Controvertial DMC5 Opinion

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no one cares

You care enough to reply

Spoilers don't work in pastebin, you big goof.


>game has amazing gameplay but
Stopped reading, who cares

I mean, I love the gameplay and can't wait for bloody palace but the games used to be a bit more than just truestyle combo video wanking before you know.

That's a spastic way of thinking son, he doesn't care at all about your problem, he just wanted to trigger you and look he was successful.


You sound butt devastated my dude

Nice "controversial" blogpost shitstain. Where do I subscribe?

Here sugar
*unzips pants*

No they werent besides 1 which had a diff focus though the "exploration" and """puzzles""" were still brain dead shit that added nothing of value

>>SIN devil trigger
>Now this shit is just dumb, stupid and overpowered. There was literally no reason to add this and it just makes the game easier than it already is for no good reason.
It doesn't regen and the deactivation leaves Dante vulnerable for 10 seconds, which is a death sentence on DMD. Quadruple S is great but requires SSS rank (when you probably don't need it anyways unless you RG to reach there) and only allows you to use it for around 4 secs

If you are playing on DMD you must have already memorized enemy and bosses patterns so the "you're left vulnerable for a few secs" doesn't really matter to a good player anyway.
Even if it's "balanced", does it really add anything that was needed? what is it really necessary to add this extra devil trigger?


Sir? Are you ok? Please lie down and have a rest.

Yea why was it necessary to give Dante more than 1 style and extra weapons too? You can win the game just by using Trickster and swinging the Devil Sword. Smdh senpai what were they thinking?!?

Fucking embarrassing moron.

The new DT adds nothing of value and makes Dante a worse character to control and learn you stupid retard.

nice blogpost faggot

You're welcome faggot

That error should have been all the indication you needed to realize this isn't your fucking blog.

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Why are Yea Forums posters so obsessed with bundles of sticks?

>Story: 3 > 1 > 5
A lot of your takes are fish intelligence tier but this takes the cake. You seriously prefer
To 5's well delivered shonen arc with funny dialogue? Get outta here

5 is cringe story wise, feels like a bad fan fiction and also voice acting has nothing to do with story you brainlet retard.

I'll take the (you) but I think you quoted the wrong guy.

isn't dmc1's story literally just "guy goes to island to kill some demons and says some smug shit once in a while"

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>voice acting has nothing to do with story
Haha okay and gameplay has nothing to do with level design and music has nothing to do with sound design. I get ya! *winks* In that case I don't know why atmosphere is listed, as video games cannot physically possess atmospheres.

There's a very deep and thought provoking storyline about the nature of identity (Ship of Theseus) as well as what it means to be human and to be feminine in a patriarchy. No just kidding it's just Guy Kills Demons and there's a twist about a woman looking like his mom and that goes absolutely nowhere. You could remove Trish's character entirely and very slightly rewrite the game and it would be the same. This helps explain why her character is stuck in DMC4 and DMC5.

>video games cannot physically possess atmospheres

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The biggest issue with DMC1 in my opinion is actually Trish. She has like no personality beyond the fact that Kamiya must have just watched The Matrix and liked Trinity's design. Doesn't even get a boss fight. Lady, Nico, and even Lucia are way better. DMC1 Dante is more "subdued" but that's only because of the super limited presentation values and not developer intent (see: literally all the games Kamiya made afterwards), and is actually a fairly shallow character Mundus is decently presented all things considered, but has no real character to him at all, and you know all you need to know about his "rivalry" with Dante right at the start of the game.

To be fair I actually like Trish's banter with Dante in DMC4, and she gets a couple decent lines in DMC5. Definitely an underdeveloped character though I agree, even gameplay-wise she's either literally Dante or badDante.

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whoops there should be a period between "character" and "Mundus"

Mundus is not much of a character himself.

Why are dumb zoomers pretending that DMC1 is bad now?
What's next? People calling DMC5 the only good game?


