The level design is shit. It's all the same-same goopy textured confusing levels...

The level design is shit. It's all the same-same goopy textured confusing levels. It gets a bit better in the second half, only because Dante's levels are more structured for some reason.

Nero's mechanical devil breakers being destroyed is a shitty unfun mechanic. Dante is infinitely more fun to play as during the game, and he regularly unlocks new abilities which keeps the game fresh for the first play through.

Nero would have been 100x more fun to play if you could switch between his devil bringers at will like you can switch styles with Dante. I don't know why the fuck they didn't allow you to do this.

The story is trash-tier.

Otherwise, fun game. Lots of cool mechanics (for Dante at least).

Also, playing as V is shit. It was a cool concept, but it is not fun in practice to have such clunky controls over which enemy you are attacking.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You didn't play the game huh. It's the second part that's a problem. The areas aren't confusing. They're a straight line. The problem is that they're bland.

6/10 for me

I agree with pretty much everything you said. The level design, color alette, and music are all weak.

Nero would be better with switcahble Breakers and finding them in levels is stupid.

V is a cool idea but plays weirdly and isn't very fun.

Confusing as in that they all look the same. There's no feeling of progression beyond getting new skills.

I like having to use whatever I'm able to get with Nero. Feels like I'm being forced to git gud with every arm which is fine by me.
Story was ok. It's not DMC's strong suit. If it's mildly entertaining then it was a good story for DMC standards.

>devil breakers being destroyed is a shitty unfun mechanic
lmao don't get hit
>have such clunky controls over which enemy you are attacking
aim V towards the enemy you want to take and be as close to them as possible

>why do nero arms break

Because idiot, he would literally be the most broken character of all time if they didn't. You realize a lot of those devil breakers can be spammed, and some of them like tomboy breaks all guard and makes it very hard for him to be hit. God, you're dumb.

This, those DB's cancel out a lot of hits, and some of them are capable of avoiding all damage. Imagine if he could just stay gliding on the rocket indefinately hitting mobs each time he rode past. He would cheese the entire game on the hardest difficulty lmao

Sounds like a personal problem to me, Dante has the most versatile fighting/combo ways in his stances, but Nero has the most versatile ways of playing the fact that one character can become an FPS game, Tony hawk pro skater, Ironman in one character is shitloads of fun for me, everytime I get a new arm it's fun for me figuring out ways to use them. As someone else said reviewing the game, if you're not having fun with Nero. You're an uncreative bitch.

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Yea Forums HATES IT!


Confusing level design for environmental design again I see. I'll give you it all looks samey toward the end but the actual level design is totally fine for what its trying to do, which is get you from start to finish.

it's a 6/10 game at best
V is a literal waste of character.

Ignore shills autistically screaming that this game is perfection.

Got to mission 13 and I have to say I've bored as hell, gonna go back to Yakuza 0 and Spyro 3(no stupid ethnonationalist jokes I just like the minigames)

The way the game handles secret missions and blue/purple orb fragments is great. Objective variation, room structure variation, enemy placement etc. are all pretty one-note, though. DMC4 wasn't as varied on that front as DMC1 or DMC3, but it still had stuff like the giant beyblades to fuck up enemies with and so on to freshen things up a little. I miss having things like the sniper enemies that could fuck you up from across an area in DMC3, or rooms with enemies at different elevations that make you consider how you prioritize what you're doing or move around to sustain combos. In DMC5 it's mostly just open arenas.

>i don't agree that the game is great, you're all shills because you believe so

Check the arrogance on this lad

I miss it when DMC games took place in one giant castle. They had the same sense of exploration and discover as RE games to a certain degree.

Literally proving his point lmao

I didn't even know there were people who cared about story in DMC games

>Tfw finally got the S rank for mission 8 on SOS mode
Now just need mission 10 with Dante and i can take a break for Seikiro and finsh the rest later

>MFW imagining doing them on DMD and Heaven and Hell mode
I try not to think about that shit

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Nah as a hacker it definately deserves the praise. I've been playing this shit on DMD and it's making me work up a sweat. I had to restart the entire mission because my health was only a quarter when starting the boss. This shit is relentless. A challenge I unfortunately didn't get playing Boi of War (you could legit spam the bois arrows, kratos axe throw, and kite on the hardest difficulty to kill every single mob in the game). Can't do that shit in DMC outside of the easiest, fuggin love it.


