Games to now cost $250

Games to now cost $250

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Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't this like the third time you've made this thread because you're upset people are standing up to their management exploiting them?

More like three hundredth time.

It's like they want me to pirate.

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lol no
all those jobs will just be outsourced to asia and eastern europe and then those people will tweet about downtrodden they are while they're standing in line to sign on.

Unions are worthless criminal enterprises.

Why aren't there more females in that picture, Lads?

I hate unions, minorities, liberals Hilary Clinton, gays, women, communists, socialists, democrats, immigrants, people less then 16 years old, jews, people who live in cities and atheists.

good, I can't wait for the next video game crash

no they're good actually

Hopefully this will lead to more people making games for the love of making games and less just doing it for a 9 - 5.


Oh no, this will affect all of no relevant games.

>spend less on advertising and management
>give workers more money to make the games actually good
>games do not change price but workers still get paid more

>implying they don't already once they finish making you pay for dlc

>standing up to management
>complaining about non-existant sexism in gaming
Spartacus was standing up to management exploiting him, these are a handful of SJWs who are destroying an industry and having companies move over seas for cheap labour because they're professional crybabies who are too weak to do a day's work.

Yea Forums users are too young to remember all the corruption and job losses that ensued the last time unions fucked things up in the UK

Sorry to hear about don Cali D:

>Baby boomer investors.
>Capable in the slightest of understanding anything other than "Throw money at it lol XDXDXD"

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>Give them $15/hr, they make your game
>Give them $20/hr, they make your game but cost more

There's no incentive to pay them more. Paying them more won't make them suddenly do a better job. These are the worker bees and they are entirely replaceable.


>working conditions for developers are notoriously terrible and they're liable to be let go at any time
>you're better off working literally anywhere else in the tech industry
>some people are finally trying to fix this

Way to "own the libs".

muh ess jay doubleu
>non-existant sexism
oof my man

>pay union dues
>have to go on 2 week leave to deal with parents
>file all the paperwork
>work puts me as quit.
>basically tell me tough shit
>go to union.
>says here you quit. tough shit.

unions are retarded.

Unions are good you fucking idiot.

More pay = less stress for workers = more productivity.
Maybe this will shock you, but treating people right makes them want to repay you, and do better.

So you're arguing that the developers of a game do not matter, and therefore all games should be developed by Asian sweatshops?

I don't play western trash

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>There's no incentive to pay them more.
Shut up you fucking boomer. Of course there's no "incentive" to pay them more, that's why we ended up with minimum wage laws. Because people like you would pay 50 cents an hour if you could.

unions are the most corrupt organizations second only the ioc and fifa

>implying they would pay at all if they could get away with it

Come on now

>modern leftists want to open up all borders to globalism
>then want to try to create unions when they've literally opened the floodgates for cheap, desperate labor that can easily replace them

The worst part about modern leftists is how they don't even try to think their own ideas through.

Not just boomers, most investors are dumb as a post

If any of you guys are still in college, try taking a business class as an elective. You'll be astounded by how fucking retarded your classmates are.

Some of those people, through networking and nepotism, end up in high places in business. It's a big part of why things are the way they are.

no one care about you

Are you confusing unions with lobbyists?

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I looked into this when it was announced

the only people who are unionized are freelancers and one-man indie dev teams who no employees

literally nobody in the actual industry is in the union

>spend less on advertising
In a highly competitive industry, are you insane? Cutting advertisement is career suicide in this day and age, when Mario is on every TV and Link isn't which game do you think parent's buy their kids? And when your game doesn't sell your workers are jobless and get to bitch about how management never pushed the game hard enough. Maybe you could cut management costs, but then again you could say that for every industry on Earth, and even then it wouldn't make a huge difference in the budget.

Oh no, how will mutli-million dollor corporations afford their executives' million dollar salaries now?!

Why can’t we just go back to when they were 40$? Even back then the price of games was two times as much as a movie, why on earth does the base price keep inflating?

Unions are fine. If they're really being absurd in their demands they are just removing themselves from the labor supply.
Government intervention forcing employers to accept their demands by making "scabbing" illegal is the problem.



more like games gonna be outsourced to mexico and india now


lol no brits make any games worth playing

Also it stops big companies from working with them. Microsoft/Sony aint about to fuck with unionized workers who can ignore due dates

What sexism? I thought video game nerds drooled over the thought of a woman being into their hobby

I worked at Harley Davidson for 12 years. Union jobs are the best damn jobs you can get. The only people who don't like them are cheap faggots who don't like having to pay a fair rate. What kind of trash are you that you think mandatory 80 hour weeks aren't asinine. When we had mandatory overtime at HD, they couldn't mandate you again the following week guaranteeing you at least every other weekend. If you want workers who work in third world conditions, move to a third world country.

>SJWs don't exist
They gave themselves the name you cunt, and given their entire culture is built around faux-rage about social issues it's a safe assumption these are SJWs, no one else would care.

Do you have proof of this sexism?

if you don't want sexism in the workplace, stop hiring women. Might actually start making good games then too.

If it results in the same product, yes. When the market is competitive for highly-skilled workers, you can expect good pay. But since every idiot wants to make video games and none of them have a speck of ability, it's grossly oversaturated and the workers are expendable.

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There never was such a time. Prices stabilized around $50 back in the 6th gen, but that was an anomaly, considering most games in the previous gens had wildly varying prices between $40 and $90.

Prices inflate because of increased dev times and licensing costs as well as massive marketing schemes, which despite Yea Forums's complaints are necessary in a world where mindspace is everything.

Fuck the UK, they are going under and try to make everyone as miserable as they are.

clearly all programmers and artists should be replaced by Congolese slaves, since of course the quality of content doesn't depend on how poorly treated/paid the people making said content are

we should just make them work at gunpoint and give the savings to Bobby Kotick

Do i dare to say they are rising up?

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Why aren't the management replaceable? Oh I know, cause MUH HOLY, HOLY PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS

/r/incels is back the way you came

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Thinking is a social construct, women were banned from thinking for thousands of years and it greatly hurt their confidence, we need to teach more young women to think and stop men from invading their thinking space

not him and you're fishing for (you)'s anyway, but i don't think the unions were made specifically for sexism or an SJW agenda

They were made to stop things like the 100 hour work weeks with no overtime that RDR2 devs and Telltale exployee's had to put up with, on top of instantaneous firing without warning.

That kind of bullshit isn't conducive to well-made games anyway, at worst the only thing you can expect to change is that Delays may be more frequent, or initial release date estimates further in the future to ensure quality.

If prices of games change, it's not because employee's demanded humane working conditions, it's because CEOs decided their profit margins still needed that extra couple hundred million dollar buffer. Direct your anger towards the right group at the very least mate.

Management has to be able to handle people and multiple jobs/projects at once. That's something that only comes with experience.

>Yea Forums cares about feminism
Since when?

Can confirm, it's wet and rainy here 24/7 and misery loves company

It's ok fellas all we need is reliable 6th gen emulation before the Jews shut down the internet and we'll be set for life.

>but i don't think the unions were made specifically for sexism or an SJW agenda
Did you even read the title? They are literally doing it to "stop sexism".

t. Wageslave

Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I'm convinced most advertising, especially online advertising, is almost worthless.

We're just bombarded with so many of the fucking things on a daily basis, it's an inattentional blindness/deafness thing.

Remember the assload of money that got spent on advertising Watch Dogs? Did that make Watch Dogs a successful franchise? Fuck no.

Absolutely everyone and their grandma knew Fallout 76 was coming out, it didn't stop that game from being kind of a flop financially.

You're a wageslave too, user.

Wait isnt harley going under because their shit useless employees make garbage?

>devs outsource devs to china

>video game workers
Just call them what they actually are
filthy code monkeys
If you aren't making games for passion you're doing it wrong

Notice how they couldn't even say "game developers" lol.

Maybe 20 years ago. Look at the games that sell well today, they trend towards smaller advertising budget and greater word of mouth. Social media is a powerful thing in this day and age, look at Minecraft, Dark Souls, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Fortnite (which started out relatively unknown before streamers got their hands on it).

The age of big bucks mainstream advertising is over, boomer.

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No because there are much better bike alternatives out there. Harley Davidson is still trying to ride that one time they made bikes for Dubya Dubya Two when only boomers are riding HAWGS and Japanese ricers going 34643642645 MPH is what people want

harley is going under because motorcycles are gay and nobody younger than GenX wants one

>ignores all his points while making no argument
+18 site user

>no argument
>fishing for (You)s

It's BECAUSE there are so many fucking things bombarding us these days that advertising matters more than ever. The average consumer has the attention span of a gnat, and whatever entered his mind last is what he's gonna buy. It's all a game of chicken, and no major company wants to be the first to bow out.

