Literally impossible.
Literally impossible
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I'm still in the outskirts I will uninstall this game if I don't finish this zone today. its been 7 months already
oh god I thought I was the only one. I need, NEED to hear this in context
But I can't because I'm scared
Please explain to me how this game plays.
I've asked a lot and just got repeated posts of "it's good".
Name another game or two it plays like.
It's a platformer, I get that.
Is it randomly generated levels? Is it just hard levels like Super Meat Boy? Is it based on exploration like Hollow Knight? Is there any combat and is it secondary to the content (eg, no abilities really, no weapons outside of 1-3 default ones).
What specifically makes this a hard game? Twitch reflexes or puzzles or what?
What is the point of multiplayer? I see people put in servers but can I do everything solo since a lot of time I won't be online
Nice you spoiled yourself one of the greatest moments of the game by listening to this.
It's pretty unique. Like you'll never be moving that quickly cause you character is a slug. But the game necessitate's that solely because literally everything can outrun and eat you.
It's actually what drove me to buy it. Found it in a OST thread a few months ago.
it's like.....
it's like if STALKER was a game about a food chain.
it's like a metroidvania, but you start with every skill you'd ever need.
it's like no other game, but it's like a lot of games. it rewards patience and quick thinking.
it's hard, but it's not THAT hard. it seems harder than it is because of the death system and how easy it is to die, but they're really not that punishing.
idk, i was in your shoes 2 weeks ago and now that i've played it all i can say is that you should try it and let Yea Forums help you a little. it's a game that benefits form people sharing stories and strats, since the game tells you very little expressly.
it has a cool story too.
So it's time based?
Is there a limit?
Okay so I start a new game, how do I win? Am I going through the same levels each game or do they get randomly generated? I get that dying a lot is a thing and Iassume that resets me to no progress?
how the fuck can you not leave the outskirts?
what the hell is stopping you?
>Is it randomly generated levels?
No, everything is hand-created. Enemies are a little more unpredictable because each entity has its own AI.
>Is it hard levels like Super Meat Boy?
There are a few tough sections but for the most part the challenge comes from evading predators and finding enough food and shelter before the rain comes.
>Is it based on exploration like Hollow Knight?
Yes, exploration is basically the only reward for playing. There are not any major ability upgrades.
>Is there any combat and is it secondary to the content?
There is combat, and you can get really good at it once you learn some of the advanced movement mechanics (you have these from the start, but the game never tells you about them). For the most part though you'll just be avoiding predators rather than trying to fight them all.
>What specifically makes this a hard game? Twitch reflexes or puzzles or what?
The enemies all have their own goals, and the procedural animation makes them hard to predict. In many cases the enemies have more agency than you. Your only advantage is your human brain.
Not the point of this game. It's there, but only worth screwing around with once or twice.
I'm going to go against the grain and recommend you DON'T buy this if you're on the fence. It's extremely frustrating until you git gud because the deaths will feel unavoidable, and in some cases, they actually are unavoidable. Death also punishes you by limiting your ability to progress. If you can take the frustration there's some cool stuff though.
Death doesn't reset you to no progress, more like sets you back by one cycle. A string of deaths can easily erase an hour of playtime though.
the big green lizards, don't know where to go, I'm only eating and going to sleep.
Drainage stopped me.
pretty much this. I THINK I found a gate or something but I'm stucj
cmon man, the green ones are goofy as fuck. just jump over them, unironically.
>A string of deaths can easily erase an hour of playtime though.
that's misleading, progress in the world is worth dying many times because you can easily farm cycles back up.
Just follow the yellow guy, he'll try to point you to the nearest shelter when the rain is near. Green lizards are stupid idiots that let you jump right over their heads.
world is set up like a metroidvania, with different regions. the enemies and their AI are randomly generated, world is the same every run.
How though? You only have a little hop? am I missing something
you're aware you can run around on your back legs, right?
I thought this was risk of rain, sorry everyone but this looks a lot more enjoyable, a bit like platformer/survival but it's just time limited rather than "eat/drink/sleep"?
I don't mind dying - I think the most fun I've had in a game so far this year is Dead Cells.
So it's pretty much 'progress and the AI has its own agenda which may or may not fuck you up'?
