist Christians" and "extremist Muslims".
Are you going to pretend you can't cherry pick quotes from the Bible to 'prove' God was an asshole?
I think honestly? You're probably as good as gone but hope for the best I suppose.
What if the Muslims who killed those two girls put it on Westerners backing corrupt regimes in the Middle East? You know, something that has been proven, and caused much more than the few thousand casualties we've received from terror attacks in the West.
Let's take a look at history
>Iran was a secular monarchy
>Brits didn't like that, couped the nation and installed ayatollahs and theocratic rule, causing a surge in extremist ideals, all for muh oils
>then creates Israel after ww2, displacing the Muslim population there for lulz, ensuring instability for centuries to come
>didn't bother anyone, Russia came along
>USA trains Taliban, with Osama at the front, wins over Russia and then fucks off, Taliban splinters into warlords who now had no purpose
>then destroyed the country for centuries to come when Osama came knocking
>stable under a despot
>USA smelled oil, attacks country twice, destroying it the second time, causing ISIL to get a foothold, all with a lie over WMDs. None got punished, but they sure got rich
>generally peaceful besides clashes with Israel
>America, with CIA pushes the Arab spring, leading to fanatics getting into power
>Stable under a crazy despot
>knocked of his bullshit, even dismantling his nuclear project to give an olive branch
>Eh, fuck it, UK decides to fuck up Libya any way, opening the north African passage
>fuck those guys too, sell weapons to Kurds, then doubleside them, sell weapons to Assad to ensure a long civil war, leading Erdogan onto his paranoia trip
>oh, but also let's give money to Saudis so they can establish their wahabist schools all over the world besides USA.
Well, you get the gist. I think you all can see a pattern here on who is really the enemy of Europe. Who creates these floods of Muslims into Europe and then told europeans how evil they were for not taking them in.
Hint, it's not long nosed people this time. This started way before.
This. I'm tired of being oppressed for being a gamer
Assad's government is killing Muslim fundies and is tolerant of Christians and religious minorities
has been fighting Muslim fundies for years, their government is a dictatorship but far from theocratic
They aren't theocratic, Christians have parliamentary representation and it's frowned upon for women to wear burkas
They are liberalizing all their laws, women can drive now and don't need to wear headscarves.
Claiming that "syria throws faggots off buildings as official policy" makes me think you're being intentionally deceptive or just retarded. ISIS is not Syria, Syria is the one fighting ISIS.
Stop believing in conceited notions of the world and do some research you dumbfuck.
I think it's about time for us to rise up.
should have focused on killing real terrorists, rather than going to people that escaped their country because of said terrorists
It only sounds like you're toying with me, I never even found actual people talking about their account getting deleted for linking something online. Man that's just cruel.
>Being a edgy faggot
You deserve it.
>The Virgin Messiah versus The Chad Prophet
Why defend ISIS but demonize NZ shooter?
Both are evil.
One is due to the basis of their faith
The other was a pyschopath
A missionary never told him that he was the brother of Jesus, he claimed that himself. I think putting yourself into the Trinity is considered a pretty big heresy among almost any Christian group. And a lot of people really hating the Qing Dynasty. I'm not sure the majority of them even believed in Christianity but just wanted to rally behind a guy willing to lead a revolt.
you mean a combatant attacking a terrorist safehouse on his own? because that is what happened in new zealand
Which is why it has only begun happening conveniently only in areas that accept "refugees", right?
Just like there's no contradiction in the way the extreme left acts after every Muslim terror attack but sees blood as soon as it's a white shooter right?
>Bus of peace
>White shooter
cant use winnie the pooh either
agreed. long live kekistan
Good, fuck you fashie