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I don't like how there are 20 missions split between 3 characters, meaning each character only gets like 6 or 7 missions to fuck around in.

>why is this game so great waaaahhh why are the reviews good it's all sjws and shills waaaahh

Don't yall ever get tired. Ever take into account, maybe it's you who just has trash taste? nothing shill about it. It's ok to be weird though. It's 2019.

So just DMC1

second half and especialy the end is just weird out of place copy pasted segments that drag on forever and are there solely to pad out playtime.
also what in the fuck did they do vertical camera control in this game. shit is infuriatingly bad

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>Nero's mechanical devil breakers being destroyed is a shitty unfun mechanic
>t.greedy little kid that needs to be all-powerful at all times to feel big
It's a fair enough mechanic, and this is coming from a guy that generally hates weapon break mechanics. Nero would be too strong if his arms didn't break. You could just spam shit or stall until you're fully charged. The breakage ironically enough gives the devil breakers more value because they're powerful yet can't be spammed. And if you fuck up, it's gone.

How can Nero play as an FPS game??

Meh, for every popular game there's always that one crowd of hipsters, that one group, that one person, that one thread shouting "it's not as good as you think". Happened with TLOU, happed with Mass Effect 2, happened with every single popular game, even happens with the classics. When you undestand this, you just have to realize, some people just have shitty opinions.

You can already spam his devil breakers, just don't get hit. Tomboy is broken from the beginning, no skill required.

I just want to be able to switch from Overture to others without completely losing Overture unless I find it again in the level or bring double.

>spamming neros tomboy on mobs and bosses non-stop on the harder difficulties.

Try it bitch. Try it.

Why is everyone ignoring the biggest flaw this game has?
No turbo mode, seriously Capcom? This game's slow as fuck, what were they thinking?

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Because cum guzzling sois are praising this game.

just use Cheat Engine

Makes you really upset huh?

Been told mission 8 and 10 dont add the boss fights to your score since you have to lose them

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doesn't work

grab the denuvoless exe

So how do I control the camera in the main menu? Saw a streamer earlier disable the menu overlay for a clean shot of the van interior.

Average DMC neckbeard

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shut the fuck up cum guzzling soi lmao

This would be so much better with a character select for every mission. I'm playing through DMD and every time it gets to V I turn the game off for the day. I lose all will to play it, he's so boring and easy.

Also Dr. Faust breaks the game. You can easily get S-ranks if you've grinded enough orbs.

>it's another devil breaker switching episode

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>easy on DMD
Yeah I kind of find that doubtful my man

You have to have zero awareness to find him difficult. Read the book, strafe around, and do your combos. Once you have a decent pool of DT saved (I pop it around 7 bars) it's easy-SSS-time. My BNB for Shadow and Griffon is to use forward+square to stun enemies until their DT pops, then double-jump like crazy while mashing triangle. Pop Nightmare when you want.

I can understand why people think it's a problem, but hear me out: they're supposed to be tools you go through like candy. They give you fucking invulnerability when you blow them and give you super moves at the cost of expending them. They're like power-ups in a beat'em up. You can pack fucking 8 of them by the end of the game. Pop 'em and go.

Sure, you start with a paltry amount, but they also litter the goddamn streets early on, too. It encourages experimentation through limitation. I probably wouldn't have fucking bothered to learn Rawhide if I didn't keep getting stuck with it.
If you want to use a specific Breaker, load yourself up with tons of copies of it, which you can do for dirt cheap.

The only problem I see is that the cool Buster Arm animations are locked behind the end-game if you don't happen to bring one into a boss fight.

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Feel free to post those DMD V mission ranks my friend.

lol yeah they really made Vergil ugly in this one. He looks like Jeremy Renner AKA Hawkeye from the Avengers.

it really is, there are only two tilesets in the game, “streets” and “hell goo”. It’s the worst part about this game other than the frequent loading screens (that aren’t long thankfully, but are still annoying)

>Listen to the fools reproach, it is a kingly title.

