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Other urls found in this thread:

>rocking early late 90s/2000s music all day at work.

Fuck my boomer boss and fuck the zoomer interns. The music I grew up with is the best

a much, much better time for the internet. when everything wasnt srs bidness and there was 10s of thousands of interesting and lively websites

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I really miss old school internet

based doomer

New Numa was more kino

Fuck off boomer, zoomers 10 years from now are going to start missing fortnite, which will be referred to as the simpler times then

90's music thread?

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a nice picture for all of you

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>he tried to cash in on it by making more

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>the video will be 13 years old this year

Attached: Cover-tom2.jpg (565x600, 40K)

badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger



>no SMARTphones
>no jewbook
>no twatter
>no WoW
>no steam
>no activision blizzard
>no SJW

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this thread will get deleted by jannies soon because 'its not vidya related'

fuck this website.

>zoomers 10 years from now are going to start missing fortnite
they honestly wont. everyone knows we've hit a standstill when it comes to games and internet culture. Nothing is changing. We are on a flat line and that's how it is going to remain. Nobody is going to feel nostalgia for anything that has come out in the past six odd years and nothing in the foreseeable future shall

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Fuck you incel WoW is based as fuck, go jerk your dick loser.

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Back when you could still say the word faggot in public without scrutiny

not everything is a generational pattern you fucking bot

That boy ain't right!

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>tfw just got moderated on a discord server for having the f-word in my message
welp, at least in my country we can say the equivalent of faggot in public "anytime"

You only feel that way because of your current nostalgia. Obviously kids who grow up with these games will feel nostalgic towards them once they reach a certain point in life

i want to go back in time, when the internet wasn't regulated constantly, when normalfags were too busy on their myspace or msn messengers, when videogames was a niche market full of hype and edgy content, when comedy wasn't afraid to be daring and was actually laughable

user, the video was out in 2005 - WOW was out in 2004
Steam was also out in 2004

>I used to love advicedog variants on Yea Forums all those years ago
what the fuck was wrong with teenage me, thinking shit like pokedads was funny

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A good time for the internet.

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i wan' to go back

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a time when memes weren't partisan

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>what is human psychology

it was funny, then the memes were leaked and it killed them

>he uses discord

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why is this board so nostalgia obsessed? no other board is like this

>using discord


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I unironocally still like sum41 and Linkin park. Was never really a fan, but I've always liked most of their songs.

here comes a lion

lions in kenyaaa

>That shitty looking animated version that existed on the front page of AlbinoBlackSheep for years

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Were response videos ever actually used for their intended purpose?

Video responses below the video need to make a comeback. That shit was 2030 and they got rid of it. All YouTube has done is remove features

because were the only one that fights back gamers rise up

WoW is and always has been a vapid skinnerbox, a glorified chore simulator that you pay monthly for. Please recontemplate your life choices and what led you to your current state.

Reply girls

Where were you in the early 2000s user?
I was still on newgrounds playing hentai dating sims. It's not surprising that I ended up here.

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>statistics and data
Man I used to love that tab. Fuck modern youtube.

m-my obscure multiplayer mods' community uses them to schedule games, ok??
and if I was already there then why not check out other games' channels..

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I laughed
Then I saw the old youtube display and got really sad...

>looking up maplestory meso tricks on utube

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Everything was more stupid back then, but it was so nice.

I was still just a little kid. The most I did on the internet then was play Neopets and watch lego stop motion and potter puppet pals on Youtube.
It wasn't until around 2010 that I started using the internet more often and going to places like Armor Games and Newgrounds. Newgrounds was always a bit too edgy for me, though. My little brother was more into that stuff.

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mushroom mushroom

Isn't discord just a fancier IRC?

glad I still have the original of this saved lmao SA is hopefully finally dying because of lowtax being a dipshit with money

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Counter Strike, Runescape, UT, Planetside

advicedog is cute and based

this photo came up in one of those prank sites which said it would take a picture of you if you stared at the dot in the middle, i remember it showing a cow and other funny images while trying until i saw this, i felt such intense cold in my spine and was terrified and scarred for quite a while

Both are cancer.

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Seek help

Whoever keeps changing Youtube's UI needs to be fired. It keeps getting worse with each update.

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That's not the super waha version.
Real version is faster.


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God damnit bhabbie


Reminder that StickPage still exists and is still full of SOUL, even if the newer animations are less creative

>scamming noobs with 10 att wg bait and switch

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I was on Gaia online. I fucking loved that game. I didn't realize how cringey I was until way later.
>Named UchihaXXavengerXX
>dressed up like Kakashi because there was only basic shit in the marketplace like his mask and the headband
>RPed in the forums
I wish I could make this shit up

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It's not perfect but it does the job. Life is what it is, hopefully, you can make your own man.

The best thing to come out of the 2000s were scene girls.
Change my mind.

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Playing flash games on my parent's PC because at that time my parents didn't have money for consoles or games. I remember infecting it with malware during the first time I tried to install emulators.

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I still don't know the original source, but I think it was created using a program called Goo.

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>we'll never have real RAGE threads again

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You have to use the old design scripts in order to get some semblance of usability out of youtube. But Youtube Center is dead and all the imitators just aren't as good.

I started visiting the Nsider forums in late 2006 because of the Wii's upcoming launch. When Nsider was shut down in 2007 in went to Nsider2 for a while. Visited /x/ from late 2007 to early 2008. In 2010 I started going to NeoGAF and pretty much exclusively browsed there until I got banned for a couple of weeks for expressing the wrong opinion in late 2015.

I've been browsing Yea Forums ever since.

>kid grew up becoming a chad
>meanwhile we continue in this site

Holy autism

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>mfw they just got rid of all annotations even in OLD VIDEOS
Phoneposter normans are to blame.

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i finally found you


oh man it's beautiful

rage/cringe thread have lost their meaning once they became the norm and have them visiting this place

How many other boards have their board topic in the ditch as far as general quality is concerned? We get a few good titles a year, but the industry is catered towards casuals who don't want to be good at the games they play, there's no expectation of skill and the last good year for vidya was 2006. Of course this board is obsessed with the past.

Friendly reminder 2007 is the year everything went to shit.

The best things to come in during the 2000's were scene girls.

Attached: Smiling-Jesus-.-Bob-Barren.jpg (512x506, 143K)

Patterns do exist, but things aren't always perfectly analogous. The Internet really is fundamentally different now as a community (and web of communities) than it used to be. Preference for olden days can be influenced by nostalgia, but attributing it purely to nostalgia is just lazy. See also: "the September that never ended."

Amazing. That was a better and more simple time.

Damn right, Jesus.

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>people go on about how epic cursed content is when it's just slightly weird pictures or videos
>a decade ago this sort of shit was being posted on here

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I remember that there were "games" in youtube that were like graphic adventures where the annotations worked like buttons and when you pressed them they took you to another video where the game continued. A shame I'll never be able to play those games again.


it was a unique time i enjoyed snake bites

I know that feel bros

"Who is Nitrotitan?" for $100, please.

All hail the queen of Yea Forums

The first thing I think of when I hear this song now is that godawful flash hentai animation on Newgrounds.

>no SMARTphones
>no jewbook
>no twatter
>no SJW
Just take me back


It's always so weird seeing this song get this much attention. I was a kid when the original was a huge hit back in the 90s and hearing a nightcore remix of it and watching it become a worldwide meme is such a strange feel.

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