Face it, even if they never returned to this "format" and went back to traditional Zelda...

Face it, even if they never returned to this "format" and went back to traditional Zelda, you can't deny that this "game"'s mere existence in how godforsaken terrible it was had the consequence of killing off much of the hype and appreciation the entire series had accumulated through it's legacy.

Even though was practically a reboot, it is in fact so goddamned bad that the next game actually probably should be an entire Zelda universal reset and hard reboot.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>that the next game actually probably should be an entire Zelda universal reset and hard reboot

Probably a shitposting thread, but whatever. Since when was the next Zelda not a hard reboot of the previous one? I mean besides Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

The consensus around game developers is that the game is good and well designed.

>best combat in the series
>best traversal and exploration in the series
>best dungeons (gameplay-wise) in the series
>best towns in the series
>great side quests ignoring all fetch-quest ones
>serviceable story
>24/7 spam threads shitposting about how much they hate it

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It's a hyped Nintendo game so Yea Forums hates it.

What game are you even describing?

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Oh, yeah? The consensus among people on a Laotian basket-weaving forum says it's the worst Zelda ever. Where's your God now?

Maybe you shouldn't post when having a stroke so that people can know what the fuck you are even saying.

They've had a timeline for a long time now. Even BotW is still on it, just in some desolate post-apocalyptic future 10,000 years after all the other games.


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Retarded sony fags are retarded

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Except that isn't even true. BOTW was ranked first in the last Yea Forums poll

You wanted to play worse versions of A Link to the Past for 25 more years? Honest question.

I don't like the direction Zelda took either, but m8, your daily threads about it aren't helping your "cause against BotW" at all, it's quite the opposite.

Then again this might be a falseflagger of course.

Prove it then.

Wow, it's been years and snoys are STILL seething about BOTW


Yeah you should kill yourself like the deluded nostalgia faggot you are lmao

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

when the next Zelda is released botw will be praised as a masterpiece, the Zelda cycle continues

Looks like you posted the wrong picture OP, here you go.

Attached: sky.jpg (189x266, 11K)

Great game

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You just described OOT

ad hominem, strawman, appeal to ignorance, appeal to popularity, hasty generalization, causal fallacy

congrats you fuck.

Attached: disgusted.jpg (800x450, 43K)

>fedora's mask fags getting BTFO by OoT again
fucking based

None of the greentexts that were green texted apply to BotW except
>24/7 spam threads shitposting about how much they hate it

Attached: 58b.png (600x600, 175K)

Unfortunately, the exact opposite is true. This dumpster fire was so well received by normies and zoomers used to playing open world Ubishit games that I have little hope of Nintendo ever going back to the classic formula


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>amazing sidequests if you ignore 70% of them
Not exactly a shining endorsement.
>best combat
Maybe if TP and SS didn't exist and physics shenanigans were practice and better for more than just making webms of the 1/100 times that kind of stuff actually works.

>doesn't include 2d
>less than a thousand votes

gud gam.

Attached: 1541776904347.gif (208x200, 2.03M)

>face it
>admit it
>let's be real
Any OP that's starts off with any of these phrases always contains some retarded contrarian shit that makes no goddamn sense.

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bad gam.

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>[_] any game with weapon durability
>[_] best combat
pick one and only one.

>>amazing sidequests if you ignore 70% of them
It is a shining endorsement considering the large volume of sidequests.
>Maybe if TP and SS didn't exist
Lynels, Guardian Scouts and groups of Lizalfos are infinitely more enjoyable to fight than the history's past enemies all combined and you're in absolute denial if you're going to argue otherwise.

It would not be THAT hard for the sequel to fix BotW.

>condense the size of the map
>remove all shrines, towers, korok seeds, and divine beasts
>spirit orbs still exist but are a reward for exploration and sidequests, getting 4 lets you choose between upgrading health/stamina/magic immediately
>item pouches replace korok seeds
>consumables have finite slots
>have 7-9 dungeons that are more conventionally Zelda but incorporate BotW's mechanics, and are baked into the world like Hyrule Castle (some can be out in the open, underground, underwater, surrounded by trees, etc)
>give Link a healthy amount of starting runes/items/abilities/etc but sprinkle a lot of them throughout the world so there's actual character progression and better rewards for exploring
>magic meter
>way more enemy types
>more weapon types that are better balanced
>more types of climbing surfaces and hazards
>more types of weather
>more unique/weird biomes
>totally overhauled healing system with limited space and real-time healing
>reworked/tightened flurry rush
>new combat techniques similar to Twilight Princess
>way better menus with higher quality of life
>more interesting/dynamic quests with memorable NPCs
>way more variety in music (overworld music can still be ambient) - also give Link a sheikah music player that lets you play classic music
>more and better bosses, especially the final boss
>underwater exploration
>underground exploration
>totally unique world - no Hyrule, no Princess Zelda, no Ganon (do NOT rehash Termina)

BotW is an okay base for what could be an incredible Zelda.

Attached: darknut.png (751x903, 493K)

>Best combat
>Best dungeons
Agree on mostly everything but these. Dungeons were underwhelming and the combat was pretty basic. Probably would have been better without fury dodge.


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Oh and
>weapon shops
>blacksmith NPCs that can repair and refine weapons
>hand-to-hand moveset when Link has no weapon equipped
>customizable house with way more storage space

The possibilities are near endless.

yeah but the existence of the timeline hasn't really ever been something of consequence. even the LoZ games that didn't involve Zelda, which are kind of seen as around the same time as LTTP can and do stand on their own with no real importance in relation to the rest of the time line.

Except for the sister Oracle games.

Agreed. Twilight Princess really is the best Zelda.

Why would that poll included games nobody gives a shit about? Deluded nostalgia faggot. 2D Zelda is irrelevant


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>lol just make the world completely empty and put in 8 dungeons in the overworld (JUST LIKE MY FAVORITE PLACE, HYRULE CASTLE!!!) and fix the problems that literally everyone and their dog has mentioned
What a hot take


Thankfully Nintendo will ignore your retarded armchair developer opinion :)

The combat is good but most other zelda games have a little more going in during combat.

The physics and Shieka slate powers do well to close that gap, but it's usually easier to just fight them head on unless it's on the plateau or it's early on in your adventure once you leave the plateau

twilight princess is shit lmao. even skyward sword was better

Attached: twilightprincess_is_garbage.jpg (368x469, 37K)

>condense the size of the map

Straight away you fucked up. I didn't even bother reading the rest.

I love Mipha!

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Not even close lmao. the N64 games don't even feature horseback combat

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>most other zelda games have a little more going in during combat.

No they don't. The verticality in BotW alone sets the combat on a whole new tier of combat options and strategy.

Because wandering around a big empty map fighting the same 5 enemies over and over and following a beeping radar is "fun"



I agree. I generally enjoyed the game except for the niggering weapon durability

See BotW's combat isn't good because of 'le physics', it's good because its scope actually fits the enemies you fight and there's no more arbitary puzzle element to most enemies - you can actually wail on them when it makes sense to.

Its pretty easy to see that BotW started as a timeline successor to Skyward Sword and wouldn't have even existed if not for that core philosophy which had been randomly abandoned and haphazardly retrofitted into something else.

The writing is on the walls that the relevance of the rusted Master Sword was so it could be repaired with Time Stones introduced in Skyward Sword, accounting for why the Master Sword had time manipulation properties since OoT.
Meanwhile in the BotW game we actually got, there is virtually no point to why the sword is rusted, and basically no exposition regarding it. Its used the iconography of the logo, featured on the box art, and had a collectors edition statue, yet the concept and prevalence of the rusted Master Sword has no significance to the game.

Even if this specifically wasn't the original plan, it still stands that some kind of original plan had once existed but was abandoned, cause this shit is meaningless in-game.