Except the "DMC1 is the best one" meme is relatively new, that strain of contrarianism is a couple years old and has roots in a certain e-celeb.

I don't even think DMC1 is bad, it's still worth playing at least once, but it has a ton of issues.

A lot of that makes sense.
At least you gave good arguments for both sides, and every character.
What you said about V is definitely right, but I don't think Dante is "too complicated".
Compared to Nero, sure, but Dante feels so good to play in this one, even if you're terrible at royal guard like me.
Yeah, swapping weapon styles is confusing as fuck at first, but when you get the hang of it, each one has it's own uses. Espesically trickester and sword-master.

I like Dr. Faust, even though I never used it.
The one thing you forgot to mention though was The joke ending where you kill Urizen in the prologue

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>Complaining about Style switching.
This is PURELY DMC3 cope.
One of DMC3's biggest signs of age is the lack of style switching, so there are people out there that will paint it was "Doesn't feel right" to try to cope with DMC3's biggest fucking flaw
It's okay to admit DMCV out did DMC3 in some places and DMC3 outdid 5 in others.
Don't be some retard that feels the need to defend a game people aren't even shitting on.
Mission 13 elevates V beyond 3 in my opinion though, call me a zoomer all you want, but the ability to co-op in style made M13 a monumental step forward in the DMC franchise

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shut the fuck up weeb

Clap them cheeks and I might read it.

This isn't cope, I literally said that 5 is the best gameplay wise but it's lacking in every other department. 3 is a better example of a well rounded game.

That's a bad example though, that one line is great.

Fuck Hell Juddecas


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>3 is a better example of a well rounded game.
Except for the fact replaying the damn game feels like a god damn chore because of all the gimmicky shit and awful normal encounters you have to replay.
In fact I'd say a majority of the people "replaying" 3 just boot it up to fight Vergil 3 and then hop off it.

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shut the fuck up weeb

>playing on heaven or hell
Don't you have something better to do with your day? Like play through DMD with self-imposed challenges or craft your own combos in the void?

I wish dante would fuck me

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>Lady's designs are a direct upgrade
Stopped reading there. That tells me everything about your level of tasteless faggotry

>People lament the loss of puzzles and exploration
>Forget that they instantly become extremely tedious the moment you decide you want to play the game more than once

I wanted the EX vergil skin

It's literally a direct upgrade from 4, which was just bad taste overall faggot


Ultra fucking fag.

I spend a lot of time in the void.

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the point is that Lady is garbage regardless

Bros I bluescreened after clicking be careful

Kill yourself tranny faggot

How can you enjoy DMC and not understand the value of Quadruple S?
It entirely changes the style meter, making it a valuable part of the combat system by integrating with devil trigger in a new and interesting way. Not only does SSS now matter even more, the actual time you stay in SSS matters.

>the value of Quadruple S
Don't you need to be in the special DT to get it?
How is that good design?

How do I execute the Faust meteor move?

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youre on an anime website whether you like it or not


No, it's the other way around. You need to be at SSS to utilize SDT to its full potential because Quadruple S will activate.
>How good is that design?
That's my whole point. It is good. We're on the 5th DMC game and it totally changes the importance of style in a way that has never happened before.

Style switching is absolutely clumsy input wise, though. You've got four buttons dedicated to change style so you can then press another button to use the specific moves. It would be a lot better if the d-pad were used for weapon switching and DT, freeing three buttons for immediate dodges, blocks and seconday attacks.

By forcing you to use the new mechanic?

how did you unlock DMD without finishing SoS? CE?

Beating Urizen in the prologue or mission 8 unlocks the next difficulty

Vergil > Dante
>Dante would probably shout yeehaw during sex and pass out before his limp old man dick could even cum.
>Vergil would look into your eyes passionately between insulting you with every thrust and lose himself in kissing you all over.

