>As a bird to air or a fish to water, so is contempt to the contemptible.
What the fuck did he mean by this?
As a bird to air or a fish to water, so is contempt to the contemptible
Other urls found in this thread:
He reminds me of Genesis
"I don't like assholes"
"Salty ass nigga"
Who doesn't?
It's such a dumb line like no shit contemptible people garner contempt, you described that with the fucking adjective.
That he's a homosexual, much like reCAPTCHA.
That's the point, moron.
Is that Ronnie Radke?
T-that's a literary technique user.
It means its not just happenstance, but being an unlikable piece of shit is in their nature
That was his coolest verse.
it means that people who act with contempt are, themselves, worthy of contempt.
Christ, read a fucking book.
It means so is hatred second nature to the hated.
Look at the incel posts on /pol/ and Yea Forums, and you'll understand what this fictional character is saying.
So did V have sex?
i dont remember, but my brother had a good explanation
hes not even a year old bro wtf
What about this one. "The hours of folly are measured by the clock; but of wisdom, no clock can measure."
Why the fuck did he say that? Is it only because it the line mentions a clock and Geryon has time powers?
Thank you for being the only one with a brain
Christ I couldn't stop thinking about this either
It's because his age is a few days old but he's still way wiser than that dumb shock knight.
I have that exact same necklace, hes literally me
He's saying you grow out of stupidity, but never grow into wisdom.
He flipped his analogy. It should be contemptible to contempt.
>What the fuck did he mean by this?
ur a faget
He's basically shit-talking the boss in a tasteful manner. Brainlet.
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.
Drive your cart and your plow over the bones of the dead.
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity.
He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence.
The cut worm forgives the plow.
Dip him in the river who loves water.
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star.
Eternity is in love with the productions of time.
The busy bee has no time for sorrow.
The hours of folly are measur’d by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure.
All wholsom food is caught without a net or a trap.
Bring out number weight & measure in a year of dearth.
No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings.
A dead body, revenges not injuries.
The most sublime act is to set another before you.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
Folly is the cloke of knavery. Shame is Prides cloke.
~ Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion.
The pride of the peacock is the glory of God.
The lust of the goat is the bounty of God.
The wrath of the lion is the wisdom of God.
The nakedness of woman is the work of God.
Excess of sorrow laughs. Excess of joy weeps.
The roaring of lions, the howling of wolves, the raging of the stormy sea, and the destructive sword, are portions of eternity too great for the eye of man.
The fox condemns the trap, not himself.
Joys impregnate. Sorrows bring forth.
Let man wear the fell of the lion, woman the fleece of the sheep.
The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.
The selfish smiling fool, & the sullen frowning fool, shall be both thought wise, that they may be a rod.
What is now proved was once, only imagin’d.
The rat, the mouse, the fox, the rabbit: watch the roots; the lion, the tyger, the horse, the elephant, watch the fruits.
The cistern contains; the fountain overflows.
One thought, fills immensity.
Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you.
Every thing possible to be believ’d is an image of truth.
The eagle never lost so much time, as when he submitted to learn of the crow.
~ The fox provides for himself, but God provides for the lion.
Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.
He who has suffer’d you to impose on him knows you.
As the plow follows words, so God rewards prayers.
The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.
Expect poison from the standing water.
You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.
Listen to the fools reproach! it is a kingly title!
The eyes of fire, the nostrils of air, the mouth of water, the beard of earth.
The weak in courage is strong in cunning.
The apple tree never asks the beech how he shall grow, nor the lion, the horse, how he shall take his prey.
The thankful reciever bears a plentiful harvest.
If others had not been foolish, we should be so.
The soul of sweet delight, can never be defil’d.
When thou seest an Eagle, thou seest a portion of Genius, lift up thy head!
As the catterpiller chooses the fairest leaves to lay her eggs on, so the priest lays his curse on the fairest joys.
To create a little flower is the labour of ages.
Damn, braces: Bless relaxes.
The best wine is the oldest, the best water the newest.
Prayers plow not! Praises reap not! Joys laugh not! Sorrows weep not!
~ The head Sublime, the heart Pathos, the genitals Beauty, the hands & feet Proportion.
As the air to a bird of the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.
The crow wish’d every thing was black, the owl, that every thing was white.
Exuberance is Beauty.
If the lion was advised by the fox, he would be cunning.
Improvement makes strait roads, but the crooked roads without Improvement, are roads of Genius.
Most of those are just random, completely unrelated sentences. Do bookfags really like this shit?
but if he is Vergil, and he has a kid, doesn't that technically mean he has had sex?
Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.
Where man is not nature is barren.
Truth can never be told so as to be understood, and not be believ’d.
Enough! or Too much!
>The nakedness of woman is the work of God
>contempt to the contemptible
Nice redundancy you brainless emo fuckwit.
That's more or less what it's supposed to be. It's a bunch of proverbs.
They're "Proverbs of Hell". Literally what it sounds like. Blake would go on what were basically vision quests, or write from the imagination as it suggested itself. Here he spoke to a fallen angel in hell and asked for proverbs, like Confucius would give. They speak to the values of hell as Blake saw it.
Birds live immersed in the air, fish live immersed in the water, and contemptible people live immersed in contempt.
He's able to outthink the power of time
That's unironically cringy as fuck.
That doesn't make sense. He's saying that contemptible people are immersed in contempt in the same way birds in air or fish in water. It doesn't mean the contemptible people act with contempt.
>Press left trigger + triangle
>Press left trigger + square
>Walk around reading your book while everything gets destroyed
Why is Yea Forums so easy to use
This. It literally just means that it's a natural thing to act with contempt towards those who are contemptible. It might seem rude but it's a normal thing.
I agree. Needs more 4th wall breaking, self-awareness amd don't forget to imply you're only writing those poems ironically and to be self deprecating !
Haters gonna Hate.
>t. nidhogg
dumber than a box o rox
All I have to say is "Dip him in the river, who loves water". That's so deep...Good book...I'd rather reread Witcher than read this garbage.
>stay mad, faggot
It's pretty obvious, dude.
>The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.
>The hours of folly are measur’d by the clock, but of wisdom: no clock can measure.
Okay, this is epic.
kek this shit doesnt even rhyme
The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog
How you gonna see 'em if you livin' in the fog?
My guess is that, like fish aren't aware they're surrounded by water because it's constant and all-encompassing, idiots are not aware they're being mocked.
I assume. Don't remember this part.
did Yea Forums never graduate from high school? William Blake is very well known poetry
Folly is measurable, therefore it ends. Wisdom can't be measured so it never ends.
I guess he is saying once you become wise you stay wise forever.
His whole self had sex 25 years ago. The persona that is V is like a couple months old
but he quotes William Blake all the time you retard
To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wildflower
that's what I'm saying, that people should already understand this stuff.
I wonder how many people would consider Shakespeare hard to understand
I love how much lore DMC 5 and its prequel novel either invented or retconned into existence, makes the world more believable and thus, cooler to play in.