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>no costumes
>cant play dante the whole game
literally no replay value man

yes and it's still the best one, fuck you

One would have thought you were talking about multiple games since you used the word "games" and not just spouting a nostalgia fueled wrong opinion.

Areas are bland

Nero is boring as shit, then for some retarded reason they give you his DT, Bringers and abilities back at the last mission of the game, when it would have been substantially more fun to play as him with them early. But he’s a clusterfuck of systems when you get all his shit unlocked.

Dante gets Cerberus too late, otherwise no complaints.

V is interesting if boring.

DMD is a slog, enemies are full sponge.

The second playthrough of the game is the best since you have all the sweet shit from the start.

>yet another retard who doesn't know the difference between level design and environmental aesthetic

DMC5 easily has the best level design in the entire series. Gimmicks are kept to a minimum and aren't obnoxious, some branching paths, optional fights, more secrets, and it's actually designed with combat in mind. The pacing in almost every mission is very solid. That's not to say there isn't room for improvement, there always is, but it's a huge step up for the franchise.

Now, as far as AESTHETIC goes, I like the amount of detail, but it is true that it could get a bit samey. It's a shame because the final Urizen fight takes place right next to an illusion of the Sparda house, which was generated by the tree itself. You could have taken that concept and ran with it. Of course that would have required more time and resources.

The story is a mayor letdown. It's just fanfic.

>retard who doesn't know the difference between level design and environmental aesthetic

Oh my god I'm sorry I don't know the difference between environmental aesthetic and geometrical shape of the levels.

Environmental Aesthetic is covered under Level Design you fucking retard.

No it's not.

By that logic most Mario games would have bad level design. That is baffling to even contemplate. Level design is about how the LEVELS are DESIGNED, it's about gameplay. The visuals are the skin on top.

Keep going, I'm almost close to orgasm. My fetish is retards on the internet.

Next you're going to tell me that PAINT isn't involved in Interior Design because it's just a skin on the inside walls of a house.

Fucking dumbass.

>By that logic most Mario games would have bad level design
No it wouldn't.

Because it has and always will come with the Special Edition of the game.

Combat is too repetitive and shallow as Nero and V.

Delusional , see a doctor or take your meds

Bayonetta lite

You can't choose your character at will?
If I were to shit out this turd, I would make it like Megaman X where you choose your level, character, and fight a boss at the end.

It's because of the director he's just not good

>I don't know why the fuck they didn't allow you to do this.
Being able to assign 4 devil breakers and switch between them with the D-pad would be a 100% improvement.

Because only ADHD faggots use turbo mode.

Then people would just use Dante all the time instead of learning to use Nero's new breakers or learning V.

This. The costumes they do have fucking suck and you'd think they'd learn to let you use your favourite character the whole game instead of restricting them to 5 goddamn short missions.

The video skiping if you press a button is also really fucking annoying and the loading time is insanely bad

>and that's a good thing!

Sorry can't hear you over the sound of me pulling my devil trigger

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Ok good i don't give a fuck about nero or v so why not let me play play just the fun one

>people would only play as the fun character if given a choice
Yeah no shit, why make me play as the boring characters to begin with?

That song ruined the game for me ,sooo baaaaad, the cringe everytime it dosen't even fit DMC at all it sounds worst then the shit music in DmC

>AKA I dont know how to play Nero or V.

Eh it's not like DMC3 vocals weren't a cringefest as well

>I have objectively bad taste and disagree with people just to seem cool.

Because they're not boring; you don't know how to play them. You're boring WITH them.

>refuse to change Nero's controls scheme aside from swapping breakaway with Devil Trigger so I stop accidentally destroying my devilbreakers trying to DT

My thumb is hurting from holding X to charge shot while I roll it over Y to combo

Feel free to enlighten us, then. Even after upgrades their movesets seem awfully limited to me.

Not him, but i dont actually think v is that bad but yeah nero is shit till NG+. Devil breaker system is terrible.

V of course has devil trigger to work with, and gets his charge shot back, making Blue Rose actually worth using.

You just have to learn how to mix things up with your devil breaker and shit like Shuffle/calibur.

Put Blue Rose on L2 and Exceed on X

how do I into Exceed punches without accidentally snatching/bustering?