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I just want to remove the filler. Obviously you'd have to condense the size of the world significantly but that's not a bad thing. Replace all the boilerplate shit with more unique content. You'd still have sidequests, towns, enemy camps, caves, etc. As well as the areas surrounding each dungeon. It worked for The Legend of Zelda and A Link to the Past. They didn't need korok seeds and shrines.

>fix the problems that literally everyone and their dog has mentioned
So problems aren't problems because other people have complained about them? Are you absolutely retarded?

If I'm only allowed to bring up things that literally no one else has complained about before then uhhh
>don't call a place "Tingel Island" then have nothing related to Tingle on it

Sorry but that's absolutely essential, the fundamental problem with BotW is the size of its map. It's the reason the content is the way it is. God help us if the sequel tries to make it bigger.

In exchange there'd be a higher density of unique content.

>wandering around a big empty map

Not true.

>fighting the same 5 enemies over and over

Not true.

>and following a beeping radar is "fun"

What the fuck were you doing the entire time?

>the fundamental problem with BotW is the size of its map.

Its called 'Breath Of The Wild' for a reason. Please don't tell me you missed the entire point of the game.

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All the other Zelda games had a lot of enemies that were weak to a specific item you obtain in the very dungeon that the enemies are introduced, you get variety, but the problem then becomes that their weaknesses becomes so easily exploited that they become a cakewalk. TP and WW are the biggest examples of this.

You're confusing vague concepts/philosophies with the actual in-game execution.

By your logic, the game would be even better if it was ten times as large. Developer resources are finite. The bigger the world, the more filler it has, in pretty much all cases.

>games nobody gives a shit about
>2D Zelda is irrelevant
>ALttP is beloved
>LA is getting a remake
>Oracles are cult classics

Which is why i mentioned physics and shiekah slate runes (even the fun little quirks with arrows)

but walking up to another enemy with a sword and fighting him is pretty lackluster compared to previous titles, and once you finish your first divine beast (probably Ruta) the opportunities to be creative aren't necessary, because you and enemies have gear that makes it quicker to just fight them head on with the less interesting movesets instead of using those tools.

Lynels and guardians are fun (they're also puzzle enemies to an extent, but you can 'wail on them when it makes sense to', so i guess their puzzle feels less arbitrary) but hordes of lizalfos aren't special.

I was looking for shines, which are required to get enough health to tank the ridiculously hard hitting enemies in this game. BOTW has the least enemy variety of any 3d zelda game. And almost nothing to do in the overworld other than look for shrines

there are no jews in japan, retard

I mostly agree with you but I think Skyward Sword probably has less.

I love Kass!

Aonumashit is shit and only retards like it!

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>The bigger the world, the more filler it has

Space is absolutely essential to give content breathing room and make the world feel alive.

Having a condensed world, standing on a hill and seeing the entire world around you within stone-throwing distance, and all the various content falling over each other would just be absurd and make the world less believe and immersive.

On a personal note, I loved leisurely making my way across the map, it was comfy as fuck. I've always wanted a fully-realised world of Hyrule to go off on an adventure and explore and get lost in.

I guess its a personal taste thing. Some people are perhaps more impatient.

Aonumashit is indeed shit.

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t. nostalgia faggot

>>best combat in the series
>>best traversal and exploration in the series
>>best dungeons (gameplay-wise) in the series
>>best towns in the series
>>great side quests ignoring all fetch-quest ones
>>serviceable story
are you still talking about BOTW?

TP actually.

neat game but no dungeons, shitty fragile weapons, and no new items that affect the world is shitty.

I prefer typical zelda progression desu

proof this site is populated by 12 year olds

even LTTP > BOTW

sounds more like OOT

>your sword is about to break!

>your shield is about to break!

>your bow is about to break!

so fun!

3D Zeldas you moron, can't you read?

anyone putting botw over OOT is a toddler or didn't play OOT.

Well I know this for sure: it ain't Wind Waker.

TP was better than SS tho.

I wont defend weapon durability but if you think other Zeldas had better combat because your sword never broke, you're a fucking retard.

Personally I prefer OoT over BotW, mostly due to the fact that OoT impacted me in a way that very few games have done since.

I'm honestly jealous of young kids growing up today whose first major gaming experience is BotW.

botw isn't bad, it just isn't a complete game.

OOT is a complete game and great in many different ways.

Other Zelda games had better combat simply because it didn't suck or become undone by a meme-tier implement of ragdoll physics. It also helped that your weapons generally didn't break either. Even Majora's Mask's Razor Sword at 200 attacks before degrading is ballparks ahead of the Fire Emblem-tier glasslike weapons of BotW, and that was still just a single weapon and only a temporary upgrade before the permanent one.

>The Legend of Zelda: Everything is the Giant's Knife
we've reached kusoge levels not thought possible.

Attached: OoT_Broken_Giant's_Knife_Artwork.png (108x109, 10K)

Deluded faggot. BOTW makes OoT feel like outdated shit

The only thing giving me hope in gaming is Yea Forums shitting on BotW and Odyssey

As soon as that's taken away Ill go hang myself. Keep fighting the good fight, even if it comes from a place of shitposting malice. We need to hold people accountable.

I'll never understand this "empty world" meme
>The Lord of the Mountain
>The God of Horses
>Zelda's and Ganon's horse
>Lurelin Village
>Tarrey Town
>Eventide Island
>Typhlo Ruins
>The Forgotten Temple
>The Trial of Thunder
>The Thunder Magnet
>The Eighth Heroine
>The Forgotten Sword
>Secret of the Cedars
>Missing in Action
>A Royal Recipe
>The Statue's Bargain
>The 12 memories
>All 8 of Kass' songs
>All 15 minigames
>Three labyrinths and the barbarian pieces inside
>The colisseum
>Three springs and their respective dragons, one of which you 'fight'.
>The four Great Fairies
>The three Leviathan remains
>Robbie's lab and all his ancient gear
>Kilton's shop and his monster disguises, horse gear, extract and Dark Link set
And remember, this is ENTIRELY stuff that you pretty much just stumble upon - no town stuff, no towers and no normal shrines - with an actual meaningful award, and I've barely scratched the surface.

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they aren't comparable save for both games featuring Zelda in the title

How the fuck is BOTW not a complete game you retarded faggot? Every single system in the game is related to each other


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>How the fuck is BOTW not a complete game you retarded faggot?
How is it?

Even a a lone tree on a hill can't be considered empty since unlike other games you can actually interact with the tree
>you can climb the tree
> you can cut it and pick some wood
>you can use it as a launch stasis

>traditional Zelda

It's more traditional Zelda than every 3D game except for Wind Waker.

I thought it was a good game (far from perfect), but it's a bit sad that the old 3D format is dead.
I think Nintendo is trying to keep the 2D Zeldas going on tho, that's enough for me.

This game was memorable?

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>It's more traditional Zelda than every 3D game
>guts the very heart of the traditional zelda

they aren't since they haven't made a new one in 6 years. this soulless link's awakening remake is not a new game and is banking on nostalgia faggotry

But I'm a Nintendofag and I still find the older games to be more memorable.

said the deluded zoomer faggots that started gaming during the n64 era

I've said it so many times, but every issue this game has ties in with its absolute atrocious design choice to give weapons durability.
If Switch mods ever become a thing that don't involve locking the Switch to offline, the very first mod I'll ever download is increased or infinite weapon durability, and the game will be excellent.
Fuck weapon durability.

>y-you b-boomers
The absolute state of (you)


>even matthewmatosis liked BOTW

Attached: 574457.jpg (512x512, 44K)

Is this the Samefag still SEETHING? Kill your self. Seriously learn to hear criticism and stop acting like an arrogant bitch baby with a shitty meme.

the state of (you) indeed, autistic zoomer faggot

Said the autistic nigger who believes shitposting is actual criticism. Lynch yourself, autist.