>Agnus used to work in DMC 2's Uroboros and that's where he met Nico's mother
>Cerberus are a tribe, and the one Dante defeated in 3 was like a cub. Also different Cerberus have different attributes as their Devil Arm, with King Cerberus having all of them at once
>Geryon are a rare species thought to be extinct
>Gilgamesh is a type of metal that grows in the Underworld capable of absorving organic material
>Gilver, the Proto Angelo and possibly the Scudo Angelos were all Mundus experiments before he used his knowledge and battle data gathered to create Nelo Angelo
>Eating the Qliphoth fruit is what decides who rules the Underwolrd, and Mundus was the last one who did it before Urizen
I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot more, but long story short it adds so much more, I love it.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.
Aren't Nero and Dante guaranteed to have STDs for riding on the blood elevator?
I fucking hate how pretentious and retarded V is
his gameplay is literally just mashing buttons and reading his stupid book
his character is literally just vergil except with nothing that makes vergil cool so he just limps around and quotes some autistic poetry
he dresses and looks like a total faggot and his theme is some emo screamo bullshit
his quips arent even funny like dantes or neros because theyre just his stupid poems bearly related to whatever hes doing at the moment
what the fuck was itsuno thinking?
Glad im supporting good single player action games ;)
I don't like this irritating little emo cunt and I want to kill him
Just so you know you don't actually have to reply to the post. I never do and my mom has never died in her sleep
son of a bitch
nice try V
If Vergil had sex in devil trigger mode his human half is still a Vergin
t. mom is already dead
I knew I found him similar to someone else. Thanks for the enlightenment user.
>plebs don't like V
More news at 11. Anyway the poem's about imagination, vision, seeing the big picture from a detail. Blake's using a grain of sand as a metaphor for something small, yet , having been around for millions of years, suggests that it has seen much in its time. The heaven in a wild flower is to see the imagined beauty of heaven in an insignificant weed,which is what a wild flower is.
Wait...You don't suppose that guy was talking shit was he?
You cosplaying Morrison?
Do you have this image but also with the “Vergil fuck me” image above it?
I can't be the only one that saw these when looking at Nidhogg, right? Tell me I'm not fucking crazy
i hate this kind of faggotry
>write some meaningless line
You're thinking of grapefruits, the true citrus chad.
I said the exact same thing except V is much more tolerable
fuck you
>you're looking to deep if you interpret a line in a poem, obviously the fucking poet meant literally nothing by it
Not our fault you're a literal brainlet
Can demon hybrids get human diseases?
>the bicycle's white after the fall
It's the little details, man
Why does Japan, a first world country, have a less respected literary tradition than Trinidad and Tobago? Why do they only produce trash?
Why is V so attractive?
no its just stupid
it literally doesnt mean anything
your retarded explanation doesnt make it meaningful in anyway
its still fucking sand it doesnt matter if its 1 secon d old or 1 year old its still fucking sand what does imagination haves to do wiht it
so what wow sand seen much sand is also fucking useless only good for making beaches
and beauty in wildflower kek maybe if youre fag
He annoying as fuck I want to murder him little emo cuntbag
You only watch/play/read mainstream watered down garbage, retard. The high brow stuff is not translated, the audience is too small to justify spending tons on complex writing.
You gotta be truly low IQ if tou unironically believe Japan only produces manga and anime.
Ah, so it's bait then. Alright then.
Rather have ugly vergil than hank butt v
Can someone post the I am but two days old copypasta that was forgotten about
I also hated poetry when I was in elementary school, it's alright
Not even that, when he met Dante he was like 4 days old. Separated May 1st. So current time he's been a month old and a few days.
>Mishima is good
How many fucking missions are in this shit? I just finished 13 and I’m getting bored
Are you having a stroke?
So the manga will take place during 4 short days? Not a lot of time to get your bearings and formulate a plan. Poor V lived for a month and all of it was spent fighting Urizen then 'disappearing'.
its not
the poem is very fucking pretentious
last year of high school
20, but why getting bored?
why is V so shit to play on DMD?
Started DMD last night and his missions are the only ones that give me trouble, he's clunky as shit and unless you baby his summons they die in two hits, even with max upgrades. If you baby his summons his style ranking tanks, his executions lock him into long animations extremely often, and his SOS/DMD enemy placements are designed to infuriate you with enemy types he doesn't have the tools to deal with or ones designed purely to tank his style rating like Judeccas.
The bosses feel even worse. Both Geryon and Nidhogg are ass to fight, Nidhogg especially because of the shitty camera.
Nightmare is almost useless in bosses and spending DT to power up the summons is also almost useless because they eat it faster than you can gain it by reading a book and they die near instantly.
God fuck this character, I wish I was playing literally anyone besides him. At least you're only forced to play him in a few missions
I dunno, what about typing "DMC 5 Missions" in Google you fucking faggot?
Also, legitimate question, is this your first DMC? They're build on gameplay and replayability, how in the ever loving name of fuck can you be bored?
I'm sure the manga will also show more of what happened during the month between getting their asses kicked and Nero returning to Redgrave. V was busy evacuating people where he could and trying to minimize the damage. He probably would have lived for longer, but he used up a lot of his remaining demonic power in that endeavor and then had to rest for longer periods.
DMD mission 5. say that again
>If you baby his summons his style ranking tanks, his executions lock him into long animations extremely often,
>Pour DT on them, either taunt or read in the meantime and use Royal Fork instead of executing enemies one on one.
Kyrie is mentioned a lot, do you get to see her in the game?
>pour DT in them and read
>when he gets retard spawns like those 5 lizards in the tiny hall at the beginning of mission 5 that makes it near impossible to fight them without jumping a lot, and when you're jumping you're not reading and gaining DT
he's shit
>it's a brainlet doesn't realize the character is quoting a renowned English poet and tries to "dissect" it post
William Blake is a lot better material than that weeb shit Loveless which isn't even a real thing
I should say V is not even close to as awful as Genesis was.
Bitch if you must but they aren't his words. Take it up with history.
edit it so he still gets an SSS rank
He's saying contemptible people live and breath contempt for others.
I'm gonna miss V. He was more fleshed out than I expected him to be and I found myself hoping that he'd have a happy ending, which in some ways I guess he did.
I won a poetry competition when I was 10 years old
It's multiplayer though bro
Underrated post
No, she's back at Fortuna taking care of orphans' dicks
There's a glimmer of hope with pic related. Hopefully they'll bullshit their way into keeping V's persona as its own entity
I won a short story competition when I was 7
Your move fagit
It's hard to say why. I've given this some thought lately, because Japan tends to much better on average than the West when it comes to making characters in lower level media. They're kind of like a guy who's always at full potential but has a pretty mediocre ceiling.
Why did Dante have to go back to his childhood home to decide to try absorbing Rebellion?
