Post games that didn't age well

post games that didn't age well

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OP's mother

Literally everything on PS1 except for SotN


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imagine playing a game as a crowbar. first person fags are pathetic.

You mean a game that still has a better physics engine and fun ways to dick around with gameplay than 90% of triple-A releases in the last 10 years?

Yeah, it sure didn't age well right?

starting to really show its age

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Are there any decent mod packs for this to 'revamp' it?


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tf is wrong with white women , they finna slaw

she really started to look like a lesbian lately. got the eye wrinkles now

The game

Name one level in HL2 that was fun to “dick around” in. Please, tell me what you did that was fun

Wrong. There were tons of 2D PS1 games. Just say all 3D/polygonal-based PS1 games.

Yeah, that one with all the ferns.

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I still play this from time to time. Graphics have aged but gameplay is still solid.

>Name one level in HL2 that was fun to “dick around” in

ur_mum.bsp is pretty good to dick around in

Go on. You tell me what “dicking around” you did.

I thought the graphics were shit even when it first came out but it didn't matter because I loved running around killing anyone i wanted

>needs fun defined
>needs dicking around defined
Are you an obstinate prick or just ESL?

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hey fuck you ep2's still alright
post some of those city levels from the end of hl2, they're actually terrible

>he gets happier as she gets heavier