Because it's a good game? These same autist that post these threads seem obsessed with calling an objective good game bad.

OOT actually has a story and dungeons and progression

BOTW is like

>visit these 4 beasts

>or dont

>go kill ganon


Thankful your comment goes unnoticed until now. Here's your only (You).

>he said while whining like a little bitch

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Why would they launch it for the Switch if not to check the sales for this kind of game?

>remember there's no 3D Zeldas left to remake

Attached: link thinking.png (1024x1569, 1.36M)

The whole point is that it's suppose to feel empty you dipshit.

Why can't these same people get over this game? What does shitposting about it every other day accomplish exactly?

>the n64 era
aka the best era, aka got a better metacritc score than shit of the wild

Aonuma himself described the game as a complete departure from past Zelda games when it was first announced. You merely got steamrolled by masturbating nintenigger shills trying to invent the idea that BotW was "returning to its roots" at GDC 2017. This shit was never Zelda since the first day anyone knew about it.

Also take in those glorious bullshots. Other games lose points in their reviews for inconsistent framerates and bullshot trailers, but strangely enough BotW is still a 10/10 masterpiece? I can smell the bought reviews from here.

Zelda has always been about exploration, combat, dungeons and towns/characters. These are the only common elements between games, and BotW is only lacklustre in terms of dungeons and excels at the other three. It's pointless to argue if it's a Zelda game or not because they're all more different than you think they are.

You can do it on cemu

>he plays Zelda for story
if that's the case, Twilight Princess and Spirit Tracks are better than OoT

Seriously, how is this the game that broke Yea Forums? Are you guys joking?
>The only rewards are shrines and koroks!
This is blatantly untrue. You can find rare weapons, items, clothing, NPCs, crafting materials, recipes, etc. And lots of the encounters are very unique. The darkness swamp shrine was kino.
>Combat is bad!
Shitter spotted. You probably abuse the time freeze rune over and over and spam the attack button. Just as you can cheese combat in games like Bloodborne and DMC, the same applies here. A truly skilled player executes perfect parries/dodges, throws bombs to separate large enemy groups, and uses combos of light and heavy attacks to win.
>B-but weapon durability!
Did you play the game for 2 hours? After the first divine beast, the game throws better weaponry your way. You can even get more durable, stronger versions of early-game equipment. Don't hoard all your weapons like a retard. Use them and experiment with the combat.

The only valid common complaints are the lack of dungeon variety, the empty areas between attractions, and the underwhelming story.

BotW never even tried to be OoT you retarded faggot. Go play all the other 10 zelda games that tried to be like OoT but failed miserably if you're so butthurt about it.

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-04 23-00-30.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

>excels at the other three
>excels at characters
user, lets be real for a moment. Of all the good BotW has done, characters were not one of them.

wind waker is not as good but still better than OOT

BOTW feels like a tech demo, not a fleshed out game.

glad to see you cropped my screen. The link holding all the salt is perfect. Even he wonders how one can be made of so much salt.

Attached: . Screenshot 2019-03-08 22-57-13.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

>criticisms tied to explicitly described elements unique to the game in question are merely shitposting
>"seething" isn't shitposting
I get a feeling that liking BotW is one of those contrarian anti-logic things like transgenderism and voting democrat.

Attached: 2018-03-19 12.25.52.png (211x239, 9K)

This post screams intense rosebudding.

>wind waker is not as good but still better than OOT
No. Just no.

I'd love to argue otherwise but I really don't want to summon Kassfag.
His existence should be proof alone that your argument is wrong though.

BotW is an actual complete game unlike TWW

brainlets just mad because they don't know where to go and need the game to tell them what to do a lá fallout 4

Attached: 13.png (1920x1080, 3.65M)

No I mean OOT > WW > BOTW

BOTW is a neat game but it feels like it's missing progression and a meaningful story. It's a sandbox, like playing GTA in free roam mode, without the campaign.

After playing red dead 2, BotW's open world feels shallow as fuck. It was a fun experiment, but for the next game they need to do something totally different, and please fire Aonuma please.

Attached: 1321410494381.jpg (600x429, 65K)

It didn't. Yea Forums loved it for the first several months. Then it won GotY and the. We saw:

"What went so wrong"
"Why is it so bad"
"Can we all agree it sucks"
That one picture comparing different BotW images

Over and over again, with slight alterations in the wording ad nauseum. These threads get (you)s very easily. All you have to do is say "kek it sucks"and you get 500 post threads of the same shit.

imagine being so butthurt about the success of a game. seek help

Attached: 61025142_p0.png (707x1000, 435K)

>Go play all the other 10 zelda games that tried to be like OoT but failed miserably
there's only like 3 Zeldas that play similarly to OOT and they miss so many key aspects of what make OOT good they might as well not be comparable

>acting like being forced to experiment isn't a bad thing for video games
>"Wow, this heavy sword I got is pretty rad, I love the moveset!"
>Game: "Nah, fuck you, use this spear instead."
>"Why? The spear is terrible."
>Game: "Because your heavy blade is almost broken, retard, go fuck yourself for wanting to have fun. Also have fun opening the menu four times per battle just to change weapons, killing all the fun pacing of combat."

You forgot any memoriable music beside the one song from the first trailer.

Your mother should know since she's so used to taking it up the ass lmao

>His existence should be proof alone that your argument is wrong though.
Nah, Kass is pretty forgettable outside of music, the only good character was Riju. Every other major female was trash.

Aonuma hasn't directed a Zelda game since Twilight Princess. A game loved by many by the way. Get over your hate boner.

why can't people agree not having a story or progression or new items are all serious flaws

>but you can do stuff in the world!

you could do that in LTTP too.

characters were good, especially with the DLC. On the scale of the game, the main champions did suffer.

The other NPC you meet here and about all have charming approach to Link.

Attached: botwbeetle.webm (1920x1080, 1.44M)

>>in the series
>>in the series
>>in the series
is there a bigger red flag than ignoring an industry to apologize for the shit design of your game?
(You)'re the reason LoZ is stuck in 1998.

BOTW is a complete game unlike WW you retarded faggot. Fucking Aonuma said they had to scrap content for Wind Waker because they ran out of time in 2002. The reason TP was delayed was because they didn't want to commit the same mistakes they did with WW. Fucking retard.

>BOTW is a complete game unlike WW you retarded faggot.
Tell that to the atrocity of a story it had.

If there was ever any consideration to fire aonuma, he'd have been gone after Majora's Mask sold half as well as Ocarina.
There is some weird buttbuddy system at Nintendo so it will take Aonuma dying or retiring to get him away from Zelda.

TP is one of the most hated zelda games you deluded TP cuck. WW is more loved than your garbage, soulless game.

I still think some folk have some fairly good points on these threads only sometimes though.

Breath of the Wild is the best Zelda game since Majoras Mask.

The only thing it has from the original game is the ability to finish the game without having to go to every single dungeon. Other than that, the game is basically a levelless RPG with hack 'n' slash gameplay and puzzle elements, distinct from the original action-adventure puzzle focused game. It is as different from the rest of the series as Zelda II is.

What the fuck do you even mean? The story is go kill ganon and that's what they were going from the start. You fucking retard

Imagine if Zelda II had no enemies
That'd be kinda fucked up

I love it. I've been playing Zelda for 28 years by the way. Fuck yourself.

>Most hated

This delusion.

TP is better than WW so this post was pretty fucking gay,

>The only thing it has from the original game is the ability to finish the game without having to go to every single dungeon
you need to do every dungeon in Zelda 1

There were memorable characters? Beside the mermaid man and Bird man.