My biggest issue is how samey the environments and moment-to-moment objectives are. There's a creeping homogeneity to the game's flow. It's all just a hallway into an arena to a hallway, especially once the innards of the tree take center stage in the game's second half. The environments *look* great (I really liked fighting demons in mundane domestic environments in the early part of the game; it's a cool contrast) but there's not much to them the further in you go. I'm not even referring to platforming or puzzles or specific situations like Nightmare in DMC1 or the enemies that can only be killed after activating the switches in DMC3, but basic room layouts. Still a great game, though.

>To 5's well delivered shonen arc

the entire plot happens in the last 4 missions

As much as you are forced to use any other ability in DMC, sure.

Out of curiousity how much dmc3/4 did you practice before 5? I don't know a single person from my friends communities who went in fresh with those scores.

That's what makes it a shonen arc. The voice acting is well delivered.

Only so much you can do with a fucking controller buddy.
And keyboard feels like dog assholes for action games.
Feel free to design a controller with more buttons that won't feel like complete shit to use

having read shonen, what happens is that there's

>good set up->a good, self contained plot ->filler->filler->filler->rushed ending

your opinion.

B/Circle=TS moves
LB/L1=SM moves
LT/L2=GS moves
RT/R2=RG moves
Right=devil arm switching
Left=gun switching

There, no more need for style-switching now, and you've still got Down on the d-pad to which you can move taunt or whatever.

thousands of hours between 1/3/4
Its literally my favorite franchise

My unpopular opinion (I guess?) is that I hate playing as Nero. I hated him in DMC4 as well and I was hoping they would fix him in DMC5 but they didn't. He was designed for casuals and has a limited moveset, only one weapon and gets boring after a couple missions. Dante is just infinitely more fun to play as in comparison and if Nero is the protag of DMC6 again then they need to give him more stuff besides sword, gun and arm please.

You mean like having story, like this game? You just hate Vergil got away with it all.

>Style switching is too complicated
>Instead, we'll have 3 more buttons for you to press
>Also DT is right next to weapon switch buttons, hope your input game is on point

>but it has a ton of issues.
Every DMC game does. DMC1 being someone's favorite doesn't surprise me nor does it necessarily reflect "roots in a certain e-celeb." Your butthurt might have roots in that e-celeb, but DMC1 is distinct enough from the games that came after it that some people having a preference for it seems likely and natural to me.

Exceed and now knuckle are quite nice to fool around with
Hes definitely less complex but Ive always enjoyed him
Ive always been really drawn to his calibur move also since dante has always lacked an air stinger and his EX streak is one of my favorite moves in the franchise

Forget about goth sister user.
What I want to know is what happened to Lady cousin gf user.

We've been begging for a "level 2" since dmc2 with majin form. Sin form is better, easier to access, and actually has more moves. It's an expansion on another thing. How is it bad a thing was added? How was Dante gonna beat Cergil when he ate the fruit? What do you want?

I like Nero in 4 and in 5, but after playing through once having both breakers and the Devil Bringer just feels messy to me. I know breakage attacks are useful with high damage output (especially useful for bosses), but I often forget to even utilize them because I've reacclimated to having the Devil Bringer again. It just feels messy. I end up doing the breakaway when I instinctively go for DT and it's just a mess.

I fully recognize that's my fault more than the game's, but I'm not that fond of the breakers in general.

What's the name of the song that is played in the background while Nero and Kyrie talk on the phone before he stops the fight between Dante and Vergil?

You already have four buttons to press for style switching.

Nero already has three buttons for breakers, exceed and bringer, plus hold inputs for red queen and blue rose. Dante with a different configuration wouldn't be nearly as intensive as Nero or even V already are.

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>DMC4 has better atmosphere than 5
what the fuck

>SDT is overpowered
considering that it builds up very slowly, you still receive full damage and there's a forced recovery unless you're using quadruple S, it's fairly well balanced.
>it still feels a bit nerfed compared to 3
>what is double kalina

Oh great. Now you've made on the fly weapon switching cumbersome. That doesn't fix shit


Told you white boys i would post it when i get it in the mail. Havent playes it yet was just sleeping all afternoon.