>DMC5 easily has the best level design in the entire series
Not really. It hides its secrets very well (I think it handles blue and purple orbs and secret missions better than any game in the series) but the overall geometry of areas tends to be rather limited planes; just big open spaces to beat people up in. DMC1 and DMC3 had plenty of arena fight scenarios too, but they weren't afraid to use rooms with different tiers and enemy placements that complemented them or otherwise demanded you consider their placement if you wanted to sustain your combos or at least not get fucked over by them. The sniper enemies are a good example of this.

The first handful of missions are nevertheless rather fun to simply move through, but the variety in fighting scenarios is pretty modest, as if the game is so afraid to be annoying it's afraid to do anything but provide arenas for you to be stylish in. Once the tree innards take over it's even more apparent.

Press it right after you press Y
Most breaker moves can't be canceled into Buster/Snatch so they are generally fairly safe to Knuckle

With Nero you want to hit your exceeds on everything and do a special move whenever you get a max-act. Use your different combos, C is particularly useful. Keep your shots charged up. Don't be afraid to break an arm if a fight is dragging on and you're having trouble keeping style up.

With V you want to get as close to the action as you can, use all your Griffon special moves while attacking with Shadow and spend that DT because you will get a lot of it by reading the book.

Exactly my point so far. Fuck random apocalyptic/demonic levels in video games, a way to lower the artistic side with non sense random design.

>t. spams nero's charge move with punchline probably

Git gud scrub. He has incredible potential to get entirely creative with the combos offering a completely unique experience none of the others offer. You're just a spamming scrub.

The vast majority of that combo is Nero's Devil Trigger which isn't available on the playthrough.

Which is exactly my point that he is boring compared to Dante when you first play the game. (I'm the OP)

Not him but
>none of the others offer
>potential to get entirely creative with the combos
I mean. If we ignore that Dante exists. V on the other hand is different since promotion and all combos you can manually do require a disproportionate amount of 3D chess, so his fun comes from just playing the game.

Forgot to say that I understand pinuts to the story.

Different strokes different folks. Nero should NOT play like Dante, his whole shtick is to grapple people, he's a brawler. The day Capcom tries to make him Dante, is the day I stop liking the character. Every playstyle exist for a reason, not everybody likes the same shit. Hence why we love having multiple characters. Dante can pull off some sick combos more than anybody else. Nero can chuck a fucking boss into a building and make it collapse on em. Yank the weapon out an enemies hand and throw it into them. Dante could never, with all his combos. Literally beating the shit out of every mob in the game and seeing that animation > nunchucks

This, this right here.


also this game is fun as fuck, most fun I've had in a DMC game.

I would like for Nero to have another weapon or two though.

Maybe shit he arbitrarily puts engines on because it's Nero

legit.....Dante can counter flying Vergil with an instant deflect, anticlimatic compared to how Nero counters that move with a goddamn body slam.

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You forget that we saw what happens when you try and combine Nero and Dante into the same character: you get Donte, where half your weapons and all your guns are worthless and everything that's cool about both characters gets tossed aside.

He actually doesn't need another weapon, his mere powers give him lots of potential, he should have a style that's specifically swordless, just his wing arms and hand to hand. That'd be sick.

How do you do the "get the fuck back together" buster? When I buster him during doppelganger, Nero gets cockblocked by the clone who he proceeds to destroy letting you buster Vergil normally

Hold the button

You need to be in DT.

Why would being a broken character be a problem when the series' main appeal is playing as Dante, an extremely broken character?

To be fair, I feel like I'm playing an angel. Characters have nothing (by far) in common with demons style. And tatoos won't help.

It's a majors downside if the characters ? Wasn't the devs secretly wanting to make an angel vs demons game?

>mfw really like the design of the inside of the tree so never minded how it looked
only areas in the game I didn't like are the last 3 levels at the top of the tree

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>The level design is shit.
Opinion - but, OK kid.

>Nero's mechanical devil breakers being destroyed is a shitty unfun mechanic. Dante is infinitely more fun to play as during the game, and he regularly unlocks new abilities which keeps the game fresh for the first play through.

>Nero would have been 100x more fun to play if you could switch between his devil bringers at will like you can switch styles with Dante.
Says you, but, opinions - OK.

