The absolute STATE, country and city of indies on Steam

>#1. TAYAL have been sold 300 copies nearly. Thanks so much for you guys support.
>#2. Another big thing to me. After released TAYAL, I join the game develop department of CAPCOM about 2 month ago. I am currently working hard at CAPCOM to develop new projects. I will share news to you guys soon.

So not only has a dev only sold THREE HUNDRED FUCKING COPIES... he had to stop making his game to get a job working.

And Yea Forums thinks Valve deserves 30%?

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Other urls found in this thread: absolute STATE, country and city of indies on Steam/ absolute STATE, country and city of indies on Steam/

user I know you're just trying to get a good shitposting thread rolling by posting this for the thousandth time, but please, consider new material.

My game sold about 10k copies. While I think the cut steam gets might be too high, this is more complex than just unga bunga steam is bad and greedy. I'd much rather they stemmed the flow of actual shovelware and properly curate the games than take a smaller cut.

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How much was it per copy and how much did you make? Genuinely interested.

>Make a little indie game
>Then gets a job at a massive game company where he could possibly get big funding for his ideas.
Sound pretty good to me

The absolute STATE of shills and trolls.

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what game user? better not be RPGmaker trash

>Work hard
>Automatically expect to be entitled to success.

Millenials and Zoomers - ladies and gentlemen. World doesn't owe you a living, and success - financial or otherwise - is never guaranteed.

If this manchild had sold 3,000 copies by pure luck, there would be people calling him out for making a lame mega man clone that 'DIDN'T DESERVE TO SELL THIS MUCH'...

'The world's not fair!"...

Is the 30% cut negotiable?

He sold 300 copies and got a job at Capcom in the midst of their new renaissance
That sounds like a huge fucking win to me

I don't think working at a soulless corporation is anyone's dream jo-

*gets zapped*

Oh yes, I sent my application to Capcom and I'll be working for them right away!

*thumbs up*
*winks at the camera*

Being another cog in the machine is what I've always wanted to do! Forget having my own successful game!

>Megaman "homage"/copycat
Why would I buy or play this if I can just play Megaman instead?

In the top half.

Under 10 bucks and not much respectively(it's not a solo project), but enough to keep afloat.

Working at a big name publisher/video game maker like that is a massive step into getting lots of funding to make your own game.

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Answer us, dev user! We wanna know more!

its risk of rain aint it

yeah this. This game was made by one person and he got provided a team to finish it by Sony

Turned a tech demo into an actual game.

Pixel literally worked in a normal job while developing Cave Story in his spare time.

ZUN also used to work for Taito before Touhou became so big he could live off it.

ahahah holy shit only 300 copies? did the studio get shut down?
oh wait its one guy making a primitive ass game in his basement during his free time

It has to have sold more than 300 copies too at this point. This faggot has been spamming these threads daily.

Cmon, Risk of Rain sold more than 10k

There's no point to shilling myself, I just feel like working/publishing a game gets you a more informed view on the whole thing and wanted to say I how feel about it.

No, but homph's a cool guy.


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Ah yes me too user, my steam game sold 800k copies and I have noticed similar trends.

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wew fucking lad, what game?

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So does making simple but decent games offer you a livable income to do it full-time?

Holy shit I've seen you faggot post this thread at least 6 times this month. Just go do something with your life you talentless hack.
Your game is fucking shit that's why it didn't sell any copies.
Maybe try making something people actually want to play instead of complaining daily on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

I think this is the one since it's the most recent, it's not on ea, but apparently there's more than one person working on it and they released another title.
One guy worked on this one, but it has been on EA since 2014:
This one is also on EA since 2014:

Cmon man.

Dunno, maybe. I wouldn't recommend to go into vidyadev for money.

Just to shit on you, I'm neither of those.

Valve also deserves 30% of his paycheck, since putting his game on steam helped him get the job.

Also stop shilling this piece of crap

say hi to H.A.N.K.