Maybe we could be friends?
post yfw DMC5 gets nominated for GOTY but Sekiro doesn't
We could, but we won't.
>Ha! Even the CAT thinks you have shit for brains!
kill yourself
Holy shit, SO many of you completely missed the point of this line
It's a line from a Blake poem
It means that Nidhogg does not even understand what contempt is, as he has been held in contempt by everyone who meets him for his whole life. Similarly, a fish doesn't know what water is when it spends iits whole live submerged
thats where vergil did it too
Urizen 2 on DMD is no joke, god damn. Any pro tips other than to not die?
Maybe he saw a vision there, or sensed Yamato and Vergil's aura or some shit.
He already suspected/knew who V was.
Well, you replied.
But every bird clearly perceives the difference between air and ground. It's more likely he means contempt is just the natural situation of contemptible people
Use Trickster to teleport/dodge as needed
Try to bait out the stomp, then use whatever fighting styles you like.
The swords in swordmaster might be annoying, but they do help in part one.
You have to be pretty sure before you stab yourself in the heart. Maybe the home of his childhood didn't give him any more certainty than what he already had, but it gave him an emotional push.
No, a bird doesn't. A bird doesn't understand that there is matter it can't see. It doesn't even know what matter is. It doesn't matter anyways, I'm telling you what the actual meaning of the line is
Dammit kept trying to think of why V was familiar but there you are
>S ranking mission 10 and 12 SoS
How? Teleporting shits everywhere, cleaver fucks rushing at you from all sides, Hell Juddecas and fury dropping my rank everytime they show up. I don't think I can get good anymore.
I dunno maybe it would be better if the default “hard” mode wasn’t easy as shit. The exploration segments suck ass and I feel like I already mastered the combat since I’m getting SSS on everything that doesn’t die too quickly. Except as Nero. Guess I could practice with him
v was the perfect foil to nero, they'll bring him back somehow
fuk u
I don't get it, everyone is saying V is pisseasy and you can just turn your brain off but I for one can't into him at all. My brain can't handle all the shit you have to do at the same time, and summons always so weird shit, like Shadow attack when is 2km away from the ennemy, or Griffon coming beside me to do his eletric sphere.
keep trying fujo,maybe your delusions will come true one day
>A bird doesn't understand that there is matter it can't see
Yes, but it's poetic you clown.
> I'm telling you what the actual meaning of the line is
You're telling me your interpretation of it, intuited because you have heard the old platitude that fish don't notice water.
A bird can tell when it's in the air and when it's on ground. The point is that air is nothing remarkable to it. It is natural for a bird to be in the air. It is natural for a contemptible person to seek out contempt
Blake is a nigger
I was kinda shocked to find myself liking V. They did an amazing job at making him likeable.
V is kind of weird to control, but mashing gets you pretty far. The electric sphere is cause you held lock-on, back, and Gryffon attack at the same time.
3 Cerebrus wasn't like a cub, Sparda personally picked the guy. King Cerebrus just called him that as a way of boasting his own power in comparison to the rest of the tribe.
Cerberus’s spin or Balrog’s jab for Fury
Cavaliere’s helm breaker for Judecca
>A bird can tell when it's in the air and when it's on ground.
No, a bird can tell when it's on the ground and when it's not on the ground. A bird in a vacuum doesn't think "where'd the air go?" it probably just thinks "why can't I go?"
t. brainlet who completely misread the line
The meaning is not that "contemptible people are contemptible", but that "people who are contemptible tend to act with contempt towards others." Huge fucking difference. L2english retard.
-Loveless, Act 1
>No, a bird can tell when it's on the ground and when it's not on the ground. A bird in a vacuum doesn't think "where'd the air go?" it probably just thinks "why can't I go?"
He means a bird in flight you autist, he's not proposing that a bird knows of a substance called air.
I really want an audiobook of proverbs from hell but with V's voice actor.
he's Vergil's human side
it was defiantly Vergil's human nature that made him want to bang a random chick and leave a quarter demon bastard that is Nero
So basically V is a sex machine
how would you make V's combat as deep as Dante and Nero's?
People who are insecure desperately want to be told they’re shit, on the inside
I bet he read out poetry will making nero. which poem would he read out?
I feel like V's role got changed during development muliple times, if you told me years ago that Vergil possesses the soul of an edgy poetry twink goth I'd laugh at you.
>Genesis added due to Gackt fagging and shoehorned into story as seething bitch boy because he wasn't Sephiroth
>V added because Itsuno needed to test stuff for DD2 and his fans are seething because he's just Vergil
Is this, dare I say, POTTERY?
But Vergil is not ugly.
Itsuno has approached you to let you know that V is coming back as his own character and you get to decide how it works, with some conditions:
>It has to be someone from Vergil's past
>Vergil's humanity took his form because of an intense emotional encounter with him buried in his psyche
Now you have to decide:
>What's his real name?
>Human or Demon?
>was Vergil's encounter with him a positive or negative one? (Is V Vergil's nightmare as well?)
>what's his new personality like?
>will he come back as a friend, or foe?
>what are his new summons/devil arms?
>tfw love playing as dante
>tfw dante stages in dmd are kicking my ass
I'm at the end of Mission 4, it's not that bad so far. Does it get worse later on?
he's the cute kinda ugly
Both will, but will lose against some shitty western movie game.
He was referring to how your mother sucks dwarf cock.
underappreciated post
Except V is great and Genesis was fucking awful and single-handedly ruined the lore of FF7.
how does that even makes sens user? I am confused, u cute or u not
Unfortunately Genesis is still canonically alive.
>post this line on some social media because it sounded great in-game and I always liked Blake's work
>insane mother suddenly messages me
>"What the fuck was that post supposed to mean, what are you trying to say?"
The ironing
Like pugs, maybe?
he has a face that only a mother could love
On par with Vergil 2
ncie one sneaky negro
You're so ugly you worked your way back to cute
He's pain! PAIN TO PLAY AS!!! If Genesis managed to single-handedly ruin the lore, V managed to single-handedly make me stay away from DMD because that's how much of a PAIN to play as he is.
I'm waiting until someone mods this game so I can play as just Dante, or even Nero... anyone but V is fine really.
The problem with that is Vergil didn't have that much time to do shit, he's 19 during DMC 3 and by then he's already been to Fortuna. Cramming too much into such a short span may not be great
so i suck ass with V in DMD mode. what do i do to not eat shit.
>I'm waiting until someone mods this game so I can play as just Dante, or even Nero
That's already the case faggot, use Cheat Engine to change characters
Sephiroth didn't get his face and hairline JUST'D yet for it to be true POTTERY.
Wait, seriously?
>As air to a bird
>As seas to a fish
Obvious again
>So is contempt to the contemptible
It's all obvious. It's all no shit Sherlock.
But he is handsome, it's not comparable to a pug.
