google fiber when?
im tired of having internet worse than sandniggers
how does microsoft expecr us all to accept our all digital overlords when a majority of the country still has 2mbps
Google fiber when?
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What state? AZ's internet is fucking garbage.
I already have google fiber ahhahah
I bet it's included with every google console purchase
arizonafag here
i have cox
shits atrocious
and the fucking data cap is some nigger shit
>$60/mo for 7mbps that goes out at random times every day and drops to 1mbps half the time
did you know that california is a first world state
Same and it legit goes down every night. Any time I think something is wrong with the router, I just check for internet outage and I always see that giant red zone on the west coast.
CA here, Spectrum has the LA area locked down and its aids, they don't allow any new ISPs in the area and its fucking disgraceful that they let them.
One would think Los Angeles would be the best city for internet. I don't get why it's so difficult to just give us fast internet with no data cap. Oh right, because they know they fuck us.
PA here. Capped at 10mbps although it rarely actually gets that high.
as long as the city gets paid by spectrum they couldn't give two shits. they'll keep jacking their prices up and we can't do shit about it.
blame big isps lobbying against other isps in local governments preventing infrastructure growth and competition
>$70 for 500/50mbps down/up
>last time my internet got shut off was one harsh weather day back in July 2018
>awesome ping
>unlimited data
My bros in the NorthEastern part of the US got 1000/1000 down/up for about $100 though
Are you sure the cap isnt 10GB? Or are they literally capping your speeds at 10mbps??
When your shit ISP gets firebombed. Here the big three are paying city officials to not let Google Fiber expand to us despite Google willing to pay for everything.
Those other ISPs put a shitton of red tape to prevent even Google (who has Google money) from getting a foot in the door because they're scared shitless they'll be rightfully forced to actually compete
Kansas City user here, I have Google Fiber
This shit is great. $70/month for uncapped gigabit is the best internet deal I've seen in this country. I never have any issues with Google either. Almost no outages and all my bills have been $70 on the dot, nothing more and nothing less.
I hope other anons get to experience this ISP heaven
when google is in, there will be no competition. just a monopoly.
>tfw living in PA with 100 up and down, with pretty much no cap for 40 dollars
Feels good man.
t. AT&T
Where do you live that this is the case
i live in san francisco and im paying $80/month for 100mb/s from comcast. the service goes down maybe once or twice a month
>$80/month for 100mb/s
Kek I live in Sacramento and pay that price for 50/20.
Previous Google Fiber rep here.
They recently pulled out of Louisville due to their new experimental shallow trenching for fiber lines turned out to be a shit show. The epoxy used to keep the fiber embedded in the shallow trenches were completely fucked and caused more damage than good. Because of that, they have no plans on expanding to new markets anytime soon.
There are -technically- two fiber lines that aren't on the roadmap. One in Boise Idaho, the other in Phoenix Arizona. These are used for their ambassador/sales/tech support call centers and transformed into mini Google campuses, so; best bet if they do expand, it'll be in those two cities.
And for you califags, Webpass is run by Google Fiber, and there is straight up GF in San Antonio.
Google stopped fiber expansion like 3 years ago user
I live in KC, Google Fiber is absolute garbage.
Verizon FIOS and other fiber optic services are far better.
Comcast and Time Warner just immediately increased the quality of their service once google rolled into town, too. You can get equivalent of google fiber for $50/month.
Everyone I know who has Google Fiber regrets it. They charge $500 for the construction of fiber to the home/apt, then they require a 3-5 year contract at $70/month (which is already more expensive by itself than any comparable service here). Then there are the outages, which are frequent. They actually charge people to fix the fiber line they didn't lay right in the first place AND they don't give you credit on your bill for the downtime.
It has been such a disaster here, Google has scraped plans across the entire country. Which is exactly why no other part of the country has it since Feb. 2010.
mendocino county, it's a local ISP but they lease everything from AT&T since they are the only ones with infrastructure up here
Er, I meant my speed is max at 10mbps. I don't have a data cap.
Damn where in PA is that? 717 area here. It's a shit hole.
The US is a big business being controlled by big business. There are countries and cities elsewhere in the world that have over 100 ISPs in a single city, because big business ISP wasn't there to regulate and prevent competition, and the people beat them out.
>Comcast and Time Warner just immediately increased the quality of their service once google rolled into town, too. You can get equivalent of google fiber for $50/month.
This is the real benefit of Google Fiber. It gives the big dogs some actual fucking competition and makes them get their shit together.
So when is the Government going to grow some balls and split these huge internet companies again? It'd give us another good 10-20 years before they all merge again but it will a based decade.
Louisville user here. Google Fiber was a shit show from the start. Shallow trenching aside, the contractors who installed the service lines here did a fucking terrible job.
When we stop electing Republicans.
That's too much regulation. We need some municipal internet option, and also to stop subsidizing giant corporations' infrastructure.
Australian here, to us it really seems that every aspect if your country is fucked in the ass by greedy corporations who don't value their consumer base and fight off healthy competition.
Your telco's, your medicare, your pharmaceuticals and media (not that we are doing much better in this area).
When are you going to stand up for yourselves?
>When are you going to stand up for yourselves?
Eh I'm tired from work maybe next week.
3MB here but it's capped at workslikefuckingshit per second until the exact time of 2:00 AM when it's actually 3MB/s. Starts working like shit again at 11:00am. The only time I can somewhat play online
I envy every single one of you. My only escape from reality will be forever handicapped because I live in this fucking shithole
Central US?