>The story is trash-tier.
It's always been trash. It's about cool people doing badass things. You want story - go play a CRPG.

>Otherwise, fun game. Lots of cool mechanics (for Dante at least).
"IT'S FUCKING SHIT, I FUCKING HATE IT, WOULD HAVE BEEN 100% BETTER IF _____ WOULD JUST ____" ...but you thought it was fun! Not sure why you made this thread, bucko.

>Also, playing as V is shit. It was a cool concept, but it is not fun in practice to have such clunky controls over which enemy you are attacking.

I hate new Yea Forums.

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6/10 coming from an old time fan.

This post is even shittier than the OP.

>It's always been trash.
Bullshit. DMC3 story was good.

I'm shocked people still complain about the breakers. Just don't get hit, dumbass. You even get a chance to refill before the boss with nico. People complain that DMC is a spammy game and then when the game introduces a good mechanic that punishes you for spamming they complain. Fucking get good you scrubs.

FUCK no I am so glad they dropped the stupid environmental hazards from DMC3. Sure they could have varied it up a bit with the levels but DMC3 does more shit wrong than right in that regard.

>Having objectively shit taste
Kill yourself fag

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How would you rate DMCV?

I don't agree. There are parts of DMC3 I didn't love, no question, but it was something I found conspicuously absent in DMC5 that I started to miss by the halfway mark. I don't even necessarily mean just super gimmicky stuff like needing to hit the switches to make enemies vulnerable or the riddle sections or anything like that; I just mean basic room structure variation. DMC5 keeps it simple to a fault sometimes, especially the further in you go.

there are alot of faggots in thread, do the world a favor and kill yourselves

I need a 4k ver of that

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I think dmc5 wouldve been objectively superior to 3 had it had one final zone. Maybe going down to hell proper or something like that. That would've made up for the simplicity that the levels have. One more biome is what it needed. As it stands the levels are basically corridors that lead to the next arena and it's laughable. I like how in mission 10 the camera pans over to the stupid falling platforms to show you what's going on as if it's hard to figure out, and then the game forgets the concept exists after that mission.
I do enjoy some of the more unique gimmicks though, like the platform that collapses under too much weight.
But yeah I agree that dmc5 basically feels like a bloody palace with overly long stretches of non combat.

>nobody on the picture has a beard
What did he mean by this?

He didn't mean confusing in level design, but appearance. They're literally all the same demon flesh tunnels for eternity. It's super bizarre game design.

>It's super bizarre game design.
Not really. It's not something they intentionally were going for. It's the result of a troubled development where they had to rush out the game in a short time period. Just compare the early levels with Nero to the end levels. There's a huge downgrade in everything. This indicates a troubled development.

I reckon it's budgeting limitation. Same reason why they added the microtransactions. I assume that they just had a very limited budget to work with and did the best they could with what they had, so they put a ton of effort into animations, models and cutscenes, but had to cut the level and world design. In the end it paid off because the gameplay is fucking phenomenal and I can't wait for bloody palace.

The point of Nero's Devil Breakers is that they're supposed to encourage improvisation.

Nero is more of a reckless fighter than Dante and that's supposed to be reflected in his playstyle. In the heat of battle he just kind of uses whatever is at hand and feels right at the time.

Being forced to play as V really kills replays. I think MGR was so fun to replay because the game kept a certain pacing throughout.

Breakable Devil Breakers is fine. The system needs a balance. What I think sucks though is that Nero doesn't even fully unlock until you beat the game. Until then, both Nero and V are a bore compared to Dante. And then Nero also becomes good in NG+.

>Nero doesn't even fully unlock until you beat the game
DMC has always been like that though; you won't be able to buy every upgrade until your second or third playthrough unless you're grinding orbs.

I also want Nero to have another weapon but like the other guy said, he doesn't really need it.

>It gets a bit better in the second half,
Are you a retard? lol That's when the level design turns to shit. Nothing but "confusing" generic corridors inside the tree or rubble.

The level design and locations literally peaked with mission 2 and then nosedived.

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why put this in quotes?