Mission 4 isn't so bad except for Nidhogg, he's a nigger
Mission 5 opens with a super shitty fight in a tiny closed hallway, then is okay for the rest until the boss, who is just an asshole
Someone explain to me who Genesis is and why he’s hated.
A face like this ?
Can someone post the power levels chart?
That's not possible user, u ugly, u ugly. That is all.
>V returns as "Gilver"
>V's Psyche fragmented off alongside Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare and became its own separate entity, maybe justify that it's a doppelganger that spawned its own personality through weird demon magic
BAM, V returns
what did dante mean by this
man, I constantly S'd missions with V and nero, but dante is kicking my ass
Infinite in mystery is the goddess
There's a Character Swapper cheat table
>Just watched some vids about good players playing DMC5
I don't feel so good Yea Forumsbros, didn't know I was this bad at vidya before
Why is devil never cry so good?
I can't stop listening to it after beating DMC3?
So what Sword will Trish use now?
>Después de la fruta
I don't understand why this shit makes me laugh
Sephiroth didn't get JUST'D my ass!
Ever since AC cancer, he has been turned into twunkish-pretty-boy-biggest-fujo-bait-in-vidya-history. No comment on all fujo fanservices between him and cloud in Mobius.
He is an antagonist of Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core. He is the friend of Sephiroth but become is ennemy. He is a nerd who is always reading poetry like V.
I love Nero!
Can any kind user here tell me where's the first Vergil from? Or is it a shoop?
Why does his hair look so bad
Quite literally Gilver. This was supposed to happen after Female V got scrapped. Pic related.
JUST isn't when character is sexually confusing you, user. this is JUST!
>live action cutscenes loading infinitely.
This has happened twice now. What's going on?
That is false. Some ugly people are cute. While I may find something cute about them, they're still ugly.
I have no problem with it but yeah, could have been done a little bit longer for it to be a bit slicker.
Gives him Beowulf.
You've got a lot of time while he was fighting for his life before going to Fortuna to search for his purpose/his father. His teenage years have plenty of story telling opportunity.
Does anyone know how many style points you need on each difficulty for Mission 10 to s rank it? I know on DH it's 5000. What about SoS/DMD?
I was joking, I understand what you mean. But when it comes to Vergil he is hot and cute somehow.
SoS is 5500
DMD is 6000
What do I do about Vergils doppelganger in SoS? All my opportunities to do damage seem to vanish once he comes out
You piece of shit
And the original GIlver idea before this got scrapped
Vid here
I still can't believe we came out of the mess that was DmC and lived to tell the tale. Love ya bros.
I can't get over how perfect they made the gameplay. Even V was fun, albeit being kinda easy. The game was full of fanservice, sure, but I think how they went about it was more than tasteful. Nero outright cursing was a little off-putting, but he's always been a punk so it didn't bug me. Capcom really redeemed themselves and I'm glad Itsuno got to create something he wanted to do for a while now, he did SSStylishly.
Sephiroth wasn't too much feminized in AC desu. Yea, he was pretty bishie boy, but not exactly feminine one, apart from having long hair. It's CC that feminized him and anything past that kept making him girlier and girlier.
Dante stop whipping your dick your. No one cares if you have the bigger dick, wub.
The irony of this post is palpable.
I hope the furies find you
It’s crazy to think about what went down with all that shit until the DMC5 announcement. We went from Nerdy, to OC creations from those orb mods, to DmCs entire fiasco. To where we are now. Shits been one hell of a ride.
Vergil would look 10 times better if his hair was slicked back instead of straight up, or had a few locks of hair flopping forward on his hairline like his DMC3 model.
Ideally a combination of the two.
absolute retard hahahahahahaah
To think, DmC was 1st revealed in 2012. My fucking god where does the time fly?
It really has been. The Chocolate Chin will go down in history as the best DMC4 character.
At this point I'm only wondering when will they add him boobs and vegana.
Not that user, but didn't Nomura always envisioned Sephiroth like that ? Like he wanted him to look like an "another wordly being" or some shit like that. Like an angel, that's why he does held feminine features but I am not sure about that.
He looks like Marilyn Manson without the faggy makeup and is covered in tattoos, so I'd say his idiotic, wannabe edgy ramblings there are pretty in character here.
>character with cool design in novel
>got faggotized one here
Good thing they discarded this "Gilver." It looks like shit.
>t. contemptuous contemptible
I think he's fun to play, though. He could use some more moves, but I enjoy using him.
Yep, that’s immediately who I thought of when he went all poetic, I liked Genesis though.
And now Gilver is a clone made by mundus. And there’s a Dante clone out there too.
I get what you mean.
It makes his hair look way more natural.
>my name is not important
Looks like the guy from Hatred.
Truly the legend of Chocolate Chin liberating all those orb heads will never be forgotten. How many years has it been since that was created?
I wish Nightmare had a really strong move for a single target, like Demolition in SDT, where he would just swallow up an enemy like how he would in DMC1 when he makes you fight a gauntlet of enemies.
He's meant to be alien like. Attractive, but more on alien side and more creepier looking. Aka look like he was from another world.
AC was a shit, but out of all "pretty Sephiroth incarnations", it managed to do it best. It made him pretty, but very creep and alien. How he should look. Anything past it just went for pretty androgynous look as if he was boy from shoujo. There is nothing "alien" or "creepy" about Sephiroth's newest incarnations in other games, he's just plainly pretty. Too pretty and that's not how he should be looking.
but what about the fish that live in bowls at petco? those aren't seas. that line is just stupid.
He shows up in the secret ending for Dirge of Cerberus
Not him but if you remove the bangs here, he kinda have the same hair style in 5. Both are spiky If you only take into consideration the gif you posted.
At least five. I miss the good ol' days, man. Yea Forums is a little different now, but I knew it was gonna go down the drain eventually. Just glad all the DMCbros seem to be here.
This kid knows what's up.
I adore that stanza, it's so lovely.
Oh it gets better anons.
Not that I believe in it or anything.
Yeah, but the point is that the bangs make it look more natural.
goddamn I have got to leave this board forever, fucking brainlets
I never really looked to much into it but now that you said it, it makes me think about how he is in Dissidia NT. Like his face is really feminine, the only thing "alien" are his eyes, this is not lost at least.
Yep, originally penned as Weiss's brother of all people, seems their plan was to have Genisis appear in Crisis Core and have that lead into a Sequel that never happened probably because of how bland he actually was as a character and Gackt not reprising the role.
He honestly looked fine in NT's CG, although his in-game model was feminine one, but CG version of him was fine.
Yeah I get it user.
Proto Nico btw
Oh boy, another Calypso.
I kinda like the idea of having the face a little covered or shrouded. Makes the guy look more mysterious, not to mention the fashion is a little better here as well. I'm just a bit disappointed that V was pretty much the only predominantly gothic detail about 5, but everything else was fantastic.
Fuck you
How do I get into literature? I feel very stupid because I never understand what the fuck the author is actually trying to say
Unironically better.
