>Take politics out of vidya, they don't belong
Why do so many retards on Yea Forums literally say this shit? With that mentality, we wouldn't be allowed to have great games like MGS 3.
Take politics out of vidya, they don't belong
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why do so many /pol/tards on Yea Forums literally say this shit?
Fixed that for you, pal. You're welcome.
retards on here didnt play games besides gaylo and wow back then
muh white genocide
Nobody knows what "politics" actually are.
Metal gear wouldnt exist without politics
It's just /pol/ bitching about muh SJWs
current politics*
fixed it for you, bud.
>nuanced politics based in actual history
>dude white people are bad, put more minorities in your video games
> take out retarded politics
there, fixed it for ya
Nice goalpost moving, amigo. Why don't you just admit what you really mean.
>No politics I disagree with, please
Constantly being disingenuous must be so tiring
MGS doesn't have politics but history.
>Politics are fine as long as they aren't oppressing us poor white gamers
metal gear is political the same way bourne is political
>Feeling persecuted about being white
You guys are worst than footfags and furfags combined. You literally just won't shut the fuck up. It's not edgy, you're not cool for spouting some useless shit. You're a nobody whose life is so devoid of meaning that you cling to this some faggot's preaching instead of going after your own happiness. No one came here to here you bitch, yet all I ever see is bitching. Fuck off.
We don't need this gay thread every fucking day.
Yeah, it makes us look bad and exposes our hypocrisy. Can't have that.
I think the mentality of your answer is correct, but the example you use is wrong, mainly because the politics acts as the dressing to the theme of the game, but aren't necessary to the core values.
The theme of how times change and how loyalty changes with it, can be done without the need for countries, or states, as a number of other substitutes could be used instead. The intention by Kojima in this instance might be to easily communicate these differences in a way that people are more likely to digest without the need to question why the change in loyalty is irreconcilable.
You forgot to say incel fellow reseterabro
>I want to make this character black because I feel like there aren't enough good black characters in vidya nowadays
/pol/ will try to find something wrong with this and fail miserably at it
imagine being a grown adult and still being pissed off over a game to try and make childish retorts to it nearly 18 years later
get a grip man
Oh no, what would we do without shitty movies pretending to be games?
>ah hominem
>useless buzzwords
>preaches&bitches in the same post
>represents everything that he supposedly hates
You belong here forever.
It's a poorly articulated way of saying "stop trying to inject current events into games that don't have a clear, deliberate message that's relevant to them."
That's a very well articulated way of saying "Please, stop offending my feelings"
"take politics out of vidya" when said by g*ymurgators generally means "take out politics I don't like"
if there was a video game that said Trump was the reincarnation of Cyrus the Great and we needed to BUILD WALL those types would fucking love it because it's THEIR politics. They don't want ideology out of video games, just ones that challenge their own beliefs
It's only okay if they're chocolate bois
SJWs are the abyss and the dumbest among Yea Forumsirgins stared at it for too long
T. retard.
Struck a nerve, have I? Hopefully you're in for some introspection.
Taking a pre-written character and arbitrarily changing their race to be black is an insult to black people and minimizes their identity.
>game takes place in the 60's
>doesnt have a forced narrative about racial segregation, The Vietnam war, president Johnson or the Soviet Union
>instead focuses its story on the student/mentor relationship of Snake/The Boss with a nuclear crisis as the background
this is how you do politics right
And crying about ensuring GamerGate 2.0 is a well articulated way of saying "No daddy, please stop punishing me", you either focus on delivering good games or you will feel the consequences...we...are...gamers...
No, it isn't. That's only the case if you're retarded enough to believe that white and black people inherently think differently.
Let me guess, you're a white boi who thinks he knows how black people feel?
Here's your dopamine hit you pathetic fucking junkie
No, that would be
>WTF? This is just a white man painted black. Where the fuck is his struggle against racial profiling?
Literally SJW tier logic. Horseshoe strikes again.
>killing niggers is fine, but if you kill fictional whites you're going to hurt my feefees
Politics has changed
Did you even play MGS?
(SPARK12) [mi (Misaka Nyuumen)] Hitotsu Nokorazu Anata ni Sasageru | All of Me, I Give to You (Granblue Fantasy)
MGS3 doesn't really commentate on any real events and is entirely about a fictitious history and broad stroke concepts such as "loyalty".
>think differently
Yes. Black ideas are valuable and enriching. If you're so against diversity then you can fuck off back to pol, bigot.
You're the one white-knighting black people and going "THIS MINIMIZES THEIR POOR SOULS". I'm just looking at it from the perspective of the developer, who can just as easily be white.
>I feel like making a black character that's good because I don't see them often enough and it'd be a nice change of pace
This is me thinking I know how developers feel, not black people.
they mean politics they don't like
Tell me a valuable black idea user
It means stop posting retarded bullshit that has nothing to do with video games, you simple fuck. It doesn't mean take the political messages away from the games themselves.
This is why you shouldn't be discussing politics or even video games. You're too stupid to live.
Stfu, you racist piece of shit. You clearly think black people have nothing to offer other than a different skin color to spice up the color palette.
>Acting like a SJW to try to trigger what you perceive are SJWs
/pol/tards are so mentally ill
It's like I'm telling you. Stare at the abyss...
>blacks have no valuable ideas
Hmm yes, quite an interesting idea. But does it work?
>I'm totally not racist guys!
>you're the REAL racist
I will make babies with blacks, asians, whites, or other people if I damn well please. I don’t give a shit about a race war seeing how asians make most of my favorite ite game
based and redpilled
>didn't actually refute his point
Based retard bros
Why is it always blacks?why would they care?
I don't bother debating in good faith with people that are insecure in being white and have persecution complexes about minorities coming for them and their vidya games. They're beneath me.
that Russian bitch was annoying in the first game
I will make babies with blacks, whites, asians, and whoever I damn well please. I don’t give a shit if you’re tranny or not, just don’t be a cockstain. I don’t care about a race war seeing how whites make garbage games and asians make most of my favorites. Day of the rope my ass, most of /pol/ is lucky they get up to use the toilet so they don’t shit their semen soiled underwear. /pol/ has never and will never be welcome on Yea Forums. Fuck right wingers and left wingers who push their shit on other people.
It's irrelevant if blacks care It's the developers that want to change things up and there's nothing wrong with that. And you can substitute black with woman, gays, asians, trannies, etc.
user you got it wrong, it's
>take politics that go against my beliefs out of vidya, they don't belong!
When they say politics, they mean the low tier crap we have now, the identitarian retardness, the hurr the women the black and the trans.
The quality of politics in a game like MGS 3 a whole lot superior to this crap.
The Metal Gear Solid series is not comparable to your garbage indie trash about a coloured haired person walking around.
>they mean the low tier crap we have now, the identitarian retardness, the hurr the women the black and the trans.
Translation: They mean politics that disagree with them.
Oh, I know, user. I know.
Correct, you agree with MGS 3 and not with whatever indie game you're seething at in this post.
>good faith
Seeing as how you instantly jumped to ad hominem and strawman, I don't think you ever were actually.
This post >dude white people are bad
Reeks of insecurity and persecution complex. Classic traits among /pol/tards that also happen to want "politics" (read: politics they disagree with) out of vidya
>Game around politics = games having modern politics being forced on them
fuck off /pol/
>ad hominem and strawman
It's basically large scale issues or fundamental opposing ideologies, vs small scale issues like race.
The only thing that's "forced" about them is that you don't like them
Nope, "dude white people are bad" is the strawman he made. I'm just repeating it.
No, its always black guys they want to insert in a game and my question is why do you think the developer wants that.
Macarena is still macarena even if it talks well about you.
And modern politics is macarena.
If you were black, wouldn’t you be pissed if there was no character you could identify with as a kid? Technically there are a shitload of black people in the world, yeah most don’t consume western media much but they do exist.
>Take *current* politics out of vidya
There, are you happy?
Dishonored 2 had trannies
Prey had Asian people
Battletech had trannies too
Apex Legends has plenty of nationalities and ethnicities other than black
I know that blacks are the ones that hurt your feelings the most, which is why I tend to bring them up in the argument first, they're the quickest to provoke disgust if you're a brainlet, so it's the easiest point to start a discussion.
Regardless, their reasoning could be as simple as what I already explained. They feel like there aren't enough good (insert minority here) and they want to change that. Nothing wrong with that.
Im hispanic and I dont give a shit there is no latinos. I look up to good characters because they are good not because of their skin. Thats the problem. People give too much of a shit about looks. Latinos also dont bitch about representation and white developers dont put them in because they dont feel like they recieve as many sjw points
But are they good?
Whether they succeed or fail is irrelevant. If they failed, it's only gonna fuel even more developers into wanting to get it right.
When people say "take politics out of vidya", what they truly mean is "take dumb politics out of vidya".
For example, "racism is bad, tolerance is good" is not an interesting theme for a videogame.
Did you miss Cyberpunk 2077? A latino was pretty front-and-center for that game's demo.
Blacks the literaly inserted unto everything user. Not just in games but in movies too. Again, why do they care about wether there are good minority characters? Why cant people just write a fucking character and make him the race they wanted and not change it later for sjw points?
They only want politics they like. If a game came out filled with lines about how bad blacks and Jews are there would be 10000 threads about how based it is and how sensitive people who don't agree with it are, but when it's left wing politics these retards spaz out and cry.
Because MGS3's themes around duty, honour and patriotism and examination what these mean are interesting and the game turns a number of common conventions about being a heroic action man on it's head. It's massive popularity and place as one of video games greats reflects this.