>hope your input game is on point
Yes, DMC does hope your input game is on point. Have you ever played it?

How is that cumbersome? Moving your thumb away from the stick to completely change your moveset isn't that bad.

Then why move styles away from Dpad ?

also all the other styles were massively buffed up, Balrog is a beast and Cerberus moveset consists of ~2/3 new moves, so yes it is a new weapon.
So basically, your issue is that you yourself are a fucking scrub and you need to git gud

Because it would also remove the style switching.
You have to switch weapons in either system, but in one you no longer have to switch styles. It solves that issue completely.

SDT isnt even OP on DMD its a good way to eat shit since it wont even kill most enemies that arent the most basic bitch tier
On SoS it can even get you into a spot of trouble
Quadruple S is a nice power spike though

Because it results in less inputs and buttons needed if the moves had dedicated buttons.

If you had toggleable lock-on you could even move all attack buttons to the shoulders and only press the face buttons for defense and movement.

>Nero upgraded for DMC 5
Stopped. Reading.There.
Having a character rely on consumables is fucking dumb in DMC. And his appearance is worse than it was in DMC .4.

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Barry are you OK?

No toggleable lock is the biggest bullshit. I'm getting carpal tunnel just playing this game and I never get that shit with any other games.

Accusing everyone criticizes DMC as one single person is so retarded. You're a fanboy. You need help. You are seeing Barry's where there are none. This is the 20th thread where you seem to think this is all a conspiracy by one fucking man. Eat shit.

>toggleable lock-on
That would still not solve the problem since regular gameplay requires you to constantly switch between locked and unlocked state

Nero is unarguable upgraded and I only use gerbera arm
He has more base moves compared to 4 and a new knuckle mechanic

Better to only have to press the button once every now and then then hold it down all the time.

oh shit you really are Barry!


As a third person chiming in I think theres literally nothing wrong with the controls and find them incredibly intuitive
Not a single other franchise plays as good as 3/4/5
except THPS

>every now and then then
you mean all the fucking time. I dunno about you but I constantly engage and disengage it

I'd say toggleable would be easier for those moves since you wouldn't be pressing it by habit.

But he relies on consumables. This isn't a fucking RPG, I don't want to have to constantly be buying more and more breakers. And his appearance is still shit. And if Nero gets his devil arm anyway, why am I now stuck utilizing two different buttons that basically do the same thing. And there aren't even enough buttons on the gamepad to keep the break system while not forgetting the option is there outright. I stick break on one of the shoulder pads, I'm probably going to be accidentally destroying a breaker three times a mission. If I stick it on the D pad, I doubt I'll have the reflexes to use quick enough. And I'll forget it's there.
You smoke cock.

Some of your opinions I fully agree with, some I can understand but ultimately don't agree with. But one thing I cannot for the life of me understand is complaining about Vergil's hair. This isn't even me trying to argue with you or shit on your opinion - I genuinely cannot comprehend this opinion. I think it looks fine and, in some shots, even great. The fact so many people seem to have a problem with it honestly confuses me. It's like you're seeing something there that I just can't, or vice versa. I just don't get it.

Also, I agree about the guns being nerfed. E&B have never felt so useless to me before.

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>I doubt I'll have the reflexes to use quick enough
Why are you playing action games? I imagine you'd have more fun with an MMORPG.

Derp. I meant E&I.

>But he relies on consumables
Either you're lying or you're shit because it's piss easy to play through the entire game on DMD without carrying a single arm while getting constant SSS

>more people are complaining about Vergil's hair than they are Nero's uglified American look.
Honestly if you want to find something to complain about with Vergil, is that his chin is too broad and his face is too fat in comparison with the rest of his body. He should have a more chiseled, sleek look on his face as a good counterbalance to Dante's more loose style.