>The Bootlicker Pledge

Unions only work for menial labour jobs, not creative jobs.
They're basically mob enforced legal mafias.

fuck off commie
>waah waah being a boss/manager is so easy it's not fucking fair
until there's a big problem and all the workers look the other way and daddy boss has to fix the issue
of course, that's part of his job and guess what, none of you grumbling wageslaves has the guts and skill to properly maintain the company, take responsibilities and branch out relationships

>cut the ceo's salary
>now give it to the people running the union instead
>also you better not work when we strike


Reminder that ubder a true free market wages would bebfair. Reminder that regulations, unions and taxes distort a market and are a form of theft

reeeee you tankie fuck

it takes lots of skill to lord over the people who Actually Do The Work

>sign something without reading it
you earned it buddy.

"The Games Workers' Union" is the official title that the games workers themselves came up with. Reread the image posted by OP. They dont consider themselves game devs. Dont ask me why; however do take into consideration that they're britbongs

>muh unionized workers can't make games bellow 250 muttbucks
What's wrong with The Division 2?

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Reminder that paying a worker less than the amount of value their work generates is theft.

Canada doesn't have game dev unions.

youve never been part of one have you lefty

tell me then, why didn't you start your own comany then huh? it's so easy right?
nothing like good ol' honest work doing the same brainless routine every single day that every intern can learn in a few weeks

>pay $250 for videogames
>still filled with shitty day one patches, microtransactions and season passes

Advertising is good, but when your budget for a new game is about 20% for the actual game, and 80% for advertising, something has gone wrong somewhere.

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Unions are a part of fair market wages you drooling fucking retard. They negotiate wages with employers.

But Sweden does.

Tell me why the job shouldn't go to some Indian guy who'll work for less and be more grateful for it.

>work ethic stays the same
>games remain 60 bucks
lol the west is just asking for Japan to take over again if they do this

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The inconsistency with the open border is in contradiction with gun control as well, just to add.

Those people are always stuck on their ideas phase and never outcome phase.

He won't do as good a job, plus your office will reek of curry and poo.

He'll do shittier work and make a shitty product nobody wants.

There's also the threat of boycotts if people get angry enough to organize.

> All UK gamedev jobs gets outsourced to Poland

if nobody works, nobody has money to buy your product or service

dont you see that they're all clearly ftm trans? come on user, use your brain

oh please sir
can I scrape the shit of your boots with my tongue after you break my back from work everyday

>programming and CAD
>not menial work

Reminder that if the worker agrees to get paid a certain amount, then they should have no complaints. They are not entitled to additional payment. They can fuck off and work somewhere else.
Seriously, fuck wagecucks

You ARE a wagecuck, user.

why does george washington look like a wojack here?


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>You ARE a wagecuck, user.
what's your point?

>50 cents an hour
holy shit thats being incredibly generous
did you sleep through the part of history class where they talk about how ye olde mining and factory towns completely ass fucked their workers by only paying them in currency that was only valid in that town and forcing them to live in the town? if companies could go back to that they would in a fucking heartbeat

You hate yourself? That's not healthy.

but don't you see, as a retail worker who makes $27,000 a year these fucking LIBURALS are going to destroy all the generous job creators by unionizing!

i can't - strength in diversity

Why do Americans hate worker rights so much?

Doesn't make a huge difference, a lot of illegal labor in the U.S. is for seasonal bullshit like farming that isn't lucrative enough for citizens to bother doing

Automation and outsourcing bigger threats to the economy overall. People moving here increases demand for goods and services and keeps our population from declining (which would really fuck a lot of government programs like social security).

Name 1 (ONE) good game that came out of the UK in the past decade.

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>If it results in the same product

do you think video games are a totally artless medium devoid of any personal input from its creators?

paraphrasing Steinbeck "the poor of America don't see themselves as an oppressed proletariat but instead as temporarily embarrassed millionaires"


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>good game

DMC 2013

this is why business bros are a cancer lmao

they'll do shit like replace all the workers with cheap labor from Bangladesh and then wonder why their products are lower quality and nobody wants to buy them


I actually make around $62k a year as a retail worker

t. not in a union but still benefit from unioncucks negotiating wages for every retailworker in my cunt

Depends on what you replace, creative jobs/leads are harder to replace because they have value. Anything below that is easily replaced.

What the fuck is this?

>jumping on the sexism thing instead of the real problem
Everyone knows the real reason they're doing this is because game devs are made to work crazy hours with unfair compensation. They know they can treat their employees like shit because everyone wants to work in videogames. People have been saying they should unionize for years.
But you saw the word sexism in that image and decided to make this into a SJW thing.

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>fishing for (you)'s
Damn straight to the projection

>on top of instantaneous firing without warning.
Telltale's "instantaneous" firing was a result of them losing the company, not malpractice, and it was not a result of "le evil capitalism" or millionaire CEOs, it was because their female management team decided to set up shop in a highly expensive area where all their profits were used to cover the rent because they had no idea how to budget. Yes, it turns out you need to pay license fees, rent, office supplies and maintennance, not just your workers.

>That kind of bullshit isn't conducive to well-made games anyway
I never asked for your subjective view you retard,

>or initial release date estimates further in the future to ensure quality.
Resulting in higher costs, resulting in you being forced to compete with blockbuster titles that you were hoping not to compete againstr, resulting in having to go through another advertisement campaign to remind people you're still at work, and dealing with angry customers all the while. All this in an industry that is incredibly fast paced and technology is constantly evolving. If you cannot handle stress, go work somewhere that isn't as fast-paced.

>Direct your anger towards the right group at the very least mate.
Communists, socialists, unionists and other leftists who band together to fuck with systems, despite the fact they have no real alternative? Not angry though mate, most people thankfully see you control freaks for what you are.

They'll just open a studio in india and still make the same unfinished messes for a fraction of the budget and still have the nerve of charging full price + DLC.

>source: my poopy hole

i always laugh at how the GOP has convinced lower to middle class people that unions are corrupt but not the corporations

low IQ flyover country shitters

Their main sales came from domestic. HDI which is Europe was never good because you guys don't like big loud cowboy bikes. Right now, as far as I know from the meetings and what didn't change, they're trying to chase APC which is Asian Pacific. China and Japan like Harleys. It's literally dying because zoomers don't like HD. The only kids buying Harleys are the kids whose parents are in the cult.

How could the companies that are paying the GOP all that money be in anyway corrupt?

thats not even a coherent thought

He says as he attempts to supress someone else's opinion by means of mocking.

>Not angry though mate, most people thankfully see you control freaks for what you are.
This, thank christ.

>Coming onto Yea Forums.
>Expecting meaningful discussion.

Maybe if video games weren't developed in cities with such an absurd cost of living and over half of the budget didn't go to marketing, they'd be cheaper.


>sexism in video game industry
that's not an union. that's a feminist movement

>multimillionaire telling wageslaves to be satisfied with the shit system that compounds the rewards for the rich and keeps the poor doing the menial jobs so that the rich can keep on reaping the benefits
>but dammit I like him and he looks like me!

>They know they can treat their employees like shit because everyone wants to work in videogames
>can treat their employees like shit
>wants to work in videogames

So the value of labour is low because so many people want to work in the industry, meaning their compensation is fair because they're completely and easily replacable? Do you understand supply and demand? Or are you just angry people can make choices for themselves?

>But you saw the word sexism in that image and decided to make this into a SJW thing.
If the word was in their image, included by them, then they made this into an SJW thing, you cannot blame the guy pointing out the fact.

Fucking capitalist shills



Good, let it fucking die. I haven't bought a AAA game in ages. They're all shit.

Syndicates are cancer, change my mind.

