Are the Project Diva games any good? Which one is the best one to get, and why?

Are the Project Diva games any good? Which one is the best one to get, and why?

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I can't believe that there are men over the age of 16 who unironically enjoy Vocaloid.

post her feet

All of them, you're not a pleb are you OP? Future/Colorful Tone are very good though so I would start with that.

the essentials
>classic style gameplay, decent tracklist, edit mode for fanmade tracks
Future Tone:
>arcade style gameplay, enormous tracklist (200+), highest skill ceiling
>no edit mode

and if you like the chibi models and have a 3DS, Mirai DX
>cute as heck, good tracklist
>very easy compared to Diva

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Future Tone is the only game with a track listing longer than 39 songs, so it’s your best choice. But it’s barebones so it’s just a rhythm game, no waifu petting simulator

Says the failed normalfag, just fuck off back to retardEra/leddit if you want to pretend you aren't a loser.


future tone is the best if you only own a ps4, diva x has less songs but they are good. Just get both

Thanks, user.

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I’ll try to get Future Tone first, and the other ones later.

Future Tone has over 200 songs. All it has going for it is playing the rhythm game, no interacting with the loids. If you want that, go for F2nd or Project MIrai.
Also make sure to buy IA's game!

Pretty much this.
But get the JP version of F2nd if you want to do edits.

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Yeah, imagine that. Real men argue about children’s games on their Taiwanese forums

Most good edits have been ported over to western versions anyway, but yes japanese is better

I’ve hear there were spin offs made by different companies trying to capitalize on the trend, but are they any good?

>wan play miku 3ds
>don wan chibi shit

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I saw both F and F2nd are on sale for almost the same price but the latter has a shitton of DLC songs. What are the differences between them? Should I get F?

Lucky boy.

Is something wrong with the western version on that front?

Too bad. I’ve heard Mirai is actually pretty good.

Also, best song in the games? Any new songs you’d personally like in any future games?

Just better edits in the JP version but from what said they are ported to the western version.

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Wokada Miku a best.

It's too easy and playing rhythm games on a 3DS is suffering anyways. I ended up selling mine.

Theatrhythm was playable enough, tho.

I liked the one with Super Sentai Kaito one.

Thanks. For the feet.

F and F2nd are pretty much identical aside from tracklist. But most community-made charts are on F2nd since it's the most recent version that has edit mode

All of them. They're all the same game so they're all great.

Does 2nd have all the tracks from F and more or do they simply have different lists?

They are different lists with no overlap but F2nd takes some from the PSP games


I wish they could add Gackt.

I see, thanks. That's a bit disappointing, I was hoping 2nd would just cover it all.

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Very original. Haven’t seen that wojak edit before.

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Any changes in the petting Vocaloids department? Can you customize their room more? Are there more things to do?

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I don't know, I don't like that stuff. I should note that future tone has none of that, it's pure rhythm game (at least you can dress them up though)

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blessed and based

My wives

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Nice hair.

Just let the thread die if you're going to spam low resolution garbage off of google images.

You’re welcome.

Luka told me she saw Miku making out with Teto