>E&B have never felt so useless to me before.
E&I feel like they have a bit more knockback/juggling power, but the change for gunslinger was fucking worthless.
And to be fair, E&I have done zero damage for the past 3 games. I wish we could have the DT pistols from 1 back.

Having toggleable lock-on on a face button with attack moves on the shoulders would be pretty quick though, you sure don't run into problems by jumping to go into the air or dodge.

>skipping V missions
Sign of a faggot no taste shitter

I refuse to believe a single word of that until I see gameplay footage. There is no way in hell you can get SSS just by using Devil Briinger, much less on DMD mode. Nero has no fucking options without it.

>I don't want to have to constantly be buying more and more breakers.
Dont use the breakages since the normal moves are fine on their own and other than that dont get hit
and he doesnt rely on them, I didnt even touch them until DMD because I dont like consumables either which is why I load 8 gerbera gp01
And if you cant hit the dpad quick enough your reflexes are just shit man but you dont need that move anyway since its garbage compared to DT activation
Bringer also has the knuckle mechanic tied to it, allows double snatch aswell as holding enemies as a shield and lets you buster freely

I like the game guys, but I dunno.
Despite the much-appreciated variety, there are aspects of the combat and controls that feel long in the tooth. Most notably, it seems sinful in a post “Dark Souls” world to make a precision action game without a dedicated dodge button. In “Devil May Cry 5,” Dante has a dodge command linked to one of his fighting styles, while V and Nero can only dodge when you lock the camera on a specific enemy. While you can certainly work your way through demons with style and grace without one, you feel its absence every time you’re attacked from two or more sides, as you cannot always respond as quickly as would in a Soulslike or even a close contemporary like “Bayonetta 2.”

>E&B have never felt so useless to me before.
E&I on GS are great style fodder. Shooting one gun then another can easily make you go up one letter or two, more so once you have honey comb. In 4 they did absolutely nothing useful.

oh damn, I only did that after finishing SoS.

>There is no way in hell you can get SSS just by using Devil Briinger
You get 99% of your style from red queen
Do you even max act/knuckle?

Haha, funny.
Good thing your opinion is nothing more than that, you sad little faggot

You've gotta be shitposting. Even without breakers, Nero already has more options than he did in DMC4. Please don't join a discussion on a game you haven't fully played unless you're asking for help.

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Jumping has iframes retard
If you get air hike, you can be a total shitter and evade midair with it

Okay, assuming all of these mental gymnastics to defend an obviously shit addition to Nero are valid, you're also forgetting that if you DON'T equip them, you still have to put up with a dumb hobo Nero with a metal bar attached to his ass. Along with a metal shoulder pad.

You guys are essentially grasping at reasons to keep what is an obvious redundant mechanic to Nero's playstyle. You fucks even admitted that you can get by super easily by just using Devil Bringer. Why defend such a dumb, superfluous addition? If this was any other game you'd be crucifying the fuck out of Nero's look style. Get fucked

I just wished Dante had one extra Devil Arm desu. I didn't watch any trailers and just stumbled upon a few images pre release and none of the weapons were a surprise.

Too lazy to record footage but seriously it's not that hard:
>group up enemies in a corner
>activate DT (and thus launch them)
>proceed to wail on them while utilizing ExAct
Don't forget that the style meter gain still rises exponentionally for each extra enemy hit within a single attack. That means that if you hit ~3 enemies at once with a combo you'll gain an SSS rank in no time

Is this copy/pasted from an IGN review?
Assuming you're not memeing, jumping gives iframes and both Table Hopper and Shadow's dodge can be directed relative to an enemy. Don't let yourself get caught in a position where you'd have to dodge-spam out of a group of enemies.

valid opinions, but
>gunslinger nerfed
nah nigga, practice more

I agree with you I don't think there is anything wrong but I think that the people who are complaining about it are missing 3Vergil.