This is why socialists are a cancer lmao, they do shit like force companies to move to Bangladesh and then wonder why they're jobless and products are lower quantitiy

Who is this fuckhead even

for everybody claiming unions are retarded and useless, you've obviously never worked with a good union. a union is only as good as the work it does. if it just sits there and collects its dues then yeah its shit, but they actually fight for the workers like they're supposed to, they're great.
worked at a grocery store years ago, there was a mtf trans working in produce and one day, the store manager told her to move some banana boxes and she told him she cant because she was taking hormones and her doctor said she isnt supposed to lift more than like 10lbs (boxes were 20-30lbs). manager said i dont care and she took that as discrimination and went to the union, got the store and produce manager (who had left snide little comments about her on the task list) in hot water and got transferred to a different department while keeping her higher pay rate from produce.
and i got fired from walmart for bullshit that a manager spun because they just didnt like me, in addition to getting written up for "productivity" because i was working freight, just not the freight the manager wanted me to work. walmart has an "open door" policy where you can supposedly go to management about any issues, but its fucking useless since no matter how high up you go, you still have to convince someone who works for walmart that youre right and the managers wrong and they close ranks when they get in trouble like you wouldnt believe. job sucked but if it was unionized i'd still have the job

>John Ricitello and Don Mattrick were given tens of millions of dollars as a bonus when they left EA and Microsoft after driving them into the ground
>but paying employees a living wage? FUCK THAT, THAT'S SOCIALISM REEEEE

literally anyone who isn't a kike or a kike's puppet is pro-union

thats the probem with a lot of companies is that they dont see the value in their own workforce. a huge probem in the US. The company that i work for often fires their veteran employees simply for the fact that they make too much money now. Fortunately im in a union so I'm protected but these problems still bleed to my position. Cheap labor and good labor are 2 different things. They do so many decisions for short term gains that yield long term losses.

>games cost $250
>western AAA gaming industry implodes
>future will be only AA, B and indie games

Unions are inherently good for any capitalist system. I don't give a shit which one, people should be able to determine the conditions of their livelihood.

how much do you cost shill?

what fucking third world do you live in that you've never seen dirty jobs?
its worth it just to see him put up with the, more often than not, literally shit jobs in the country
its not fantastic, but its decent

Unions are a byproduct of a company that doesn't treat its employees right.If a company doesn't want a union you must treat them like they are worth having.

What makes you think I would watch American reality TV

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>AA, B and indie games


>btw you owe them free labof

No they're not:

>Manager tells me to work faster
>I deem it as unsafe to do that and speak to union
>Union tells manager to knock it off
>Now I can work slower because I think it's safer

>people should be able to determine the conditions of their livelihood.
You don't need a union for that.

can someone tell me why unions are bad? i worked at UPS like a decade ago and i had good healthcare, and people just couldn't get fired unless they punched a supervisor. i'm open to all explanations.
the only thing about UPS now is that it takes a while year to get union benefits instead of half a year like when i was there

>it's unsafe for game dev to type faster because he might crack a nail.
Unions have no place in games.

most mangers are fucking morons who got their job through nepotism and dick sucking, dont fucking lie to yourself

Not theoretically necessary but in practical terms it gives them bargaining power over higher-ups who would squeeze every drop out of them until they burn out and then replace them with fresh young people willing to get into the grinder. This is not a bad thing in my view.

>Paying them more won't make them suddenly do a better job.
Being payed more for some means they can focus only on one job instead of two.
For some it means they can have better food or living space, which would also make them better at their job.
For some it may lead to an expensive course or other type of training that can make them better at programming...
Buying and maintaining a car so they can spend less time commuting or to have a more comfortable less stressful commute.

>These are the worker bees and they are entirely replaceable.
Bioware and Activision Blizzard are examples of how you are wrong.
>There's no incentive to pay them more.

Spouting this bullshit can get you killed.

too bad the gaming industry can just fire all of them and hire starry eyed kids fresh out of college that just want to live the dream of making video games
thank god I write banking software

>CEO who spends his entire career making deals, climbing the ladder and investing his money gets paid out by shareholders

Microsoft employees are all paid a decent wage, if the stupid cunts knew how to save instead of spending all their money on avacados, the newest tech and living in expensive studios they wouldn't have an issue. And correct me if I'm wrong, but Microsoft is a competitive company who millions of Americans would kill to work for, correct? So theoretically Microsoft could replace them all in a heartbeat being an attractive company.

Go start your own company if you're so jelly of guys who make it you bootlicking faggot, Libertarian masterrace

Personally, I don't like the idea of a bureaucratic mob controlling when, where, how I do my job.
That might be exclusive to me, since I work in a creative field.
I can understand how a union would work for a factory job where all the workers perform the same valued position.
It wouldn't work in my field, and would impede in my craft.

Windows 10

I grew up rich so I've met plenty of regional or even continental managers. Some of them are capable and deserve their position as you say but there's also plenty who are absolutely nothing special in terms of intelligence or skillset and who basically lucked out. You get all sorts.

Daily reminder america literally brainwashes employees into being anti-union

They are bad because if you are a greedy fucker, you can't cheat your workers. Unions are only bad when they aren't doing anything to help their works because they have been bought out.

Rushing never yields quality products.

Oy vey! The unions are trying to cut away at the 300 million/year salaries of the generous job creators at EA!

> crickets

... The people praising them include those "niggers" and those "trannies" with the pink hair! If you don't help me stop them, every game is going to turn into Gone Home and the white race will go extinct! Help me, goyim!

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>Games to now cost $0

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>Spouting this bullshit can get you killed.
Is that a threat? I thought the union mafia thing was just a meme

>starts of demanding better working conditions for game developers
>ends up being co-opted by sjws and getting hiring quotas

Because most of the production rates jump up due to technological advances not because of individuals

>strawmanning this hard
>everyone's misfortunes are their own fault, have no sympathy
>not me though, my issues are because of the the Jews

lol k

On the one hand, the people working in these kinds of positions tend to be very easily convinced of anything, odds are good they'd be played like fiddles by corrupt unions that would ultimately screw up everything for everyone else except themselves. Once you get beyond retail, the brainwashing stops.

And the company can now move abroad to continue business, the bosses continue as they were but the workers are left unemployed and out of pocket due to paying union fees to the guys who just lost them their job. You're too idealist, this has all happened before.

They are not bad.

>get iron clad statement about work to be done and wage earned for work
>"hey, now that you've read this confusing ass paper and signed it, we're gonna need you to do a shit ton more work than you agreed to for the same wage."
>"wtf no you cant."
>"yeah we can. reread article K, section 57, subsection 234.9d paragraph 34952."
>"it says we reserve the right to add more work as we see fit."
i know for a fact that walmart has a section in all employment agreements that you can also be assigned additional tasks outside your department if management says so and trust me, they use it, especially because the store is constantly understaffed and they want everything done with as few people working as possible while expecting said small group to do the same amount of work as a full team

Its a reality. Contemplate on it, before speaking to much.

>Microsoft is a competitive company who millions of Americans would kill to work for, correct?

Only the non-gaming sectors of Microsoft is desirable. Because that's where people actually get paid and get resume prestige.

Meh, if I was forced to work 100 hour work weeks during "crunch" and then got laid off shortly afterwards anyways, I'd be eager to unionize.

because its a country run by the corporations, for the corporations and they fight tooth and nail to fuck the rest of the country over while telling them to get better jobs (that they deny to all but their fuck buddies) if they hate being poor

>attempting to unionize a salaried industry

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There was no strawman in that post, do you know what a strawman is? I always know when leftist have lost when they resort to this nonsense, Libertarians win again.

>everyone's misfortunes are their own fault,
We are all self-made, but only the successful are willing to admit it
>have no sympathy
This is a strawman, I never claimed this, implied this and nor do I believe this, do you have a basis for this logical fallacy?
>>not me though, my issues are because of the the Jews
Strawman argument

Then why do jews support unions?

Unions have leaders and those leaders more often than not get bribed by corporate owners and bankers into not really doing their job.

apparently wearing a shirt with literal porn on it is the latest fashion trend

I can't, you're right

>tfw legitimately, unironically started working harder once I got a job that paid more because I wasn't stressed over money and enjoyed how much the job paid and wanted to work to keep it and make more

Am I crazy or is this normal?

UK makes games outside of the GTA series?

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All of Microsoft is desirable, it's a household name around the world and brings prestige by name alone, tell a guy just out of college he has a position set up with Microsoft and watch how high he jumps, it's why they'll never be out of workers

not all unions are created equally
not all ceos are paid equally
this uk union won't matter much

forming a union in struggling industries doesn't mean prices go up, it just means smaller companies instantly shut up shop. It's a bizarre move that journalists found puts them out of a job instantly so i dunno what devs would think this was a good idea

>oh no smaller companies who were cheating their workers out of their money go away


That doesn't matter.

but treating employees right means having to pay them decently and keep them at least content, which costs money they company totally doesnt have despite clearing several hundred thousand bucks a day AFTER operating and other such costs

>Average game development times jump up by 400 % due to union mandated smoke breaks/food breaks/ 7 hour workdays/ 5 day work weeks

>Wage scales mean the laziest but longest employed devs make fat stacks while new workers have to all but suck dicks to earn anything beyond base scale for 5 years

>Absolutely no white men employed in any meaningful positions due to SJW bullshit

All leads to

>Game development outsourced to India and China while thousands are laid off. Meanwhile games cost $250 not including DLC are shit tier quality with Panjeet voice actors.

