This looks better than any AAA game coming out in the next few years

This looks better than any AAA game coming out in the next few years.

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This game's cock and balls are dry from so much sucking from you guys

why would a cock be dry from being sucked dipshit

this what happens when austrailans use their powers for good and not shitposting

It's made by a bunch of poofters in Melbourne. They're barely Australian.

or shooting up mosques

you must be really dense retard to not liking this game

Too bad it will be casualized baby tier shit
Since less than 50% of hk players got past hornet 1 in greenpath
Team Cherry needs to make money with this one so they will appeal to a wider audience

They already confirmed bombs and escort missions in the trailer

Sekiro >>>> the entire lifetime output of this studio.

>Too bad it will be casualized baby tier shit

Yeah, probably going to be baby mode like Grim Troupe and Godmaster DLC.

maybe that's why they break away from the urge to shitpost that dominates other australians

I am just not biased as fuck like OP, the shill for this shit is annoying

Those are free dlc for autists,
For a game funded on Kickstarter

Silksong needs to make them Money

>Team Cherry needs to make money with this one
Why? They've already made tens of millions of dollars on Hollow Knight and it continues to sell well.

stop retard
hollow knight, sekiro and DMC5 are all fucking good games

>game devs pander to Yea Forums's "git gud" fetish
>Yea Forums can't stop sucking their cock every 30 minutes like the good little boys they are
so this is the power of pandering...

Doesn't look nearly as good as Sekiro so, no.

And one of them had the audacity to complain that they'd run out of money and decide to sell their game for a higher price than before.

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I can't think in a single game that had a whole shill campaign behind dragging along a insufferable biased fanbase as this one

No free healthcare in America.

In fact...
No free anything, anywhere, because what is 'free' is just being taken from someone else at gunpoint.

to be honest I don't hate Hollow Knight or anything, in fact the opposite it's a pretty great game
it just fucking sucks how it's CONSTANTLY praised as the second coming of Jesus, ready to lead us all to the promised land and selling it anything short of that is Blasphemy

Or maybe it's just the vast majority of people in an advanced, wealthy society getting together and deciding that it's in everybody's best interest if they pooled their money together together to help the sick.

That's not exactly true, I got Hollow Knight for free, and literally nothing was taken from anybody.

This is your Radiance for tonight.

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Thanks for understanding me about this one at least and yeah, it's exactly in the way you described. It's hard to ignore when these fuckers shill it even in threads of other games

I think it's pretty sad that so few games are done this well so there isn't much else to praise in the genre.

>Ace Combat
>Resident Evil
>Yakuza (Judgment)
>Death Stranding
>Dying Light
>Fire Emblem
>Ghost of Tsushima
>Phoenix Point
>Last of Us
Etc all look better.

But hell, maybe in 30 years time you'll be saying the same hypocritical shit about indies then rehashing the AAA of today, as you do for HK ripping off the 90s AAA.

I like Hollow Knight, but fuck off with these meaningless threads already.
It's feeling like Undertale all over again.

>people like good games
>people make threads about games they like
wew lad

I thought Hollow Knight was a meme and typical indie shit, too. But it's honestly something special.

lol, what are you a fag?

i'm just glad they're making a new metroidvania map instead of more challenge dlc. combat was not hollow knight's strong suit

yeah, this thread should die so we can have yet another DMC thread or maybe a filename thread.

>combat was not hollow knight's strong suit

Imagine being this retarded

To be fair YCG has way more people in it, Team Cherry is just three strayans

it has one of the best metroidvania maps of all time and decent combat. that makes it a great game, but what it needed was more areas, not more bosses

They still created tons of more content, and they are giving away their new game to their original supporters to boot

Fire Emblem doesn't look good.

>escort missions are inherently casual
Why do you always say this?

Could you imagine if they make it Epic Store exclusive?

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