Sounds fairly interesting
The green lizards are slower than you and derpy as fuck, there's no excuse for dying to them.
That said literally just explore, map progress is never lost even if you die every time. You'll quickly figure out the available routes out, and the yellow guy will encourage you to go the right way
>in some cases, they actually are unavoidable
Unavoidable deaths are extremely rare, there's almost always something you could have done. But it takes a while to learn all the options you have.
Anyone have the one where an orange lizard lures the slugcat in with a hypnotizing telepathic dance?
it's limited by time, yes, but the day length varies. when the day ends you WILL die unless you're in a shelter. shelters can only be slept in if you have a fully belly, so you need to eat before getting in one.
EXCEPT, and some people dont know this, you CAN sleep in one without a full belly BUT if you do you will be lethargic as fuck until you fill up again the following cycle. massive risk but a cool mechanic if you make big progress and forget to eat.
If you actually found a gate what you need to do to open it is eat and sleep enough so the symbol in the bottom left matches the one at the gate, or is higher.
Your standard jump is enough to go over green lizards, they follow you pretty slowly with their heads. Most other colors will catch you in their jaws if you do a normal hop over them.
This backflip is really easy to do, just run and switch directions and jump, like Mario 64. It can get you safely over something chasing right behind you, and if you hold down while landing from a height greater than your normal jump you'll roll which is quick and can be chained into a long jump.
remember kids, there's no shame in pirating a game to see if you like it. just be sure to buy if you truly enjoy it.
I love rain world!
people talk so much shit about scavs, but at least they actually WORK.
fucking rabbits just shutdown half the time.
Do your best to avoid spoilers. The mystery of "what happens next?" is really the only motivator.
I disagree. Being able to explore and interact with new ecosystems was my main motivator. It's one thing to watch it, it's another to see it in action.
barely-disguised RW thread?
fucking garbage monkeys
I've never had trouble with the rabbits, what's everyone's problem? it only becomes a problem if you use up all the smokebomb egg things
Is there any reliable way to use the rabbit deer things? those faggots never work right.
>grab 2 smokebombs
>place one on ground
>throw second one
>wait for rabbit
>go underneath it and jump onto it from behind
>Turn back, slug
If you get on it and it goes the wrong way, just stay on and wait for it to turn around.
I have no idea how to stay on. Grabbing them doesn't seem to do anything, and I just slip off their backs.
Just hit up to grab their antlers.
I'm the user debating on buying this game
In that webm, why not just crawl under the building to the left, then jump across to avoid it?
Ahh thank you.
That is a custom map.
i had one pin me to a wall that way till the rain came
I assume custom maps are PC only?
Avoid the big moose? It isn't hostile, I just went over and did that because it started dancing like that by itself. The procedural animation has some fun results. The lizard right above slugcat was fed some dead centipedes so he isn't hostile either.
Meant to say "That is a custom map made to show me how to grab the antlers."
No idea honestly. The custom map is more of a sandbox or coop arena. I don't see why it wouldn't be on console and a quick search doesn't say.
Nah that was recorded on the Switch, you just have to unlock sandbox arenas and creatures by finding collectibles in the world.
> Just hit up to grab their antlers.
Fascinating, it has custom maps?
I'm assuming on Switch I can browse and download?
when do i know when is about to rain? theres literally no sound or cues for that.
hold R1, the circles around your karma at the bottom left are a clock.
when no circles, rain.
Not user created maps, just sandbox maps included in the game where you can spawn any of the creatures and items in the game. It's good for practicing your movement abilities and escaping and fighting things, or just playing around seeing how the different creatures interact. Best are the maps with deep water where you can put something awful down there as a penalty for falling in.
When I said custom maps I misspoke. It's more of a sandbox/arena for local competitive play. There is an official level editor to add custom regions, but as far as I can tell it's only for PC.
The sandbox arenas are only a single room by the way, not a whole map with screen transitions. They're small samples of the different environments in the game itself.
do i need to farm eating and sleeping in order to progress?
