>No PvP
>No levels
>No builds
>No shield
>No weapons
>No messages
>No covenants
>No newgame+
>No multiplayer
>Retarded story
>No bloodstains
>Only 11 bosses
>No replayability
>No heavy attacks
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Only 12Gb, half the size of Dark Souls III at launch
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)
This is fucking pathetic, how did we get this SHIT after the amazingness that was the souls series. I feel cheated, I feel sick.
Sekrio Bunker thread, what went wrong Fromsoftbros?
So pathetic user.
Play some Kingsfield.
The fuck is a bunker thread?
Sounds like some /pol/ shit to me.
I can't wait to play the game and check in on Yea Forums every few hours to see how hard they'll exaggerate for (you)s
prove me wrong, everything here is an actual fact, as shown by the leaks
>Where's muh dark souls 4 from soft has never made any games that weren't souls they need to make more souls I want my souls aaaaaaaaa
Go play Adventures of Cookie and Cream, or 3D Dot Game Heroes.
any actual rebuttals or just mindless sheep following a bad game???
>Not dark souls
>not dark souls
has less weapons, less customizability, less replayability, less bosses, no pvp, no covenants, no . heavy attacks etc, how is this a good thing???
Sure, soon as you give something to rebuke. So far your complaints are akin to crying that Zelda doesn't have FLUDD and collectible stars in it.
there is two antishills on this board and they keep spamming this crappy copy pasta or the grappling hook webm that is supposed to look bad but for some reason
sekiro will be pure ludo, you'll see
>>No PvP
>>No levels
>>No builds
It's a single player action game that isn't souls, you braindead nigger.
>>No shield
>using a shield
>>No weapons
Two weapons, combat arts, prosthetics, combat arts that utilize prosthetics to produce different attacks from a single combat art.
>No covenants
Because it's single player. Also, it's a shit, underdeveloped part of the series that worse over each entry
>>No newgame+
NG+ confirmed months ago.
>>No multiplayer
Invade some more in DaS3.
>>Retarded story
>souls """"""""""""lore""""""""""""
don't worry, you'll still be able to get your vague, non-existent lore here too
>>Only 11 bosses
not confirmed
>>No heavy attacks
Yes there is.
>>Published by activision
Not an activision IP, no control of creative processes.
>>No stamina management
>>No character customization
>>The menu looks like a PS1 game
Souls has cluttered UI too.
>>Only 12Gb, half the size of Dark Souls III at launch
console nigger spotted
that's just for the compressed installer
>>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>souls: just dash your way through to boss with running
Half of those are just wrong and the other half my response is "Yes and?" Are you implying every game without shields and PvP is a shit game?
Sure here's a rebuttal, why are you so pathetic that you waste your time doing this?
>Only 11 bosses
>not confirmed
yes it was, check the trophies DUMBASS
im waiting for you to find a way to defend all the left out content, feel free to try any time :)
Post an argument, not a spammable shitpost first
only 11 bosses yet soulsfags have a daily thread where they shit on the vast majority of the dark souls bosses
save this couter-pasta
But will I be able to pirate it on PC? That's the important question.
>Sekrio Bunker thread
Were you such in a hurry to make another bait thread that you couldn't even spellcheck, you waste of semen?
have sex
>literally "Its not Dark Souls."
Most of you fags didn't even play Demon's Souls, let alone Froms earlier work.
theyre all factually correct as told by early players/developers themselves/the trophies which were confirmed, calling it fake doesnt make it so
So every game without shields is bad?
I refuse, absolutely fucking REFUSE, to listen to whiny shitters who speculate and get upset about new From games while comparing them to Dark Souls and pointing out how inferior they're going to be. Not after Bloodborne where weeks up to and after release there were people shitposting about how supposedly inferior it was for missing -X- or something when it turned out to be a masterpiece. At least BB had the excuse of being an exclusive title, I'm not sure why Sekiro is getting the same treatment.
>less content, replayability and bosses than dark souls
wish it was dark souls
did i say that asshat?
I don't know since your OP is a snarky greentext list that lists "no shields" as a problem with the game what else am I supposed to assume? Maybe try explaining your thoughts like a big boy and we can have an actual conversation.
This is obvious Activision reverse psychology shilling. I already preordered the game on Steam dude your job is done.
Why do you keep making this thread?
nice edit
seethe harder, snoyfag
I seriously don't understand why mods ban people for making threads about actual games like SCP but let clear shit posters make the same thread over and over even while one is still up.
Is it Barry making all these threads?
You guys are fucking PATHETIC, imagine shitting on such an amazing dev like FROM, do you fags really not trust them?
>but muh activision boogyman
they cant possible fuck it up. miazaki wouldent take it.
>all this shit op lists
one of it is nescessary to a good game anyways.
you fags need to stop making thease retarded threads. with the same damn punchline.
If you have any fucking brain at all then do what im doing.
buy the game
play it
THEN post about how fucking shit it is
Yes I am.
Maybe but it's not like he's the first shit poster ever. Literally the same exact shit happened when Bloodborne came out. Stupid bait threads with lists of all the things that were "cut" from dark souls including tons of lies and misinformation. My favorite was people saying there were only three weapons in the game. With that game it was clearly a reaction to it being exclusive after souls was multiplatform but I have no clue what's motivating this faggot.
stop it Barry
Fuck off.