Hyrule Castle theme
Molduga theme
Final Trial Boss theme
Hateno theme
Beast Ganon theme
Vah Naboris theme
Riding Horse theme
Tarrey Town theme
>i judge how good a character is based on how attractive they are in fanart

Attached: 400.jpg (585x302, 158K)

deluded nostalgia faggot is deluded

>What the fuck do you even mean?
Holy fuck how retarded are you?

Yo anyone else remember Spirit Tracks?
That game was pretty rad in hind-sight.

Is the Zelda fanbase, the worst of the Nintendo Framchises?

>complete game

>generic physics puzzle "shrines" in place of dungeons


LttP was my first Zelda too and I think you can shove your Just Cause with a Zelda paint job up your ass.

Smash is the worst since it combines them all into one big mess, but Zelda is pretty bad, on par with Pokemon

BotW = OoT > WW > TP > MM > SS

i am right and you cannot change my mind

btw they're all 7+/10 games

TP is fucking garbage kek. It lacks any of the soul wind waker had.

user just because the story is middling doesn't mean it's unfinished.

>using so many words to say nothing
For what purpose?

the combat really isnt different from older zelda games, its just that theres so little enemy variaty that it just looks duller than before

Your mental retardation is showing. You really aren't making any sense you deluded faggot


nice rebuttal, queer

>reddit tier spacing faggot posts retarded shit



B-but user The Hyrule castle theme is just a remixed version from a previous game...

Aside from the main battle theme being shit, there's plenty of other good tracks that you get to hear frequently.
This is another one of those complaints I really don't get.

To shitpost and get 400 (you)'s

of course you ignore the point, a lame physics puzzle does not replace a dungeon with keys and items.

>move this ball into a bowl


wow, such gameplay

The absolute state of WWcucks.

actually there are fewer enemies but they have many more parameters which makes the combat options more flexible, so you're wrong

Sweet Jesus, just went I think it can't get any worse, you keep setting the bar lower. How retarded are you user?

>the anal devastation of TP negroes

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I do cuz it had memorable moments. Remeber when link and zelda became a couple in the end? I also like most of the songs in that game. Be nice for a remake with Wind waker HD graphics.


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He's right.

>female reviewer

Attached: WindWaker.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

TP and SS are the most mediocre Zelda games we have had to date, in a series that is known for quality and charm, they felt like a slap in the face. Why is this? Shigeru Miyamoto's madness, wasting development time on implementing stupid as fuck motion controls that nobody wanted. Such a sad old man that lost his touch, and he's ugly to boot, even by asian standards.

>he forgot about melee

Are you retarded or just pretending? Many of the physics puzzles in BOTW are fresher and more creative than the standard and basic as fuck shit we have been getting since the series made the transition to 3D.
>kill all enemies to open a room
>light all the candles to open a room
>moving blocks into switches
Deluded nostalgia faggot. At least be more transparent with your shitposting.

BOTW needs a graphical reboot more than Link's Awakening

Maybe it's just me then idk I found previous game's music. The minish woods theme for Minish Cap is one of my examples.

>WW and SS are the most mediocre Zelda games we have had to date, in a series that is known for quality and charm, they felt like a slap in the face

even LTTP dungeons are more interesting than any "shrine".

despite the lack of actual dungeons, in terms of puzzles botw is better than other zelda games.

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even Yea Forums loves WW more than your garbage game

>an entire Zelda universal reset and hard reboot
Zelda timeline got destroyed by OoT. Any excuse to fix that shit is good.

if you're referring to the split timeline shit that only started with WW, Ocarina was self-contained in its own game

Traditional Zelda is godforsaken terrible.

But keep wanking to muh 8 dungunz

>using Yea Forums

LTTP dungeons don't even have actual puzzles that involve lateral thinking. Link's awakening was the zelda that started the trend of puzzles being more involved with the actual design of the dungeon.

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Red Dead 2 contains less world interactivity and player agency than BoTW so I don't know in what universe would anything you say make any sense. Unless you meant some sort of meme depth like "deep and adult" narratives.

I miss dungeons. Beasts are just giant shrines and more physics puzzles.

it isn't a terrible game, but it isn't a good zelda game.

Go waddle around in your babbies' first physics playground then.

hence the "even"

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Nope.OoT's endings contradict previous games.

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Sounds like nostalgia faggotry. Cry some more bitch lmao

>i HATE zelda games and thats why Nintendo should pander to me
Have you tried "not caring"?

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>you're dumb because you like better gameplay

hurr durr muh physics puzzles over and over and over and over

so fun

How to fix the next one with the same format.

>smaller world but still open
>because the world is now smaller, no need to spread out koroks and shrines and you can instead make meaningful side content (shrines are arguably not side content and are basically bad main content)
>more actual quests from the npcs, with more detail and phases. absolutely fuck yourself with "shrine quests" oh wow i have to do some mundane shit puzzle to unlock the other shit puzzle, thanks. its a bad idea to have an interesting quest like locating and following nayda on air shafts shooting off malice pools until you can get a scale off of her back just to unlock a fucking shrine with an item and an orb in it. who the fuck?
>equipment durability is gone. with this gone loot can be meaningful again. you can actually give a fuck about it because you know you wont lose it
>and because of the previous point, combat can be improved. if we get rid of the rune system (which isnt terrible but ties in with the items because these have to be always available because weapons may not be, if youre bad) we can now dole out meaningful items like in the old games that the player can then use to uncover stuff they may have discovered earlier because the game is still open world
>get rid of a cutscene for FUCKING EVERYTHING. they are skippable but with little shit like cooking skipping it takes almost as much time as watching it, and when youre trying to cook in bulk its annoying. maybe a toggle option for this kind of thing?

beyond those points the game is good. i really like it but i do have gripes. i think it had far more potential than it truly expressed. the games design fell apart with the transition to open world because they handled it like shit.

this thread was a waste of time, OP

you are wrong and a faggot, as per usual.
this game is, without a doubt, zelda 1's idea fucking realized.

it took 30 years, but it happened.

i didn't say you were dumb before but nice projecting you dumb fuck.

Objectively repulsive to the human psyche, in general. Look up ecotherapy studies.

Every hatred of BOTW turns out to be ignorance or sickness.

And ALttP contradicts the events of OoT, lest Ganondorf is a tragic anti-hero figure who considered Link and Zelda as the friends ALttP talks about and are the ones he had to kill to create the Dark World.

>soiboy journalists give it 10s therefore its a masterpiece
Those same retards gave Skyward Sword 10s btw

BOTW was better gameplay than other zelda games though. I mean just from a technological perspective that's a fact.

do you really think generic physics puzzles > actual dungeons with progression and an item that affects gameplay?

why do people tolerate shit when better games exist, it isn't about being a fanboy, OOT is easily far better

>muh zelda 1
Zelda 1 was never intended.to.be le open le chose ur own adventure. It was just a rudimentary game that still required doing things in a certain order.

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Aren't you people tired of these threads yet? This is the worst case of people posting bullshit and replying to bullshit with bullshit that I've ever seen. You might as well read the archive of these threads 500 times to get the same experience

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don't tell me you're one of those idiots that thinks ALTTP takes place in the adult timeline

I equally criticize GOW and Last of Us so eat it

>people get upset when hearing the word dungeon because it is a bad word

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last of us and botw are both overrated as fuck

stop eating shit because some faggot at polygon tells you to.

The only thing that changed in BOTW was the fact that there are no actual dungeons. The items still affect gameplay in better ways than in previous zelda games. You don't have useless as fuck items like the spinner that are only used a couple of times outside of its dungeon. Instead you have items that you constantly use for the rest of your playthrough.

sure thing negro. stay deluded

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all the runes are basically useless, minus the occasional "lift this metal plate" "puzzle"

By your logic, gm_flatgrass is one of the best video game maps in one of the best video games.