That's not level design, that's enviromental design

You're just a shitter

That would be too op and Nero has more than enough tools with his Devil Bringer

It's not as good as 3 but it's still quite good, just not very straightforward

I agree, V could be made a little better

Weirdly, I started appreciating the level design more on repeated playthroughs. Mission 2 goes through a mini Times Square at night, through a hotel, streets with construction work in early morning and culminates with a boss on top of and around a cathedral. MIssion 8 starts at the bottom of the tree with parts of the city consumed by organic shit, and as you ascend the random flesh shit changes shape and colour, becoming increasingly bonier and darker. Mission 9 doesn't really look like anything else in the game, except maybe mission 12. Also, I noticed mission 9 had some bizarre teeny tiny buildings in it sunken into the ground, that have windows and chimneys so they can't be mausoleums, which I found pretty funny and strange.

My biggest problem is that even if I started seeing the differences in missions and the amount of detail put into them, it all still comes across as just random flesh garbage a lot of the time. It's like they repeated Temen-ni-gru without anything what made that tower actually stand out. Colour palette is just a little bit too samey. I still vastly prefer 5's level design over 4 though.

>Level design
It's pretty shitty in mission 2 as well.
>Level aesthetics
I'll give you that.

You can actually tell how mission by mission, the graphics become worse. Until they reach a level of near PS2 quality when you get to Dante.

Attached: dmc55.jpg (1273x706, 93K)

Tell me how walking in a straight line to a room where you fight baddies is good level design. It's not. Both DMC3 and 4 provided way more dynamic level design.

so you watched an LP and decided to chat shit?

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>Nero would have been 100x more fun to play if you could switch between his devil bringers at will like you can switch styles with Dante. I don't know why the fuck they didn't allow you to do this.
yeah because switching between 8 arms on top of having a full controller bound to actions is a great fucking idea

Level design is not artstyle, dipshit.
Level design is pretty well done, since combat arenas are pretty open and barely anything gets into camera's way.

Agree with this, as much as I love the game I hate the basic level design. Only a few Dante missions feel like 3/4. Most disappointing part about the game desu.

I really hope they put out an expansion tier-DLC with better level design, because that's the only thing holding it back from being better than 3.

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>Level design is pretty well done
>walk in a straight line to an arena
>well done
stop being a retard

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>The gyro blades
>The entire fucking forest
>The dice game boss rush
Nah. The game is about kill boxes, I don't want to jump through hoops to get to them. DMC4's undisguised bactracking and level gimmicks are the number one reason I'm always put off replaying it, I just always stick to BP. Some missions in 5 like M12 and M15 still branch out.

That's literally only two, and 12 is the best mission in the game because of it.

For the first time in the series they embraced it as a pure action game. What else do you want from the pure action game? Like half of DMC3 can be considered as "it's that level" because of DMC1's RE legacy. While it worked with DMC1, it didn't work out very well afterwards.

Nope, you can also pick the order of bosses and which summon you fight them with in M14. There's a series of optional paths in M18 that let you give yourself an easier a time in the final kill box. M16 has two major pathways almost if not exactly to the same degree as M15 if you decide to go the blue orb fragment/secret mission route. There are also several optional rooftops in M03, and some shortcuts like in M08 you can skip the first platform if you Gerbera to the blue orb fragment spot, or the timed doors gimmick on Dante, if you want to count those smaller things.

Can you reflect Urizens fireballs with your sword?

The location visuals do get tiring but nah this game has the best level design in the series because it simply focuses on combat with almost no shallow padding that made the previous games slogs. Also most enemies are well designed and fun to fight which is a rarity for the series.

Except those red fucking wolves that are impossible to combo.

not him, but I liked having a bit of exploration. that said I'm fine with them doing away with the puzzles. they become an annoyance in anything past the first playthrough. it serves better in games like RE.
yup just like the charged shots the knights would use against you in 4.

What garbage is this? Even "pure" action games like Ninja Gaiden and MGR have better level design than this. It's so uninspiring just having the character walk in a straight line from arena to arena. The early game suggests this wasn't the intention but became so due to time and budget restrictions.

Oh yes, the game with constantly shitty camera and shitty ""stealth"" sections only ruining the pacing.

Still better level design than "straight path into arena" rinse and repeat for 12 missions.

