Deen thinking of playing galaxies again through an emulator. used an emulator before but no clue how or which one. I have my original copy of the game but my current PC doesn't have a disc drive, but I know you can just download the original files from somewhere else. I was fucking awful at SWG and I had no idea what I was doing when I played the NGE (Gorath, which was dead). I really want to get deep into crafting this time around.

What emulator/server should I look into? why?

Attached: 109595-star-wars-galaxies-an-empire-divided-collector-s-edition-windows-front-cover.jpg (800x646, 98K)

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F op.. why do you have to bring up swg? F u.. also city of heroes/villains. Swg was so good, haven't heard anything about the emulator in years..

there will never be another game like it made

/Tip 1000 for an entertainer to give you a buff so you can fight rancors or be a little better at killing rebel scum. Going out and finding unlocked houses and being wowed by people's imagination in interior design.. peacefully collecting a hot resource and maintaining your harvesters.. fucking having a tie fighter and just blowing the hell out of everything..


Has there ever been a game as comfy as swg?

I still miss this game every day.

So you want to play the NGE? i think there is only one option for that and it's called Legends.

has jump to lightspeed and i recently played through it myself to max level with a few of different classes and really enjoyed it, a nice wave of nostalgia

ultimately i did not end up staying though, there is just way too much afk farming going on.

I was young when i played swg but as my memory tells me one time we went undercover to a player made city party and pretended to be entertainers. While playing music we flagged and it triggered an entire battle in the city.

Welp, guess its time to dump my SWG screenshot folder...

Here's my old character. A Bounty Hunter shipwright on the Eclipse server. Behind him is his ship "The Glorious Eclipse"

Attached: The Glorious Eclipse.jpg (1024x768, 44K)

Bridge, forward consoles.

Attached: vigobridge.jpg (1024x768, 70K)

should have specified, I was hoping to try pre-CU for the freedom of choice with professions. what would be a good pre-CU/NGE server?

holy shit that helmet looked so cool, was it the independent pilot helmet? Loved the black sun gunship

I remember when you first posted this, just before the server got shut down. Jesus how long ago was that?

Bridge, coms panel manned by droid
It's a Blacksun Pilot Ace helmet. A rare drop from T5+blacksun ships. No real benefits, just looks awesome.
2011, so 8 years ago. Still the best MMO I ever played.

Attached: vigobridge2.jpg (1024x768, 82K)

Bridge, environmental controls and passenger seats.

Attached: vigobridge3.jpg (1024x768, 77K)

Bridge, captain's chair. I couldn't help it, being a bit of a Trekkie too...

Attached: vigobridgechair.jpg (1024x768, 83K)

Deck 2, Conference room

Attached: vigoconference room.jpg (1024x768, 89K)

>Had a 14 day demo disk
>Had to keep remaking accounts to keep playing
>One guy helped me out in the starting city by helping me grind on my first account
Never wrote down his name. Kaglatai or some shit, this was probably in 2009

Deck 2, Lounge

Attached: vigolounge.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

SWG is one of the best games ever made but was shit on by WoW babbies so it went out of business
>will never forgive WoW for this, even though I subscribed to it for 10 years
>kill me

So fucking comfy

Deck 3, Galley

Attached: vigogalley3.jpg (1024x768, 102K)

Deck 3, Loading hatch / Armory

Attached: vigoloadinghatch.jpg (1024x768, 94K)

Deck 3, Reactor manned by droid

Attached: vigoreactor.jpg (1024x768, 82K)

Exterior. I have more screenshots. Weapons, ships and other misc stuff. I tried to catalogue as much as I could so let me know if you'd like to see something and I'll post it if I have it.

Attached: vigoside.jpg (1024x768, 42K)

play any space sims like E:D? hoping they add space legs so we can explore our ships like in SWG.

SWG was the last space sim I ever played.

Attached: Uoth4.jpg (300x580, 17K)

The game flopped because it sucked. People realized it sucked once they reached the end of The Grind and stopped renewing, so they remixed the game to try to rope people back in

>core gameplay centered around grind
>no balance between professions
>pvp sucked

It was a community-driven game. The game was whatever you made of it. You can boil almost any MMO and most other games down to a grind. There are a lot of rose tinted glasses though

nigga it was the literal opposite of themepark until they tried to emulate everquest/wow by introducing global levels, and later the """new game enhancement"""

just cause it was star wars themed doesn't automatically make it themepark. OG SWG was sandbox utopia

>What emulator/server should I look into? why?
what version of the game do you want to play?
there's pre and post cu ones.

pre CU

Is there a server that has pre CU with JTL?

this. And i know everyone shits on reddit (for good reason) but their swgemu subreddit will have links to good info on which servers off what.
To op: basilisk is the "main" swgemu which the other servers are derived from (except for the ones using the game as it was when it ended). It's the biggest but also old so everyone has a dozen alts and is fairly self sufficient which removes a huge aspect of the game.
I haven't played in awhile so i couldn't offer advice past that.