Collectivist beauracrats making demands on businesses who often charge the workers huge fees to make their jobs more "comfortable". In England a few decades ago they got so corrupt many companies outright refused to do business with them or pay them off, they organised strikes in turn so the businesses lost even more money resulting in them shutting down and thousands of workers losng their jobs while the unions leaders walked away unscathed and loaded, and the workers blamed the business owners who moved abroad where they didn't need to deal with their bullshit.

Apart from that their are the backroom deals, association with criminal groups, pushing for their members to get promotions over non-union members, in return for a bonus of course, and stirring up drama because if things get too quiet people stop paying their dues.

>Its a reality.
So speak agaisnt the mob and you get pummelled. How are you not the oppressors again?
>Contemplate on it, before speaking to much
Should have finished school, before speaking too much.

i'm not really emphasising that it's bad that the companies go out of business. the point is you form a union for higher pay when there's no money to give and you just bring the whole thing down on your head so now you're on the street because of your envy and hubris (thinking that what you do is 'worth' more than what someone's willing to pay for it)

>it was because their female management team decided to set up shop in a highly expensive area where all their profits were used to cover the rent because they had no idea how to budget.
It wasn't the area that made them fail you fucking retard. It was massive and exorbitant growth. Trying to expand into a several hundred employee operation releasing multiple games a year in such a niche market was just not a good idea, fundamentally.

Who here /waitingforindustrycrashtofinishbacklog/?

>cheating their workers
>working in a small company
Small companies make small money, you'd have to be a retard to think you're going to make it big there, it's the laid-back guys who prefer small teams and a more relaxed atmosphere who go small.

i laughed my ass off when i saw the anti union video when i was training at walmart because they make unions out to worse than bin laden, sadam, al qaeda and ISIS combined because walmarts so afraid of unions coming in and fucking them up for how they mistreat their employees

The rent fees in the area was a contributing factor not the sole reason you imbecile, go look up where they were based from

the fuck are you smoking?
companies dont give their workers up to date, functioning equipment, they get the same damn equipment the store used when it opened 30 years ago. yeah they're old and break down literally once a month, but hey they still work 30% of the time and we need you to do a job that used to six people all by yourself.
you have two hours to get it done or youre fired
companies only upgrade or replace equipment when they absolutely have to. if they can just keep throwing more duck tape on a power jack and call it functioning, they will

>Businesses are against the guys who result in businesses having to shut down
Woah, I can't believe the evil capitalists want to keep their employees in work, surely comunism must rise up against this, we can't starve twice

This would only apply for AAA games though, which is good since the best games are made by a small group of people familiar with each other
An industry crash won't play out like most of you think it'll play out.

We get it, you're a muslim.


>We are all self-made, but only the successful are willing to admit it
so what do you say when the start ups routinely get shut down by the big corporations? "should've worked harder lol :^)"?


>American workforce is mostly unionized
>high pay for workers even as industry and employment remain strong

>union-busters use government power to disassemble unions
>shit pay for workers

hurr unions bad
we can afford to pay wealthy shareholders but not employees

Most start-ups tend to be built on the premise of "surf on venture capitalist money until some big corporation buys us out", with the occasional dash of "flaunt existing labor laws" inherent to the gig economy these days. Very few, if any, are created on the pretense of creating something truly good or sustainable.

Executives and investors to now make less money*

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>muh sanfran
hurr durr
There are plenty of successful companies that come out of there. The problem is far more fundamental than halving or doubling their rent could even affect.

You're being a retard, user. Unions are great for protecting worker rights and keeping things reasonable, as well as dealing with shitstains that try to take advantage of working people in one way or another.

Look at the Netherlands for example, good unions there

Making passive-agressive non-arguments won't make the points in the post you replied to less valid, stupid tranny cuck.

I will now stop buying union games

it's almost like the "everyone should learn to code" thing was propaganda by tech industry elites to make their workers more replaceable

unions are the biggest faggots of all.

they use frustration of people as a bargaining chip. eat shit, union workers.

Unions will never work in vidya
For every dev that thinks too highly of himself, there's an army of retards willing to be paid pennies for being semislaved codemonkeys just so they can be part of the video games industry

What's that, OP? I can't hear you with your lips wrapped around corporate cock.

90% of new games are shit anyway. you can clean the SNES, PS1/2, DS Library and have a catalogue of masterpieces for years to play

>t.worker at BestBuy

Most of you are too young to remember the batshit insanity unions cause upon introduction to a previously unprotected industry and the cartoonish hilarity that ensues from all sides. The unions come in swinging desperate to establish big boy pants, the companies shit their pants, mass layoffs ensue, protests occur.
Scab workers wind up in giant brawls with union employees in company parking lots.
Prepare for CEO's jumping ship to catastrophic effect, retards chaining themselves to doors and general hippie beat-downs from overly enthusiastic police.

From an old bastard who has seen this before, sit back and get your popcorn because either way this is going to be hellishly funny to watch from the sidelines.

Thank god I live in New England, where people understand that providing decent benefits and incentives for workers results in higher productivity, mainly because most people here aren't nearly as retarded as most of the rest of the country.

walmart actually, not that im proud of it either way
when you live in a country where unless you have a masters or phd (cost of college is a canning factory of worms all on its own), all you really have is menial jobs like retail and they cut every fucking half cent they can, even if it means impacting job performance

>Telltale's "instantaneous" firing was a result of them losing the company, not malpractice,
The company was literally hiring people a couple days before it announced its closure. It's California law that workers are informed of a layoffs like that in 2 weeks in advance. The people running the company had access to all the finances that indicated the cliff they were heading for and pretended that everything was alright. They very clearly were acting, if not maliciously, then retardly.
I can't believe that you are such a fucking bootlicker that you're defending fucking Telltale.

>Overtime issue

>incentives attract better talent
wow who would have thought. Can only imagine the type of worthless code monkey who doesn't have drive or talent who would want a union to guarantee their salary and standard benefits at the cost of their peers who are actually useful, hmm...

Incentives that are usually provided thanks in part to said unions.
And also thanks to strong workers' rights laws, something that New England excels at (for the most part, aside from Connecticut).

Yeah why didn't the factory workers just work harder if they wanted better hours, pay, weekends off, and safety standards? Unions are basically handouts to lazy liberals!

I'm calling you retarded, by the way, you big retard

>unionize to tackle sexism
What did they mean by this?

Give me one reason to trust fatcat corporations who would gladly destroy any game they touch for the sake of profit. Even if you don't like unions, I'll still take them over companies that are guaranteed to be scumbags, as opposed to unions that could turn out to be scumbags.

>b-but worker's rights and livable wages are for communists
Yeah, and forcing me to work for free for no pay is communist too.

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>Unions have helped that means they're paragons and must never be questioned
>ignore multiple sketchy shit thats happened and mob connections
People get legit mad if you dare question a union if you live in an area where they're pretty numerous

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Shut up you underage retard. These aren’t 8 year olds working in the coal mines these are adults who are crying that they didn’t hire more traps for the office. These are the same retards that think communism is good because muh equality when in reality they would be the first ones shot in the head because no one needs video games to live.


Um no you aren't FORCED to work there, my enlightened libertarian ideals will ensure the free market sees to balance

t. Jobless hick

is new england an at-will state? cause i live in maryland and let me tell you, at-will is fucking horseshit

>Ever good

Maybe back in the 1920s btu nowadays, nah

New England isn't a state you mongoloid.

>get forced to work 16 hour days with little rest

>"the union"

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Thabk god im from Alabama. I couldnt picture living in your socialist hellscape. The auto plant I work at is German and management wanted us to get a union so they made us bring in the UAW. We voted to remain non union 70-30 because one of the union reps looked like he was a faggot.

the age of viral marketing has already begun. it takes less money and is a thousand times more obnoxious.

Not sure about the UK but programmers in the USA will never unionize. I work as a programmer for a games studio and it's something we laugh at. If we weren't happy we would go to one of the other hundred other companies we get messaging us on LinkedIn every year.

I do know that brits get paid like shit though, so maybe that's part of it.

Oh cool, what kind of benefits, working hours, employer-provided-healthcare, incentives, bonuses, paid time off, and salary are you looking at?
I can only thank god that I DON'T live in Alabama.

Just going to leave this here.

