What constitutes a "real" gamer? Is it merely playing video games or is it having it as an dedicated hobby?

What constitutes a "real" gamer? Is it merely playing video games or is it having it as an dedicated hobby?

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If they play games instead of shitposting on imageboards and twitter.

Lol it's funny that someone who's not a billionaire would have their career ruined for saying that.

switchfags btfo for eternity

Absolutely based.

>the guy who stole the idea for his game and let the community build it for him is based because he appeals to my shitposting instincts

It means jackshit, it's nothing but geek culture retards becoming unironic and unaware of how idiotic they sound when they label themselves like it's some sort of medal of honor.

>i absolutely refuse to allow words to stand on their own merit, i absolutely HAVE to attack the speaker instead.

when did Yea Forums become leftist?

>labelling yourself as a gamer

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>Man that created the ultimate autismo kiddy game
>Trying to act like he's above Nintendo

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Played games before it was socially acceptable. Actually enjoy playing them. Don't feel the need to advertise their "gamer" selves on social media. Like games based on the gameplay, not based on image.

A "real gamer" is an insufferable faggot that constructs his entire identity around playing video games, because he has no real personality and is desperate to have something to let him feel superior to someone else

>being a normalfag bootlicker
how does that cum taste wannabe?

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If they have to announce themselves as a gamer rather than "yeah I like video games" I instantly say ok nice to meet you and walk away. People who need a label to feel secure and almost like they have a personality are only toe dippers who pretend to like a thing to get the special mystique that comes with liking or knowing about said thing.

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>shitting on Broken Sword
FUCK the goat puzzle, though.

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seething nintenfags


ironic coming from a phoneposting weebfaggot

That makes no sense considering it's normies who call themselves gaymurs and buy shit like gaymur chairs.

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>being an iToddler who calls himself Gamerâ„¢
>calling anyone else normalfag

I don't consider myself a gamer. I just play games. I'm still a huge flaming faggot, however.

>rent free
Wellfare covers rent?

>drive car
>sure I'm a car driver
>walk in sidewalk
>sure I'm a pedestrian
>collect figures
>sure I'm a collector
>play video games


>the iGaymerâ„¢ is mad

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You're retarded.

>play video games
>be a video game player
>play games for the majority of your free time as a dedicated hobby
>be a gamer

If you care about being a "real gamer" you're 200% a fat manchild faggot. Play games for fun, not to get into some autistic clique like a highschooler



>caring about Notch
All of his tweets seem desperate for attention.

Imagine insulting others for being normalfags while using a youtube screenshot Sent From My iPhone as a reaction image. Classic.

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>implying whoever drives a car labels himself as a car owner
>or a walker labels himself as a pedestrian
>or a collector only collects figurines

You're reaching so hard. The point of making fun of the people labelling themselves as "gamers" is because they build an entire identity around the fact that they play videogames, when it's just another hobby. This is the reason why companies can easily sell overpriced "gamer" laptops or chairs, because idiots like you will buy them just to have bragging points with your "gamer" friends.

I'd tell you to go to bed because your underage bitch ass has school tomorrow, but it's Saturday.

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>telling other people to go to reddit
>while caring about GAYMER culture

They targeted Minecrafters..

lmao, the iBaby is genuinely mad

Funny considering that shit like r/games and r/gaming exist.

Is "cope" the new low effort reply when someone gets called out for being a faggot?

makes me wince every time

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It's the kiddie and unfunny version of "u mad".

It's the normalfags that unironically call themselves "gaymer", you fucking faggot.

This but the opposite

>iToddler calls others insecure
>keeps mass replying to them

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I miss when video games were an unacceptable diversion outside of children. This timeline sucks.


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You mean improved an idea and made it his own. If Infiniminer was so good it would still be around. Dumb faggot.

>he's still replying
>gets banned for being a retarded iToddler

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Imagine actually referring to yourself as a gamer

>What constitutes a "real" gamer?
Saying the n-word at least once a day.

Is phoneposting finally outlawed?

>He actually got his post deleted

Wow, reporting actually worked this time.

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But Labyrinth of Refrain is a good game.