Race politics on the other hand are some of the most boring, tired and played out shit around. I honestly can't even think of one good game that sits as it's foundation or is remotely popular (I mean with people in general, not the tiny starbucks clique). The closest I can think of is FF9 with it's genocides, but that's more a general "war is shit and murder is monstrous" theme than any particular statement on race relations.
>this one character makes it equal
I also found him cringey as fuck and hated that shit.
>Why cant people just write a fucking character and make him the race they wanted and not change it later for sjw points?
Why are you assuming that all developers inherently want to make white characters and they're only forcing themselves to change it for "SJW points"? Sounds like you're projecting your racism onto them. Brainlet move, my dude.
agree! fuck whypipo!
I was expecting an elbow. nice.
Shit thread, as usual.
You strawmanned a lot but I do agree with this. Fuck the leftist politics.
>bro I know its ww2 but what will my 5 year old girl think?
you made this thread yesterday
MGS3 is not about politics.
MGS is not about politics.
I say games about politics are fine as long as they don't portray totalitarian ideologies in a good light. Wich most SJW do.
I say it because it happens all the time in movies and even in games like dmc5. Would you accept thats wrong before we move on?
So are you saying that we need more latino characters in vidya? The one in Cyberpunk 2077 is not enough? Don't worry, I'm sure more video game developers will want to try out more, especially if the one from Cyberpunk 2077 ends up sucking in their opinions.
Or are you saying it's cringey of them to even attempt to have minorities? I guess they should have their entire game be all white? That's retarded, if that's what you're saying.
MGS3 is about fantasy, 1960's, cold war politics, and gay musings about soldiers amd why they're cool.
Lots of current devs shove their real world politics into everythimg from character designs, dialogue, plot, social media posts and what toilet paper they use.
There's a difference.
Yeah, it happened in TF2. Valve said they wanted to make Demoman black to make him stand out and be a change of pace from the rest of the characters.
Fortunately, back then, we didn't have /pol/tards to cry about shit like this because they hadn't developed their "muh SJW" persecution complex yet. Better times.
>wouldn’t you be pissed if there was no character you could identify with as a kid?
Oh fuck off with that, just like this user I'm hispanic and I don't cry to have more latinos in gaming, I don't give a fuck. I used to be fat, and I didn't cry to have more fatties in my precious videogames, in fact, I hate people that do that
>Waaaaaa I need to identify myself :(
Unironic cancer.
Not the guy you're responding to but it's a lot like gay/lgtb characters. Nobody cares if a good character happens to be LGBT, but people get pissy when a walking LGBT stereotype is hamfisted into a game and the 'character' is then generated around that stereotype.
e.g. Anders in Dragon Age; he was a cool bro in DAO and that's fine. Suddenly DA2 he's a faggot and you're forced to kiss him or he hates you, in the initial greeting cinematic no less. What is that? Why? Why is that a design? Anders was never gay, now he's a flaming limp-wristed flamboyant caricature of homosexuality in western 'current year'.
Nobody would object if a well-written, interesting and complex character also happened to fuck dogs or women or men; it's that the design is so very obviously coming from
>hey guys we need a gay half-black hindu mangirl in this game
so they come up with the most absurd tropey stereotypes of that and then work backwards to make it 'fit' the universe, history, etc as they can.
It creates bad characters, weak stories, and unbelievably retarded social frameworks. It's insulting to the audience they're trying to pander to, if people weren't so dumb and willing to gobble up being shoved into stereotype boxes and tropes
>deep rpg
>pink haired limp wristed MtF tranny parades on screen with confetti and calls everything delicious and wet
Yeah it's not, it's just bigotry of a different kind
and fuck people for not being hateful towards devs for perpetuating this kind of trashy, low-effort character design.
Fuck any side's politics. I'm not giving le ebin centrist argument, any forced and blatant political messaging is retarded whoever it comes from.
I don't care about politics in games, I just don't like PC pandering. Like making a character ugly being considered some brave statement or having a dude get beat up by a strong powerful woman half his size because women are strong too. If you want to make a game like that, fine. Go ahead and let the people who like that consume that. It's not what I like so I'll just ignore it. But don't try to force that shit on everyone by shaming developers who don't do that.
By politics they mean "Politics ideals or side that I don't agree with", I thought it was pretty obvious since politics it's something that was in games, comics, TV since a long time already and not only just now.
But this is blatantly false. I see plenty of people arguing on Yea Forums saying shit like "Why did this character have to be black? It adds nothing to his character and there's nothing related to it in his story so it's only there for brownie points"
Apex Legends is the latest example of this.
>only reasonable post in the thread ignored
Like clockwork
The fact is MGS3 is a good game. Your garbage Bioware ones are not.
Im saying I dont give a shit about whether a developer wants to make a black or white or fucking chinese character. I hate it when its done with the leftist ideology of " muh representation" in mind. I dont like race being so fucking important to people. Like I said, I never cared I didnt see a hispanic guy in vidya. I never said "si, ese es mi hermano" because I dont give a shit.
everyday there is a garbage waifu animetrash thread
everyday there is a halo thread
everyday there are countless DmC threads talking about the same exactly thing
everyday the same OH NO NO NO threads
come on man
>I hate it when its done with the leftist ideology of " muh representation" in mind
1) Why?
2) Even when there's nothing said about "muh representation", people still make a shitstorm if there are too many minorities for their liking. See: Into the Breach
MGS3 is a good game. The fact it has political themes is incidental to this.
Fuck off with your garbage ass politics bullshit.
As a black person I do like when I see black characters in games. Also I know about a case where I live of a very young children that painted some cartoon characters black and told his mother that he was tired that all of the kids in cartoons were completely different than him.
Sjw id the perfect name dor retards like you who believe "oh no, muh black and brown pipo dont got no character" as if we cry every night about that
yeah, but this is literally the same text with a new image
In other words, games with politics can be good and they aren't inherently bad because of their politics. Glad we got that cleared up. Now that we all know this, I hope next time a game we believe is shit comes out, we have better arguments against it than "It's 'forcing' agendas on me"
>This is blatantly false
I guess maybe for some people? But there's a lot of us who feel like I wrote above, that walking stereotypes are being shoved into games and then the characters/stories written backwards from the absurdly asinine trope.
I guess my main gripe personally is how when a LGBT/pedo/bestiality character is written into existence, their sexuality is their entire identity and the focal point of the entire narrative surrounding them. Why is that? Why can't we have actual characters with meaningful storyline or development that aren't comprised almost entirely of "Where i put my penis" or "What i like to shove in my asshole" as their character depth?
Why would characters even be discussing their genitals with each other in casual dialogue?
Why would a wizard from a high-fantasy setting be using 2015 homosexual playboy culture dialogue and etiquette? And why would he be militantly homosexual to the point of his entire character bio page being about where he puts his penis?
That's not my position on this. I don't go out of my way to try to get black characters to exist in vidya, but it does piss me off when a developer makes a black character and a certain subset of Yea Forums (read: /pol/) immediately strikes back in response and bitches endlessly about it. That shit bothers me because there's no good reason for it and the arguments for such a backlash are always disingenuous.
People think the pure existence of any character that isn't white, a man and hetero is there with a ""leftist ideology"" even if said character isn't linked to any political agenda or message
Because its racist. Its giving too much importance in race and like we all are the same. Make any character you want but dont do it because you think having a diverse game matters. Hell, the reason people hate having minorities in games now is because they think its because of politics.
>Take "politics" out of vidya, they don't belong
Did it bother you when they inserted women in bf5?
>lose two or three good games, while removing all the cancer from thousands of others
sounds like a good deal to me
>Hell, the reason people hate having minorities in games now is because they think its because of politics.
I'm aware. And that's really fucking retarded. It's why games like GTA: SA and MGS 3 were fine back in the day, but if they were released nowadays, we'd get endless shitposting. I have no idea why you would defend that. Some people on this board have developed a SJW persecution complex that has spiraled out of control and it's embarrassing. Again: See all the shitposting about Into the Breach and how that game dared having non-white people in it.
Yes, just like how people think the line "its okay to be white" is a hateful thing to say
Fine with me. The fact that every Bioware game since Dragon Age 1 like Anthem or games like Apex are burning garbage makes that easy in most cases.
>you're either with me or against me
Yeah no, I'm just going to walk away and you can't stop me
Why are white m*n so fragile?
No, but at least I understood the argument in that particular situation. (Although it was also blown out of proportion. The idea of BFV being evil because it's "revisionist history" is stupid since video games aren't supposed to accurately represent history nor should that be their responsibility)
But BFV was not an isolated incident. Just the year before, people were here crying nonstop about black people in BF1.
They hate change and have brains that are pre dispositioned towards fear.
>Nobody cares if a good character happens to be LGBT,
That's blatantly false it does not matter if a game makes it so that a gay character is subtle or good Yea Forums would cry all the same and if you believe otherwise then you haven't been here long enough.