Yeah they did, unless you're only talking about swordplay.

The salt falling out of your hair is burning a hole in the floor man. You need to get over the fact that BotW was GotY.

they are literally called shrines you stupid fuck. nice selfie btw

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>being this retarded and using Yea Forums as a measure of quality
WWcucks really are the biggest idiots in the Zelda fandom.

>weapon breaks!


Actually no they literally aren't since you constantly use the runes throughout the game

>weapon breaks
>beta faggot user that can't let go gets triggered

99% of the time the runes are useless unless you are in a shrine and have to use them for a puzzle.

i'd rather have an unbreakable boomerang than the shitty one that breaks in 2-3 hits.

Its actually you that needs to get over the idea it was a bad game. You don't want to burst your worldview that journalists could have lied or metacritic would delete negative reviews, and if you don't want to deal with that yet then you don't have to. That's a different social element altogether, seperate from the fact the game was just awful.

>look mommy im an alpha because i play zelda and da weapon break and it makes me a hardcore gamer! i ve never played a difficult game so this is all i have to cling to!

>99% of the time the runes are useless unless you are in a shrine and have to use them for a puzzle.
So not 99% of the time. Nice hyperbole you retarded faggot. Keep moving goalposts like the deluded faggot you are.

Are you trying to compare BOTW to Gary's Mod like as if that is an insult?

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Nice projecting gayboy

>scan amiibo
>every day for months because loot is random
>finally get the seabreeze boomerang or the brown shield from ww
>they break just as fast as any piece of shit off the ground

wow thanks nintendo if i wanted pointless loot that isnt worth shit id play skyrim

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Seems like somebody is getting his jimmies rustled

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>best dungeons
>in a game without dungeons

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whoever thought of the idea of glass weapons should have their balls run across barbed wire.

not him but he said 99% of the time unless youre in a shrine

meaning when youre outside of the shrine

in-shrein time isnt part of the 99% like youre thinking

learn to read

but its a good game user

Even if botw had been as engaging as Garry's Mod, GM would have still had multiplayer and a variety of other features over it.
BotW is basically gm_flatgrass and you got the phys gun and grenades, but no spawning menu.

why does she have a mustache


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Why even argue with a literal retard?

Except for a massive map with a wide range of geography and biomes. Your argument weakens when you have to rely on lazy hyperbole.

>take a game with items that are iconic to the series
>get rid of half of them and make the others explode after 3 hits

MUH INNOVATION. when its was dark souls 2 it was cancer but when its nintendo its great. at least dark souls 2 had depth in combat even if its the worst in the series

not him but that isn't even true since you constantly use bombs, magnesis and stasis in the overworld.

This really will never stop being relevant, will it.

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What does DS2 have to do with BOTW you inbred faggot?

I have to ration "good" weapons because I KNOW they will break.

It's fucking awful design. Get cancer and die, Aonuma.

>using amiibos
Kill yourself and rid us of your faggotry

funny how Yea Forums never complains about bloodborne, a game universally liked

fucking retard, did you even read his post?

Two years.

i did read your post you deluded nigger. you keep spouting nonsense like the retarded faggot you are

i agree with that im just saying you didnt parse his statement correctly

DS2 was shit on for having extreme weapon degradation on release. try playing more games idiot.

well half the time you end up with 10 good weapons...which seems like it means the system is working but really it just makes you wonder why in the fresh biscuit you have to have 10 weapons that explode in 5 hits at all. how about just one weapon i can use the whole time and make your combat not shitty.

It was a great time killing off every single MUH TIMLEINE Zelda fag that held up the Hyrule Historia like it was the GOSPEL and trying to argue that the game ever fit in a timeline
Breath of the Wind > Those losers

>it got a high rating therefore it is the best!

Attached: ignRatings.png (950x239, 77K)

The next one is going to be an imitation of a gimmick, just like the Wii U. And it's going to fail just as hard.

botw is only boring if you're boring or if you need a game to give you constant feedback telling you that you did a good job or that what you just did was fun or exciting
the lack of color coded loot, leveling, achievements, and a voice acted MC to tell you WHOA THAT WAS BAD. ASS. makes it impossible for some people to enjoy

weak numbers

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>Breath of the Wind > Those losers
>Breath of the Wind

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>i did read your post you deluded nigger.
Then why are you asking the question you fucking faggot.

>Yea Forums never complains about bloodborne
How new are you?

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Having a big world is indeed a prerequisit to having an open-world game. The other pre-requisit is having a reason to explore, which BotW doesn't have. Hundreds of Korok Seeds and Shrines which constitute the excessively repetitive majority of your gametime being the sole driving factor of "progress" is absolutely braindead nothing phoned-in half-baked game design. Its like Spyro or Crash Bandicoot or some shit: go to a new area and collect the gems for that area.
Its an extreme far cry from Zelda game design and instead feels like archaic overly simplified arcadey regionalized segmented garbage with the illusion of being in a seamless open world. Not even LOZ1 felt as cheap and repetitively arcadey as BotW.

by the time you're 15 hours into the game you'll be more concerned about which of your great weapons you'll drop to make room for an even better weapon
also, weapon degradation gives the player incentive to game enemy AI and use the environment to their advantage
the leaf is pretty much the best weapon in the entire game and will never break if you use it right

If you just pretend that the entirety of chapter 2 doesn't exist then yes MGSV is a 10/10.

DS2 was shat on for having garbage level design that didn't even make sense and for being hard for the sake of being hard. fucking nimrod

it just sucks dick knowing your weapon WILL break and you better have a stockpile or you are stuck using dogshit like skeleton arms or some heavy shit weapon.

not that user but it was shat on for both

>by the time you're 15 hours into the game you'll be more concerned about which of your great weapons you'll drop to make room for an even better weapon

which, to the non-retarded niggers among us, indicates absolutely abhorrent design. wow ive got ten weapon i should use, but the combat is so bad ive been avoiding it and hording weapons for a future ill never actually use them in unless i have to...to the point that i have to now drop one to get another one ill never use

its shit, kids.


>botw combat is good cause you can use wind physics and dont even need swords
imagine being a nintenigger in 2017+ where BotW is your only knowledge of incredible machine rube goldberg gameplay.

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This shit meme has been posted 4 times now. Here your (you) attention faggot.

>DS2 was shit on for having extreme weapon degradation on release

it's almost as if DS2 and BotW are entirely different games

the level design actually made plenty of sense, there were literally only 2 instances of the world not making sense, just so you know. but yes it was shit on for MANY things, deservedly.

and the first one that everyone noticed was the weapon degradation. so dont comment to me acting like you know your shit when you dont.

You have to be fucking stupid to get to that point since weapons are pretty easy to get

heavy weapons are great if you know how to use them
if you let yourself get to the point where you're using skeleton arms past the first 15 hours you should neck yourself

its pretty bad. i like botw overall but these shills ignoring its problems are fucking sad. i dont think they realize how much people point and laugh at them

it doesn't matter, it's awful fucking design. I shouldn't have to stockpile swords because they are all made of glass and if I want more I have to visit some stupid fucking moblin camp just to farm weapons

see this? this fucking sword lasted the ENTIRE GAME

Attached: linksawakening2.png (510x459, 68K)

yep and like i said DS2 it was more acceptable because at least the combat itself had some depth...unlike botw.

>this much soul
How can BotWcucks even compete?

Except for the fact that unlike DS2, the weapon degradation in BOTW offers a failsafe option: You can throw your weapon and deal a critical hit.

botw definitely has flaws but muh weapon degradation really isn't one of them

I don't even like the game but you sound like a fucking retard

there hasn't been a good console zelda since WW

Attached: botw.jpg (1038x909, 477K)

>there hasn't been a good console zelda since TP
WW was never good.

