Animal Crossing

Anyone have a link to those videos about Animal Crossing Gamecubes features that never returned?

Also AC thread.- Thread Theme:

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Has Ghost hunting ever returned?

Ghosts aren't Christian.

Here's one. Are there more?

I haven't seen it in any of the other games, so I don't know. I hope they bring it back. It was kind of cool.

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The one he's talking about is literally titled the words he put in the OP, and the first result on google.

I just found this one!

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It was a fun thing to do in the dead of night.and it always go you an item you never had before.

It was such a relaxing game. It's great for when your tired and staying up.

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FUCK the rolling log world.

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This. I want the camera like it was in GCN (minus having to shift from acre to acre, of course).

I really think that Gamecube has the best OST. It just adds a little more quirkiness to the game.

Thanks user!

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So much soul

I just wanted to make an AC thread, okay? Is that so much to ask!?

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The games without the horns are soulless as fuck.

>tfw my friend and I thought the animal crossing guy was an Ox because of the horns

the rolling log world made sense for Wild World with the sky on the top screen, but I never quite understood why they kept it.

The island in the river is underrated. I want these features to come back. Why hasn't AC evolved yet? I has to be the next game in the series that steps it up.

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I enjoy it, outside of only being able to sell one item at a time. It just has this unique feel to it and the villagers are way cooler than any other game.

Yeah GameCube is the best one

I’m pretty sure you could sell multiple items on the GCN by pressing X or Y on several different items and creating the green circle around them.

Probably thought it looked nice too see the world in that view. I don't mind the change.

It's been a while since I last played. Honestly I've been wanting to start another town, but It seems like the next game might be out soon.

There's this

Damn. Animal Crossing had more soul than I thought. Now I realize that I never paid attention to many of those little details (I didn't even know you could get into the lighthouse).

there is literally nothing wrong with RL

meanwhile acres dont let you see under trees

>a little halfway through with March and still no AC Switch news

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If nothing else, I'm just sick of it at this point. It looked cool and stylish when it was new, but I'd rather just have additional camera options now. Rolling log could be an option in the settings (or even set on by default), but I want anything else

I hope it ends up looking as sexy as the AC MK8 course