>The MGS series (anti-war, anti-censorship, anti military industrial complex, anti-nuke)
>The Tales series (anti-discrimination, anti-racism, in some cases anti-organized religion, pro-environmentalism)
>FFVII (pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation)
>FFV/VI (pro-environmentalism, anti-industrialization)
>Sonic the Hedgehog (pro-environmentalism, anti-industrialization)
>Valkyria Chronicles (anti-racism against Jews, anti-imperialism)
>Grandia II (anti-organized religion)
>Breath of Fire II (anti-organized religion)
>SMT (anti-organized religion, pro-environmentalism)
>FFX (anti-organized religion)
>FFT (anti-organized religion)
>MGQ (anti-racism, anti-organized religion)
>Spec Ops (anti-American interventionism, anti-war)
>Mass Effect (pro-diversity)
>Arcanum (anti-racism)
>VTMB (anti-Republican)
>Fallout (anti-American jingoism/ultranationalism, anti-nuke)
>Oddworld (anti-corporation, anti-industrialization)
>Doom (anti-corporation)
>Syndicate (anti-corporation)
>Ratchet and Clank (pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation)
What else am I missing?
Yes, there are people who think every black character in a game is because of politics and there are people who campaign in order to have more minorities. Do you make threads about those people?
>video games should be political
Why do so many resetera fags say this shit? With that mentality, we wouldn't be allowed to have great games like super mario bros.
International politics are not the same as internal politics.
>Do you make threads about those people?
Do I need to when others make 20 threads a day about them?
I'm okay with Chads in videogames, you just added that so your point makes some sense, because it doesn't.
RE, exploration of bioethics.
BF1 was the same shit because they give importance to minorities in a ww1 game. Its obvious its ideology driven
virtue signalling is okay when Yea Forums does it
Suck my cock you fat bitch.
I can't even tell who you're talking to
Do you agree with them? Because you sound like you cant understand why the right hates sjws and their ideology, which gives to much importance to skin color in a fucking game
That's not what OP said at all. We can have a variety of games that are political along with a variety of games that aren't. Both are acceptable and variety is the spice of life.
>All games are political!
>consciously putting a minority in a game is not political!
So which is it?
How come they had Snake go for soulless, ginger rookie Meryl and get rejected over for joke of the entire series Johnny instead of having Snake get with Naomi? She was much more interesting, attractive, and her codec conversations with Snake were much more intimate. The circumstances would have made their relationship intriguing.
That's not politics, that's geopolitics and international relations.
Politics is the administration of the city (polis). And nowadays the central topics in politics are identity politics and horizontal civil wars: men vs women, blacks vs whites, fags vs straights, etc. And this is set in place by the elites so that proles kill each other, waste their time, money and energy, to consolidate the powers that be. And this is why gamers are pissed with politics, they don't want that crap in their fucking entertainment softwares.
International relations are okay. Warfare, real identities with distinct cultures and philosophies (and not special snowflaking based on which orifice you like to introduce your dick) clashing and reconciling, control of ressources, black ops, etc., those are interesting and perfectly valid themes to put in vidya and any entertainment.
MGS is just a weird conspiracy about a global shadow government that controls everything meaning even the Cold War was unpolitical and entirely a further means of control.
MGS is not about politics, its about stopping some butthurt ex-Patriot puppet from doing something as someone at the end goes "just as planned".
>That's not politics, that's politics
>it's only politics they don't like!
There has absolutely never been an alt right game, but progressive shit is everywhere, shoving it down your throats that you should be a gay/tranny whatever and that blacks are discriminated and whites are evil.
Nobody likes propaganda, specially on fucking videogames.
>consciously putting a minority in a game is not political!
Characters you create aren't supposed to be all like you are. There are people genuinely interested in different cultures.
Please tell me what politics are valve trying to inject into TF2 when they made Demoman black?
because they only say that about politics they don't like. look how many people praised Doom Eternal for that one-liner instead of crying about politics in video gaems.
international relations and geopolitics aren’t politics because of root of the word politics, my sides
>Video games don't influence your thoughts, games don't make you more violent or sexist
>Putting in minorities in games is SJW propaganda to influence you into being pro-diversity, pro-LGBT, pro-globalist, etc. and anti-white
Which one is it?
Politcs do have a place in video games.
But what we have now is just silly tantrums by people who are STILL screaching about the 2016 election.
I will give you an example.
Final Fantasy 7.
Game is about eco terrorists fighting a massive corp that is poluting the planet. It raises questions of capitalism, corporatism, terrorism and protecting the enviorment.
Mafia 3.
Game has a "Trump" clone in it. Only because the game devs are massive sore losers and can't get over the fact they lost.
In 50 years time, FF7s politics will be still as relevent as it was in 1997, Your Trump clone is going to look cringe in 10 years time.
One game has a thaught out message, the other has a knee jerk reaction about 1 fucking election. Guess what one i want to play games about?
If the politics enhance the game, like in Metal Gear, it's fine.
If the politics actively detract from the game, like in new Wolfenstein, they don't belong.
It's as simple as that.
You are literally proving the point. You are saying exactly that it's just politics you don't like.
You can read politics in all games to an extent
For example: If a game like TF2 has a demoman hanging out with white people, then you're at the very least claiming that white people and black people can co-exist, which, yeah, it's not a particularly poignant statement to make in this millennium, but it's still political to SOMEONE. There is someone that disagrees even with that basic tenet that most of us take for granted.
But if that's all it takes for something to be "pushing" an agenda, then that only makes the whole argument that politics don't belong in vidya even more fucking retarded.
I would say identity politics is a "valid theme" like most, it's just fucking boring and vapid (and most people agree with this sentiment, since games that wear it frontline and centre are buried with other trash on the steam store).
In new Wolfenstein it makes sense though because it takes place in America during the 60s. There actually were women in afros protesting and socialists protesting during that time.
I thought Yea Forums was pro freedom of speech and freedom of art?
Not him but yes. And?
>3 million tapes about how awesome Che Guevara
>1 million tapes about on-going political events in Latin America that started in the 70s
>”i-it’s not politics!”
Yea Forums is as good at discussing politics as they're good at video games lul
It goes without saying that this is entirely subjective.
>which gives to much importance to skin color in a fucking game
Same thing could be said for the fuckers who complain about minorities in video games.
They don't care about the game, they care about being outraged and trying to stick it to the SJWs.
They're no better than the people they complain about.
Why politics don't have a place in video games but it's fine literally anywhere else?
We arent killing these people for it. We have to nod along and buy it to be in favor of freedom?
We are. But that don't mean we have to be nice about your shit art work about trans demi othkin lesbians who are black and trans white.
>Same thing could be said for the fuckers who complain about minorities in video games.
They didnt care before because there wasnt an ideology behind it like it is now.
Gamers are extremely insecure and defensive about their shallow beliefs, and anything that challenges their worldview make them uncomfortable.
MGS3 doesn't really weigh in on any political issues. MGS2 kind of sort of weighs in on political discourse itself (or the lack thereof) but still doesn't really raise any points that are getting contended in daily political chatter. MGS4 and MGS1 hint towards a slight "war is bad" but then not really. Peace Walker sort of does with the question of nuclear proliferation and rogue states, and while it's an important question it's one that's very distant from the daily preoccupations of the average normalfag. the most politically relevant game in the series is probably Revengeance which is funny considering it isn't made by Kojima and is mostly tongue in cheek anyway.
compare all that with, say, Borderlands including some cringetastic line about "EUROPE WAS NEVER WHITE" being squeezed into an unrelated bit of dialogue, and I think you'll see the difference pretty clearly.
>snake is the same age in all 3 games despite them taking place over an 85 year period
Then you are just a hypocrite if you say exactly what OP pointed out. simple as that.
Correction: They didn't care before because they hadn't developed a persecution complex and stakes in the """culture war""" yet
>I want to make this character black
>I want to make this character gay
>We're going to make this character a black female transexual pansexual that never shuts up about empowerment or the patriarchy or fuck whitey
Not okay
What are the odds you arent a raging liberal
People don't even have a specific meaning for "politics" in these arguments and discussions. It's a token word that encompasses far too many abstract concepts. It's like "philosophy" or "morality". There's not a clearly drawn line as to what exactly do those mean. Hell, 60% of the time you could switch any of those three -and a few more-, and the meaning of a sentence would barely change.
As long as language has these stupid words that don't actually have a proper meaning, people will keep arguing ad infinitum over stuff, mostly because they think they're talking about the same, when they're actually not, or viceversa.
oh and before someone accuses me of being a biased right winger who only hates it because I disagree, I would include an example of cringy right wing politics in a video game, but for the fact that I can't think of any.
>there wasnt an ideology behind it like it is now.
aka i was too young in the 90s and 80s
No, they're interested in their imagined stereotype of different cultures. This is apparent because of their blazing and open bile towards minorities who are conservatives. Never in open society have I heard /pol/-level anti-semitism as much I have during British Labour party member meetings.
Why shouldn't games be political?
>their shallow beliefs
Leftists have the balls to say this.
Most of you don't know your ass from your elbow.
Tell me what did Twitter tell you to believe in today?
So, it's only okay for politics to be in a vidya as long as it's politics that are largely agreeable and not points of contention? This doesn't sit right with me.
Again, Yea Forums bitched about Into the Breach. Those characters never talked about how they were black or gay.
What are the odds you aren't a raging conservative? Seeth more.
Everything was caused by the left going too extreme.
They're psychopaths who murder eachother
>They didnt care before because there wasnt an ideology behind it like it is now.
So basically only reason they complain now is because of muh SJW persecution complex.
I would take it one step further. It's more that the identity politics is so fucking boring, predictable and lock step with resetera. It's as if they're making fucking chick tracts.
Aside from a couple of "evil is not so bad" bits in far cry, and some japanese shit, the mainstream all the way down to AA takes no political risks.
Just ban Americans from writing about politics. It would solve most of the problems.
Lurk more faggot.
