Same exact enemies?

Doom 2016 was 9/10 for me. Loved every bit of it.
But wtf is with Doom Eternal? The enemies are nearly all EXACTLY the same as 2016?
Aside from some gay weapon mods and jumping around the map, why should I buy this new game?

Attached: DoomEt.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Oh and most of the kill animations are the exact same too.
Pretty disappointed so far desu

Here is the reply you wanted.

Attached: Zoomer gets btfo.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

They confirmed "twice as many demons", which probably refers to the enemy types
The possessed soldiers have jet boosters to jump and the Revenants were seen shooting two rockets rather than a stream of like 30 mini rockets
The Arachnotron, P.E. and some harpy creature were introduced if that matters but that fire Baron does look like he plays a bit similar to the 2016 one

>adding the rest of doom 2's enemies and then some
>nearly all exactly the same

Attached: 1529019897703.jpg (500x374, 28K)

Why does that zoomer do that anyways?

>Doom 2016 was 9/10 for me. Loved every bit of it.
Imagine having taste that shitty.
That trash was 6/10 AT BEST.

>Doom 2016 was 9/10
no it's fucking garbage and eternal is just more of that
id is dead

Seething oldfags

My main concern for this game is how they will handle difficulty.
D44m on ultra nightmare added a couple extra demons but turned you into glass Joe pretty much
Instead of keeping your damage the same and tripling the amount of demons on screen.
Once again console fags are holding the pc back

Because the man said bad things about muslims and immigration

console fags bring in the money to make these games

>nightmare added a couple extra demons
no it didn't, the monster count is always the same and just adding more enemies or making the player move faster doesn't solve anything the game design just isn't flexible, it's fucked at a fundamental level

Not even the zoomer knows

While Fraser Anning is a bit of a wanker, the kid shouldn't have done that.

I'm not saying don't release on console but just cos the consoles are still using jaguar cpu's doesn't mean they can't add more demons to the pc version.
Each version should be as good as it can be

Knowing that there are fags seething this much when I enjoy games makes them all the more better

Attached: 1434218360113.jpg (960x914, 52K)

But no guys hitscan is bad.

yeah, but we've seen how that plays out by making a game more superior for a certain crowd when money is involved, case in point:agony. not a good game by any stretch, but companies can be pricks about these sort of things

I don't care that you plebs eat up this shit

because Fraser Anning is a retarded old faggot

The kid just wanted to get on the news, I doubt he had a political agenda.

Did you like Doom 2016?

Would you like to play some more of it?

If you do, then buy it. It's that simple.

They haven't shown all the enemies yet, and we've only received a taste of the game so far.

Anyone else hate all the suits if doomguy and doomslayer? They all look like crap. I just want something simple but cool. The old outfit looks gay as fuck and the new ones have too much shit going on.

Nah, his teacher probably drove him there.

Do we really need to wait till E3 to see more of this? Why has id been so silent about it?

Probably because they want to polish it up and put in as much work as possible before E3. I am also going to assume that they are aiming for a release some time this year.

>The enemies are nearly all EXACTLY the same as 2016?

Attached: 220px-Doom_II_-_Hell_on_Earth_Coverart.png (220x221, 115K)

It may not be as good as Doom, but it was the best I could have hoped for for a modern reboot. I was expecting alot worse

>because Fraser Anning is a retarded old faggot
seems pretty based. He slapped that little bitch nicely

the thing with doom is you fight the same enemies but the way the level or arena is designed decides the fun factor in the fight. I know it sounds dumb when laid out like that, but it feels great to play and 90% of games rely on a simplistic gameplay loop

Anning was victim blaming like a sad cunt. Muzzies get shot up and he blames them for their own deaths because they immigrated there. They'd been there since the 60s and he fucking knows it.

What’s wrong with adding a couple new enemies though? And don’t give me a crappy excuse like “they’ve already thought of every enemy type, if they add more it’ll break the game”.