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shit, maybe i was think of new hampshire?
im fucking retarded, dont mind me. should probably get some sleep

Please let it happen. So Japanese Video Games will experience a new rennaissance.

And that's a failure of government policy. People shouldn't be forced between campaigning for better work conditions or their job getting outsourced over seas. The government could easily put up tariffs or heavy taxes for unnecessary outsourcing (and actually enforce collection) to make it the unprofitable choice.

New Hampshire's okay, decent gun laws at least.

In a union with my professional employer and honestly don't understand why I wouldn't. If you aren't in the union you have a target on your back saying "I am vulnerable to anything you want to do to me."

We get allthat shit. We also dont ask for more because we want the company to stay. The Germans actually wanted us to have a union so they could negotiate with someone and seemed bewildered when we rejected it. We just take what they give us and thank them for the work . I assume they are here making care because the lazy unions in Germany forced them out and we dont want to seem ungrateful

corruption, strong arming, bureaucracy, mob shit,
The teacher union I hear is notoriously shitty and even other unions shit on them

>the same god damn edgy 12 year old twink has the save the world story thats been done thousands of times
fuck that. i like jrpgs as much as the next guy but theres no fucking variety. and once you get out of jrpgs all japan has is the weird shit that really only sells well in japan

I like how you didn't answer any of my questions.
"We get allthat shit" isn't an answer.
But what was I expecting from someone from Alabama?

> I want to use armed force to make businesses hire my lazy ass
This is what communism is

daily reminder that anyone who says "bootlicker" unironically is the same breed of faggot who also unironically said "we are legion" and participated in the Scientology protests
or would have, if they weren't a literal child at the time

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they'd actually be good, bitch

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You must be a flyover moron if you actually believe that.

so it is written, so shall it be

my only experience with unions was at an animation studio where the artists were unionized and the programmers were not

we actually had better perks than the artists did and when the artists complained the company said "yeah well your union only says we need to provide you these benefits" so they were never made even with us

that said, companies don't really need to woo artists like they do coders, so it kind of makes sense on their side

It is an answer you dumb cocksucker.we get that shit and its good enough. Hell I never got vacation time before and I was shocked it existed. Didnt need some SJW union to give it to me I got it on my own

Hows the electoral college going retardo

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>happy to be in Alabama
>one of the worst states in the union by every injective measure

>Hell I never got vacation time before and I was shocked it existed.
This tells me all I need to know.
Thank you for confirming that Alabama does indeed have dogshit working conditions and is full of genuine morons such as yourself.

Grateful? You are far more cucked than "socialist" unions.
>workers unite for collective bargaining
>bootlicking out of fear the company will leave and acting as if the jobs they provide are a favor to you
Friend, YOU are providing labor. You don't need to be grateful, it's just business. Part of business is negotiation. By voting down the union, you work against your interests. Pride will be your downfall

Sounds like I struck a nerve.
What's it like being irrelevant user?

>literal retard doesn't realize the Germans see him as a third world shitmonkey that their outsourcing to

s e e t h i n g


ITT: NEETs who have never worked a full time job pretend unions are fraud organizations

>jrpgs with whiny emo protagonists
>fighting games with more fan service than actual content
>weird ass shit like mr mosquito
>rape games
>shitty ass shooters hardly anyone remembers
not saying the west is any better, but theres not a whole lot of variety to come from japan in terms of games

isnt that what happned to the Red Dead Redemption 2 crew?

they got forced to work ungodly hours to finish the game on time and then the higher ups reaped the juicy rewards with its record sales?

They meant that they intend to make a pretend union that will keep 95% of the retards enslaved as they currently are with the usual excuses while lining their own pockets with affiliate quotas and parading around a few token narrative designer wymn as their grand achievements. Employers discovered that it's cheaper to buy the leaders of a union many, many decades ago. Funnily enough, the ones that virtue signal that much tend to be the most susceptible to corruption.

There's even less variety in the west
>Point and shoot at aliens
>Point and shoot at people you don't like
>Point and shoot at animals
>etc. etc.

most unions are extortionists. They extort workers while taking bribes from the management

I'd be okay with this 100%

No one would buy them anymore and all those lazy fucks would be out of a job and on the streets. Gamers would find a newer productive hobby and improve their lives. It'd be a miracle.

Most likely Japan would take over if that ever did happen.

Not him but how is paying $3000/mo rent for a shoebox?

what actually happened was most people worked 40-50 hour weeks and a few people who were super passionate did more than that, but in general no one was required to do more than any other job

in the end, they all got a big bonus for the game selling well (but obviously not as much as the company leadership with stock ownership)

I think you're the irrelevant one compadre haha

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Two camps I see
1) people with bad experiences with unions or have heard of bad experiences. Case of baby with bath water but understandable
2) "libs" like unions, I don't like libs, so I don't like unions

My rent is $700/mo.
I don't live in a shithole like California or New York m8.

lmao such a cucked country, cant take anything they do seriously. Maybe they shoud ban computers or something

They were paid for their time and I'm sure they received bonuses and paid time off for all their sacrifices. That company owes everything to its employees and they would be fucked if they ever betrayed their trust.

>programmers and non gamming people flood the industry
>Games suffer for a bit as new people get used to pace
>Union people still protesting and out of work
>fresh blood brings new ideas to gaming and we get new games and ideas.
>Unions people have to open there own studios and publishers to make over priced and shitty games
I can get behind this time line

>who are too weak to do a day's work.
please stop commenting on things you know nothing of, thank you.

Joke's on you, a friend of mine is the leader of a fledging croupier union and despite all his self proclaimed integrity he sold out in less than a year.

you idiots have no idea how much damage you're doing to yourselves by acting like this, do you?
Enjoy 2020 kid. Revel in it knowing you spent 4 years driving people away by acting like the retard you are.

but wouldn't that make you... flyover?

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Who the fuck pays 700 monopolydollars for an apartment?

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>Western studios that crank out generic AAA blockbuster bullshit on a regular schedule for the broad, general market will have to re-evaluate their development methods
>Eastern studios that produce games for specific audience groups will basically be unaffected

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>>jrpgs with whiny emo protagonists
Dude whiny emo protagonists are niche as fuck compared to empty mutes and MUH FRIENDSHIP

just a reminder that if you work a desk job ( ie game developing ) you're not an worker and you dont deserve rights
your work doesnt require any actual effort on your part

That is more reasonable, but then by your own logic you are irrelevant too.

>Flyover retard doesn't know what "flyover" refers to
Can't say I'm shocked.

it's a bunch of adjectives and a subject, it's not hard brainlet.

This. That's not to say everyone there is a retard. but there's a joke at my college that everyone's second major is business so when they fail their first, they go to business classes, which might explain all the retards...But yeah, these retards get degrees and have their super rich or well connected dad get them a job and the retard gets paid tons of money to make awful decisions that take years to fix while he gets off scot-free. It's kinda funny really.

something i have noticed is that people who use the term "flyover" are endlessly fascinated by their own inane opinions and perceived worldliness
just an observation

dont have much against unions but the people that push them are typically scum
i work in healthcare, where not showing up to work puts a serious strain on the staff and clientele. we used to be able to routinely fire people who no call / no showed to work, now thanks to the endless shilling of literal pinkos my boss doesn't have the authority to fire the fuckup who skipped 4 out of his last 5 shifts. can't give out the shift either, because you can't cut someone's shifts who is an "active employee"

so now I get to tell my disabled clients that they don't get to go to the rec center for their once-a-week outing because aforementioned fuckup can't be fired without going through a lengthy fucking process done by people who are already overworked and removed from the situation

out of curiosity, do restauraunt workers in other countries unionize? always found it fascinating that chefs / cooks here make far less than servers while having higher requirements for employment across the board
job of passion i suppose

are you joking?

Actually triggered.

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Every major union in the united states donates money collected from mandatory union dues to leftist politicians and PACs. I don't want my labor stolen from me by some intermediary third party who uses the money to lobby against my interests.

I really tried to muster any care but
Name one game developer I should care about in the UK

Neither do you, it seems.

>it happens because of technology
>so that means billionaires should get all of it.
how do those boot soles taste?

The average cost of rent for a one-bedroom apartment in most of the US is upwards of $600 m8.
Even in a shithole like Milwaukee the average rent is $700.