>So, it's only okay for politics to be in a vidya as long as it's politics that are largely agreeable and not points of contention? This doesn't sit right with me.
no, that's not what I was trying to say. I was just pointing out that the OP's claim was off-base because MGS3 isn't a particularly political game. it's slightly more political than the average James Bond movie
Give some examples of politics in video games you see get bitched about and you don't understand why it does over MGS's politics.
Not really since I dont want a game about my political views either. Politics in games right now are just propaganda
they mean don't include america's circus called politics
fictional politics or historical geopoltitcs can be useful, basically it has to be more than orange man bad or women empowerment or diversity good or whatever lame shit is going on over there these days
Games should be political. The claim that it shouldn't is a retarded strawman simplification.
I agree. The SJWs were so powerful in destroying discourse on Yea Forums not only by their own retardation, but by causing an incredible amount of people going retarded in an attempt to over-correct (IE: /pol/tards)
>rational post gets ignored
Every fucking time.
Compared to now? Lol
Im a liberal. Now answer the question, sjw.
No. Its hated of an ideology. I hate it and Im Hispanic
Into the Breach's "politics" of having non-white people in their roster.
I feel like they just turned into another abyss, so now we have two abysses of pretentious contrarian cumstains staring into each other and making themselves even worse to be around.
My point is, there has never been a game with my politics, so how the fuck can you know if I won't complain about that too?
>Peace Walker
>Cuba’s ONGOING dictatorship started by Che Guevara and Fidel Castro
>”Hey Snake, let me tell you about how awesome Che Guevara is”
>The world is being held hostage by nuclear deterrence, we don't know what to do with nuclear waste, PMCs use proxy wars to stimulate the war economy, child soldiers are a thing, and the ghost wars between the east and the west have done more damage to the common man and freedoms than good.
compared to.
>Girls are special and you should do everything they say or else you're a neckbeard incel goober gater drumpf drumpf drumpf drumpf hurrr.
When people say "Keep politics out of video games" they mean "beta males shouldn't assault people with their retard faggot opinions."
I agree with most of this
I don't want to hear about Donald Trump or SJW gender bullshit I just want mindless fun.
A lot of people whined about Subnautica being anti-gun and the protagonist, even though you barely even see the protagonist during most of the game
I have no idea what that game is. If there is nothing more than that character being black then it's just retards being retards and nothing more.
In other words: It's okay as long as it's politics I agree with. I mean, you're not telling me anything I don't already know, but I appreciate the blatant admission.
It's the Twitter generation, user. People just want to score cheap zingers and "le btfo" each other.
>and Im Hispanic
This doesn't make your arguments more valid, in fact it's best to dismiss someone when they bring up their race to make a point.
That doesn't mean we have to like it
>I hate it and Im Hispanic
That does not make your opinion any more credible.
>No. Its hated of an ideology
It's shitposters and retards who can't go a day without being outraged screaming at literally nothing.
It means you have to accept it. Saying it doesn't belong means you aren't pro anything.
Being non white or non straight doesn't make a character bad.
Being a political mouth piece doesn't necessarily make a character bad either, but they will be annoying for it, so if the character is supposed to be annoying this can be worked in.
But lefties need to realize that these things don't make a character good. Take Captain Marvel as a recent example, being somehow more bland of a character than even fucking Thor which is a bit of an accomplishment
MGS3 doesn't exactly tell you who to side with either. It merely presents different political viewpoints.
No we just don't want you projecting your femdom fetish a legit politcal stance. Just keep it to the bedroom thanks. Let the smart people talk.
>185 replies and 22 images omitted. Click here to view.
>No, we just don't want politics we disagree with
Yep, yep. I understand.
Apex Legends
>wah wah why are there brown people, why are there gay people
even though it had no effect on the actual gameplay and none of the characters actually say anything offensive in game
>Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong are political
>slight "war is bad" but then not really
Dude, what? The game starts with a 7 minute cutscene about how these proxy wars are just sending men into the meat grinder for pointless battles.
What is it about Subnautica that makes it "anti-gun"?
The protagonist thing is retarded I agree.
It sounds like a lot of you are getting upset about people being retarded and falling for some of the most blatant bait ever.
Man, I don't understand the appeal in MGS. I don't really like stealth in of itself, but I watched the cutscenes for MGS3 on YouTube, and thought it was just boring. Really, I don't get the appeal. What do you guys like about it?
That statement is great. If onlh it wasnt coming from people who care to much about race. The only reason I even bring up my race now is to not be called a nazi
I don't disagree with your stance. It is just not a politcal one. Try to keep up.
It doesn't make the game worse but it certainly makes the characters worse when the only things of note about them are muh diversity
Challenging your poorly thought out position on something is not trolling.
The OP question was genuine at least.
No one was doing that before this thread though.
Oh, so now the problem is not that developers are forcing politics into vidya. It's that they're forcing non-politics. We gotta update the script.
Let me ask you this then, why do you care when people complain about this? Like whats the reason? I often just ignore it because to me it's mindless retardation or edgy bait that weak faggots like you seem to fall for every single time.
It's a battle-royale style game. It isn't story-driven to begin with.
Geopolitics and intrigue is infinitely more entertaining than the contemporary amerimutt politics.
>No one was doing that before this thread though.
Is this literally your first day on Yea Forums?
It should be a firm criticism instead of an injection. MGS works because it treats it's subject material with tact, and tried to write a compelling story around that topic. A game like Wolfenstein isn't political, as it's just using Nazis as a target just like a game like Doom isn't religious because it uses demons as the enemies.
When the entire point of your game becomes "thing is bad" without proper justification then it's just a poor story, and should be rallied against.
>No one was doing that before this thread though.
Lurk more, dude. Did you not see the thousands of threads crying about Apex Legends?
If you were a liberal you wouldn't being called a nazi
yeah, it does. but then it (and the entire series really) kind of glorifies war and combat as a sort of transcendent experience. and I don't necessarily disagree. if anything I can see it being a criticism of "fake" or unjustified war, but I never got the impression that Kojima was any kind of peacenik
I'm genuinely fascinated with how people can still take Marx and his writings seriously when Communism spent the entirety of the 20th century failing (and has continued to fail into the 21st ala Venezuela). Do they really think 100th time's the charm?
And that's fine. Wargroove is also a great game with shit characters
But it doesn't take away from the idea that the characters are bad
Doom is actually anti-corporate though. The entire reason why the demons are around in the first place is because of an evil corporation. This carries on to nu-Doom as well.
>No one was doing that before this thread though
This. The new Wolfenstein isn't bad because of politics, it's bad because it was handled in the cringiest way possible.
>taking traditional themes about shit like war, peace and various other subjects and making interesting stories about them to entertain the player
>Injecting a current day political ideology into your game to get internet points
Shit thread
This. When I ask people what they remember about MGS3, it's the politics.
Not the woman who gave birth in the middle of a warzone, a flame thrower welding astronaut, a homo who can call lightning, a guy who's literally bees, a guy who's literally trees, the way you cure poisoning by making you player character puke, a guy who jerks off to revolvers, and gameplay related stuff. Definitely not those. Politics, man, it's super memorable.
Not him, but I don't see anything wrong with calling a fair amount of Yea Forums out on a consistent behavior that is obviously retarded
I could just as easily turn your logic around on you and say that you're falling for my bait, but I'm not a disingenuous faggot. I'm having an actual conversation here.
but the point is that it doesn't constitute any kind of religious commentary despite incorporating religious/occult/metaphysical setting and iconography
No, take stupid, boring and pointless civilian politics out of videogames.
Seriously, who the fuck wants a game about what your average, capeshit addicted millennial "believes in"?
So I just watched Holmes and Watson and at multiple point it jumped completely out of it's own story to take stabs at trump. Whether you like or hate the man is not the problem, the fact that a film set more than 100 years ago goes on about the current political systems and ideologies of the current year is, just like games that make irrelevant statements about sexism in settings like ancient rome, a post apocalyptic world or any world where might makes right.
Most games with politics are good because they discuss larger relevant ideas, like say New Vegas for example where it's not about what ideology is the best or most equitable but what ideology works best in the wasteland by displaying their advantages and evils out in the sun.
The NCR is an overly bloated beauracracy that wants to grant equal rights to all in it's sphere of influence by redistributing resources where they believe it will be most effective.
Mr House is a libertarian who believes that the wasteland can be reclaimed with monetary incentives and the self governance.
Caesar's legion believes that the continued existence of mankind is all that's important and that all people within the faction should exist to serve this purpose as optimally as possible.
Whether you personally prefer any of these ideologies is irrelevant, what's important is what one works best ofr the wasteland, and even though before and after when I played this game I agreed with the political belief system of the NCR but easily chose Mr House and would side with Caesar's Legion in this case because quite simply these two systems just happen to work better for the wasteland, but on top of this I can guarantee you that almost all people working on the game agreed with the NCR and none of them would have agreed with Caesar's Legion.
>woman who gave birth in the middle of a warzone
That's more SJW propaganda there. Female soldiers aren't realistic, men are objectively superior. Muh womyn power again, bravo Kojima!
not him, but its because the only '''''discussion'''' thats put forward that isnt positive and because ends up being quite a big percentage of the posts in any given thread about the game and the fact it ALWAYS spirals into /pol/-lite and all discussion about the game and its actual contents ceases in favour of monkeys saying the same few lines over and over for 300 posts
>caring about politics in pew pew moving picture
Doom is relatively nationalistic anti corporate.
It's essentially disgruntled post libertarianism, in that while the individual is important left unchecked some would sell out their Homeland
It's not that crazy, if you see the excesses of corporatism as a problem. And give it some credit for getting feudal agrarian societies into industrialzation. It definitely doesn't land gently though.