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Im gonna guess Monolith or Uncanny Valley

make a more interesting game next time fag

also have a game on steam, which is also on the homph list not saying which one
this guy is right
valve offers quite a bit that epic does, like networking support for example

steam's problem right now is the flood of shit has caused them to gimp almost every avenue that smaller devs had to promote their games, because they were afraid that shovelware shitters would abuse and exploit them

valve NEEDS to do something to curb the massive amount of shit being piled on steam

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monolith sold more than 10k, but it was finished and steamspy numbers can't be trusted. So you might be right

uncanny sold way more

Valve is extremely libertarian and believes in automatic everything and non-intervention

is no one gonna mention that the games looks like a very cheap mega man clone with furries.

no wonder it sold like shit, there's a ton of indie games selling more because they look better

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t. Tayal dev

The guy made a megaman clone/fan game and some people even paid for his work. I say he got a good deal out of it.

Except hentai games or Rape Day, right?

Steam already curates, they just don't call it curation because they're cowards

>Makes shitty indie game
He should be lucky anyone bought it at all lmao

Rape Day didn't get curated. If nobody made a fuss Valve wouldn't give two shits about it.

How much are they asking to put a game on the store?

No offense anons but chances are VERY GOOD your games are what a lot of people would consider shovelware shit too.

That's a valid thing to say and I don't wanna pretend otherwise, but I'm terrified of a world in which hollow knight would only sell 5k copies. Word of mouth really is not as powerful as you think.

I don't think that would ever happen, user. Just by looks alone you can tell Hollow Knight is above most indie games.

It's really not that hard to tell good games from the bad.

It's an extreme example, but there are plenty of great games that nobody played on steam. I would give an example, but I haven't heard of one and I'm sure you haven't either. You can see the problem.

don't get me wrong, my game is shit, but I mean WAY worse than shit, there is no barrier to entry anymore
I don't know, I got on through greenlight not steam direct
its just 100 dollars I believe, greenlight was 100 dollars too and at least there was a semblance of quality control even if the system didn't work either

I don't get it. Make a little game and work for CAPCOM right after. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Probably a few here:

Well i'm bored, so im gonna look more into the devs who made these anyway.

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The only game in that list that I would remotely call a Hidden Gem is Heartbeat and I can easily understand that its misfortune is probably because it looks like a ripoff.

All these other games are well known but ridiculously niche (Umihara Kawase), overrated shit that is genuinely not that good (Battle Chef Brigade) or shitty casual shit that would struggle to compete in the mobile market.

I just don't understand the mindset of these autists. Do they write a shitpost in wordpad and save it so thry can just repost it forever? Not even bothering to change a single word or image? How absolutely lowest of low effort can you get? This shit is why /r9k/ was originally created. Almost like they need to put the system on Yea Forums.

I think the election got to people's heads and now they think Yea Forums has any impact on real life.

That NZ memespouting faggot certainly didn't help /pol/ if we're gonna use a recent event, whose sure to get a new shipload of edgy underage mememasters any time now

He was from infinity, but unfortunately on their eyes we are all the same. You're right on the rest though.

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Fuck off Epic chink shill, tencent garbage shithead.

is it aerannis

>on wishlist

5 bucks says it's a bot.


You underestimate the severity of autistic people on Yea Forums

I put this on my wishlist but since you seem to be determined to post the exact. same. thread. repeatedly, I feel betrayed instead.
If I'm going to play this, I'm going to pirate it.

Post yfw you didn't fall for Epic's piece of shit CCP spyware

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Jealous nodev OP detected

So go pitch your game to EGS and get paid for projected sales and pulling it off Steam.
What exactly is the problem?

I doubt the dev of these is posting these themself, it's just another retarded avenue of attack on Steam from EGS shills.

>mediocre Mega Man clone sells like shit
Is that supposed to be Valve's fault? Make a good game for once in your worthless life and people might actually buy it.

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>Make a basically unmarketable indie game
>Sell a few hundred copies
>Land a job at capcom
Really doesn't seem too bad.

shitpost or not, it's still exposure.
And yeah, since EPIC store is literally buying devs with minimal sales guarantee I wouldn't be surprised that they hired social marketers. In fact I would be surprised if they didn't, it's pretty cheap and they need every ounce of marketing they can get for the initial push on the market.

>>Make a basically unmarketable indie game

Steam used to market indie games like Braid

Braid had a gimmick that made it marketable. The game in the OP is literally just a bad looking mega man clone.