It's not a dark souls game and thinks it can be Shinobi/Revengeance and be successful and beloved forever.
Both were flash in the pans despite how good they were because they have nothing to keep you playing.
I'm just happy they're going back to souls style games after this officially.
should've just made Bloodborne II
Not gonna lie, it's probably going to be a step back for FROM.
>implying the beasts dont show up in the second half of the game
They betrayed fans releasing this POS that isn't souls.
Can we start a petition to get it cancelled?
>yes, but FUCK YOU
>repeat x10
good effort user
>tfw I'm buying Sekiro hoping for a crazy mid game twist a la Bloodborne
I'm going to be so dissapointed.
>No PvP
thank fucking god. Fromsoft can't balance weapons for PvP for shit besides DaSII.
Today there was that fag trying to pit Sekirofags against DMCfags. A fag was constantly trying to start a fight between DoA and MK fags by posing as either after that EVO/Mr. Wizard controversy. Then you had the fag autistically posting up to RE2 Remake's release proclaiming it would be shit and he wouldn't stop 'till the bad reviews rolled in'. Then when MvCI was getting rightfully shit on leading up to release you had some fags posing as angry Nintendo MonHun fans trying to start new fights and derail those threads. It's autism.
It wasn't an argument, you underage retard. I just pointed out all the lies here.
Just waiting on a price drop. If nioh is any indicator, it should be $30 in a month or two.
here I made a list for you
for starters there IS a shield in sekiro it looks awesome
>has none of thease things
>still Yea Forums's GOAT
really boggles the ol' noggin
oh wait my bad thats bloodborne, gotg
is Yea Forums really that small a few antishills can fill board and threads with sekiro shitposting?
shitters btfod
there is only one viable criticism
>published by activision
Fromsoft chose the casual audience. Niche games just don't sell that well.
>published by activision
>not made
Doesn't make those things bad things either
>cancerous DLC practices
You cant say a game is bad yet if it isn't released
>somehow always managed to be even better than base game
i know, you antishills running out of """arguments""" so you are trying to make something good to look bad, that not gonna work
Dark Souls fanbase is truly autistic. I never got why these games are praised here so much yeah they're good but thats all nothing fucking special. I pre-ordered this one just because these retarded threads that shit on this game even though its not even out yet. I know that most of major releases are being shitposted like that here but its even more prevalent with this game somehow.
activision are publishing this
even more reason to torrent it.
>Dark Souls fanbase is truly autistic
kek look at all those shitters in sekiro thread, THIS is the real definition of autism, they are desperate
in retrospect what does dark souls really have over the other games? i cant really think of too much, it had atmosphere but so did the others, world design for sure. what else?
>falling for the PvP meme
Ah, that pasta
>Only 11 bosses
>Only 12Gb
Is this true? I hope the game has some depth. The only two things in OPs shit post that I'm concerned about.
Get fucked PVPfags
>25 GB after installation
>11 THROPIES from bosses
but maybe there is more without trophies
and certainly there are multiple unique mini bosses, i'm not really concerned about this
12GB? Damn nice. Good to see devs optimizing their game
Is no reason at all. Activision had no say over any content for the game
Activision killed Blizzard and i'm not gonna give them my money.
Autistic Soulsfags From software = Must be soulslike if no trash.
as long as they're unique and interesting I don't think it's a problem, same for the mini-bosses and all of those have looked unique so far
DS3 had maybe around 20 at launch but there was shit like Yhorm, Deacons, Greatwood and other trash to pad it out
it's all about quality
>No straight OP
so dark souls 1 has 6 bosses? retard
Fair enough. I'm stoked
>No PvP
Correct, while interesting because of its "unique-ness", the Dark Souls series' PvP has always been rather subpar when compared to other series with PvP, and judging by their previous server quality, sekiro PvP would most definitely be worse due to a parry-oriented combat system.
>No levels
True, you cannot put points into base stat upgrades. There are however, levels in a sense, which unlock new skills rather than upgrade stats, which is now done by defeating bosses. Levelling VIT/END = Acquiring prayer beads from minibosses, Levelling DEX/STR = Acquiring "memories" from main bosses, Levelling INT/FAI = Upgrading prosthetics (as they act like spells or tools).
>No builds
True, while I am exited for sekiro, the idea that the skilltrees are builds is stupid. The skills do still carry importance however, as they are programmed to be used against certain enemies to get a leg up, rather than being another weapon art button with mild effects against any enemy in souls.
>No shield
This is a good thing, the shield system which involved holding down one button until your enemy stopped their wombo combo so you could drop it and regen stamina was a crutch for all bad players to get through Das1-3 without getting punished for stupid play. The new parry system requires far more timing, and to avoid becoming repetitive with the 3 perilous attacks, forcing you to perfect parry (thrusts), jump (sweeps) or dodge away (grabs).
>No weapons
There is one weapon, and it has been designed to best fit the combat against the in-game enemies, rather than 100 weapons that don't quite fit into the pace and type of each encounter. Though I must admit, this tradeoff favors souls a bit more, the multiple weapons were fun.
>No messages
A loss, true, but their additions to the souls series were minor, and "helping other players" through messages is less important in the age of the internet and wikis. Any other use for them was rather pointless to be frank. (see: ThrustButHole)