But MGS4 has the mechanic where if you kill too many soldiers, Snake starts to flip out, having flashbacks of Liquid saying he enjoys killing, depleting his stamina and he vomits.
You are actively discouraged from killing.
I dont play that game so I dont know enough about it to say anything but this is excactly why people hate the propaganda from the left, based in that image. No one should give a fuck about representation. Just make cool characters for fucks sake
have my dick in your mouth faggot.1
Go get killed kid.
Maybe because not only they like to be the epic troll lulz and derail threads dedicated to discussion about the game but also do a nice job into making people that can't think for themselves and just look for excuses to play the victim that the game has anything political in it when it doesn't. This happened so many times in Yea Forums with celeste, spelunky, a hat in time, Into the breach, the list goes on.
New Vegas only got away with it because it was before the SJW persecution complex. The same writers wrote Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 and those games were shitposted to death nonstop.
>literally say
>Gets defeated by her WHITE MALE pupil
What the fuck Kojima, fucking nazi.
The story in Doom is just lube the helps the dick slide in. It's not necessary to enjoying the game or being a fan of series, unlike MGS. While I can agree with your point, anti-corporatism isn't the actual driving point of the game.
I don't want real world fringe politics in my game. Games that focus on larger political themes such as fictional or historical wars between fictional or real countries are fine by me because it can make for an interesting scenario but who the fuck wants a game with a story about some dyke who's parents don't approve.
Only if he didn't recognize "get poltiics out of games" as the retarded strawman as it is.
I would be called that if I said anything that isnt sjw.
No, that's not what that means. I'm sorry that your left wing fanaticism has rotted your mind.
Oh no, don't get me wrong, you can say anything you want in your game. Even if its naive, childish, and shows how much of a fucking worthless, spineless piece of shit subhuman you actually are.
But I don't have to agree with it, or even respect it. And I also don't have to buy the game either.
I wouldn't say the left has gone too extreme, mostly, because "extremist" as a political viewpoint is too biased on the viewers opinion on what an extreme is. A more appropiate word would be that they're too perfectionist.
The left basically has come to a point were nobody is ever satisfied. Either you do everything the way they want it or it's just not good at all, and sometimes even then people will complain that it was not done soon enough.
People want some sort of social revolution, but they don't want to deal with two generations worth of effort and small victories, which is how these things have to be made if you want people to accept those changes. Anything that's not an immediate change into their preferred worldview is seen as worthless, and anyone that doesn't share their opinions to a T is basically everything that's wrong with the world. Thus, the average Joe who just wants to live his life through, is suddenly getting pressured because he's not putting his best into making things better for everybody else ASAP. This adds up with a climate of new technologies and a constant introduction of new words and concepts that most people can't keep up with, leaving most of the population with a feeling of confussion and the idea that they're being attacked for stuff they really have never eve thought about up until now because they honestly did not care, and thus, they retaliate by not only rejecting those new ideas, but actively fighting them, something that would not have happened if people had the patience to slowly move things along.
I don't now how it is in the states, but in my country we've gotten to a point were online discussion has devolved into people calling each other fascists and commies, there's no point in between, even though the political parties would be better described as concervativism vs progressism. Nobody wants to ackowledge the vast array of political stances other people may have, they just want to destroy the other side.
>No better.
They're not the ones pushing it into games, and have no impact on the industry, so yes, they are better.
Kojima would be called a sexist and people would want a black snake
Don't act like I don't call it out either. I just know there's a way to do it and most people don't do it correctly and thus come off as whiny faggots.
Same shit is why I can't stand blatant /h/ or /e/ threads that constantly shit up this board but the Mods can't do their fucking jobs for w/e reason. Unless it's deleting actual vidya threads.
No, I wish there were. How about a game about a slave trader working in the Mali Empire?
The developers cited sandy hook as the reason for not having guns, and included some lore shit.
Now subnautica is actually a better game for not having guns, and without the dev statements, I would have read the anti gun thing as dsytopian corporate shit ala aliens. But the devs are political enough to drop their very good sound guy for being a mainstream republican.
Not that's necessarily a bad thing, of course.
You're a nazi.
See how easy it is?
politics in gaming =/= pushing a agenda, i like politics in gaming so long it does not push "the right answer" down my throat
>we don't want to face the fact that right-wing politics are irrevocably fucked, so instead we'll insist on not discussing politics at all
>The important black character in MGS4 is always with a monkey
Absolutely, if it were made today you wouldn't be allowed to side with Caesar's Legion because of how "dangerous" their ideology is
>The same writers wrote Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 and those games were shitposted to death nonstop.
I don't understand, I thought PoE was pozzed anyway, I played part of the first one but didn't like it.
Retards don't get accepted onto d.phil courses at one of the best universities in the world.
I swear there used to be a time when people would keep their political affiliation secret to avoid this kind of shit, as soon as people abandoned that everything went to shit
It's not a strawman if it's shit that gets genuinely said on this board, you pinhead
>based on the Cold War
>Has a female soldier called the Legendary Soldier and the Mother of Special Forces
>that's okay
>based on WW2
>has a female soldier
>that's unrealistic and disrespectful to WW2
Yes the overwhelming power of corporatism is a serious problem, but turning to a failed ideology written by a lazy fatfuck over a hundred years ago isn't the answer. Especially because western publics with access to facts and history reject and don't want it, thus why people are trying to implement via stealth, a prospect that almost certainly guarantees it's doomed to failure again.
>Dropping a good worker for their political beliefs
Unironically should be illegal
If a commie was a hard enough worker and did a good job I wouldn't fire him
manchild doesn't want feminism in his videogames news at 11
definitely a retard
This is such a cringe term that immediately exposes you as /pol/
Not saying you are the one that think this way but I will never understand people that think video games shouldnt be like reality and then complains about realism in games. I can understand with games that have their concept or story as a reference to a real life event like BF5 but if your game happens in a fictional war or something else then there's no point in complain like people did with anthem.
When there are several genuine alt-right game without any controversy or fuss, you will have a point. Until then, you're just whining that people dislike yet another consolidation of political control over an industry.
>You're a nazi
I'm a socialist liberal, this shit is untenable and is hurting both freedom of expression and the industry proper.
Who does?
Civilian idealists are scum.
If you are not in a high position in the government or the military, you have absolutely nothing of value to say about politics.
>he enjoys killing
yes....yes i do......
>I thought PoE was pozzed anyway
Same goes for movies or books. It's really fucking gay when that sort of thing is done.
>When there are several genuine alt-right game without any controversy or fuss, you will have a point
But there's not a single genuine left-wing game released nowadays without any controversy or fuss either, you dumbass.
Their goal is whats the problem. They want to be mlk when being called a racist is the worst thing you can be called. Rebels without a cause
He did an excellent job on Subnautica, and immediately got picked up by another team.
In the mean time, the later moves by the subnautica core team seems to show that they really didn't understand what made their game work in the first place.
People are trying failed ideologies from the 14th centrury, thinking it will eventually work, god willing. Not a surprise.
>This is such a cringe term that immediately exposes you as /pol/
You guessed wrong.
What's wrong with pozzed anyway, it's a perfectly cromulent word.
Don't forget, The Boss is also a cripple with prosthetic legs and arms. And armed with a katana. Super realistic.
You can use MGS3 every time someone complains about a strong female character
>The Boss literally gives birth in the middle of the battlefield with bullets whizzing by, was pregnant on the battlefield
>That's okay
>In Wolfenstein 2 your pregnant GF kills a bunch of nazis
>Wtf that's unrealistic!
>The same writers wrote Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 and those games were shitposted to death nonstop.
You could see it when Tyranny got released.
The moment the dev revealed that Kyros was both a he and a she Yea Forums went livid and cried about muh SJW propaganda.
Everyone has an agenda. All politics is pushing agendas.
Thank god MGS 3 was made before /pol/tards developed their SJW persecution complexes
That game would be mercilessly shit-posted if it came out for the first time today
Another example of that is San Andreas
they only talk about how awesome his guerrilla tactics were, mgs put everyone in gray areas, it's never good vs evil
and by the way che wasn't exactly a lefty, he was racist and homophobic, ironic how the left wing choose him as it's symbol
He must be anti gay.
Because MGS didn't try to justify it by saying "w-well there was a squad of all female soldiers so everyone's a bigot if you say otherwise!", And wasn't a series noted for it's wacky-ish characters.
>BF5 marketed itself as highly realistic
>MGS3 had a man who can control lightning (no explanation provided)
There's clearly a difference here. Now if you are the kind of person who dislikes Boss in MGS3 or hates having female characters in a fantasy MMO that's just womanhating autism.
But it ain't the same as marketing your game as "the authentic experience". By the way, didn't Battlefield 1 have a suit of fucking power armor in one scene? Shit's egregious.
oh sure a game with ghosts, a man that controls bees, a nearly dead sniper, mechas and a lot of insane stuff is the same as a series that was nearly always faithful to real battles.
one is a great character while the other is shitty writing with a clear agenda, Wolfenstein 2 did not even tied to hide its agenda.
So what posiiton do you hold for this insight about politics you just gave us?
>say MGS3 is unrealistic
>Yeah, it's a fictitious story
>say BFV is unrealistic
>wtf ur a bigot
I just want to say that I am really enjoying this thread and am thankful the mods didn't delete it.
>When there are several genuine alt-right game without any controversy or fuss, you will have a point.