I'd pay a lot for a SWG2 but i know it wont happen ever. And why would anything good ever happen?

For some reason i was always fascinated by the profession "polearm" fighter, or some such

Was that profession any good?

Nope. You either go TKA or swords, or fencer if you have a top tier drop

>people reached the end of the grind
>implying even .005% of the population became jedis before nge/cu

i dont think so. the "official" emu (swgemu) is still working on the ground game and jedi shit.
swgemu is the main one, but there's quite a few servers based on it that have different jedi setups.

polearm was kinda neat, had some cool moves but they all attacked the action pool. the best melee profession far and away was swordsman stacked with fencer, tka, and brawler

teras kasi was legit badass and the go-to poor man's jedi. I wish jedi were never added to the game.

Shit, I can hear the ui sound effects just from looking at these images.

I miss it so much.

I never got to play this game back in the day, but from what I read the original implementation of jedi seemed pretty awesome.

/waypoint 69,7 127,4
Again f u op... Bringing back memories n shieeet

I think I only ever encountered two jedi back before CU. It really felt like they were untouchable.

The thing I remember most fondly were weekend nights joining random raids on Fort Tusken, delving deeper just to hopefully snah some of those crystals.

Dammit all.

of course they were, you had to poopsock 4 lifetimes to unlock them

pre cu jedi were neat, they had zero armor or protection so you had to he super careful whipping out your lightsaber unless you wanted to get gangbanged by other players. they really shined when dwb was added into the game because that actually need some semblance of strategy and wasn't a fucking shithole like the warren.

My weekends usually consisted of crewing up my gunship / POB and heading for a T5+ Blacksun spawn point to grind for Blacksun Fighter Helmets. Made me a fairly decent profit after only a few hours, paid my crew in ship parts I didn't need and then RE'd the good parts for my JSF or Vaksai.

Attached: vigo.jpg (684x512, 63K)

>come home on friday night
>throw all my work shit on the couch
>run to my pc
>it's time

I played it a few years ago.

It's really soulless. I met one guy on it who wasn't just some braindead AFK.

He bought me and my friend a house in his village, set us up. Showed us all these other abandoned houses by players who just never came back. CONDEMNED it says on all of them.

Me and my friend tell him "thanks" and say we're coming off for the night.

Says "See you tomorrow!"

We never logged back in.

Attached: georgelucas.png (838x707, 605K)

Is this worth playing as someone whos never playes before? Or is it mostly nostalgia

its a great sandbox game, but the playerbase is just long gone. there was a resurgence back in 2014/5 but now its pretty dead. if you play it it just makes you wish there was more players and you'll just end up quitting. the remaining playerbase are just diehard players who afk around or grind out a character for old time's sake

>plays emulator of a long dead multiplayer game that almost no one plays
>thinks it sucks
fascinating, tell me more

Damnn. Ive always wanted to get into an mmo but i seemed to have missed the opportunity of playing the greats

the "survival" genre is somewhat similar to the old sandbox mmos so there's always hope for another great game to come along

I played around with bounty hunting for a while pre-cu but I can only remember ever killing one, catching him off-guard in the middle of nowhere with a friend backing me up. I remember he got really assblasted and some of his friends gave me salt for days.
Jedi players were always cheesing, running away or sitting on a balcony in a private house or bringing their entire guild as personal protection.

There are dozens of us!!!

I'll never forget my first suit of composite for 200k credits

Could try Eve Online, its prime has passed but it's still pretty active.

jedi was pure autism in pre cu, i played years and only saw a handful and they were always assholes

>you will never again show up in anchorhead with AT-ST's in tow and /flamecone2 the cantina
why live?

There are several emulators depending on which version you want to play. The only one you want to avoid is the original SWG EMU. It's still massively unfinished garbage compared to even other Pre-CU emulators.

The disc you have should work (get an external reader, they're cheap). If not, you can """aquire""" the working files and play with those.

>wow was first mmo
>thought it was great
>see swg
>read up on it
>sounds like the best game ever made
>order physical copy of box
>get it in mail
>make account, try to log in
>stop playing after 1 week.

Yeah you missed the boat there user.

>be turbonoob
>go on test server
>load up on gear at the blue frog
the best feel