Last of V. I’ll post Nero then Dante next.
Start with the easier stuff they give you to read in high school, like The Great Gatsby. Read a synopsis/analysis if you don't get what the fuck the author is on about. Rinse and repeat until you can form your own conclusions.
rip to those that didn't make it.
Blonde woulda been cute on Nico. I'm not complaining too much about her appearance in game, but she's not exactly my type.
Literature is all about interpretation for the most part, especially of the likes of Nietzsche and Dante Alighieri. Just read it, then read it again and eventually you'll get the idea.
Nero in the beginning stages. He has 2 alts that didn’t make it in the game.
familiarity breeds contempt - Chaucer
Read a book, user.
I know twins start to look different as they age, but I am still kinda miffed they didn't use the same voice model.
I thought it was the coolest shit when Vergil's hair got all ruffled during his fight with Dante and he looked exactly like Dante.
It really drove home how they mirrored eachother.
They should have used the same face model and tweaked/edited Vergil.
boring faggot unironically rageposting in 2k19
Is there any way to get the extra colors if I didn't preorder, or am I fucked?
Maybe he'll be repurposed into moondust in the next game.
Is that Gene?
They're with Griffon now, user.
mods ban this banevading retard
One alt that didn’t make it into the game.
>Blonde woulda been cute on Nico.
She is in the game you know.
So how is the network play supposed to work?
I'm on mission 12 on my second playthrough and I only played with one other person long enough to have the ability to give them a rating.
I will admit. I thought of that even before the leak for this audio. I thought of it the second I read a comment of someone saying that Dante needs to give back Beowulf and then remembering the note left by the old man. I will laugh my ass off, if a random ass comment I made, turns out to be the truth. That Dante gifts him back Beowulf, just so that they have a justified in universe explanation for why Vergil is still rocking that weapon.
And final alt. Next is Dante
what the FUCK was his problem?
Agreed for Sephiroth, but absolutely not for Vergil, he is not JUST'd at all. I can get it for the hair but the rest is totally fine, he is handsome and very masculine.
Of course, I just mean as her actual look. She's cute like that.
Dante time. His 1st stages.
They killed his horse which was very expensive.
He looks like a No More Heroes boss.
I can't believe DMC managed to rebound better than MGS after both went through very visible fanbase division. You can't even talk about MGS here anymore like it was before GZ's announcement and the Phantom Pain teasing.
Who is blake?
Who is genesis?
Vergil creates a doppelganger that is autonomous, its V
Vergil can still fight fine without him since he's just a doppelganger and uses the power of summons, but Vergil only uses him on important missions
Isn’t the buster arm and wire snatch obsolete or is there a niche for it that the DB can’t do
you're too stupid to throw around the word pretentious. you're a literal child so I'll also explain that calling something pretentious is a good way to out yourself as low IQ
Come on.
he cute
Most of the time you will see recordings of gameplay in missions. But sometimes you'll see an icon above the name, which is a live player. This happens a lot on mission 7 and 13, but more likely on 13. Lots of people are playing it because co-op is just that much fun. BP is going to be crazy.
Buster Arm deals more damage. Both normal and charged. Wire snatch looks cooler so I still use it.
Dante was also supposed to have longer hair and a business/Casual suit. But that got scrapped. Confirming that he would of showed up to Patty’s party later or had plans to go.
Wait what?
The fuck are you on about? Are you one of those "jap jap I like traps" gaymer gaymer garner gaymer gaymer gaymer
It’s a stupid point, faggot
Who is Griffon
Dante with the coat off, which he was supposed to also have as an option.
he's got horsepower
Dante full shot and model.
Wire Snatch and Bringer Snatch have some differences. Bringer in DT will grab two targets, this is good if you want to do some group damage easily, but it might be bad for multiplayer. The Wire Snatch will still bring in one, no matter what and if you have Raw hide, then if you have stunned a target, then you can bring enemies that are normally too big into the air. Bosses also have special snatch animations that they normally wouldn't get, like Malphas and dragging the chick portion of her body.
fug you
You haven't heard?
I haven't play a DMC game in years, but I just remembered I have DMC4:SE in my Steam library. Is that a good installment to jump back into the series with?
Another Proto Nico.
>The fuck are you on about? Are you one of those "jap jap I like traps" gaymer gaymer garner gaymer gaymer gaymer
Are you in the wrong thread or something, What did that have to do with anything?
Buster arm has a second exceed type mechanic associated with it. If you attack and press buster with the correct timing.
>DMC 2 belt
Capcom put that outfit in a new game already, it was the best part of the game
Heard what?
Buster Arm breakage deals crazy damage. Go into the void and compare for yourself.
>The girl told officers that Jacintho was swimming back toward the kayak, then yelled “no” before disappearing under the surface, Brooks said.
Those sea monsters have no shame.
He meant the Devil Breaker user, not the Devil Bringer. Please don't confuse him about the Devil Knuckle mechanic.
That's a raven.
Light rail avenger drowned.
Goddamn it
>mission 10 S rank SoS
What the fuck
>Who is genesis?
A faggot.
Shame that's only for regular enemies. The damage on bosses is still more, but not the almost 10x it is for most regular enemies. That 9k damage against Fury is just stupid, considering that it's health on DH is not even 2k and even going up to a full heath DT DMD Fury, it still doesn't have that much. Instant deletion of any problem enemy and I'm glad for that.
anyone else think that raiden's son in mgs 4 is a homage to our boy vergil?
pic related
Yeah sorry I realized right after. All these names blend together sometimes.
>What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Reminder V/Vergil best canon ship.
You're going to want to have 5k at the very least for the first section or you won't make it. First section ends with the Chaos introduction. So for the first two encounters, try to get up to SSS before killing everything. The longer you can maintain that rank, the better.
I hope the stroke user is alright
Last one for tonight.
Oh man, I forgot about him. I'm just glad the last few days before release everything seemed to cooldown. Couple weeks before the game came out I had a 103 fever and felt like I was going to die.
Is it bad that I expected of this Sephiroth guy to sound like Mandark from Dexter? Thanks Vergil!
Yeah, it's fine.
Thanks user, these are always fun and interesting to look at.
I feel like you're the user that always used to post concept art back in the old threads.
The who now? I'm stroking myself right now with some /aco/ threads up so I guess it's me. Yeah I'm doing fine. About to achieve big cummies so shut the fuck up for a bit.
>practice in void for a bit with V before playing him in SOS mode
>shit on enemy encounters and get lots of SSS, everything is working great, shit's fun
>get to a boss
>flail around like a retard until Nightmare and mashing eventually kills it
>goodbye rating
what do you guys do for boss damage? I can't get the cat to stay on mobile bosses like geryon guy as much as I'd like.
he reminded me of genesis for about 5 minutes but I surprisingly ended up actually liking V a lot. Whereas I wanted to stab my eyes out every time Genesis was on screen
It wasn't but in imte mai
What he meant was
It wasn't but in ie maie
you know the rest
That is so Gabriel Belmont. I want DMC/Castlevania to crossover now
fuck you
>People at fucking Yea Forums dont understand the meaning of that poem
Let me explain for you dumb fucks:
Just like a fish is at his element when underwater, and a bird in the air, contempt towards the contemptible only makes him feel better.