By having more soul in this webm than in the entirety of LA

Attached: 1532136921406.webm (870x830, 2.79M)

Games good when White man wake up. Game refrect the state of the worr

>see this? this fucking sword lasted the ENTIRE GAME

well you see ivan the sword could last whole game because the game was well designed and had interesting content despite being like 20 screens big

BOTW is the only good zelda game since the n64 era

why do these threads still get 500 replies 404'd?

give me ONE REASON having every single fucking item made out of glass is a good idea.

how is breakable weapons "fun".

This is the third time you posted this meme and it's still gay as fuck.

Heavy Weapons are some of the best in the game at killing the minibosses. You knock them down and then spin to win. With a strong enough weapon you can drop a Hinox or rock monster in a single stun cycle.

Wait... BotW was a Zelda game?

It keeps you on the look out for new weapons and provides a reason to hold back your powerlevel and keep weaker weapons viable while also putting a bigger cost on engagement adding another tactical decision to make before entering a fight :)


Oracles exist

not as gay as soulless shit like link's awakening. alttp has soul and link's awakening is garbage that doesn't compare

yeah a pretty good one at that

boy I love having to use shit weapons because my good ones broke, on random mobs.

that isnt a failsafe, it doesnt stop the system from failing. the throwing is is literally the one useful aspect of the degradation system, but unfortunately you have to have the god awful system to have that option.

if only there was some iconic throwing weapon seen throughout this series that they could have had be a permanent item once discovered and they could have done throwing puzzles a la nu-GoW (but hopefully more intelligently) instead of having you throw melee weapons.......IF ONLY

oh really, what do you think are its flaws? id be curious what you're willing to concede here.

weapon degradation is the worse of them, fyi

>Majora's ranked higher than wind waker
whew laddie

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yes specially since the new link's awakening remake is soulless trash you deluded nostalgia faggot. fucking indie games look better than your garbage

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>not as gay as soulless shit like link's awakening
LA was made by bros in their spare time and messing around meaning there's more soul in that than the entirety of BotW.

No you use weaker ones so you don't break your powerful ones. Why do you want to use powerful weapons on random mobs anyway?

Nintendo is punishing us for being multicultural nitwits. They’ve even injected the propaganda straight into their shit. Why work hard if 3rd world savages and their k*ke masters are going to destroy everything? Nintendo will just make shitty products for shitty soi customers, to them, that’s all we are now, soi

It's a top tier zelda game, kid

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so im forced to use shitty spears or other crap because I have to "conserve" swords?

that is good design?

yawn these threads are so boring and repetitive.

>using the LA remake instead of the original
The BotWcuck fears the Soul.

Not really as proven by that webm. That webm has more soul and that's all there is to that. fucking nigger

It's main appeal being discovery and exploration didn't last that long for me and I don't think it's worth replaying either. I do think that nintendo could build on it pretty easily though

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This is an acceptable list, but put up ST and MM.


>needs to use the remake to justify his shit taste

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Not really. You are not forced to do that you retarded faggot. You can use any weapon you want and that won't change the fact that you're a retarded faggot

It's not bad design

>couldn't beat a title from 1998
what a piece of shit

it's literally a dream you retarded fag. there's no soul involved at all

That webm didn't prove shit, you're still a retarded faggot, faggot.

>i'm retarded because I dont like:




eat shit, if you defend this nonsense

>Remake of best game is 9th
>Skyward Sword above anything
>Actual best game is 8th for some reason

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>and keep weaker weapons viable while also putting a bigger

this is literally wrong and half way through the game sub-25 weapons are literally useless against anything but skeletons, because mobs scale with you

weird how in like every other RPG with persistent weapons still keep players on the look out for new equipment. according to botw tards this is not the case, your weapons have to explode after 2 hits to make you want to find new ones.

>adding another tactical decision to make before entering a fight
oh, stop with this now, kids. just stop. there is no decision to be made because like you shills all pointed out earlier, there never is a shortage of weapons. you shills say this all the time. MEANING? it means that there is no tactical decision to be made when entering combat. that would only apply if you didnt have an arsenal of shit you didnt care about on your back.

so what now nintendo shills? do you always have enough weapons so the system isnt broken, or do you not have enough weapons and it adds tactical depth to the combat? it cant be both ways.

checkmate, faggots

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it's time.

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ALTTP is way better than LA you retarded nigger. Anyone with taste is aware of that fact.

>ignoring the main point of the previous post

what is that game o nthe left it looks nice

yeah majora's mask is a piece of shit

>this is literally wrong
uh no it isn't. Stronger enemies also drop stronger weapons too

Move MC and TP up one, bring WW down two for being unfinished and the Triforce hunt.

Triforce heroes should be B or C with friends and F tier if played alone

It proved that you're a soulless faggot with garbage taste lmao.

>there never is a shortage of weapons.
Then why does it matter if they break all the time? Sounds like you're making a big deal out of nothing because you have some irresistible urge to bitch and play the victim.


>still being deluded after getting destroyed


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weak narrative for a zelda game
weak dungeons, although the divine beast control gimmick is neat, they don't expand on it enough
not enough dungeons
not enough shrine variety, way way way too many tests of strength
dungeon bosses are mediocre
final ganon phase is too easy, even for a victory lap
no sink for korok seeds past unlocking inventory slots
overheal food is hilariously busted
potions are useless aside from fireproof potions
bad performance on release, especially in korok forest and the rainforest area, but this is mostly fixed
no reliable way to get arrows beyond going into a shop
no way to dump bows or shields without opening a menu
not enough enemy variety
I'm sure there's stuff I'm missing but this is off the top of my head and I haven't played it much in the last year

real zelda list:
1. TP
2. WW
3. LA

after that nobody gives a fuck

Yes, BotW is fundamentally just a PS1 era platformer collectathon at heart, but with a modern era open overworld.

>The Lord of the Mountain
Just an easter egg. Pointless one time visit. Should have been allowed to keep it in some way.
>Lurelin Village
Should have added more content or just cut it out, since it's pointless location.
>Typhlo Ruins
One Shrine. JUST ONE SHRINE. Can't even restore the light.
>The Forgotten Temple
Nothing in there but a Shrine.
>The Eighth Heroine
Nothing there. Why the hell did they bother putting it in the trailer?
>Secret of the Cedars
A shrine?
>All 15 minigames
No actual upgrades or heart pieces.
>The colisseum
Weapons only.
>The three Leviathan remains
>Kilton's shop and his monster disguises, horse gear, extract and Dark Link set
Can't upgrade

I liked Skyrim more. At least it has lore to read, and had stories for everything.

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>way way way too many tests of strength
lol no

>has to rely on the LA remake knowing he's fucked, changes the topic to LTTP, stilled called

You've been eating shit like the retarded coprophagous you are, autist.

>weapon breaks
>quickly switch to one of my other 30 weapons using quick switch
such a major inconvenience

this user was a waste of time, OP

you are wrong and a faggot, as per usual.
this game has flaws without a doubt moving away from the first zelda 1's idea by fucking following the trend of big open world games.

it took 30 years, but it happened and people like you don't want to hear the negatives.

Keep crying, you’re making yourself look like a total bitch.

>lol doesn't count


answer the question, retard

how are glass weapons "fun" in terms of gameplay? how is it fun to stockpile shit just because you know it will break?

what people think the pictures invokes:
>what an amazing vista. oh look! a korok seed! time to adventure over there, gosh i wonder what events will unfold for me from here to there?

what it actually invokes:
>it aint even fucking worth my time to glide over and get that seed i just wish my fucking shrine radar would shut the fuck up

absolutely BASED

>bringing up MM because he can't handle the fact his AAA title couldn't beat a game from 1998

Stay prolapsed, BotCuck.