Are there any alt-right games that don't involve the mass murder of people their ideology has targeted?
that's true but I don't think it actually constitutes an antiwar message or reflects such a stance on behalf of its creator
Not every portrayal of politics is pushing some sort of agenda.
Kingdom Come Deliverance is came that celebrates European history without black washing it
To the modern left that's alt right
Dude, the game is literally punishing you for killing too much. Of course that's an anti-war message. What the fuck.
Are we really pretending MGS3 was some deep political game when it was some James Bond flick with a monologue slapped on at the end? Hell the gameplay wasn't even that good either, at least use 2 if you need a proper example of political discussion in vidya.
I know that SJWs pressured staff members to resign, then there was that joke at a trannies expense which was perfectly fine, but I haven't played the second one, I don't care, the first pillars was shit why would double down be better?
MGS doesn't try to be realistic you fucking idiot, same reason why you don't see people complaining that women are so strong in fighting games
>if I don't like it, it has an agenda
Newsflash, user: every time a writer comes down with a story to tell, he has an agenda. Every time a person gets into a discussion about politics, that person has an agenda. Saying "it has an agenda" is not an argument, nor does it mean anything at all.
Don't you dare compare the Boss to that fucking unfunny caricature monstrosity you fucking stupid animal.
>If I misrepresent what this game was, and also misrepresent the ideology of my enemies, then it proves my point
"Pushing agenda" is just /pol/speak for "Spouting politics I disagree with"
No shit people have agendas. We're not NPCs.
None, just a simple grunt in the military.
I simply paid attention to what people say.
Civilians are ignorant, stupid, have absolutely no idea about politics or economics, and they are right now in a race to see who is the most offended. People now actually think watching some dumbass superhero movie is an act of activism.
Why anyone would let these people have any say in how a nation is ruled is beyond me.
It's even more hilarious when you find megalomaniacs who talk as if they were the goddamn illuminati and they were in control of the world and how "everything is going according to plan" like, what?
No civilian has an effect on this.
Only thing civilians can do is vote, and whoever gets in the White House gets a laser dot to the back of his head to prevent him from making anything that's not in certain interests.
So this is nowhere stated in the game at all? It's just the devs being retarded then and people don't know how to just let shit go.
>The boss is comparable to a shitty joke character in an equally shitty game
Yep, now I can safely discard your garbage opinions
Mother 3 (pro tranny, pro libtardism)
>MGS3 had a man who can control lightning (no explanation provided)
Let me add
>MGS 1 had a cyborg and a camo system that makes you practically disappear in the year of 2005
>Also had a guy who can read your memory card data
>MGS 2 had a vampire who can run on water and a woman with a force field around her to deflect bullets
Don't let me start on the prequels (prosthetic cyborg arms in the fucking year of 1974? That can launch like a rocket?). Metal Gear is always been anime shit and silly, never realistic.
You are not politicians, and you are probably millennials, which means all you do about your agenda is shitposting on the internet.
So what's the point?
None of you do anything for what you tell yourselves you believe in.
>military grunt thinks he's ever gonna amount to anything
Have fun dying for Israel.
"Newsflash" resetranny, only terrible writers do that specially so blatantly.
>all those people refusing to review it because it wanted to be portray polish historical events somewhat accurately
I think the best part about it is that it literally did nothing wrong but people took it as being against their agenda, which is sort of like saying that reality goes against our agenda, which is a fairly accurated description of the modern left.
>I subjectively like the character, so stronk female protagonist is justified when I personally like her and bad when I don't
So then stop bitching every time a strong female character shows up. The only thing that should matter is if you like them, not if they're a woman.
>If you are not in a high position in the [...] the military, you have absolutely nothing of value to say about politics
>[I'm] just a simple grunt in the military
By your own argument, you should call yourself out on having nothing of value to say, no matter how much attention you've been paying.
Tit for tat, yes. Feed the flames, keep the fire burning, for eternity, yessss.
Tyranny was a generic WRPG that sold on a false premise
>It's an RPG but you're ~evil~
>you're merely an enforcer in a run of the mill autocracy
Boooring. Not even an iota as good as actual evil games like Dungeon Keeper.
You are pushing an agenda right now.
And Wolfenstein 2 has a dude being decapitated and having his head transplanted into a cyborg. Didn't stop Yea Forums from crying about its politics.
I don't mean to, I just want my paycheck.
That's why I don't care about ideologic matters, just about who has power to do something, and you don't.
Pushing an agenda = taking a side. You can portray politics without taking a side. Plenty of works of fictions have done so.
Keep cryin', shiet.
>Tyranny was a generic WRPG that sold on a false premise
Never said it was good retard.
Inserting characters that are black, gay, trans or whatever isn't politics. Its part of 'social justice' and is a decision made independent of the government wtf..
If the devs feel like they wanted to do it, they can do it. Its their game and people will either buy it or not.
Theres no governmental regulation to force devs to do anything
Only terrible writers do what, exactly? Put their political views and ideas into their stories? Have you ever read a single book in your life past 8? Literally every single story wants you to think about something, which is what people like you call "an agenda". I'd bet you can't even give a proper definition for having an agenda that wouldn't include basically every piece of media ever made.
>BFV marketed itself as highly realistic
BFV had a guy with a katana and a chick with prosthetic limbs mowing down the bad guys. And since when has BF ever been a realistic series to begin with? You can do all sorts of retarded shit in it
And mgs5 was big boss taking soldiers out of the politics
The MGS games obviously take a side, though. Solid Snake and Raiden are the guys the game is rooting for.
Can't you see why announcing the sexuality of your faceless psychopathic characters might be a bad move?
Hint: It puts what their peepee reacts to before their actual personality and doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the writing
I never bitched about the Boss because she's a good character faggot. You made the false assertion and equivalence in the first place.
And you get hate for it from intelligen people. Whats so shocking?
Wolf 2 is objectively worse than the first in everything but gunplay though
Worse level design, worse story, more unneeded story, worse characters, worse difficulty curve, worse bosses, worse music, and worse sound design
It's a step down from 1 and old blood
The more important difference is that MGS3 did a MUCH better job of selling the boss as a strong, capable woman, with her scenes with volgin, and snake.
The games are fucking nuts in the shit they portray, but there's SOME things that they work hard to get the feel right for. Their portrayal of strong, and effective women isn't particularly even, but it's more than generic girl power.
BF 5 marketed itself as telling the tales of unsung heroes of ww2, who were ignored because they were women and minorities.
Hell, what was the highest budget alt right game?
You were falsely stating that all criticism of it was about whatever the fuck you're talking about (none of which I personally saw).
>That's why I don't care about ideologic matters, just about who has power to do something, and you don't.
And yet here you are, giving us your insight and trying to tell us exactly how the world works, even though you actually have nothing of value to say by your own words. Really, I'd expect some self-awareness should have popped out in your head by this point prompting you into noticing how your words and your actions contradict themselves.
How the hell can you play through the MGS games and not have an idea of what Kojima's feelings about the American military are?
Okay? But not all works of fiction have to do so and many don't. So not all politics is pushing an agenda.
When people complain solely about leftist politics in media because when a liberal uses media to voice his opinion it's never done with subtilty or tact and take for granted that the viewer will argee with them.
They just off-handedly said in his bio that he has a boyfriend as part of his backstory. People made a big fuss out of it for no reason. It's not even in the game, it's in the website. /pol/tards are just looking for shit to get outraged over, just like SJWs.
Why not just add trans and kids and call it a night?
Politics in games isn't that deep. There's civ, alpha centaurt, tropico, deus ex.
It's harder to use 2 as making claims about identity politics, so it's much less popular to use by these 'tards, of all directions..
I'm not talking about MGS.
I don't disagree, I'm arguing specifically with the "It's bad because it pushes agendas" point.
regarding "They want big instant results but don't want to make small victories over two generations": That looks different while it's happening than it does after it happens. The small victories made in the civil rights movement were made by a group that demanded as much as they could, because they knew they were only going to make progress with maybe 10% of their objectives. That's how it always happens. If you demand a small change you get nothing and if you demand a big change, you get a small change at most
Once again, i'm talking about ideologic matters, about choosing ideologies.
A civilian choosing an ideology is completely pointless because he never does absolutely anything about it.
He might go to vote, which in itself, is also pointless, and he might go to one of those rallies that people forget about the day afterwards.
That's it.
And sometimes not even that, people have convinced themselves that posting crap on the internet is activism somehow, when this only affects people who's entire lives revolve around the internet and have lost all contact with real life.
Then give some examples of what you ARE talking about.
I'm sorry, if you have to characterize your character no matter where, their peepee feels should be the last thing to think about unless you're talking about Larry from Leisure Suit
But there were people here arguing that having any female soldiers in BFV was bad period because it was "unrealistic" and based their complaints entirely off the trailer. It had nothing to do with a "bad female character" just that there was one to begin with.
>Struck a nerve, have I?
>It's harder to use 2 as making claims about identity politics, so it's much less popular to use by these 'tards
Spot on. Nobody in these threads is interested in having honest discussions anyway so what's the point.
The only people who get upset about "politics" in video games are the same people who treat life like a football game and get genuinely upset when presented with ideas they don't personally hold.
Tl;dr sensitive manbabies
muh foreskin
People that say that don't actually want politics out of videogames, they want viewpoints that don't agree with theirs out of videogames. Which is stupid because whomever creates something gets to decide what message (if any) it has.
It has pretty cool gameplay, everything else is garbage
Lets make a list of political messages in videogames.
>hurrr war is bad
>hurr racism is bad
Oh wait, that's it.