I live in LA haha faggot flyover pleb

>More pay = less stress for workers = more productivity.
Spoken like a person who only work min wage jobs
inb4 muh 6 figure salary

kek i pay 400 for a studio apt

At least I have a job unlike Hans when the factory left. They just seem real hung up on unions and shit but we arent going to falm into the union trap..
You gotta respect your boss user. Hes the boss. You gotta respect the rich because they have the power but if you work and do what they say sometimes they take care if you
This is a great job. I make 17 per hour. Thats crazy money. I dont even need a raise or anything. I would seriously kill someone for this company

>I'm sure they received bonuses and paid time off for all their sacrifices. That company owes everything to its employees and they would be fucked if they ever betrayed their trust.

>workers being paid less doesn't matter

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>too weak to do a day's work
nigger unions were started because back in the day companies would literally work their people to death and pay them next to fucking nothing in a currency that was only valid in the shitty as work town the company owned and people were getting sick of it

>it doesn't matter if you get payed less than you make

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>I make 17 per hour. Thats crazy money.
I made $17/hr at my first fucking entry-level position 2 years ago with a fucking associate's degree (which I got almost for free because community college is cheap as fuck here) and am currently working at the same company making $28/hr.
Jesus christ dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?
You'd better be like 19 or something.

chillout cleetus this is about vidya

can you please explain to me how every worker across the board having an explosive increase in productivity wouldn't counter-act on the macro the perceived value of an individuals labor?
wouldn't basic economics dictate that the individual's labor value would decrease / stagnate according to their relative worth?

>Every major union in the united states donates money collected from mandatory union dues to leftist politicians and PACs.
Maybe, just maybe, they do that because the right wants unions eradicated?

Its just crazy a company would pay you to go on vacation. Like you keep getting a paycheck but youbarent there. Seems like stealing

Look buddy, just because you arbitrarily altered the meaning of the world in your head to cope with your insecurities over being a poor flyover hick putting airs it doesn't mean the rest of the world has to indulge your delusions.

Do you think every state that's not California or New York or Florida is a flyover state or something?

not 19, just a dumbass yokel

>Maybe, just maybe

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This. the only faggots who'll get affected by this is big AAA companies and that's a good thing.

Or you could just use google.
Where do you think the term "flyover" comes from?
Serious question.

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if you look into it, no AAA companies are affected in any way
the only ones unionizing are people who don't work AAA or do freelance- none of them will be missed in the current environment

>Opera Singer/Reality TV Star talking about hard work because he goes to a place where people work really hard and fucks up for a day before leaving and getting paid more in a day than the person cleaning up his failure will make in a year

I wish he had kept his fucking mouth shut: I used to like him.

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>modern leftists want to open up all borders to globalism

Literally no one is advocating for that in the USA.

Name 5 politicians that have and are currently serving in congress.

Ill wait.

I get 3 weeks of paid vacation a year.
After next year that'll increase to a full month.
Imagine being so cucked that you think being offered PTO is a bad thing and "seems like stealing."

>Unions are socialism and communism!
Imagine being cucked this hard by billionaire CEOs

>I make 17 per hour. Thats crazy money

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>want = advocate
didn't realize that hitler publicly advocated for the extermination of the jews via gas chambers.

Unironically this. Also, corporations are corrupt as hell. And government is corrupt as hell. Basically, any large organization is corrupt as hell. This is why small startups tend to be the only honest companies out there.

What is it about America and being able to do absolutely nothing about working conditions and economics correctly?

You can pay minimum wage without relying on tips, you don't advertise price after tax and now unions.

How you even fuck up how unions work, almost every other country in the world can get them to work?

>being this entitled

You don't deserve good games. You should be locked in a hole with less than shit, bug ridden games.

It's less an American thing and really only constrained to certain states.

>increased to 4 weeks

isn't 4 weeks the standard for a full time job and has been for decades?

Im 35.Thats a crazy high wage here. 28 an hour is what doctors make I bet
Unions supported faggot marriage which is one reason we voted against having one

Unions are made so that people work reasonable hours for reasonable pay. Expecting more of that from anybody is a sign of a true dick

>Get a job in a union, don't have to join but I do have to pay them and my pay and benefits are still negotiated by the union.
>Supreme court tells me I don't have to pay them any more
>Stop payment IMMEDIATELY
>Get e-mails every day BEGGING me to join and to vote for whatever socialist is running
>Lawsuit currently going in my state against the union alleging we should get all the money we paid over the years back
>Hopefully they won't even last through next year

Fucking faggots AHAHAHAHA

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tackle issues like excessive overtime and

yep this industry is over

Cool. Will gatekeep Aussies and underage with restricted internet access and no daddy's credit card from joining the communities.

>This is a great job. I make 17 per hour. Thats crazy money. I dont even need a raise or anything. I would seriously kill someone for this company
that's fucking entry level m8 I make that as a security guard, a gig I have since I need some quick cash

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Maybe AAA companies will have to stop hiring incompetent people because of propaganda and quotas, and start focusing on people who actually make games from now on.

I make 23$ an hour as a Line cook.
God help me, Ive picked the wrong path and its too late to change it

To put this in perspective, next year will be my 4th year at my company.

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>28 an hour is what doctors make I bet
Holy shit

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But /pol/ told me it was SJW liberals who were pro-corporation, why is /pol/ defending corporations now?

Was /pol/ just bullshitting?

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The definition of useful idiot

>game devs band into unions just like every skilled labor force before them
>Promptly have their jobs shipped off from under them
>Are now yet another group of unemployable people who are demanding the downfall of capitalism because of policies they brought on themselves
Way to go, libs.

A month off? Thats insane. I never heard of that. Course that could be why all the companies are abandoning blue states for red: Low taxes and we arent crazy greedy enough to ask for a whole month off. Thats so fucking lazy

The fact you said people less than 16 means you're a fucking zoomer because anyone with an opinion below 25 at the lowest is absolutely worthless.

That guy, closest row in the middle. Is he augmented?

t b h shitty working conditions are the norm for pretty much any white collar job

there's just such a massive oversupply of grads companies can do whatever the fuck they want

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Oh sorry, thought we were talking about first world working conditions here

>Im 35.Thats a crazy high wage here
You realize that that's not a good thing, right?
Cost of living isn't THAT much lower in your state than it is here in MA, especially since we don't get taxed on food and clothes up here like you guys do, so you definitely shouldn't consider what is an entry-level wage for someone with a 2-year degree up here "high."

>Yea Forums users are too young to remember all the corruption and job losses that ensued the last time unions fucked things up in the UK
This. These fuckwits don't understand that unions never actually benefit the worker. They end up just extorting the company for more money to pay the heads of the union while the average worker gets a 5 cent increase in their wages.

Whole thing is bullshit and Yea Forums users are too brainlet to grasp that unions are there only to benefit themselves, not you.

You are all terrible people for assuming you deserve videogames on command and at the price you want. All these years saying videogames are art but you won't respect the artists? You kids don't even know what goes into making games, but you want to tell these people how to do their jobs?

Do you morons even understand the phrase supply and demand? Do none of you understand the long term effects of your juvenile attitudes towards games? This is why devs don't respect you.

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everyone who disagrees with you is /pol/
unironic fascists are syndicalists anyhow

>But /pol/ told me it was SJW liberals who were pro-corporation, why is /pol/ defending corporations now?
they're both retarded corporate pawns. The mega billionaires of our age have made a game where they can't lose.
Either you're an SJW and you think multi billion dollar corporations are the best feminists on Earth or you're a /pol/tard and think multi billion dollar corporations can do no wrong when it comes to ethics.

If you look back in the days of the robber barons and railway trusts, they did the exact same fucking thing with people arguing that trusts were either needed or the railways were poor operations incapable of making a profit because they were claiming the frontier. Same shit, over a hundred years later.

>Course that could be why all the companies are abandoning blue states for red

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>m 35.Thats a crazy high wage here. 28 an hour is what doctors make I bet
Jesus christ

>Want to major in Computer networking in community college
>Not available this semester
>"Why dont you do your general ed this year and then Computer networking the next?"

Worst Mistake Ive ever made

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Are you talking about USD ($) or some other currency? Doctors make way more than $28 per hour.

See this is the problem.
Is working in the game industry shit for a variety of reason? Yes.
Will they fix any of that? No.
It'll be nothing but diversity quotas and likely a pay scale so enjoy never getting more than a 2% raise year over year, wouldn't want those white men to negotiate for a raise or anything.

Line cooks here make $9 an hour.
Security pays min wage.

Or people don't give a fuck about the UK for the most part
this is a board of FREEDOM

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>Do you morons even understand the phrase supply and demand?
Elaborate how that works with art again. And please explain to me how you can consider video games art, but somehow think it should never be criticized or evaluated?