I think people are misunderstanding his joke

The joke was about Fifa

Is half this thread retarded?
He's obviously only referring to Fifa when talking about being a "real gamer" because Fifa is the epitome of casual trash in Europe and South America.

OMG yes i play video games 24/7 and hang out on imageboards pertaining to them but i am NOT a Gamer!!!! I would never call myself a gamer because that is so cringe. Whenever my co-workers ask me if I'm a gamer, I always shoot them a fucking cold-eyed stare. These are the same co-workers who ask me if I like the Big Bang Theory because I remind them of Sheldon (yeah uh.... no. I actually fucking HATE The Big Bang Theory). When Ready Player One came out on theaters, I laughed internally at all the movie-goers who probably self-identify as Gamers. That's how anti-gamer I am.

Autism. And cringe.


>yeah I consider myself a car driver

Is he at the stage where he is talking to himself now?

I mean you technically are a gamer if all you play is plebshit but I'm going to consider you a different type of gamer and not want to associate with you.

I think he's referring to switch as a whole.

>the iToddler is still mad

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>>sure I'm a car driver
Except no-one actually says this, you fucking autistic cunt.

>be a billionaire
>still act like a manchild

"Gamer" has been appropriated by marketing departments and now means nothing beyond "corporate cock-sleeve".

Yeah, I read books, I'm a booker.
Yeah I watch movies, I'm a movier.
Yeah I listen to music, I'm a musicer.

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>sure I'm a car driver

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Obviously you brag about playing Legend of Zelda and how much better it is compared to that pile of shit Call of Duty games

Unironically this

It's like how wine tasters don;t drink wine, they taste a sip then spit it out.

movie buff*
music lover*

Most agreed definition are those that strive to improve themselves in gameplay and being competent in a wide variety of genre

>music lover
yeah cos you really need to be part of an exclusive group to love music

I also think anyone who actively views themselves as a gamer foremost does it because they have no competing features about themselves worth sharing; a tool.

>Yeah bro, I'm a side-walker
>You step on the cracks? Fucking casual
>You watching the marathon later?

Reminder that Notch is a certified member of Mensa and almost certainly has a higher IQ than you.

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Reading books doesn't mean you go around calling yourself a reader, just play games and don't talk about it and you'll never have to question if you're a real gamer or not

mensa is nothing but a bunch of brainlets who like to brag


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>no counter-argument

Because you know it's true.

>oh you so smot goy, pree giv ous money to be in supa secorate higho IQo crub
>people actually pay to get in
High IQ huh...?

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>good goy youre very smart now give us more shekels

Doesn't change that he's a friendless loser with rotten candy dispensers in his wall

What do they even do at MENSA?

>labyrinth or refrain
based notch promiting REAL cute and funny video games.

Goes to show that booksmarts can't account for common-sense

Geniuses are happy to pay a small fee to network with other geniuses. $80 per year is nothing to them, probably because most geniuses achieve good income levels.

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Reminder that Mensa in spanish is feminine of "Dumb".

it just means you don't belong there, mudslime.

good goy


>geniuses arent smart enough to easily find other geniuses
Well I'll be...

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But they are. They find them at Mensa.

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It's an organisation, you mong. And high IQ people are incredibly rare to come by.

Yeah but that doesn't let me consolewar so I think we're gonna conveniently misinterpret it until the topic runs out of steam.

Whatever Gang Weed hates

>aren't smart enough to find them for FREE
A moron would waste money on this

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I wonder how it feels to be a genius.

Why waste time when you can throw $80 at it per year? That's literally nothing?

>be genius
>need to pay other people to do simple things for me

>Shitting on Alwa's Awakening

whoa whoa

whoa whoa whoa whoa

Notch, you're a faggot. Alwa's awakening isn't the best game but it's an indie platform metroidvania made by just a couple people. You're kind of a dipshit for just dismissing it outright. I bought it on a whim, played it, beat it, and it was honestly enjoyable

Get raped Notch.

Great reading comprehension.

They targeted car drivers.

Car drivers.

