Phoneix Point

>Hey guys i know you gave us your money years ago and we promised GoG/Steam release, but we have china money now so you can all go fuck yourself

What did he mean by this?

Attached: dwk35c.png (752x606, 310K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He did nothing wrong, GoG/Steam drones

Good for him

>backing projects on Kikestarter
I really liked Xcom and was interested in Phoenix Point but anyone who gave money for a product that doesn't exist deserves to be shit on.

Imagine caring about platforms more than games themselves.

You only need the Epic Launcher to download the game, you don't even need it running, let alone installed to even play the game.

That's literally better than Steam and no different to GOG.

As a backer I couldn't give less of a fuck about this and am genuinely happy that the devs have some semblance of financial security, something they wouldn't have had with a Steam/GOG release.

And if I don't have the epic spyware installed I can't get any patches, updates, dlc, etc.
I sure do enjoy playing only v1.0 releases!

>>You only need the Epic Launcher to download the game
Welcome to the chink botnet, instant you install it or run it for the first time or whatever it's already scrubbing your system for information

It already reads through all your steam info on your computer, including your friend's list and purchase history LOL like, this is CCP shit 101.

yeah im sure epic gave them a lot of money just to offer the same deal gog is already offering

And then it does nothing with it, at all, unless you opt in to share your Steam friends list with Epic, in which case it uploads what it needs to.

Unlike Steam, unlike Discord, unlike Yea Forums, unlike Windows, unlike Google, unlike literally fucking everything else that sniffs out and uploads your info without your permission.

Fucking retard just reaching for excuses for your own bias.

Meanwhile on Steam....

Except that wasn't Valve? It was contained within games made by different developers and publishers hosted on Steam

>the west can collect my data and sell it to the Chinese but China collecting my data is off limits
Can these threads just die already? If you cared about privacy you wouldn’t use google, YouTube, chrome, android, twitter, reddit or even Yea Forums. Literally every free service collects your data

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I usually only ever read youtube comments for shits and giggles when I'm bored out of my mind but these two are 100% right

>Congratulations on utterly destroying your reputation as a developer and the goodwill of your backers!

>This game was crowdfunded by steam and gog users. That you have the nerve to do this is insane. Nobody asked for a year of free dlc, which is basically a way of saying "we will release an unfinished game and then fill it over the year and pretend its dlc". NOBODY

I'm someone who wasn't even aware of this game until their EPIK xDD deal caused a shitstorm. I will make sure to avoid them though. Even as a bystander I can phantom-feel the betrayal of the fans. Scummy and backstabbing as fuck.

Attached: 1402503381524.jpg (600x690, 121K)

Hi Tim

>not "Epic weren't there for you when you needed funding 2 or 3 years ago.
Your fanbase was. Disappointing."
Remember it was also their company who went to Epic as said by themselves.

I can understand being pissed over this but considering the fact they're offering a free refund I'm surprised there's as much outrage as there is.

>I don't know shit about this game and would have never bought it anyways but let me tell you how outraged I am about this

learn2read, retard.
I'm not outraged. I will just avoid them in the future as they just outed themselves not to be trusted.

Attached: 1552432161342.png (711x590, 395K)

What is wrong with his face?

Attached: sectoid.jpg (640x400, 83K)

>We're a small indie dev that hasn't released a single good game yet, but we have a neat idea that got attention, what do we do now?
>I know lets piss off the vast majority of the only people interested in our game and the only people who will recognise our biggest draw the innovator of the genre we're in that's currently over saturated
lmao good job at making sure no customer will ever trust your claims again by proving that given enough money you'll betray them, MTX's when?

Why is everyone only talking about localconfig.vdf when process monitor clearly shows that Epic is rooting around your entire userdata folder for steam. I see it querying my Server history (complete with IPs), game subscriptions, etc

Because that's the easiest point of data to prove they're stealing actual data from your PC.

>And then it does nothing with it, at all,
Think of a new line Tim, no one's buying it.

>unless you opt in to share your Steam friends list with Epic, in which case it uploads what it needs to.
Steam has an API for this exact purpose. Epic does not have any reason to be going through Steam files for that info.

Epic is better than everyone else, don't look at the obvious data collection dude trust me we just want your friends list without Steam's secure API