I used to back in the old days man. The art books have always fascinated me about DMC. I’m in agreement with you that I miss the gothic setting of 1 however. There should of been something level wise that impliments that. I’m hoping DMC1 Dante’s outfit is coming as a costume.
And neo-Yea Forums is defending him.
How we have fallen.
could dante end dracula?
Infinite in mystery is the Yea Forums user
>I’m hoping DMC1 Dante’s outfit is coming as a costume.
Man, that would be a treat. It's, in my opinion, his best design. Well, cheers bro. Thanks again.
with nero just charge shot him and with Dante DT stinger
Sephiroth fella has very orgasmic voice desu.
Dunno, Vergil kinda traumatized me when it comes to katana autists. So every time I see one I expect them to have some nerdy ass voice instead.
i hate you
>Dunno, Vergil kinda traumatized me when it comes to katana autists. So every time I see one I expect them to have some nerdy ass voice instead.
All of his supposedly 'deep' lines that he read from his book we're so cringey
But then again what are we supposed to expect from this so called vidya ""writers""
I bet this guys have never even read any classic english litearature
>The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.
Birb charge attacks while spamming shadow hoping he lands a hit. If the boss stops for a bit hit them with the shadow spear since it does a good chunk and summon nightmare.
You could also spend some DT so shadow attacks the boss autonomously.
Thanks for all the art user
George Newbern has that type of voice that he could talk any bs that comes to his mind and I would find it soothing. Made for bedtime stories desu. Should've given Gaynesis his voice. At least his "Loveless" would've been more bearable to listen to if it was dubbed by George's voice.
It should be more subtle mate
That's not Gilver, that's Mundus.
I only noticed that he was made out of fucking glass after I got into mission 20 and charge shotted the doppelganger.
I just used Sin DT as soon as the doppelganger came out as Dante and deleted him and the real one with The Luce
Those are waterhampsters, not fish.
>Dunno, Vergil kinda traumatized me when it comes to katana autists. So every time I see one I expect them to have some nerdy ass voice instead.
Same here as well. I love Dan, I do, but the first time I've heard Vergil's voice, I laughed my ass off.
>play DMC3 for first time
>Vergil gets introduced
>he starts speaking
>start crying_of_laughter.jpg
>Dante has been calling Vergil a faget since dmc3
>Itsuno makes his inner persona a goth faget
What did he mean by this?
Any tips for S Ranking Mission 18 on SoS?
He is saying no one has ever liked a smug liberal
the Vergil/Dante clone shit is fanfic dude
A ally of mundus that hung around mallet island while vergil was there as nelo angelo
>Vergilautists forever btfo by V
>Tfw finally got the S rank for mission 8 on SOS mode
Now just need mission 10 with Dante and i can take a break for Seikiro and finsh the rest later
>MFW imagining doing them on DMD and Heaven and Hell mode
I try not to think about that shit
No it’s not. It’s Gilver. Matt and Itsuno specifically state it’s Gilver.
do you have any of those South Park musical DmC posts saved?
Except he's better than Genesis in every conceivable way.
He's even better looking.
How the hell do I fight the horse as V in SoS?
It’s not since it’s literally the novel and canon.
Is staying a virgin and eating a lot of pizza the key to great power? Vergil does all this shit and is still not as powerful as him
That's not right, he says "contempt to the contemptible" not "contempt for the contemptible." He's saying contemptible people are often themselves filled with contempt.
It's literally not stated anywhere within any novel that Gilver is a clone or that a Dante or Vergil clone exists.
It's a literal headcanon that was made up to make the original light novel make sense without completely removing Gilver as a character, and it at least makes some logical sense, but it's still literal headcanon
That if you look down on people you probably deserve to be looked down.
oh, you know ;]
Genesis was voiced by some Unknown for CC who disappeared right after that role.
Y'all gonna just pass on by without saying "Howdy, ma'am"?
Not him, but even the games source code and Itsuno state it is. It can’t be headcanon if it’s been written and stated already. What it is however is a retcon. Which Capcom is notorious for.
What his wrong with his voice?
>Foolishness Dante foolishness
>You will not forget this Devil's power, you're not worthy as my opponent.
>I need more POWER.
Absolute kino.
No, you're getting it backwards. Being contemptible is something that comes first in the quote. It's basically another way of saying "loser faggots become bitter when everyone hates them for being losers."
Its almost like you think the FF7 remake wont be rewritten to include Genesis and further lead into the inevitable FFVii-2.
Howdy m'Lady
I like it, but unless OP botched the quote this would have worked better as:
>As air is to the birds, or water is to the fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.
It helps that
A. He's constantly quoting an actual poet and not a bunch of tripe written by some hack.
B. His love of poetry is tied to Vergil's fondness for literature, which wasn't exactly a unreasonable conclusion, given his learned demeanor in spite of having very little exposure to a formal education.
C. He's dead before the end of the game, thus has no chance of overstaying his welcome in the canon.
D. He's a playable character, and a surprisingly fun, creative one at that.
He holds the boss in contempt, because he finds him to be naturally contemptible. Not that deep or hard to decode, OP.
Did you read the newest novel Before The Nightmare? It changed Gilver from a Vergil disguise to now a clone of Vergil Mundus created. It also changes Vergil’s power level in that Mundus states that a 100% fresh Vergil could of solo’d Mundus as well as Mundus being the 1st to eat the fruit, in order to become the king of hell
>but even the games source code and Itsuno state it is
Itsuno has literally never stated that and one line in the exe's HEX doesn't suddenly mean Gilver was a clone all along and a Dante clone also exists.
I get that it's a neat idea and all but that doesn't change the fact that it's literal, by definition, headcanon
I own the novel. It's never stated that Mundus made clones of Dante or Vergil, nor is Gilver ever even mentioned
What the fuck, that's not what he's saying. Am I being trolled or do people really not know how to read?
You must of missed the video user posted
They flat out confirm it
It's cute! CUTE!!!
Itsuno is a retard
William Blake, the poet V is quoting
Is Rebellion or Sparda weaker than DSD when replaying through the game on higher difficulties as dante.
I hate the DSD Swordmaster gameplay
*mashes square and circle*
The angle that restarted my birth said
"Lil creature, born of joy and is fertile"
Love until your balls drain
Dude, that video is literally just explaining who Gilver is and why they decided not to make V Gilver. This confirms nothing
Pretty good
You have the order wrong brainlet. user you replied to was right
>Mundus decided to create a demon for the sake of revenge. Mundus created black knights using battle data from Sparda, Dante and Vergil. These knights were clad in strong black armour made by Machiavelli, a craftsman from hell. Mundus experimented with black knight prototypes, but their imperfect nature and the power limit of artificial demons meant that they were not enough to kill Dante and Vergil.