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This is probably the best post in the thread for one really good reason:
AAA games are basically the end result of this shit becoming popcorn-tier consumable media. Everyone, the workers, the devs, the players most of all, would benefit from games stepping it back and the AAA meme coming to an end if not becoming an actual rarity instead of a seasonal thing.

they dont make good games anymore. And ones who does is Japanese or indie and wont have this kind of shit.

>28 an hour is what doctors make I bet

>In Alabama, the average doctor earns $248,500 a year.

Even IF the doctor is working 60 hrs per week, that's still about $80/hr.

>All these years saying videogames are art but you won't respect the artists?
I absolutely do, that's why I want all those programmers, designers, writers, etc to have a fair pay and good working conditions.

Good for them.

The typical Securitas Security Guard salary is $11. Security Guard salaries at Securitas can range from $9 - $17.

Line cook, at the ___ Yatch club
I do the prep when Im not supposed to because the prim and stuck up Johnson and Wales faggots dont have any proper experience with food

Seriously though, what's with Americans and their blind hatred towards unions? IIRC the average American actually works longer than the average FUCKING JAP and they still believe it's UNIONS exploiting them and not their management? What the fuck is even going on over there?


Unions won't really take hold in video game companies due to it being a dream job for a lot of people. It's the same reason why wizards of the coast which makes magic the gathering gets away with paying less than they should.

But video games are not art.

Why wouldnt they? We dont tax comapnies, give them land, let them fire at will dont enforce bullshit lib regulations and they dump whatever in the forests and there are no labor laws. Whatever greedy yankees will do we will do for half the cost.

New York had a population LOSS the last couple years it's so fucked.

>You dont deserve good games
You're right, I don't, thats why I pay for them, dumbass

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Anyone anywhere can make games. Dev studios can just move to another country. Indie devs will never get off the ground in Lonstanbul if they have to pay some kind of union bullshit.

>This is why devs don't respect you.
Go home Cliffy

And yet my state (and region for that matter) has some of the lowest rates of unemployment in the entire country.
Really makes me think.

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Most other industries have unions, if you cant account for it, you shouldnt have a business. Nobody here works in "What-ifs"

Then why isn't Amazon sucking your dick to get to a new HQ there? Literally the only thing I can think of that's being made in the cousin fucking states is a Mazda/Toyota plant.

A full month off is pretty standard for a high paying job.

>t. brainlet who has never actually seen what unions do

They literally just extort money and offer nothing in return. If you've been part of any union, they'll demand all the workers strike for a 5 cent pay increase. Meanwhile, the union bosses get million dollar kickbacks.

They're basically just mob bosses and you're all pawns in their schemes.

You're taking it up the ass, getting paid less for it, and think it's a good thing. You could have it so much better if you pushed against the bosses - their job is to exploit you as much as possible for profit

>tfw I start wageslaving again on Monday
Fucking 8 to 5 and needing money.

>the sheer VOLUME of corporate cuckery in this thread

If anyone actually believes this post, slap yourself back to reality.
This fag doesnt even know what a Union IS, let alone how they work

Just a bunch of shills and flyover hicks, they're largely meaningless.

Why do americans suck so much corporate cock anyway? I was under the impression americans thought of themselves as not being subservient to anyone.

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The USA government has been hitting them in the head with the terror of communism for decades now and they've come to believe that anything that barely sounds like giving workers any rights at all is basically the start for some sort of red revolution, even though all data shows that the country was at its best when the rich were heavily taxed and unions had a strong grip on corporations trying to fuck things up too much. It's funny how the kind of people who want to go back to what the USA was in the 50s would algo tear their hair out if they knew how exactly it was run back then.

> 2016
That was when King Nigger reigned. Trump eliminated the SALT deduction and stopped the blue states socialist bullshit

pretty much this. Strike for pay increase so the union dues can go up slightly and be used to grease political candidates into paying unions off more. The guy running the union always seems to be part of that upper elite group as he talks about how good he is for the people of whatever union hes running


Yeah, exactly. If a game costs too much, I won't buy it. If a game is poor quality, I won't buy it. The effects of how a company treats its employees has little to do with that decision, as long as the quality matches the price, and its not too poor quality or highly priced. The employees themselves have to make that decision on staying or leaving. There are many opportunities out there, especially with indie developers on the rise. Game devs dont have to respect their customer, but that doesnt mean the customer will buy their product. I wont be buying Sword/Shield so far based on what I've seen. They don't respect their audience, so I won't buy their games.

Unironically because your region is whiter than whatever region you're comparing it to :/

Half a decade of Republican brainwashing. All the poor people vote Republican who promise them better job security/morality laws all the while they are the ones screwing them the most.

The funniest part about this is that you're both right. Union bosses can be corrupt as fuck, but what you need to consider is that everytime they are, without fail, it's because they're in league with the CEOs of the companies or are taking massive bribes from them. The way the CEOs did all this then made the retards think the unions are the bad guys in all this is mindblowing.

>min wage wageslave doesn't even realize that people with real jobs all get signficant vacation packages that only get better with the importance of the job

Half a century I mean not a decade.

How are those democratic run cities and states doing right now? RUnning out of money and having rich people flee them to tax havens? What color are those tax haven states again?

Mmm, nope, even in 2019 my state (and most of NE) has some of the lowest unemployment in the country.
I also get better benefits, more paid time off, a higher salary, free healthcare thanks to MassHealth, AND I can enjoy a much better working environment since I don't live in a corporatist hellhole.
Oh yea, I understand that, but you realize that that's only because blacks and Mexicans are also corporate bootlickers just like white southerners, correct?

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You poor poor wage cucked soul. Decent jobs offer at least a month off, if not more after 5 years of service. Even my grocery store offers 2 months off to workers over 6ish years.

>HA, rich people come to our states while contributing nothing to them instead of living in your states, take THAT
Is this a fucking joke?

Democrats suck ass too. Everyone sucks ass in this country and it will continue to decline regardless of which side is in power because everyone wants to take things to extremes and not balance things out.

They are taking the tax dollars.We may not get as much but we get some. Meanwhile you keep spending but the revenue isnt there but you cant explain that to your entitled citizens who want free healthcare and education. Im fine with this if it teaches people a lesson about the dangers of socialism and pissing off the rich

You tell me, retard.

Attached: Federal-Aid-as-a-Percentage-of-State-Revenue_0.png (945x945, 82K)

>hurr correlation = causation

You're forgetting that inequality is also driven largely by technology. Also, it's rather convenient you ignore the long history of organized crime in unions:

Granted, the influence of organized crime is weaker today, but it's this long history of the mob/mafia controlling unions and running scams through it that have soured Americans on unions in general.

I can only assume that this is bait and there isn't genuinely a 35 year old man out there who actually believes this shit.

>inb4 it's just a sekrit club for higher ups and bullshit positions that don't directly work on the game so they can achieve something akin to tenure and the union doesn't protect the lower rungs like programmers, modelers, foley artists, etc.

ITT: people pretending they know how the video game industry works

>People don't want to go into debt over a visit to the hospital
>How entitled
You're very obviously underaged or sheltered from the world. I'm saying this a traditional conservative. Our country is fucked right now. You can start by standing up for your fellow man or be an ass and look down on others.

Just like how the American people soured on alcohol, gambling, the Kennedy's, and the entertainment industry right?

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This has got to be the most bluepilled post I have ever seen on this site

I've never been down to Dixie

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And? That has nothing to do with state spending. IL is dead fucking broke because they have state entitlements as is NY. Hey what happened to that Amazon hq? Right, that loud mouth socialist complained about them not paying taxes so they left and took the jobs.

You will once you move out of your parent's house.

Not surprising.
I live in California and my local community college is made up of 75% students getting federal aid.

If the rich leave, and take their money, who will you tax to pay for programs?

>contributing nothing
They pay state and local tax in the new state. Also you must be 18 to post here. That or youre still a neet living in your parents basement who never had to pay tax in your life.

>demanding a multibillion dollar company pay their taxes and not get land for free

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I agree with you.

>posting stats for FY2012 in a report released in 2015
And im

this honestly
Almost no one is saying just this, though. It always comes with a bunch of other shit.

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>people did back things
>ergo, it'll always be bad and nothing good can come of it
Nobody here has said unions are some sort of perfect entities that can do no wrong, but they're still the one main reason worker rights exist and you don't have to work 12 hours a day just to make enough money to get bread. Unless you have any data that contradicts my graph and/or proves that unions really do nothing of worth, you have no actual argument.

If you tell a conservative that they’re sucking cock in the name of freedom, they’ll happily oblige. They’ll even spread the word

Wage cuck college student living in California.
Renting apartment right next to University.