>instead of doing a proper brand new remake with great artstyle that didn't look like a cheap indie game Nintendo used plastic funkopop shit to represent LA
>tfw nintendo themselves always though LA was plastic soulless shit
STAY SEETHING you autistic LA faggot kek

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>actually giving a shit about the timeline

both are great, and soulful too

Attached: nicolas-delort_zelda.jpg (1000x1500, 693K)

I already did answer you and you just sperged at me. It keeps lower power weapons viable for longer and adds a tactical decision when to engage. Why do you value your imaginary trinkets so much?

there are 20 of them, its pretty obvious that they ran out of ideas and just used them as padding

see the only reason I know BotW is a masterpiece is that 2 years later Yea Forums is still posting about it. For example, no one posts about ubishit games save for the latest upcoming one, and it usually stops a week after release and is never talked about again. Really makes you wonder.

Way to get'em chief. God you fucks can't hold an argument without resorting to cringy insults and pics to speak for you. Is this a perfect game to you?

So what thry did is no dungeons and still haf an empty world. Great

out of 120

so i'm forced to use shitty weapons because the devs can't make combat interesting?

oh boy! I love not using the weapons I like best!


the throw wouldn't have been fatal if it didn't break you turkey

>MM nigger bringing up OoT after getting utterly destroyed

>They've had a timeline for a long time now
They only had one since 2011, after already releasing 15 games you fucking zoomer

ALTTP is pretty overrated

I'll agree with the retard that responsed with Le funny pic. The game has flaws but it was good. Just not as amazing as me and you both thought it would be.

>no i have to use the big penis weapons all the time or the game is shit!

lol autism. I didn't say that they made weapons breakable to make combat interesting, the combat is fun and happens to revolve around inventory durability as one of its mechanics. And just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad game design.

>OOT praised

>Awakening praised

>botw constantly criticized

ever think the game has legit flaws?

actually yes since kids these days will grow up with the remake and your garbage outdated 8bit trash will be forgotten. everything will be about the plastic remake now and there's nothing you can do to change that fact

1/6th of them being blatant copy/paste is pretty bad, their only redeeming factor is that they respawn and can be used to get more guardian weapons endlessly

Imagine Assassins Creed if every time you did an assassination your weapon/hidden blade broke.

It's fucking stupid design.

Seems like he hit the nail on the head if you're getting triggered by autistic memes. Faggot.

It's not copy paste it's just an opportunity to engage with the combat mechanics

still better LA

>having to drag MM into the post
>because he couldn't handle the fact that his Ubishit can't beat a game from fucking 1989
Sad, sad world.

Why are you even here responding then faggot? Want some attention?

>imagine this non-sequitur strawman

lol seething

look. look at them sweating. they cant answer my question.

im not the guy who said he ran out of weapons, i replied to that guy saying you would consistently have a stockpile of good weapons, but that that was also bad. you shills also made this point - the game will flood you with weapons, to the point that you will literally have to drop viable weapons for others if you want them.


at the same time you retards also claim that the system is good and provides depth because it makes you have to make a "tactical decision" before battle.

these two statements directly contradict each other and show that the system sucks, no matter which answer. because it cant be both, they cant both be true. so either the game doesnt give you enough weapons, and therefore the fact that they explode after 10 hits is tedious and, in my opinion, was nintendos method of hiding really bad combat, or it does give you enough weapons, in which case the system is utterly pointless because you will always have a ton of weapons and the purpose of them degrading is now gone, as the tactical decision now no longer exists.

in a nutshell, the shills lose. the degredation system is flawed in its implementation.

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>since kids these days will grow up with the remake

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Ubisoft wish it could make a game even a quarter as good

All of those games get shat on this board you simple fuck. Oot gets constantly criticized by deluded Majora's Mask fanboys that can't deal with the fact that their game is worse

> you're a retarded faggot you're a retarded faggot you're a retarded faggot you're a retarded faggot SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTRRRR

kys or actaully defend your argument.

it isn't a strawman. because everything is made of glass, you either fight stuff in the world and have your weapons break, or you save your weapons for actual quest/story fights.

it's awful. whoever thought of it is a fucking retard.

They probably could, Aonuma loved Far Cry.

wha? bastion is like hand-drawn that doesnt look like bastion to me...

Okay well I was replying to the guy who was saying he never had enough weapons, genius.

You certainly can since you're a faggot kek

no it is a strawman. Why would it be bad if your weapons broke after an assassination in AC anyway?

probably because he knew he could do much better

Yea Forums hates OoT. The only zelda games that don't get criticized in some way on this board are the four sword adventures and zelda 2 because they're irrelevant.

lmao you seething :P

what if I told you that you could fight enemies without resorting to swinging a weapon?

Xenocringe 2 was constantly shit posted to death on here so did that make it a good game?
Nope not at all.

>you either fight stuff in the world and have your weapons break, or you save your weapons for actual quest/story fights.

imagine being too casual for a nintendo kiddy game, damn.

>probably because he knew he could do much better
He didn't otherwise BotW would've been a good Zelda, but it was a good Ubisoft game.

sad world that you're so butthurt about BOTW being a massive critical success making the series relevant again for the first time in 20 years. sad world indeed you sad little nigger

cry harder lmao

>BotWcucks hate OoT.

Is this the same guy attempting to defend himself by pretending to be someone else?

lmao you SEETHING

How many layers of ESL and phoneposting are we looking at here?

no need to get so invested in an autistic's pointless two year crusade, just call him a faggot and be done with it.

Tunic, not released yet.

>call botw bad
>guaranteed replies
It's so damn easy to bait this newfag filled Yea Forums

I think BOTW and OoT are the only good 3D Zelda games

>this asspained "i wasnt even talking to you" reply

bask in my victory

awakening sword never ever breaks.

HAHAHAHAA 1998 and a 99, 2017 and 97

>hating two of the best zelda games
how retarded are you?

>relys on childrens opinons, on the remake, on gayass webms to prove LA has no soul
>fails and looks like a cuck
Hilarious as fuck

Zelda always wins you falseflagging rockstar faggot. Never forget

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OoT is early gen jank. MM is what it should have been to begin with.

BotWcucks hate OoT because it's a Zelda, retard

so better after accounting for inflation...

and your point is?

>n-no u tier response
typical faggot anally devastated. you've been on the receiving end for the entirety of this thread

>the newest and shiniest Zelda couldn't beat the old Zelda from 1998
BotW is such a piece of shit lmao

>n-n0 u

not according to this sweaty

Majora's mask is worse than BOTW and WW and just as bad as Twilight Princess

> S-shut up you f-f-faggot got'em. Right g-guys?

Seems like I hit the nail on the head if you're staying silent for this long and still relying on insults. What a faggot.

Now that it’s confirmed that Zelda is a yearly franchise now like Mario, are you more or less excited about the next 3D Zelda?

I can explore and fight enemies without being punished by a shitty weapon system.

Like EVERY OTHER zelda game.

Might as well call this game "Zelda: everything belongs in a fucking china shop".

Fucking brainlet. Get help

>tfw was hoping for something like BotW for ages
>Skyward sword was so bad it literally disillusioned me on Nintendo and was the reason I didnt get a WiiU
>Couldn't be happier.
Just needs the follow up to have actual dungeons with unique visuals instead of shrines and more caves and shit in exchange for shrinking the world size down, also more nonhumanoid enemies.

>BOTW and WW
Those were the shittiest Zelda, well the latter is, no matter how unfinished it is.


lol suck my dick, faggot.