Gilver was one of the black knights he created. I don’t know why you’re arguing this when Matt and Itsuno themselves said so. The 1st DMC novel and this one are canon
First off, fuck yo' bitch and the clique you claim
Humanside when we ride, come equipped with game
You claim to be a player, but I fucked your wife
We bust on Demon Boys, niggas fucked for life
Wizardom is the only way to be the GOAT.
Again, neither Matt nor Itsuno ever stated that Gilver was a clone, and neither does the novel mention this.
I will state again that it is a neat idea and logically fits within Mundus' powers considering he made Trish, but it is an objective fact that it is not something that has been confirmed or stated to be canon, thus making it headcanon.
V should come back because Vergil needs someone in his corner. Every Sparda does, and now that Vergil is redeemed he needs his own support system.
>But user he has Nero
No he doesn't, his relationship with Dante and Nero will always be "strained". He needs his own life and his own people to hold him up.
>Dante has Tirsh, Lady, Morrison, and Patty
>Nero has Kyrie, Nico, and the orphanage
>Vergil has.... nothing
Making V his own character would work great. Revamp him completely and keep nothing but the face, the hair, and the cane. Make him someone to bounce off of Vergil and keep up with his quips. Another cool thing would be to make him an encyclopedia of knowledge and Vergil can work with intellectually. We don't really have a smart, cool and collected character. Vergil is ruled too easily by his emotions to be that kind of character. He needs someone to help bring him back down.
>mission 7 DMD
>play as nero
>there are no V players
>mission 7 DMD
>play as V
>every nero lasters no more than like 5 minutes before dying or pausing
>get stuck with AI Nero in boss fight
>AI dies within 2 minutes
No, because he says "contempt to the contemptible, not "contempt for the contemptible." There's no allusion to judging people as worthy of contempt or not, it's only "people who are contemptible find that contempt comes naturally to their character."
V will probably be back in the next arc and be connected to Mundus, maybe something like Trish in DMC1
Gosh I dont know what the fuck it is but but I just suck cock as dante.
Nero I can consistently hold an S and avoid taking damage.
As Dante I can hit that S but I am getting ripped to shreds. I dont get why I cant avoid enemies. Even with trickster.
I don’t know about you user, but I’m reading the chapter about novel right now and watching the video. It’s clear that Gilver was in the game, but they took him out because it was over complicating the story, word from word from what that video said. Capcom always does this shit. It’s not new. Resident Evil and Street Fighter do these type of changes all the time. The story in DMC is really not that serious
>semi-consistently getting the parry timings against furies as nero
>dante time
>mfw balrog's fucking everything
Beyond just breakdancing at the first sign of movement, you can really fuck them when you're actually familiar with their moveset.
Furies belong in the shitter
At the moment everyone is neatly split into duos.
I feel like they could just run with this three pairs as is and it'd work well
You can get real people to fight the angelos with? I always get stuck with the shitter ai.
Nidhogg is being a disrespectful asshole therefore V and friends shall be disrespectful in turn
>my fucking face when trying to S rank mission 10
That's fine and all and I'm not arguing that V was gonna be Gilver because Itsuno himself stated this.
I'm arguing that Gilver being a Vergil clone and a Dante clone existing are headcanon not confirmed anywhere, and every time someone tries to cite a source on it there's no actual mention of it.
You might think I'm trying to put down the theory due to the negative connotation the term headcanon usually carries, but I actually quite like the theory. It's just a simple fact that it is headcanon
Nah Dante is the guy you really got to put into the lab to work him out. Hit up the void and you’ll get the hang of him.
Anyone know why Mission 8 is so stingy on style despite getting S Ranks in fights? Is there a trick or extra stuff I'm missing?
Nah I get what you’re saying dude. I agree with you. I just know how Capcom works because of their past work. They’ve pulled clone shit in their games all the time without explainations. I’m just shocked they decided to even mention a novel character like Gilver in the 1st place. Capcom isn’t really known for going back on their history and using something from the long distant past from a novel into something for a future game. Usually they are scared as fuck about that.
I bet when Nero's mom nervously approached Vergil he told her his name was 'V.' He got info out of her about the cult/church only to move on and 'show them the power of Sparta' but she kept shyly trying to get to know him/talk to him for a few days.
After chipping away at his hard exterior with her cinnamon roll personality Vergil finally broke down and told her he was a demon and she should run away from him. Instead, she timidly kissed him and he couldn't hold back anymore and took her right there.
>Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise.exe
The next morning he woke up before she did, admired her beauty and considered abandoning his path in order to stay with her. He instead regained his determination and left her without a word.
It even fucking says "like a bird to air or a fish to water", so it's obviously talking about how these things naturally come together. Contemptible people naturally come together with contempt. Not contempt aimed towards them (which is already assumed when they're referred to as contemptible), but contempt from them towards everyone else.
Yes, and it happened more often than not for me. You two just have to jump into the arena together, I believe.
It's not supposed to last though. Vergil and Dante need to leave hell. Nero wants to go home. Lady and Trish typically fight and go their separate ways eventually.
If she knew he was a son of sparda she would worship him given how they were in Fortuna
If anything she was a stubborn gal who wouldn't take no for an answer when she saw this guy she liked. Alternatively she tricked him into sex with her being a dom and getting Vergil to think this was some sort of challenge[/spoiler]
The line is literally pulled from 14th century literature which I already pointed out.
Ah yes, this autistic copy pasta again
I wonder why Capcom is so scared of moving forward with ideas, much less introduces clones in general. Resident Evils timeline is suffering hard because of this. And we still haven’t moved on past SF3s story. It’s why I’m glad Itsuno moved the DMC story forward and changed the timeline to 3>1>2>45 instead of the old 2 comes last then 5 story.
I have done pretty much all DMD S ranks but 10 and another Dante one which I forgot. I got quite close, but jesus christ FUCK those charging motherfuckers and the teleporting scythe nigger. Fury's are no problem with Royalguard but the first 2 arenas are just pure aids.
And then I realized the achievement also requires the same on HaH.
Just saying, there are three defined groupings there that I think could be carried on, at least for a short while
I feel Itsuno was looking for moral support in the form of passionate ideas others had about dmc that deserved to be fleshed out. Or maybe he's really just doing what he wants.
I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't this ONE single mission that is a pain in the fucking ass to S rank. If the other missions difficulty ramped up as it approached this mission, then I wouldn't care. But no, it's going SWIMMINGLY until you get to this mission. Then, this mission fucks you in the ass, on all difficulties. Then S ranking randomly becomes easy again. What the fuck????
Yeah for the DLC and supplementary material. I hope whenever we get to dmc6 we'll start easing Vergil into his own life. Hell, you could give him his own game now if you wanted.
