Why were we born in the real world, Yea Forums? Why weren't we born in the video games world?
Why were we born in the real world, Yea Forums? Why weren't we born in the video games world?
I love Reisen!
The world is a simulation anyway.
I'm not entirely convinced of that. Wouldn't surprise me once I die I discover this was a simulation and I get the option to replay NG+ or with cheat codes.
because life isn't fair.
If you lived in a better fantasy world you would still bitch and complain about it.
this but unironically
Whose to say we arent? Just cause youre not the MC doesnt exclude that fact.
We are. May allah forgive me for uttering this word. NPCs..
I mean it sounds pretty video gamey when you have a homeless artist suddenly turn around a failed state make it into a world power and then declare war on the world. Only to rage quit when he found out he had the difficulty set to Deity
This is Yea Forums. Here people are actually allowed to, you know, say things. Go to resetera if you hate freedom that much
>I am allowed to post nazi shit, BUT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HATE IT!
Makes me think hard
I never undertood either why do they come here at all. Must be some masochistic desire of getting triggered or something.
Why would you want be born in a video game world? Chances are you'll be born as a generic mook and get killed over and over again.
>wanting to be in a world where your life is literally controlled by a seething autist
No thanks
If this was true (which it is statistically more likely to be), it changes nothing regardless. It's not like you can leave the simulation, and without it you wouldn't be alive.
Who's to say that once we die here we don't wake up
I guess we're thinking of 2 different types of simulations. I'm thinking of a hyper advanced race simulating a universe as part of a science experiment, you're thinking of some kind of entertainment simulation where you willingly forget you entered it.
>Mein Kampf time!
How did Raimi get away with it?
given current events I'm starting to believe this. world could be a limited simulation run by far-future humans to model the decline of the western world
you fucking pukes make me fucking sick. Maybe you should have been born a spider that gets eaten inside out by wasps?
Yare yare, user-san. This is a videogame world you're just an NPC. It's probably an urban fantasy JRPG set in Japan. Actually you're less than an NPC. You're an implied-to-exist extra.
We are though, just not the video game world you'd like to live in. We're living in a cyberpunk dystopia, all you gotta do is dress for the situation.
What did he mean by this?
Well I’m gonna break the fourth wall here and say
>the decline of the western world
But the world is as good as ever? We even accept homosexuality now.
Maybe that’s a good thing for you, fagola.
s-sorry, i didn't consider your feelings... my bad!
i love that you love Reisen!
>all these coping faggots ITT that think life is a simulation
no way faggots this is your life and it sucks BIG BALLS
That's exactly what a deluded simulated retard would ask... keep thinking you're hot shit, you worm.
Thank you!
Th-thanks anyway, user.
>rates of misery, debt, reduced living standards are the worst since WWII. Weath concentration in a few hands is the greatest in history. Problems derived from insane superpopulation are around the corner and no, no magic science will solve them, specially the amount of garbage generated by each individual.
But hey, iphones and faggot flags, yay.
Talked like a true communist. America is great. Even the poorest person lives better than a medieval king.
Talked like a true 12 yo. Go to bed or your mom will take away your video games again, retard.
>Awww why does everyone want to leave my world
>Doesn't give everyone a Doll so they creampie daily
Gee no wonder
FUCK forgot pic