I'm reading the style requirements on certain missions are incorrect? Like actually broken.

Is this guy talking out of his ass or is this actually something Capcom acknowledged? I do think the Urizen missions and M18 are way insanely tight.

I think that's his collar that can give the impression that he looks a bit "fat" as you said. But overall he is nice.

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>Add mechanics to a character
>You can choose to play the game without them, but the mechanics are also neatly integrated with their normal style
>You do not lose out on anything by not using them, nor are you given a crutch by choosing to use them.

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>Why defend such a dumb, superfluous addition?
Because DMC is about showing off, retard. Styles were completely superfluous in 3 too, and the game was built around not switching them. You used them because you liked playing a certain way, or you preferred fighting an enemy in a certain way.

Yeah, Ragtime completely desimates furies just like Helter Skelter does with shielded enemies, but if the game where built around them they wouldn't feel nearly as good.

Jump is your dedicated dodge button asshole

too long (kinda like dmc5's cutscenes) didnt read

>I was spoiled and therefore not surprised
Holy shit, is that how it works?

>guys, what if, instead of V being able to summon three creatures, he can summon 20 of them! One assigned to each button! Why bother enhancing existing gameplay mechanics if we can just slap on a gimmick that isn't even satisfying to use? It's perfect, the braindead Americans will drink it up!

He gets buster back, so he doesn't rely on consumables, it's literally DMC 4 nero with extra stuff.
>and his appearance is worse

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Define superfluous. Because if you're just trying to beat the fucking game, you can stand in a corner and spam ranged weapons until your thumb turns purple.

Except for enemies with very purposefully targeted vertical attacks. Including Vergil.

ebony and black?

That example you just gave is glorified hyberbole. I'd have rather had Capcom enhance Devil Bringer, giving it new moves or some other kind of abilities, than micromanage devil bring ON TOP of equipping a bunch of breakers before each goddamned mission. Breakers aren't even that different from the Devil Bringer. It's not a unique or interesting addition to the game to begin with. As it stands, its existence only forced the player to worry about more buttons.

or maybe ebony and blanco?

why do you talk like youre an actual reviewer faggot? you have zero clue what you are talking about

>You fucks even admitted that you can get by super easily by just using Devil Bringer
Yes. In fact you can play through the entire game just by using Red Queen. Does that mean that his gun, bringer and breakers are useless ?
>Why defend such a dumb, superfluous addition?
It's not though. It adds a massive amount of depth to him and greatly expands his toolkit in new ways.

They could have not shown all the playable weapons retard. Even God of Onions got that right.

It would be more like
>what if we gave V a 4th demon out of a pool of about 10 to choose from that are specialized for certain tasks and strong at them but not good enough for any single one to be considered a best outside of a persons taste
Now I fucking want that
>demon that morphs into a wall for defense, can reflect attacks with perfect blocks for a percentage of the damage
>demon that symbiotes cane to give it an attack pool
>demon book that gives double DT gains from reading
>demon that attatches to griffon and nightmare giving them more armor and will leave them at 1HP once per fight instead of stalemate

>If you get air hike, you can be a total shitter and evade midair with it
not exactly. air hike does not offer any iframes, meaning that you can't dodge anything directly with it

It's literally just a devil bringer that relies on ammo

Well which is it? You'd rather have an enhanced devil bringer with new moves or devil breakers aren't really different from the devil bringer (other than the moves they do which are new)?

You could always iframe through Vergil's uppercut with a single jump though requires proper timing

false dichotomy, not mutually exclusive, etc

Then jump to the left or to the right

>just a devil bringer
maybe you should use something other than overtune for once you fucking idiot.

>I'd have rather had Capcom enhance Devil Bringer
You mean like knuckle, and double snatch?
>Breakers aren't even that different from the Devil Bringer
Gerbera, ragtime,puchline, rawhide, tomboy are all widely different and add nice additions to Neros kit

DMC1 had:
>Good level design
All of these are missing from DMC4 and 5.