We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: driving around cities or even countries, all day, the same paths over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such car driver nirvana that they can literally drive blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many steering wheels have been smashed, motors over heated, pedals destroyed in frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Car drivers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty bicycle. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

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I love video games
But considering how ridiculous other people who like video games are, especially in the west, I don't like to admit this

notch is really mean to insult those games like that, the developers worked really hard on them and they all did a good job

It's nice to feel better than everyone around you, but awful to actually be better than everyone around you. You're doomed to a lonely life, and your intellect only worsens the anguish.

It's also lame to see everything wrong with the world, all the manipulation and subterfuge that people seem too slow or distracted to notice, and know that it's never going to be fixed, the bad guys have won, and there is no bright future.

>tfw you will never be a billionaire shitposting NEET

Notch is living the dream.

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Why waste time and money sending checks when someone is smart enough to figure out how to find like minded individuals for free?

What the fuck is his problem? Alwa's Awakening was a great retro styled game, would probably be considered a classic had it released during that era

At first it looked like he was only shitting on yearly sports games, but after rereading it, it seemed to be him shitting on all the games he mentioned. It's tough to tell.

Notch if you're reading this thread could you please, please, please, please, please pay off the 20k credit card debt I incurred during a politics-related loss of job in the heart of SF?

Thanks bro.

Since when did notch become based?

Mensa requires money to pay psychiatrists to perform IQ tests. $80/year is literally nothing so I don't see the problem.

learn java and shitpost regularly, its not hard

Whether you hate women and minorities or not.

It's really impossible to tell where the sarcasm began and ended


laughs in triple 9

Notch if you're reading this can you buy everyone in this thread that fancy $1500 Realdoll that has the nice ass and hoodie? I think we all deserve welfare gfs. Thanks

They have to be approved by me. Each approval is $50.

dm me

fair man i'm down to give everyone here a real doll and pay off the user's debt

i need to see a life-sized version of me rendered in minecraft and rust, though

Alwa's Awakening is actually pretty good though.

sent ;)

don't pose

is serious, send me your email in the reply

sent :)!

sent ;)

>be brainlet
>got jewed to pay for a "smart goy card" annually
>TFW I am a genius now

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A gamer plays the game for what it is.

If you form an opinion, then you are just another faggy reviewer.

Wow, Yea Forums is full of extremely bitter dumb people who know how dumb they are.

neither of you even filled out the email field, do you not know how to Yea Forums?

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I pmed you the fix

>who know how dumb they are
I feel like this is a positive quality that would benefit a lot of people.

Can I have a Trottla doll instead? They're legal in my country, so there shouldn't be a problem with buying it.

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holy shit coach was kmk this entire time? that's fucking lore

first day on 4channel, kid?

Looks nice besides the face. And no tits.

That's creepy


They're halfway to becoming illegal in America. CREEPER Act. Goddamn moralfags.

It's true, just not at all who you think are dumb.

>And no tits
That's because it's a loli doll.

Yeah, the face is a bit weird, but it's the only company that makes loli dolls as far I know.

I hope he buys it before that act is enforced.

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hey notch give me a million dollars please and thankyou

>drive car to work
>"I'm a car enthisuiast"
>walk to work
>"I'm a fitness maniac"
>buy a couple statues
>"I collect art"
>shitpost on a board about video games
>boy, I sure do love video games!

hey good work with the actual useless spam though

It's a label that mattered over a decade ago when people who played video games constituted a small portion of the population, when playing video games was a legit subculture and not just a thing that people did.

It's less important now that gaming is bigger than film and the difference between "gamers" and non-"gamers" is more a matter of degree, like the difference between people who casually listen to music and people who are genuinely knowledgeable and actually go out of their way to attend concerts and seek out less popular musicians.

if you're worried about the definition of a gamer you're an autistic faggot unironically have sex

Do they make shota dolls

Now I just have to learn that billionaire part.

>watch a Twitch streamer pretend to get scared at horror games
>sure I'm a gamer

If you're optimistic you actually try to to make the world a better place, to teach people to be smarter and kinder and find ways to make complex ideas easier to understand without sacrificing information. Only an idiot would give in to anguish.

someone who just plays games

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He better not be shitting on Labyrinth of Refrain. I swear.

>be you
>sure i'm a faggot

Sadly no.

Its so weird that "gamer" is something to pose as. It's something to be ashamed of.

Icycalm bro you need to lower your prices.