I think thaf is because of Nero.
I think Utsuno wants to have a young protag for DMC which is why he made DMC3 a prequal, but because of DMC1 and his respect for Kamiya he doesn't want to mess with Dante's character too much so that is why he created Nero.
Or that is what I think atleast.
That's a raven named Griffon.
I mixed up the arenas, so ignore what I said about those 2. But indeed, the difficulty ramp just comes out of nowhere.
They just went CUHRAYZEH with the number of obligatory arena/fights you have to go through, its insane.
My first DMD "recon" play-though of it was just me slowly realizing what a shit show that was going to be. It just never fucking ends.
Jesus, I never played FF7's spin-offs, but no wonder everyone thinks FF7 is a bunch of terrible anime tropes now.
I think so as well. Itsuno is the type of guy who really likes to hear everyone out and enjoys shooting ideas to everyone.
I actually agree with you. I think that’s why Itsuno wants to work with kamiya again. Nero while I like him, kind of holds the story back in ways too because where can Dante go from here? Nero has had the torch passed for him in 2 games, so what can he realistically do for the next one?
>He's even better looking.
Despite Genesis' design screaming "muh totally-not-Sephiroth OC, donut steel", I really like the design of his sword at least.
Read a book
>I own the novel. It's never stated that Mundus made clones of Dante or Vergil, nor is Gilver ever even mentioned
The novel says that Mundus created prototype Angelos based on Sparda, Dante, and Vergil's combat data, and sent them after Dante and Vergil. It specifically says this happened at the exact timeframe the DMC1 novel had to have happened. That was Gilver. Don't be a retard.
It's really obvious the intent was to relate to Mundus originally. Especially with the concept art of the woman V with the 3 red eyes behind her.
Disappointing that Cavaliere's Sparda seething was just him looking for the sword.
That's still headcanon despite factors that could support it. You could just easily say that the prototypes were the Proto Angelos because they are literally named Proto Angelo.
As I said with my other posts, I have nothing against the theory itself, but insisting that it's a canon fact despite that definitively not being the case is silly.
I really would of preferred V to have been a vessel for Mundus. The ideas from the concept art are way better than what we got, and the story really feels rushed at the last minute due to this
>Forma Del Seething
And I've stopped breathing
I just now realized Vergil finally embraced his human side since he let V back into him.
>Yea Forums attempts to discuss poetry
Honestly going better than it would on Yea Forums
I liked the idea that he was the aborted Mundus babby from Donte's game in a different universe.
>You could just easily say that the prototypes were the Proto Angelos because they are literally named Proto Angelo.
Except they're not named Proto Angelos in the book, they're called black knight prototypes. Given they recanonized the rest of the DMC1 novel which heavily features Gilver, the fact that it couldn't be Vergil, that it was never said that Dante ever encountered any other Angelos, and that they specifically said Mundus sent these prototypes after Dante and Vergil in exactly the timeframe when Dante stopped calling himself Tony Redgrave, it was 100% fucking Gilver.
Calling that headcanon when they spell it out THAT hard is as retarded as saying that Vergil's motivation for power was because he couldn't protect his mother is also headcanon.
Yeah same here. I wanted Urizen to be an unrelated bad, V being a weakened Mundus out for the fruit amd revenge, and a dying Vergil working in the background until his big reveal. But ultimately I'm okay with what we got plus I'm no writer.
>all I needed was to feel the soul of a young goth bf inside me
Man, Itsuno had better bring the poor bastard back and give him a nicer fate.
When was the last time you read the novel? Gilver literally turns into an Angelo, which with the newer knowledge could easily be a Proto Angelo.
And once again I will state that the theory itself is not my issue. My issue is taking something that is, by definition, headcanon and then telling people that it's proper canon when asked for a source.
Sure you could draw conclusions and theorise that Gilver must have been a clone, hell it even makes sense with Mundus' powers. But you could just as easily draw other conclusions besides that that are equally supported by existing evidence.
Being told that the novel I own and have read and the videos I have watched and listen to are sources for a fan theory despite none of them actually saying anything about it irks me and that's what my whole autistic tirade is about.
There's nothing wrong with making theories and internalising stories, just don't spread misinformation while you do so.
You'll be happy to know he's getting an official spin-off manga then
Slicking back your hair always makes you look JUSTed, even if you really aren't. If it wasn't facial capture it would look fine, but slicked back hair irl is just trash.
t. a guy who slicks his hair back from time to time
he is the sephiroth before sephiroth, he is mostly detailed in crisis core though he does show up in dirge.
You know how sephiroth went insane and all that shit in 7? That's basically how it plays out for genesis in crisis core which takes place before FF7 and has some parts early in the game when sephi is still sane. It's basically the same story. They had to shoehorn this faggot in with angeal, to make the backstory more interesting I guess, though zacks story is interesting in general even without this shit.
least we got a super anime cutscene out of it, though. youtube.com
It means that if you have contempt for others, you're likely a humongous jackass who deserves to be looked down upon. Like Vergil!
Get a goddamn rival. He's probably the only action game protag without one
>He's dead before the end of the game, thus has no chance of overstaying his welcome in the canon.
lol fuck off V is the best character in the game and the fact that he's gone forever has plenty of fans pissed off. I wouldn't list that as a positive.
V needs to come back because he's based and he could be Vergil's gay lover or something.
Seething retarded vfujo is back.
based and V-pilled
Did you copy this from reddit? Sounds like some redditard wrote this
>Gilver literally turns into an Angelo
Yes, but he's neither called that in the novel nor are Mundus' creations in the new book called angelos. We know they're prototypes, but in neither case are they given the name.
>And once again I will state that the theory itself is not my issue. My issue is taking something that is, by definition, headcanon and then telling people that it's proper canon when asked for a source.
Looking at a story and drawing the only possible conclusion based on given evidence isn't headcanon. By the idea you're using practically anything that isn't explicitly stated is headcanon. Just in terms of DMC alone things like Vergil's motivations, Lady never getting over her father, why Dante was how he was at the start of 3, all things which are never directly given exposition, we'd have to say it's all headcanon.
And if anything, this is even more set than all that. The novel literally lists events as "Dante worked as a mercenary called Tony Redgrave. Mundus sent prototype angelos based on the twins after them. Dante stopped calling himself Tony Redgrave and went to start his business." All of that is covered by the novel, which they've gone out of their way to recanonize, and offers an explanation for what Gilver was.
Without that explanation for Gilver, the events of the novel are literally impossible.
Yeah, V deserved better than to just be Vergil's clean-up crew plot device.
>had a load of fun doing mission 19 and 20 SoS
>dicking around in the void, figured out pretty consistent quadruple S setup
I kinda feel like I should save starting DMD for a little while. How angry is it going to make me?
Can someone make a macro with vergils face and this line under it, im not talented enough.
>tfw no cute goth bf to pin me to the wall with his cane
Vergil's a lucky guy.