ONLY if you have to get through a gate with a symbol on it. those are region separating airlocks, so they aren't all that common. there's also usually a shelter right next to them on both sides, so it's not really difficult to farm karma up if that's all you're doing, if that makes sense.
go get food, eat it, go sleep, repeat. easy to do that and not die because you aren't exploring or really travelling.
side note, if you have to reallllly grind up karma, you're probably not in the right spot. there's a few places to visit to complete the story, and it ramps up difficulty as you go. sequence breaking takes a lot of karma as a skill check.
thanks user maybe I will be able to get out of the outskirts tonight
That's what I did.
you can do it man. beating your head into a wall just makes it a little weaker every time.
Let's say I beat it.
What changes next time I play?
The levels are the same. The enemies and layouts are the same but they have different AI?
Is anything else different
enemy spawns, movement, all of that is RNG. the only exceptions are mimic plants and certain enemies in one linear region of the game, and even that is just the spawns.
basically, the world stays the same but nothing in it does.
also, you can always play on hard mode as the Hunter, an obligate carnivore slugcat that can carry 2 spears and dies in 20 cycles. he has a different storyline that's obviously shorter, and enemies are harder.
it requires you to git gud, which you likely will have done if you beat normal mode.
When you say AI changes, in what way?
I'm trying to wrap my head around it without watching a bunch of gameplay videos so I don't get spoiled.
bros hard mode is literally to hard for me the cycle limit really kills the fun in it
It's ok
The entire game is too hard for me
alright, so like, in mario, a koopa will always walk forward. red ones turn around, green ones walk of cliffs, every time.
since spawns are random, the AI's behavior is more expansive. just because a lizard was near one part of the map doesn't mean anything next time you go through it, no matter what run or cycle or whatever. every cycle spawns in animals, and they all behave during the cycle. your existence doesn't affect that,they act offscreen. they may see food, or fall off cliffs, or fight each other without you being near them at all.
their behavior isn't random, but it is different each time because circumstances are always different. maybe this attempt you'll see 2 lizards that chase you, maybe you'll see 2 lizards that fight each other. a lot of different systems are at work all the time, so no encounter is the same.
So the gameplay is just eat, sleep, repeat until you can get through the gate?
OP here, got past those cunt rabbits and I think i'm home free. thanks for the support boys.
it is if you lose a lot of karma and can't get through the gate, but honestly i've only had to "farm" like 1 level up twice, it wasn't any kind of grind at all. just sleep in the same shelter after eating instead of trying to progress into the unknown.
most gates have pretty low karma requirements until the harder areas, so you shouldn't worry too hard.
Right so it's a bit like dynamic AI or dynaminc AI + spawns?
Taking mario into account here: two random color turtles spawn always at the same place in the level - so always 2 lizards with different behavior possibly
or is is 1-5 lizards/turtles (for example) of random behavior?
user i did it! im in the industrial complex now.
dynamic spawns and AI. you might see 3 in one room, next cycle you see 0 while going through 6 rooms.
behavior isn't really like that, there are color coded lizards with different body types and behaviors, but even within that their behavior is affected by stimuli. if they don't see you they wont attack. sometimes they check out noises, sometimes they already have their eye on other food so they dont bother.
wheels within wheels, man. closest comparison i can make is STALKER but you're a rodent.
godspeed little slugcat.
you poor poor child it gets worst from here
Congrats on not getting DRAINED
In the most broken down way yes. You typically won't have to do it though because you usually find a shelter and sleep in it while looking for a gate, raising your "level" to a point where you don't have to farm much if at all. The eat, sleep, repeat cycle only happens when you know where the gate is, and have died multiple times in a row without sleeping. The vast majority of the game is just exploring and in my experience farming isn't something I've done much.
that sounds pretty much like a real time version of this war of mine - i'll get it.
Congratulations. Good thing you didn't go into the drainage system.
I want to FUCK slugcat!
drained? anons wtf theres invisible lizards, running on background blue lizards, giant flying lizards, red lizards. and what does the yellow flower do? i see a double circle on my daily mark now what does it do?
Random spawns, and their behavior is based on what's around them.
Green lizards are always dumb, but the way in which they're dumb is different depending on what they run into. There may or may not be a lizard of any color (limited based on area) in any given room.
Slugkot is entirely capable of fucking you up however
who doesn't
There's a gate in the outskirts that goes to drainage system,skipping 95% of the game, and providing you with a nice difficulty cliff.
The yellow flower means that if you die, your karma won't go down.
>what does the yellow flower do?
If you die after eating it then your level doesn't change.