Why don't more controllers have levers on the back?

Why don't more controllers have levers on the back?
The N64 had one too, if I remember correctly. And it was good.

Attached: xboxelite.jpg (600x413, 31K)

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what do those buttons do?

Pic related are freely assignable as far as I know.

Adds complexity to the controller and therefore cost. Keep in mind they have to be bundled with all in one out of the box machines that are designed to run all relevant games for years to come.

If you're not satisifed with the base controller we live in times where you so much choice it's overwhelming.

Probably because controllers and contol schemes are getting so homogenised that we don't really need the extra buttons.

Don't those have a failure rate of like 1 in 3 or something?

By default they're assigned to the face buttons but they can do whatever you want them to do.
Plus you have two layouts you can switch between at any time.
Bought an open box one from Best Buy and works great.

The Steam controller has them and that only costs $50, so they can't be that expensive.

lever? it was a trigger. an actual god damn trigger not a faggot fucking playstation camera shutter button
>64 controller weird
you're too stunted to notice the middle part was shaped like a gun handle and had a trigger. fucking nothing else like it

your pointer and middle fingers already rest on r1 and r2, and that leaves only your ring and pinky to actually provide pressure to hold the controller, so how many levers do you want to add?

N64's was basically just L2 in a different location

No reason to have those. n64 and wiimote had trigger on the back but it was because it was designed to be like that. I don't know.

Because most average people are nearly, literally, retarded. They need the buttons to be right there in front of their face.
GOd, some poeple are so damn stupid.

I would also have wet dreams about a game (other than MK triology or other 2d fighting) where you needed to use the left grip. As if it was a SNES controller

I have a feeling it's because it's too confusing to average consumers. They need to see the face of the button to know what to press. I've seen people struggle enough trying to figure out how shoulder buttons and triggers work because they have to look at the top of the controller to see with button they are.

paddles are fucking amazing and anyone you tries to tell you otherwise has never used them.

Better yet, why have face buttons in the first place when you can just do this and put buttons on the back? You have 4-6 fingers you don't use on the back depending on how you play. Face buttons should be in convenient places for your fingers, not on the front, having to move your thumb off the stick to press a face button.

This is really something I want to try out. I don't like to claw or have two fingers on Triggers/LB RB so this would come in handy for some games.

Because they're ancillary, which is the obvious answer. Everything you can do with this can be accomplished with the shoulder buttons 99% of the time, so they don't waste time designing anything else.


Attached: 81EViq8VZNL._AC_.jpg (2030x1753, 212K)

I have one. It's better just to get one with two in-built buttons, because with more than 2 levers on the back, your fingers tend to overlap and hit the wrong ones. Worth it if you've got a spare $70 lying around, got mine for that off of newegg.

An Elite Controller? Damn, these are like 150 on amazon.

>get one with two in-built buttons
Do you have an example?


This one served me well before something weird happened with the right stick. Every time I tilt down on the right stick now it registers as a left trigger pull as well and I have no idea how to fix it now. Worth it if you got some spare cash imo. Much more than an Elite at normal retail price.

Attached: 171583b1.jpg (190x190, 8K)

don't touch this shit They have atrocious build quality, there's a reason they're cheap

>your pointer and middle fingers already rest on r1 and r2
Maybe yours do. Mine rest behind the controller, and the buttons would be more ergonomic there.

are there any cheap controllers for PC wih playstaion stick layout and built in extra buttons lilke the OP?

I was and I'll admit it did break after a considerably low use of time. Like 3 or 4 months iirc. I thought I just got unlucky. Sorry, user.

All good, I'm capable making decisions just fine. I was just curious of 3rd party options and what they offer in term of back buttons like that.

I still have one next to me, it was cheap af but the face buttons go mushy and imprecise real fast, the vaccuum moulds for the trigger mechanisms are poorly done so they rub and catch. Still happens after I sanded the fuckers down. Bumpers have a similar problem to face buttons.
It's a real fucking mess and I'm only a light controller user these days. If I was to tryhard something like DMC with it, it would just shatter.

The back buttons on it aren't in great positions, they're only really suitable for replacing L3/R3.

any controller with extra buttons is marketed to the e-sports crowd and costs at least double that of a regular controller

Garbage deadzones as well. Like most third party controllers on all platforms.

Though some people don't notice or don't have the ability to notice that thing so cheaper is better for them anyways.

Absolutely incorrect.

Attached: steam-controller-00.jpg (620x500, 41K)

Next gen really needs to both have these and have them be new weaapons. Part of the problem with console only games or ones built for console is controls and I feel like more and more games definitely need more buttons. Look at RDR2 for example, that game can be a huge mess to play when so many buttons are contextual, sometimes making you do the wrong thing (like everyone complaining about accidentally hitting NPCs).

I think the PS4s touchpad was a step in the right direction but not many developers utilize it properly other than just being ONE extra button when it can be like up to 9 or something

it's a shame this has super hard bumpers

Can anyone recommends a repair kit for xbox one bumpers? Mine broke so fucking fast fucking hell.
Looking at pictures online it's fucking ridiculous how small that piece of plastic that actually pressed the button. That's like a 50 dorra controller. Why save on such a stupid place.