>relies on ammo
lmao just don't get hit

V should get summons divided into left (Griffon/ranged), right (Shadow/melee) and up (Nightmare/DT) demons, mapped to those buttons on the pad. I don't know what you could do for another melee demon since Shadow is already pretty well rounded, but you could get Phantom to set bombs like Lucifer as another ranged and Nelo armor or Urizen transformation as his second DT.

Yeah, fuck them for it looking at spoilers.
You complained that you wanted a DB with new moves and abilities (which you got) and then claimed the breakers are not even that different. But their moves are obviously different. So if I'm the idiot here break it down more clearly for me, because when 4 came out I wanted exactly what you wanted. I feel like 5 delivered, even if breakers aren't the solution I would have gone with they definitely addressed my issues with Nero's limited moveset in an interesting way.

>They could have not shown all the playable weapons retard.
How DSD actually works was never properly showcasted. Even the spoiler trailer didn't show it very well. Kalina Ann 1 was never shown. Nero's DT and the new functions his DB has weren't shown. Playable SDT wasn't shown. The game had plenty of surprises even if you kept up autistically with it.

I have 2 problems with gunslinger.
>Replacing neutral circle for Twosome Time with shitty power shot. Actual Twosome Time is mapped to a retarded input that is never worth doing.
>No wild stomp.
I know they got rid of the "spam button while doing x move" attacks but Wild Stomp is maybe my favorite move in 3. Gunslinger is still good in 5 though, and rain storm is fun as fuck to do.

Using E&I is rad though. But I agree, twosome time is very hard to pull out now.

Also Coyote's GS moves are affected by charge but GS doesn't auto-charge it.

Actually that is fair enough.

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faggot, you have shit taste and DMC5 is the holy grail of the series

Twosome Time is super easy to pull off though. Just tap one shoot button and then the next, then keep pressing that second one.
Literally a single more input than OG style

The new Sin transformation (and more particularly, the Quadruple S ability) requires you to hold the DT button to transform. I've seen a video where a guy is fighting final Urizen and holding out on transforming when he gets SSS while managing all other inputs as usual, all at the same time. Then he is able to integrate Sin moves seamlessly into his combo string. With DT being up on the d-pad, it would've been extremely cumbersome just to change weapons.

Other than that, using style moves on the triggers/bumpers? Nah, I'll pass.

>Error: Field too long.
>implying I'm gonna read that shit fest if it can't even fit in a normal post

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Just claw bro :^)

>Also DT is right next to weapon switch buttons, hope your input game is on point
are you mentally challenged by any chance?

>people STILL bitch about Nero being the new main character and Dante being relegated to "sideguy that you play as after the game's first half and is OP as hell"
You fucks have had 10 years to accept it, move on.

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I don't get why people are so hung up over Dante. He himself never struck me as that interesting of a character.

This is your legacy.

3 impacted people to such a degree that they want force Dante into every future game as protagonist, and they want him to be "WOHOOO PIZZA" even though it's at odds with his DMC1/2 character. Thankfully the middle way it's used in 4/5 works.

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Where's 4 Special Edition?

Only physical in Japan bruv

My thoughts exactly. I honestly think Vergil looked perfect the moment I saw him. Can't really understand why some people here don't like how he looks.

Looking at DMC4 it's not hard to see why. Nero just seems a little redundant as a personality and even as a character design even if his move set distinguishes him from Dante a great deal. He comes across as bland teen pandering. Dante Lite. DMC5 corrects this, though he still comes across as self-insert-y in an annoying way -- particularly in the climax.

The game is a 7.5/10.

My only real problem with the game is that while I liked V's unique style during my first playthrough, near the end of the game I was glad to be done with his segments. A fun little diversion but ultimately not enjoyable long-term.
Except when I want to replay the game on higher difficulty, I have to replay all of Vs missions with no way to skip them, which is a real drag. It's making me not really want to play up through mission 10 or so when the game starts really getting good/challenging.

