Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

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Too easy

Not the game. To name just one flaw

I’m near the end and I think the beginning gameplay wise was pretty weak, it takes too long to let you really start customizing your party since you’re stuck with Tora being the tank full stop and are heavily encouraged to keep Nia as healer and Rex as dps.

i love the game but: visuals on handheld mode suck big ass

some of the blade quests made me cringe but other than that it's pretty solid

Found one.

Attached: XC2_Nim_Artwork.png (866x1245, 1.11M)

>endless tutorials
>annoying characters
>bad VA
>bad story
>random high level enemies in low level areas that seem to aggro at random
>game eventually becomes a mindnumbing cakewalk
There are a lot of flaws in this shitty game.

The constant Xenoblade 2 threads made me buy the game. The Special Edition.

Every single time I do a bunch of people get really mad at me.