That's all the political commentary videogames are capable of.
Why the fuck would I want to hear a game pretending to be smart when the message is at the level of Little Red Riding Hood?
MGS is claimed to be the most "deep" political franchise ever, and yet all the franchise has said is how war, nukes and PMCs are really, really bad.
It's almost as if a 10 year old writes these turds.
Why the fuck would I want it in videogames, knowing that there's some guy making a living out of writing this crap?
Why is the font in the last panel different from the other three?
A Tv show I've been watching is The Expanse which features lots of politics between 3 factions without taking a side.
Good thing it's not a big focus of the character and it's just one throwaway line in the middle of a bio paragraph, yet you still find a way to bitch about that. That's pathetic.
>You were falsely stating that all criticism of it was about whatever the fuck you're talking about
No I didn't you fucking retard.
I said that Yea Forums went retarded when the dev revealed that Kyros didn't have a set gender and cried about them inserting tranny propaganda.
Get better reading comprehension.
There are people who campaign for it. BOOM!
oh please tell us Lord of the ring, Hannibal, Final Fantasy whatever, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger/Cross clear agenda you fucking mongoloid, a author is free to put his politics in his writing yes but there a massive difference between wanting to make the reader think and telling the reader what to think, not that i expect a idiot like you understand such thing.
>exposing all religions as a lie
>when it literally says how the Bible was actually kind of real, just a bit distorted from what actually happened
Truly makes one think...
Yes and no one would care if it wasnt because of sjw politics
Wow someone didn't understand MGS2.
it's still shit writing and it's gonna get called out as shit writing and pandering, fuck off and stay off
It's only stated in loosest terms in game, that you can't make guns because of mass shootings on spaceships.. The devs actually are very upfront about their political feelings, to the point of being kind of dicks.. I dont' consider this a bad thing at all in and of itself.
>and people don't know how to just let shit go.
We're definitely seeing outrage farmed for profit, and political advantage.
Yeah, in other words, it's only politics they disagree with that are suddenly "forced agendas"
Oh wow, here we have the pretentious MGS2 redditors about how MGS2 is totally genius because it said that people tend to create circlejerks in order to make themselves feel better.
My mind is absolutely blown.
Anyone who attempts to introduce politics in videogames in any form has always utterly failed and has resulted in crap only liked by absolute retards who think COD has deep campaigns.
It's "shit writing" because it offends your feelings. You didn't even fucking read the line yourself. You just read that screenshot of an article bitching about it. The absolute state of (You)
I agree with this, there's a difference between stating a point of view, and trying to force you something as normal. Like what Life is Strange 2 does.
First three are politics to serve the story, they are not used to sell to customers
Last is used to sell copies
Everything is forced, any mention of politics in all entertainment media should result in a permanent blacklist for the author.
No, your story was not going to be good and you had nothing of value to say, because you are a stupid writer who grew up in a world that gave you everything in a silver plate.
Its easier than actually talking about it because most people rely on generic Jon Stewert level political analysis to make sense of their world and thinking about its obvious flaws causes them to 'shutdown'
But to understand the first 3, you have to have played the game and paid attention to the story, as well as having the critical thinking skills to extrapolate meaning from it all.
It's easy to be mad at a woman on the cover art of a war game though because its a woman x d.
Wow guys controversy over nothing is fun.
You are wrong about Arcanum. The gnomes are an obvious jew stereotype and are evil monsters behind all the evils in the games world / plot.
When its everywhere and everyone believes that shit, and people push their shallow shit everywhere, with others begging developers to make it more sjw, yes.
>Oh wow, here we have the pretentious MGS2 redditors about how MGS2 is totally genius because it said that people tend to create circlejerks in order to make themselves feel better.
>My mind is absolutely blown.
>still not getting what MGS2 plot was about
Must be nice being a brainlet
It's shit writing because there's literally no reason to tell the audience about a character trait that's not gonna be relevant in the context of the story. Still fuck off
You don't think Call of Duty's marketing is in anyway geared towards any particular political ideology?
None at all?
But the top two aren't true at all?
Which is why MGS is a terrible franchise that deserved it's pitiful death and to get its corpsed pissed on by MG Survive.
At most it's pro 2nd amendment since this generation is the most pro gun in history now because of COD and BF
Did you just make this OC? I love it.
Remember when Yea Forums had those threads on Anita 24/7 for like a week and basically contributed entirely to her success?
That was fun. All because she said some shit people didn't agree with. It's okay to just not agree with something without sperging out. But I mean those same people reee at any political message in games and even see just having a black character or some shit as "political".
No, it's exactly about that, you are just a pretentious Kojimadrone latched onto a rightfully dead franchise that had nothing of value in it.
You'll try to defend the pretentious piece of convoluted garbage that MGS2 was by saying "you didn't get it" over and over again.
Don't even bother.
I'm interested in Russian opinion to this game
The left literally only cares about race and gender now. It makes sense having a white hetero dude seems less sjw
Delete this. Now
You're right user. It isn't about politics, but the RIGHT type of politics. If a game is talking about politics in the context of loving God, goodness, kindness, that's a good thing. If the game is made by satanic liberals that worship social degradation, abortion, violence, sexual liberation, immigration, feminism, then it's evil, and probably should be destroyed.
The left would literally complain about those characters being villains right now, both sigint (the patriots) and strangelove.
But MGS3 is a horrible movie game with one of the most stupid plots ever that only brainlets like.
>Why is the character gay? It's not meaningful to the story and changes nothing about the character.
>Wow, why are they pushing the fact he's gay onto me? Why can't he just be a guy that happens to be gay
To sell a product it probably is. It's easy to target demographics. They knew that shit would be controversial.
It's the fault of the consumer for getting so upset over nothing though. But marketers saw all the early 2010s internet shit. Just be a woman and have an opinion and people get upset. Like it's easy to pretend not a lot of people are sexist but then you take 3 minutes to actually just watch shit going down and reactions to it
This, without the religious mombo jombo
Every sane human being complained about that
No, they wouldn't. Far Cry 3 had the two minority leaders be villains and basically no one gave a shit. Maybe there was one blog article or two crying about it but the vast majority didn't mind.
>views get challenged
>instantly complain about the left
like fucking pottery
Every sane human being complained that the gays and blacks are villains, okay. You know exactly what I mean faggot.
Oh fuck I'm sharing this in the Trump Discord right now.
Say goodbye, Yea Forums. We're killing all discussion of this series here.
wow it's like they just want something to be upset at and for games to not challenge their opinions on anything at all
>game having politics involved in narrative
>game being preachy political propaganda
same thing right retard.
It means no contemporary politics.
And they'd be right. The MGS 4 twist of making Zero and Sigint the Patriots was really fucking retarded. MGS 4 is a really fucking stupid game and way worse than V. But I digress.
Let's be honest, you can't.
>lefty shit in my videogames
>omg why are you talking about the left
The ones up to maybe black ops one or two, yes. I think the newer ones are definitely moving away from that.
Congratulations user you've figured out that right-wing /pol/acks are hypocritical dipshits that are just as equally retarded as SJW leftists that they bemoan. Stop wasting whatever remaining IQ you have in these threads.
whether a character takes it up the ass and loves shit on his dick is simply not relevant to the story unless you're making an LGBT game, retard.
The point of MGS is that USA is the biggest cancer in the world, that it's military is composed of scum, and that it's citizens and politicians are not any better, and that it's a shame nukes were dropped in Japan instead of the US.
It's too bad MGSV was so neutered, I would have liked the original idea where you are actively and directly fighting against the US, instead of just chasing the Skullface retard.
Then again, burgerclaps would have thrown an autistic fit of rage over the fact that there's no such thing as a good American.
You had this same FUCKING thread yesterday.
We all agreed on one thing
Propaganda isn't Politics. The discussion of what they are is beyond the scope of this thread because it involves some reading and you ape-like simpletons can't comprehend anything that's not a video game or food metaphor.
Go read a book.
People complain about everything. That shouldn't stop you from doing what you think is a good thing.
Your post was about the rights only care about race. Thats what I explained.
To all the Retardera faggots: You will never pass as a woman, just give up already. Everyone is disgusted by you.
The "gay character paradox" is a thing I've noticed for a while now
>Gay guy acts like a straight person, can't even tell he's gay unless he tells you
>Why is he gay? Forced diversity, he's just turned gay just because
>Gay guy acts gay
>Wow, why can't we just have gay characters who don't force their gayness on me? He's badly written
We can have politics in videogames when we get smart writers.
As long as we only have talentless hacks like Kojima writing them, then please, don't.
Even more if you are a millennial.
Hell, SPECIALLY if you are a millennial, you have absolutely nothing to say about politics, a millennial is inherently retarded.
>equally retarded
Yes user, all views are just as good and valid :)
gayest post in this thread
nobody thinks you're smart just because you write with reddit spacing and talk about reading books lmao
>Propaganda isn't Politics
Every single character we don't know their sexuality is sexually ambiguous. Yet now we have irrelevant characters that happen to be gay for no reason. It is an agenda you like it or not.
And for the record, this exact same shit is done with black people too.
>Why is he black? They just made a white dude and painted him black. It's just for brownie points.
>Wow, why do I have to listen to this nigger bitching about racial segregation?
It's not a paradox, you just can't have good gays in games.
Trust me. I read a lot of god-awful feminist propaganda. You lot are just the same in making up scenarios where you're targeted.
>having trannys on your mind 24/7
This isn't healthy
>>Take politics out of vidya, they don't belong
>Why do so many retards on Yea Forums literally say this shit?
