Unlis Dis
Good for him.
What is it?
The announcement of Phoenix Point becoming a Epic Store exclusive, it is unlisted now, presumably due the backlash.
What is Phoenix point?
what is wrong with epic store?
And this is why you don't give money to Kikestarter or whatever the fuck.
>Trusting the eternal anglo
x-cum clone
i don't like supporting chinese companies
Spiritual Successor to the original X-com: Ufo Defense which was the brainchild of that man (Julian Gollop), it was crowd funded and the exclusivity deal, that Gollops studio approached mind you, meant they could not provide promised backer rewards anymore, they offered refunds but basically let it slip that even if every single backer was refunded they would be "in the black" due what Epic paid them, that's generally not a good idea to state to your backers.
It is a pretty interesting situation since it relates both to the issues Crowdfunding and the recent Epic Store drama.
If you need to ask you have to been under a fucking rock this whole week.
It threathens Steams monopoly.
Link it
Sounds like people are gonna pirate it.
>but basically let it slip that even if every single backer was refunded they would be "in the black" due what Epic paid them, that's generally not a good idea to state to your backers
Why not? Pretty cool they were honest.
The implication is that a bunch of individuals crowdfunded a game and are no longer important due to finding a higher source of revenue. This is especially infuriating since it was because of those individuals the game's development was allowed to proceed in the first place.
Not that kickstarter has ever had that great of publicity, but this latest fiasco is going to really set back crowdfunding for future games.
>If you need to ask you have to been under a fucking rock this whole week.
stopped buying games years ago, because of this ignored all the shitshow in those threads.
Would you rather support obese fucks from North American shithole? I don't think i would.
I am just fucking tired of DRM in general.
tldr for this case
Crowd Funded; Promises Steam or gog keys
Takes a deal with Epic exclusiveness instead
Pisses off the people who funded it
One of the devs comes out and says basically "Even if you all refund your funding we'll still be in the black thanks to Epic"
Their kickstarter promised steam keys, and they're saying now that you can either wait a year for your steam key or get an epic key at the actual launch.
They're giving free refunds, so it's fine.
Because it shows that Crowdfunding is just there as a marketing ploy to sell the game to the *real* investors and they will ditch their backers in favor of the new investors, its not only about being exclusive on a store but also how game development will go with changes made to the game to appease the new investors that are against of what the project promised to backers.
It makes people that invest on such projects feeling like they were used because thats the truth, also it affects actual honest projects that are very niche and depend on crowdfunding since people will be less likely to back such projects.
Also he wasnt honest, that was some idiot that shoot his mouth on the Discord that let that out, pretty much telling people that backed their project were irrelevant.
exclusives sell consoles and even services. Steam wouldn't be nearly as popular as it was today if it wasn't for Team Fortress 2 and Counterstrike. Valve wouldn't be so beloved if it wasn't for its games
But Epic isn't making exclusives, they're stealing them
Backers supported a game they wanted to get made and probably helped it get enough marketing to get the Epic deal in the first place. Sounds like they got what they paid for. The game is now successful.
Works for me, since the devs already got paid they have no reason to complain about piracy.
Taking money as an interest free loan isn't fine in my book. I didn't back this, but if I did, I'd be even more up in arms about it. This is just scummy behavior considering the terms have changed.
I don't think I'd complain at all if the game simply came out as reported like Metro (IE, backers are still given the game on time on the platform of their choice), but a bait and switch like this is absolutely inexcusable.
>free refunds
Are there non free refunds?
Okay then, gonna give a synopsis then.
-Barebones features, it was designed to be a launcher first and store second.
-Arguably Spyware, confirmed to at the very least go though your steam user data (like friends and what games you own) unofficially and probably collects more data then that.
-High aggression in acquiring "Exclusives" at the last second, this has resulted in annoying situations for consumers, like the Phoenix Point one.
-Yet another fucking Launcher store to go with Steam, Origin, Blizzstore and what not.
For Devs the main draw is that right now Epic will outright pay to have you in there and take a miniscule "share" of sales (10% as opposed to 90%), For Consumers they seem to be baiting pretty hard with free games right now, Subnautica and Slime Rancher to name two.
As a man of the seas you shouldn't really need to care anyway, because i doubt you will ever touch it.
Such is the monkey's paw
you don't know what monopoly means
>Sounds like they got what they paid for.
No I paid for a GoG key to be received when the game launches.
Lol I haven't seen that image for a while
The reason this is especially shitty is that the devs sold backers on their game giving them GOG or Steam keys, and then outright contacted Epic themselves to try and get their game to be an Epic Game Store exclusive. It's being a cunt of the highest order
For things wrong with the Epic store itself:
>No cloud saves
>Only basic controller support
>No modding platform
>Ironically, actual Chinese customers can't buy games on Epic's store
>No Linux support whatsoever
>No free key generation for publishers to sell to third-party distributors which will result in competing prices (and it won't ever happen given that someone directly asked Tim about this and he dodged the answer)
>Scrapes your Steam data without your permission (which is a violation of GDPR) and claims that it's for if you ever want to link friends lists even though Epic takes all of your games played data as well as your wishlist too (and other things)
>Instead of using its vast Fortnite money to directly fund new studios and produce new games that wouldn't have existed otherwise, Epic moneyhats already existing games to take them away from other storefronts
>>Only basic controller suppor
Meaning what, that only one type of controller works?
why can't epic just get their shit together
after all this time we finally have someone who has a realistic chance at beating steam and yet they fail so fucking hard at these most basic tasks
I mean Steam is a piece of shit made by lazy assholes but somehow epic manages to make their store even worse
I hate this fucking world so much, fuck valve and fuck epic
You controller need to work out of the box for games on Epic's store to run them. Valve's put work into a multitude of controllers having support when playing games through Steam. You could plug in a Switch Pro controller and use it just fine
>Steam is a piece of shit made by lazy assholes
I wouldn't exactly call Proton and making a new multiplayer API for devs to use for dedicated servers with Valve 'lazy'
>produce new games that wouldn't have existed otherwise
I'm sure they're doing this too.
Just to mention this was not backed on Kickstarter, it was backed on a different crowdfunding site called Fig.
>I'm sure they're doing this too.
>Dropped UT4 off the face of the Earth in early 2018, effectively stopped supporting it well before that
>Absolutely nothing new in terms of new games since, all just Fortnite shit
Yeah I'm sure user
Tim Sweeney has his head lodged too far up inside his own asshole to actually make a realistic attempt at dethroning Steam. He unironically thinks Steam doesn't carry anything but Valve's own games, and that people should be proud of the fact that Epic is PROCONSUMER enough to have multiple publishers on one store.
>though a fucking 3rd party you have to give your financial info through