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You've been getting cummed on in this thread like the faggot you are HAHAHAHAHA

do you not know how to turn the shrine radar off?

lol suck my dick faggot

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The ENTIRE reason durability exists is so that you arent OP for the entire game by going to hyrule castle early. You're clearly highly extrinsicly motivated so the physical reward of a weapon is what matters to you and its continued existance is important to you. The durability system had to exist for the game to be 100% open, if you don't like it, then just wait for the next game, just like the people who didnt like MM's time loops, or WW's ocean, or SS being zelda-skinned wii sports.

different games have different rules my dude, you don't see people shitting on other zelda games because you have limited bombs in them instead of unlimited like in botw
you don't see people shitting on other 3D zeldas because they don't have a jump button like in botw

All 3D Zeldas before BOTW were shit

This is the objective truth

Cope, Breath of the Cuck couldn't beat an actual classic.

tell me how having a weapon that breaks in 3 hits is "fun".

Isn't every legend of Zelda game essentially a reboot?

>people who didnt like MM's time loops
I still can't wrap my head around these people, you have more than enough time to accomplish anything how was this a big deal?

BotW is a Zelda branded game that has virtually nothing to do with Zelda. It is quite literally a game for people who hate Zelda games, which honestly begs the question why Nintendo would even make such a game.

>comparing a ubisoft title with the zelda series
doesn't make any sense desu

Which weapon breaks in 3 hits?

cope, BOTW already did you retarded faggot

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Yea Forums shots on almost every Zelda game
how new are you?

WW killed the notion, SS cremated the body.

>b-but the metacritic

cope and dicksuckpilled

I wasn't. BOTW is literally a zelda game and a good one at that.

Meaning Twilight Princess is better than ALTTP, MM, LA and OoT. Do you really want to admit that?

Those would be Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening since They don't even feature princess zelda

not even sticks or bone arms break in 3 hits
if you hate shit breaking so much just focus on picking up durability up weapons, they take forever to break especially if you pull out the master sword every time it comes off cooldown

>n-no u

>"all Zeldas before the worst Zelda are shit"
>"the worst Zelda is the best Zelda because it is unlike all other Zelda games, which I hate"
>"As a long time Zelda fan who hates all Zelda games, I'm glad they finally made a Zelda game that doesn't feel like Zelda"

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imagine playing wind waker like this:




and you spend 99% of the game trying to fix sails instead of playing the fucking game

is this fun?


Because they're developers that have a lot of ambition and wanted to try something different unlike your sorry cowardly ass.

look at this joker

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So if we're going by metacritic according to your faggot ass, do yo want to admit that BOTW is better than MM, ALTTP, LA, WW and TP?either way you stay losing deluded BOTW hater

because two points higher with 85 less reviews sure says a lot ;)

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>sail breaks
>hit two buttons
>sail replaced
>your boat now moves faster with this new sail
>1 second spent on changing sail

imagine spending this much time just recycling the same broken argument when you have nothing else to contribute to a thread

actually he is right. most contrarian hipsters that don't even like zelda always prefer those 2 games

>a lot of ambition and wanted to try something different unlike your sorry cowardly ass.
>makes the same shit as everyone
>doesn't even get the Zelda parts right

Maybe if the game was redesigned around this broken sail mechanic, sure :)

99 > 98 :D It's not that hard faggot

>you stay losing deluded BOTW hater
not when OOT is better than BotW, cuck :^))))

Are there even any other open world AAA games with a heavy emphasis on puzzle solving like BOTW? I can only think of the witness but then again that game isn't AAA.

i see what you're trying to do

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yeah and Metacritic scores do not form an ordered set measurement of quality XD

Isn't OOT like one of the top three best sellers of all time?

except it isn't going by this, cuckboi

I'm just stating facts you penguin nigger

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>only ever played LTTP, some zelda on wii and botw
Whatever the Wii game is was shit, other two were good
Not even going to bother emulating the early/mid 2000's 3D Zelda games since 3D games from that era had awful controls and camera

>knows botw's ubisoft-tier quality is shit
>goes to the sales like a true cuck

This thread again?

imagine playing super mario 64 and every time you half press the A button mario's shoes break and you need to put on new shoes
does this really sound fun guys? and what do you think mario's feet smell like? just wondering haha

>knows botw cucked oot and is mad about it like the faggot he is
>has been bitching for over 2 years already

lol ubisoft wish they could make a game as good

you don't collect shoes in mario 64, goblino

If only you knew how bad things really are...

>best combat in the series
>best dungeons (gameplay-wise) in the series
Countering the ultimate anti-shitpost with the ultimate pro-shitpost I see?
The combat of botw is a fucking joke and is one of the worst parts of the series, and the dungeons are even worse.

That comparison doesn't make sense because you can both jump and wear shoes in BotW and jumping does not break your shoes.

>>knows botw cucked oot and is mad about it like the faggot he is
>Flagship triple A title couldn't beat it's predecessor from 1998
>fucking 1998
Now that's what I call cucked. BotW is for cucks.

>best traversal and exploration in the series
>serviceable story
these are the only two that are accurate, and serviceable is pushing it since there's no real story at all

>Now that's what I call cucked
yeah well you're a retard lol

Actually the combat in general has a lot of depth considering the fact that its intertwined with every other system in the game. Melee combat is just a small part of the combat in BOTW

>no u
It really was a Breath of the Cuck.

Very nice arguments, really putting BotW in the ground with your amazing evidence and well-structured contention

I like the game in some ways but the breakable weapons/bows/shields is annoying.

I feel like im punished for fighting mobs, the winning strategy is to avoid everything. How is that good design?

it's a shame that unless you want to fuck around with lynels (which is certainly a fine thing to want to do in the game) there's no reason to do interact with any of the systems though.
It's not, it's bad design. The game actively pushes you to ignore non-critical combats. The game is obviously nowhere near the same quality as sticker star but that was one of its major flaws too.

it already beat it by the mere fact that BOTW doesn't live under ALTTP's shadow :)

>BOTW doesn't live under ALTTP's shadow
You're right, BotW lives underneath Ubisoft's shadow :D

cuck SEETHING. BOTW always wins

as long as they keep the good features and remove the bad features

valid argument if weapons weren't all over the place
you can knock an enemy on his ass, steal his weapon, slap him with it until its close to breaking, then break throw it at his buddy and then take his weapon, rinse and repeat
or you can magnesis metal crates, bomb enemies, drown them, knock them off a cliff, hand them a metal weapon in a thunderstorm, there are tons of non melee options available

since when do ubisoft games have a heavy emphasis on puzzles?

>BOTW always wins
99 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 97 :^) cuck



seething cuck

99 > 97 it's not that hard faggot :)

TP was better.

I don't think it was even an argument...

for integers, not metacritic aggregates

Of course it is a failsafe option you deluded faggot. You literally get a reward for throwing the weapon

Still better than BotW :DDDD


BOTW has over 60 perfect scores
OoT has less that 15 lmao
Check mate cuck boy

Yah 99 > 97


>BOTW has over 60 perfect scores


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There is literally nothing wrong with breaking weapons

99 baby :)

b-b-b-but I personally don't like it so its objectively bad :(

What the fuck is this cringe? What are you like 12? I'm more pissed off about you actually sucking your own cock like this in public.

Paid Journalists.
Bought Reviews.
Incentivized Scores.
Hand delivered free Nintedo Switches along with Zelda to groom a bias.
Got Metacritic to mass delete negative user reviews.
Sold a lie at GDC by inventing the idea that it was based off Legend of Zelda 1 and was going back to Zelda roots.

All to bring you here, gullible a cucked, regurgitating defense reinforcement rhetoric for free.

You've been played.

I just want an ocarina sequel like TP
apparently that's asking too fucking much

I disagree