What they mean when they say that is take out the subversive Jewish propaganda from video games as it was the last avenue for whites to escape the kikery surrounding them in their daily lives. They may not even realize that's what they're talking about but that's what they're really protesting against, subconsciously or otherwise.
With that mentality, we wouldn't be allowed to have great games like MGS 3.
Politics is fine, Jewish anti-white propaganda is not. MGS was not that, so that's why no one has a problem with it.
>we wouldn't be allowed to have great games like MGS 3.
Oh no, what would we do without another shitty movie game starring the biggest, most autistic manchild to ever be in a military themed game, fighting against a dumbass russian who doesn't actually sound Russian and uses Force Lightning for everything except attacking you.
Yes user, it would be such a shame to not have the franchise that convinced other devs that making games focused on their terrible plot and featuring endless boring cutscenes was a good idea, I bet the industry would suffer a lot without great games such as Beyond Two Souls, Uncharted or The Last of Us.
If you don't see the blatant, retarded, strawman in your final statement, there's really no discussing it.
Clearly we need to learn from the japanese, and make them bisexual girly newhalfs, and high grade traps, ala Guilty gear.
>character never says theyre gay because it's irrelevant and happens to have a romantic interest in another guy just like any other generic cartoon/anime ship bait between hetero characters
>it's forced just because he's gay
>Every single character we don't know their sexuality is sexually ambiguous.
Every character who's sexuality isn't revealed is assumed to be straight.
I don't even know why you're trying to pretend that this isn't what happens.
>Yet now we have irrelevant characters that happen to be gay for no reason
Do you complain when a character is straight when it has no bearing on the narrative?
Nazi zombies definitely, most people just get it to play the multiplayer. Plus the little kids who buy the games don't really understand any of it.
Just so you understand, I hate gays, I don't think there should be gay characters and telling kids that being gay is normal is evil.
But besides that, we had never had video games telling us the sexuality of characters unless they were in a relationship, suddenly we need to know if someone is gay for whatever the fuck reason. But you know the reason? The creator is a SJW that wants this to be seen as normal and wants kid to think it's okay to be gay. They want to convert more people into homosexuality. Straight people don't do that, because they don't have to, men are naturally attracted to women and vice versa. And since gays can't reproduce, all they have to do is putting gay characters in all media so they can convert more people while they're still young.
Be aware, I will hate degenerates first, and give logical arguments later, you're both morally and logically wrong.
That makes them just as valid! Good! Its not like there are retards in every ideology. We need to call them all retards and be smug pricks with no real opinion.
identity """politics""" =/= actual politics
Well I guess everyone's an NPC now.
YOU assumed them to be straight, Dante could be pretty much be gay as he's living with 2 hot women and there's no indication that he fucked them.
According to you half of the characters should say they're gay even though is irrelevant and nobody cares and the others should not say anything about their sexuality. Fuck off, I don't give a shit about the sexuality of videogame characters that don't even have romantic relationships. And I know you care a lot, because you feel bad about your shitty life choices and need to be reassured that you're not doing anything wrong, despite being depressed all the time.
How about a game that exposes how retarded millennial idealism is, and where you actively fight against this scum, no matter their ideology?
At this point it's obvious it's idealists who are actively ruining the world.
MGS3 sucked dick, by the way, nothing but a weebshit ripoff of James Bond with none of the charm.
Identity politics is politics that involve people who aren't white men that make you uncomfortable
the real NPC move is thinking you aren't an NPC
All retarded ideologies like
>we need gays in all our games!
>there should be no gays in our games!
should be called retarded and not taken seriously.
We're all NPCs in the game of life ;)
more like games that try to make me sympathaize with suicidal trannies and braindead niggers
Identity politics are irrelevant civilian garbage that doesn't affect the real world and nobody really cares about except companies that make a living out of ripping off these stupid dumbasses.
Millennial retards fell hard for it, for some reason, and they think they are saving the world through the power of internet shitposts.
The only point of partaking in identity politics is getting into their discussion, falseflagging as both sides and enjoy the fireworks.
Retarderas go home.
>MGV and peacewalker are representative of the series as a whole
Every quote expect for the second Sigint one is from those two games.
Because straight people are like 99% of humanity retard. Also Dante is straight. What are the odds? Who could have known?
>implying discord trannies ever played a game in the MGS series other than those
They also happen to be the worst ones, funny.
There's politics and then there's "politics". I'm not interested in the latter which basically amounts to nothing more than hot takes that belong on Twitter. Kojima and his team never took themselves too seriously, which is why Metal Gear is the ideal way to handle politics in games.
Pic related is identity politics.
OP is talking about MGS 3, which is unarguably the best MGS, btw
thats harsh bro, the medical terminology is "idiot" or "retardation" not brain dead.
>. Fuck off, I don't give a shit about the sexuality of videogame characters that don't even have romantic relationships.
But in the example that started this Gibraltar had a romantic relationship and you still complained anyway.
Thats shallow. Its really
>Does representation and race matter and to what degree
There's politics in MGS?
The story of those games is just too fucking stupid to take them seriously.
It's like Marvel movies, you can only experience that ironically.
How the fuck do you know? He never had a partner before. And why the fuck you abnormal faggots want representation in fucking video games then? Like I said, you feel bad about being a piece of shit degenerate and need people to tell you there's nothing wrong with you, guess what, there is, that's why 99% of people aren't like you and you need fucking video game characters to say they're gay just so you feel better.
I never fucking thought of video game characters as sexual beings, is Link gay? Straight? The fuck do I know? I don't think Link thinks about sex at all, only about doing what's right and save fucking Hyrule.
You're not allowed to say that.
This x100
>Gibraltar had a romantic relationship
I don't even know what you're talking about.
The only ideal way to handle politics is to mock everyone, specially activists.
Expose them as the lunatic clowns they all are.
Special points if the game lets you kill them afterwards.
Liberals are brain damaged holy shit
But then that just makes you a centrist
I agree with you but Dante flirts with Lady and has women posters everywhere. He is straight like the rest of humanity
sounds like what rockstar used to do before rdr2 came out and then forced you into a feminist escort mission as a part of the story
No, centrists can also be activists.
Mock them too.
Mostly, focus on the fact that they are all a bunch of posers who only claim to believe in something and never actually do absolutely anything about it.
Yes, that's why I loved GTA V, it attacked absolutely everyone, no one was free from getting shat on.
Republicans, democrats, millennials, hipsters, the game shat on everyone, that's how it should be done.
>YOU assumed them to be straight,
Me and most people do.
>According to you half of the characters should say they're gay even though is irrelevant
And according to you all gay characters should prance about screaming how gay they are or it's irrelevant that they're gay.
centrists are righties who are to scared to be labelled as the right
According to me there should be no gay characters because it's irrelevant to a video game :)
>dude, I have convictions lmao, which is why I will never, EVER do anything about my "convictions" aside from internet shitposting
Oh wait, i'm sure the bravest will dare take pictures of themselves holding some pussified message written on a white paper.
Saving the world one tweet at a time, millennials.
Hey discord trannies and Retardera faggots, I can have biological sons with my hot wife, something you will never do, not that it matters since you will commit suicide when you reach 30 anyway.
Do you also think that there should be no such thing as romance or sex appeal of any sort in video games? Or do you curiously only extend this to homosexuality?
Centrists are okay in my book because they make both the left and the right mad and there's nothing they can do about it, they just get irrationally angry and it's lovely to watch.
The only purpose of an idealist is to poke him, make him angry and see how he spergs out.
>sex appeal
Irrelevant to the discussion, Dante can be hot for faggots and that doesn't ruin the game for normal people. Same as 2B for men.
Don't care, doesn't add to the gameplay. You're putting all your effort in arguing about the least important aspect of videogames.
Well, at least you're consistent, then.
They also are huge faggots with no real opinions
suck a tranny cock already, you need to get it out of your mind
Why do we need gender and race politics in games again?
I have met people irl with total apathy regarding politics positions and discussions or that prefered to not be biased to take a side and it's funny to watch how both left and right share things in common regarding behaviors and have a very black and white vision of the world
>implying anyone can find any pleasure in sucking those microscopic cocks ruined by hormone therapy
Are you implying millennials have valuable opinions about politics?
Look at what they have done for the past 10 years, turn political discussion into console wars.
Which is why these idealist manchildren deserve nothing but to be mocked for unironically implying they are worth anything for claiming to "believe in something" even though they never act based on it beyond internet posts.
We don't need anything, but developers should feel free to express themselves in whatever way they wish and we shouldn't be little bitches that try to rise up against them if they have different political views from ours
Normal people dont want to play as a fag
ask that to any media then
Those are the true valuable opinions, right?
Incels aren't normal people.
Only Retardera people cry for that in games. But get this in your head first:
There are NO normal people in Retardera, every one of them is either a feminazi, a faggot or a tranny, they feel bad about their life choices and want video games to represent them, they want video game characters to be like them so they don't feel as bad and can pretend to be normal for a second, they're not. And their whole fucking lineage is ending with them.
>political activists
Your opinion is both stupid and retarded.
>If you dont want to play as a character you cant relate to you are a incel
Dante is not a faggot anyway, if faggots think he's hot that's okay I guess.
>i need to shit on the game industry so i can feel better about myself
LGBT and minorities deserve to be laughed at
But you just described Yea Forums with that greentext
>Only seeing ideologies by the crazies
But that literally Yea Forums these days.
There's other types?
First thing I hear.
so this board?