Borderlands 3 seems more and more promising
Borderlands 3 seems more and more promising
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Randy Pitchford vs Phil Fish who wins?
Wow, I was just wondering what Randy Pitchford had been tweeting. Thanks for filling me in, OP.
Cliffy B
>cried during a marvel movie
>one of the most meh marvel movies too
I cried every time I saw brie larson's face too, it is truly horrific.
Literally what moments cry worthy?
What kind of person do you gotta be to even follow people like Randy on Twitter
post the edit
When the movie starts and doesn't feel like it will ever end.
Post the reply.
>day 43
>still no video of the squirting camgirl he left on a USB at the Medieval Times
>cried 3 times
Brie Larson? More like Brie Arseless!
A total badperson all-around.
blue board, faggot
The same kind that follows Chris Chan.
He cried every time he remembered that USB.
how does she sit down?
What happens first; Borderlands 3 coming out or Randy getting jailed?
I'd cry more if I saw her feet
My body just had the same revulsion that occurs when I spot gruesome roadkill while I'm driving. That tingling in my lower abdomen that signals literal disgust.
I wish I could bury my face in Tom Holland's buns.
>adult crying at movie
>a movie for kids
>a capeshit movie for kids
What the fuck nigger
So how was Captain Marvel? Is it all stronk woman who don't need no man, or does she at least get a scene like Spiderman homecoming where she is just fucking beaten and destroyed under a bunch of rubble and has to pull herself together?
yeah there really wasnt anything to cry about. the movie was an ok action movie with some neat scenes but goddamn no one in that movie could carry it
>conned SEGA out of money to make Memelands
>is gonna con Epic Games Store out of money to make Memelands 3
I wonder if Anthony Burch ever thinks "at least i'm not randy pitchford, god what a douche"
Let's be honest. Everyone at Yea Forums will install the Epic Game Store client to play the badass Borderlands 3.
It doesn't really have any good moment like that. The fight scene in the movie that happens while this song is playing tells you everything you need to know about what to expect.
it's pretty shit, they show the viewers the plot twist so only the character "don't understand" what's going on until the end when she has a 5 second flashback and become invincible and win at everything.
It feels like a 20 minute cartoon stretched into a movie. It retcons a lot of the avengers too.
Imagine if Anthony Burch and Randy Pitchford did the DBZ fusion dance and became the ultimate cuck
Why does everyone on the fringe left overcompensate so hard? Don't they realize this is why everyone hates them? I see it with every single thing connected to this movie, including it's favorable fanfare. I'm going to see it to, and I sincerely doubt it's outright terrible, but good god get a grip man. You don't have to pretend it's the most amazing thing ever just to spite those "Utooob nazzies".
It's just so fucking cringy to see people this desperate.
>crying 3 times in a kids film that was just made as filler for the last avengers movie
I pirated every single boredomlands
Samuel L. Jackson was about the only thing worth watching the movie for.
1 is the only good Borderlands game because it doesn't have cuck writing and actually has good weapon/enemy scaling and a wide variety of weapons
Phil Fish, because he isn't a kiddie diddler.
I probably would have cried if I had to watch the "the last time I trusted someone I lost an eye" retcon
Am I the only one who likes Battleborn and wants Battleborn heroes in Borderlands 3?
Especially Alani and Phoebe (and maybe Orendi) are mandatory.
If you have played Battleborn (which you didn't have anyway) you would know that the biggest problem with the game was that it had no replay value and it was not even sure what it is. It is like Overwatch, LoL, and Borderlands but removed all the good part of those games. No one plays quick play or arcade in Overwatch (maybe some Blizzcucks), but except of that Overwatch would be dead without ranked.
Keep the mask on spidey and we can play
unironically terrible and the worst marvel movie to date
tl;dr, she's an overpowered bitch who has zero depth to her character. snarky and smug about her powers when she got them by accident from someone else. she's a "hero" not because she's a good person or for the sake of being a hero, but literally only to prove something for herself. she wine every fight she's in not through fighting smart or skillfully, but with big aoe energy blasts after she gets frustrated from being punched a few times (and I mean LITERALLY every fight). worst of all, the play up the sexism thing to the point where it's almost satire. shameless cash grab that tried to bank on wonder woman's success without doing any of the things that made wonder woman actually good.
Its a shame, she used to be cute.
hahaha damn
I want to watch Wonder Woman again because Gal's face is fucking gorgeous and the movie is actually decent too.
The god damn shirt says KEK
>Actually trying to shill for Battleborn
Only good thing about it was bird husbando
Jesus this is embarrassing. What an absolute phony.
>Fury always makes badass lies to make it seem like he lost his eye doing cool shit
>lost it to a cat
Tbh it’s kinda funny, but I wished they kept it a mystery on how he lost his eye.
someone posted a fucking picture of total biscuit on this board once and when you image search it,it comes up with the cliffy b c u ck image
>a cat
>this guy made and directed half life opposing force
Tfw DC made a better movie with a female lead.
>look up brie larson feet
>reminded that feet wiki exists
>all those comments
>Today I went with my son to see capt marvel. Twice in one scene it has closeups of her toes. They used a foot double, who actually had great toes. When they showed them for that split second, I said...those arent her toes. My son looks over and do you know? I said...umm..I've seen her toes and that ain't them.
Feet friends are alright when they make me laugh
Have sex.
What about it?
I swear to god if this is leading up to a BL 1+2 remaster, with the joke being that 1+2=3, thus why he keeps mentioning the number 3.
What the fuck is wrong with her big toe/big toe nails? I'm not even a footfag, but that's fucking gross.
Imagine. There's a woman out there going to open casting calls in Hollywood with foot double for Marvel on her resume.
She clips her toenails by kicking brick walls.
It's infected.
It makes the toenail get really thick and it's kinda hard to fix.
Mine got so fucked up that eventually it started twisting and ended up completely deformed, so they had to permanently remove it.
>God Tier
Avengers Infinity War
Into the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man 2
>Great Tier
Captain America Civil War
Spider Man
GOTG 1 and 2
>Good Tier
Iron Man 1
Captain America 1 and 2
X-Men 2
>Okay tier
Iron Man 2
Avengers 2
>Who gives a shit/didn't see tier
The rest
>reddit tier
All superhero movies.
Kill yourself faggot.
Followup article
Has anyone told Randy about Epic's botnet yet?
They think they're spiting their opposition. Instead, they're just giving them more ammunition to laugh at them with.
If you're over the age of (I'll be generous here) 12 and cry at a superhero movie you most likely have some deep-rooted emotional problems. Of course Randy's lying, he's only fishing for goodboy points, but like always he had to walk that extra mile to Awkward Silence Junction and say he cried THREE times. It's fascinating to watch a grown man with such a complete lack of self awareness.