Argen fucking tina
municipal internet is a nice alternative but we run into the problem we do with every non-national initiative for a national problem, the country is just too fucking big for it to be viable everywhere. municipal internet only gives the big corps incentive to improve in that specific city while they leverage their monopoly to jew everyone else.
US telacoms paid off all local governments
turns out it's a lot cheaper than paying off the federal government
it's practically illegal to compete in many areas, the legal implementation varies from abusing indian reservation zoning laws to just being corrupt as fuck
>the land of the free
>$80/month for 100mb/s
I pay 20$ for 100bm/s
Local cities put so many road blocks in the way of upgrade infrastructure that its nearly impossible to get new companies in unless you live in a major area or basically vote everyone out of office and make new rules.
>mfw 50 dollarinos for 80 mbps
jodanse narizones
>tfw you leave in a Fiber town
>1gb internet
>moving to comiefornia for work
>Federal govt
Its all owned on the local level. You point still stands its even easier to pay off locals with donations to keep them in power than it is federals. Shit most people dont even know how there city or county is run
federal legal standards governing the nature of the ownership of telacoms equipment should be a thing and you know it
it is infrastructure necessary to the general functionality of society
when there would be mass nationwide riots without something, the government needs to step in
granted it's not all bad, at least they aren't the energy industry
they just ignore whatever the government says even when they try to pay them to do it
they were told to upgrade the power grid so that it wasn't insanely vulnerable to terrorism and then took the money and didn't do it
this. i cant stand any longer than a minute without getting hungry for McDonald's™
How does it feel to have us living in your head rent free?
Don't you faggots have shit tier internet too?
My isp just rolled their own out, so, great.
Peak of 15 mbps here. Big game downloads in the 50's are literally hit start, goto sleep, and hope that it's done by the time I wake up. Shit sucks.
I had Google Fiber for a few months at my apartment, I was pretty satisfied with it. Now I have AT&T fiber at my house and it's very comparable. The only noticeable difference is that AT&T is $20 more per month.
>Peak of 15 mbps
This is how it felt to use 56k in 2008.
Dunno exact translations between them. But it translates into roughly a peak 1.9 MB/s on steam downloads if its feeling good. Urban net sucks.
>tfw GB fiber internet
>tfw have a 100mb data cap so it’s basicly uses.
I feel your pain brother. I was using 56kbps (that's 7 kB/s including control frames) in 2008. Watching a 24 minute anime episode on YouTube involved starting it, going out for a walk, and coming back 40 minutes later.
Did you miss a zero? 100mb isn't even a 30 minute video at 480p.
Can't you guys get 4G internet on your router? Here in Croatia in the middle of absolutely fucking nowhere the standard speed is 4 Mbps (flat rate) and you can upgrade to 30 Mbps via 4G for 1 Euro more a month and you get 100 GB of traffic and when it's depleted it switches back to 4 Mbps flat rate.
>and then took the money and didn't do it
Didn't the telecom industry do the exact same thing with money meant to upgrade the infrastructure?
4mbps is shit.
No shit?
I typed a m instead of a g my bad
I mean the FCC just started to look into 5g and tell the states they cant gouge Telecoms for providing the new devices. Which is a step but there is so much more that needs to be done outside of major metro areas.
Maybe not gig but should be way better than it is currently FCC needs to step up admin this shit more.
I live on a farm, my internet will literally always be bad.
damn that's harsh. NYC here, we have spectrum and i think verizon optimum and some others. we get a pretty consistent 2/10mb ul/dl and i cant remember the last outage, maybe like 4 years ago.
i thought you west coast fags had google fiber? i dont think i've met anyone who ever had it.
100gb is still nothing. I have a 1024gb data cap on 100 up/100 down.
100Mbps down/10Mbps up
Can't wait for Comcast to burn.
Us west coast fags are at the eternal mercy of AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon.
I feel you, fellow farmbro
if i were to move to the west coast, it would be for a job and the chance to use google fiber. otherwise i cant stand the pollution and traffic and spic gangs.
i heard idaho is pretty based though, with a fair amount of tech start-ups. but im not IT.
The only good thing about Google fiber is that it forces ISPs in the area to price their services competitively. There's no way in hell I'd use their botnet.
yes, but the telecommunications systems in the us cannot be taken down by a small team of like 20 guys
insanely vulnerable is not hyperbole
it's a massive national security risk and a massive risk to the companies involved as well
Gf has 3mbps can't even play don't starve together on that shit
I'm pretty sure they choked on their own hubris trying to save as much cost as possible with their "micro trenching".
>but the telecommunications systems in the us cannot be taken down by a small team of like 20 guys
it probably could, desu. and it would be at least a week before anyone could figure out it's terroristic acts and not the usual ISP fuckery.
Why doesn't your gf live with you?
t. skript kiddie thinking his loic is hot shit
The worst propaganda I ever fell for was believing the US is a first world nation.
>GOOGLE fiber
I'd rather use dialup
The point of google fiber isn't to use them it's to make other isps drop their price or increase speeds
She's going to a trade school in a different town she's only here on weekends
I have the worst internet in this thread guaranteed.
I'd post a cap of a speed test but I can't run those.
That's genius, how'd I not think of that?
you don't seem to understand
the isps hate each other as much as they buttfuck to screw over consumers
the infrastructure is decentralized because they won't let their competitors use it
that's part of the problem google has
verses the power grids, where all you need to do to take out the entire US power network is hit three facilities, one for each 1/3 of the country (besides texas which i think is actually fine due to having its own grid)