It's expensive as fuck living in California compared to most other states especially the South.

Fuck in Silicon Valley there are ghetto ass dinky apartments going for about 3000 a month.

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Yea, this is definitely bait.
How's it feel being taxed on groceries?

Look at this asshole. He doesn't realise companies still pay big bucks to advertise via social media. The age of big buck mainstream advertising has been given a friendly new name and retards like you drink that shit up with a straw, zoomer.

Or did you think all these dipshits shilling all over the internet are doing it for free?

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>pay their taxes
You're as retarded as AOC, no surprise there. Tax credits != will not pay taxes. The tax credits were there to pay for the cost of construction. OF COURSE they would be paying taxes on top of that, that's the whole goddamned point. To add to the overall tax revenue for the area. The agreement was also to only grant them tax credits if they created 25,000 net jobs.

This is why low IQ socialist monkeys need to stop meddling in politics.

Where are those gonna work who needed that amazon job?Go ahead and tell me. At some point you just gotta accept your place and understand these people are like gods

My bad, the newest report I could find with a graph was 2015-2016, didn't realize they used the chart from 2012. Look it up, it hasn't changed very much.

>The average cost of rent for a one-bedroom apartment in most of the US is upwards of $600 m8.
lmao, and here we have boomer NEETs in Berlin crying over the 450€ rent for their 90m2 apartments in gentrified no-refugees-allowed DieGrünen districts.
All '68er must die.

Answer the question: If the rich leave who will you tax?

Alcohol was legal at first then wasn't for a minute, and God sorted the Kennedy's out. How many of them are still kicking?


Simple: let the rich leave, but without their money.

I wish I could get 600USD rent.
That is peanuts compared to rent in California.
You can find apartments selling higher that are literally shacks.

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The rich won't leave because most of the rest of the country is a shithole :^)
Will they move to Alabama where the schools are all garbage and even the private schools are worse than the average public school in New England so they can raise their kids?
The answer is no.
See, unlike your state, we actually offer some benefits to justify something like a higher property tax.

fuck that shit

Flyovers are nice like that
you can rent a shitty house for like 700USD

They literally paid nothing in taxes in 2017. If having to pay for construction there in New York is such a deal breaker, why did Google just agree to do it?
>muh AOC, muh socialism
This is literally all you retards ever say, even when it doesn't apply at all.

Why should amazon pay taxes? They employ workers and you can tax theml

>retards screeching about union boogeymen again

Except there are more people moving into Alabama now than there are moving out.

Attached: 2017-Migration-Patterns-1.jpg (2000x1125, 766K)

>mfw Ted actually lived the longest, fullest life.
Fucking how?

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Looks fucking comfy. Good job user

>They literally paid nothing in taxes in 2017. If having to pay for construction there in New York is such a deal breaker, why did Google just agree to do it?
Well the land value is probably worth it for one. But they could just as easily take the cost of living and go to another area. The real reason is amenities and location to power brokers and information.

>Alcohol was legal at first then wasn't for a minute, and the Feds sorted the Kennedy's out. How many of them are still kicking?

>Dad went into crazy debt to build and expand the logistics business
>he hates trucks in general especially dpf filters
>mostly sits around now in his office at a run down warehouse that due to the land, is worth more than my entire lifes labor

Dad chose the right time to move out of russia and settle in Vancouver. I don't think you can pull this off as an immigrant nowadays.

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Yea, and almost all of them are blacks moving from the surrounding states.
Hence why the median income remains pathetically low.
Unlike MA, which has among the highest median income in the country.

Attached: 2018-Household-Income-Map.jpg (1000x738, 137K)

I don't care I never pay for them anyways

That is really interesting actually, but can you prove it's the super wealthy? Clearly they are getting lots of movers there, but what for?

>location to power brokers and information.
This is the real, understated reason. It's why companies refuse to leave CA. As long as venture capitalists choose to roost in Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs will be forced to live here.

Whole goddamned system is fucking corrupt.

Sounds EXACTLY like what NY is trying to do actually.

Don't worry, mechanics hate them as well.

The only way this chart has any value is if its paired with cost of living.

the 2020s are shaping up to be great

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Nah you just dont wanna buy them, poorfag

>tfw I guess I'm poor as shit
the fuck man

Clearly it is not the super wealthy, because the super wealthy are a tiny minority and don't live outside the super wealthy coastal enclaves because the rest of the country doesn't cater for grand opulence.

Or if it's adjusted for purchasing power like pic related.
And whaddya know, we're still at the top.

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This. It's movement of money over borders that needs to be restricted, not people.

>income == quality of life

Lel. One of my friends who has the highest quality of life is an angular developer living in bumfuck nowhere, Colorado. He goes snowboarding every fucking weekend. Stop writing off "flyover country" when many of those states have an objectively higher quality of life than the coastal shitholes.

>saw some 12 year old mexican kid running around with this ahegao shit on

anime apparel was a mistake.

Why is it that all find with commies is that they just want to be the man in charge. Once you give a commie any power he puts on a military uniform like he earned it and eats the best food money can buy. All the while the common man just works at gun point. At least with capitalism if i wanted a beef steak i can go to a shop and buy one.
Most commies are like this. They just want to be "DA MAN" so they can be the one that is opressing others. No justice with a failed commie in charge.

>saw some 12 year old mexican kid running around with this ahegao shit on
I take it back, 2019 needs to be the last year humanity sees

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You're not wrong, but Colorado is an outlier. Compare living there to any of the surrounding states, the only one that isn't a shithole is Mormonland.

>Sit in an air-conditioned office making video games
>Make $80k a year

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If you unironically decide to work on videogames you deserve to be exploited like a good, obedient little wagecuck.

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lol who cares, you are still irrelevant

Developers regularly get laid off with little notice and then have to cuck for new bosses.

See Troika, V:BLM was fucked over by kikes pushing out garbage to sell to kids in favor over maintaining decent work practices.

It doesnt say anything in the chart. All it says is based on HUD report.
So is the high pay considered to be high purchasing power or is it low pay is better purchasing power in this chart?

>vidya devs making 80k
Also the issue is unpaid overtime, consistently

The only video game you should work on is your own.

i wont buy any game from any of these unions. not interested in funding commie take over of an industry like they did education and emergency services.

Are you illiterate?


>no job security
>have to regularly work unpaid overtime
I wouldn’t expect a NEET/wageslave to understand.

I made 95k as a Boeing electrician last year with no college education
>Mfw developers make 80k

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It’s all supply and demand and developers know that if games have a sharp increase in price, then people are going to buy significantly less games.

They can have fun with their unions as they all lose their jobs and are either forced to work in the “indie” field or starve to death.

Then they should get a second job or switch careers. The free market will solve it

>not interested in funding commie take over of an industry

>actual workers arguing for decent pay and conditions
>having input on their work like japanese traditional companies
>fighting the kike overlords

If you have a problem with this, the dick went a bit too far into your ass and changed you m8.

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Why cant your planes stay in the fucking air?

Because they’re hiring uneducated retards to be electricians, lol

>retards that can't pass remidial math are making planes

lel americans.

More like:
>supervisor catches you fucking off instead of working and tells you to actually work
>being the union retard that you are, you contact the goons you pay to fuck with employers and job sites
>union threatens to recall workers from site until their mouthbreathers get to sit around and collect overtime while doing nothing/purposely fucking something up to fix it later.

As a non union electrical worker/integrator, I've never met a union member that wasn't a complete retard.

fuck off commie fag

>just work even more hours bro
>just don’t work in the industry bro
These aren’t arguments, you mouthbreather.

Are you sure that is all they will do eh?
You sure they will keep their SJW points out and just remain for "workers rights"?
Or would things happen like we have predicted and this just gives insane SJWs more control?
You are going to give us your personal assurance that this wont happen right?

Best games are made by Japan.

Unions would mean the end of Western devs besides shit like FIFA games

I guess so since i cant interpret your chart to tell which of the colors i should be rooting for.

You are free to express whichever opinion you like user

Unions are bad.

Explain why Union Bosses live in Mansions while union workers don't.

It seems Union Bosses only hire family members as well in any important position.

>You are going to give us your personal assurance that this wont happen right?

It's as if this shit doesn't actively occur right fucking now with combined with jews jewing the worker while their at it. Why is it that investment capital should have all the say? It's as if Blizz-Activ and Sierra publishers never existed in your mind. Don't even get me started on EA.

Software licenses, transparency, and strong worker ethic got us out of a total jew controlled internet. Good developers will survive, sjw communes will get wiped out.

Kike enablers get the bullet too.

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