>MGR have better level design

Whats your proposal? Time wasting backtracking like dmc1 and ngb? Shitty platforming and puzzles like ngb and bayonetta? These games are played for the combat. About time dmc5 sees the light of ninja gaiden 2 and plays to its strengths of good combat gameplay. Go play mario or zelda if you want non combat focused games

I think both DMC3 and 4 had better level design than 5.

Especially the rotating tower and dice rolls

It's not a straight line though, and there are branches and optional paths.

>better level design
Oh, never mind, you're a lost cause.

Remember how nobody complained about Bayonetta's level design when it was same exact shit as in here?
Hmmmmm.....why is that? Really makes me think.....

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>It's not a straight line though
It is pretty much a straight corridor with some predictable appendixes here and there like FF13.

Mission 2 is how DMC5 was supposed to be throughout. But then something happened and the second half is just copypaste corridors.

I find it amusing that DMC5 drifted entirely away from the 'puzzle' aspect due to it not taking place in a setting where arbitrary puzzles make sense. The only real one being the blood fountain thing in mission 12.

They are not all that differnt. A lot of dmc3 is being enclosed in tiny boxes with a terrible camera. Dmc4 is more interesting yes, but thats because of better art and environments. The levels are just as simple to go through but they look a lot nicer than 5s ugly art. If its really puzzles and other garbo you miss though, i dont get it

Buster punches have to happen before you'd be allowed to input anything else (like a jump or roll). For normal sword swings, this means you have to do it a lot earlier than what the exceed timing would be. Then again, as long as you don't punch too late, you get a fist, so while it has to be fast it's not as exact. During special moves, exceed/caliber/shuffle etc, you are allowed to punch multiple times, and punching closer to the end of the move usually locks them in place IE making it really easy to follow up caliber without jump canceling out of the move's damage frames

bayonetta have actually lvl design

>Mission 2 is how DMC5 was supposed to be throughout.
Linear and the same as the rest of the game?

>It is pretty much a straight corridor
Until you provide video footage of you completing a mission by holding down the forward direction of the analogue stick in between kill boxes, you are factually incorrect. Not that it matters since you're just stuck in your own head's perception of the game and nothing said will change your mind.

Why does this game makes Yea Forums seethe so much? Salty KHfags? Or is it Nin drones?

You're delusional. Mission 2 is like from a different game. It's no wonder why in trailers, they mostly just showed off that.

>Mission 2 is how DMC5 was supposed to be throughout
You mean completely linear with the same exact arenas strung together by corridors?

>defending copypaste PS2 corridors repeated for 15 missions
Why are DMC5 shills next level cocksuckers?

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I feel like most people who complained here didn't actually find the branching paths. There's a lot of missable paths if you can't Calibur correctly in the air or didn't smash a wall with Nightmare

>why no backtracking waaa

The people who complain just want the (you)s and others to jerk off to their opinions, any time the level design is actually discussed in greater detail they just don't respond to those posts.

>copypaste corridor is not just dishonest backtracking

You could have just said Artificial backtracking

I like dishonest more because the game is trying to give the impression of progress while still repeating the same textures over and over again. Atleast in DMC3, you could see how the architecture was changing when you backtracked.

But seriously the Qlipoth missions has a lot of branching paths. I feel like I missed something when I miss a jump on the ledge cause I did a Payline than a Calibur

Linear my ass. I only found 4 secret missions in my playthrough, where the fuck are they hiding? Am I blind?

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What's the point in taunting on teh ground? In the other games it would lock your style until the taunt was finished, but here it keeps sinking until you're like three full seconds into the animation, making it so it's hardly worth it even if you succeed. Air taunts take like a split second and gives you roughly the same amount of style.

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>tfw I live both in Red Grave City AND Anor Londo

feels good man

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What's it like to be this level of casual????

You're probably a trashcan who played it on human, thought he was good and then said to himself "I DUNNO WHAT ALL THE HYPE IS ABOUT IM FUCKING GOD WITH ALL THESE B RANKS"

Please, do the world a favor and drink some Draino™

oh please oh please, purveyor of all that is good in gaming, tell us 5 games that were released in 2018 that were better.

You won't cause you know you have shit taste, casual scumfuck.