>though he still comes across as self-insert-y in an annoying way -- particularly in the climax.
How does a man finding his true potential as a result of his desire to stop the only family he has from killing each other "self-insert-y?" It fits perfectly with Nero's character and follows the same themes that have been present since he series' inception.

>Tfw finally got the S rank for mission 8 on SOS mode
Now just need mission 10 with Dante and i can take a break for Seikiro and finsh the rest later

>MFW imagining doing them on DMD and Heaven and Hell mode
I try not to think about that shit

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>he still comes across as self-insert-y in an annoying way -- particularly in the climax.
Why, because he gets a DT just like Dante does in 3? Because he doesn't want his father and uncle/father figure to kill each other after what happened with Credo?

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Because he knows literally nothing about Vergil and Dante's relationship or Vergil in general yet his limited perspective is the one we're supposed to sympathize with, and his power-up is delivered by an extremely convenient phone call that amounts to "Believe in yourself, Special Boy. You're Special. Didn't you know that?" The game connects this to losing Credo, but it ain't graceful. And no, his time with V is not enough for it to work on the emotional level the game hopes it does. It wouldn't bother me in and of itself -- DMC has never had great storytelling -- but the way the game sets up and looks at Vergil's and Dante's childhood baggage was interesting and more poignant than one would expect from DMC, and then we get Ichigo Kurosaki showing up with his new bankai. It's a boring way for Nero's character to culminate. I like him a lot in 5 otherwise.

How do you deal with Furies and Judeccas user
All their teleporting shit break my style even when i'm not getting hit because i can't hit them consistently enough

Is Twosome Time a good enough meter builder compared to Rainstorm or the back-forward circle repeat input?


You aren't wrong that Nero's power up was pretty shitty, but I certainly disagree that looking at Dante and Vergil's childhood baggage was any more interesting or poignant than was to be expected from DMC. We already had familial baggage like that with Lady in DMC3 and it was handled better there.

What went right?

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Capcom let Itsuno do whatever he wanted in a bid to keep him with the company, and it paid off in spades. Looking forward to Dragon's Dogma 2 being announced sometime in the future now that Itsuno is the "DMC5 guy"

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Capcom telling Inafune to fuck off

>blaming Inafune for capcom shit era


His involvement in said era literally cannot be overstated

>tfw 3 is my favourite
with the style switcher mod

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How the hell was Inafune able to worm his way up so far into Capcom to begin with?

>takes all the credit for mega man
thats how

So did he actually do something worthwhile on Megaman, or was it other people and he was better at playing office politics?

Granted you HAVE to parry furies, there are definitely a couple decent ways to deal with them. With Dante, I found the ice age move with cerberus to deal with them reliable. If you can get the timing right and perfect guard/just release, that works pretty well too. With Nero, shuffle seems to be a pretty reliable move so far to deal with furies. You also want to be able to get the fury in the air and buster arm it. As for the Judecca, trickster to it whenever he teleports away. As for with Nero, I use payline/devil bringer to get to them fairly quickly.

Other people and office-politics but he did regularly contribute character art and other supplementary processes.

Basically not director material, and certainly not "this is the direction we should take our company" material?

from wikipedia

Starting his career at Capcom in the late 1980s, his job was as an artist and illustrator. The first two games he worked on were the original Street Fighter and Mega Man in 1987. He was then an illustrator and artist of the Mega Man series during the NES and Super NES era.[1] For Mega Man X, he created and designed the character Zero.

Inafune then moved onto the position of producer with his first title being Mega Man 8 in 1996

so basically office politics


this is superior.
A: jump
X: melee
Y: style
B: guns
RB: lock-on
RT: taunt
LT: dodge roll
LS: weapon switch
RS: lock-on switch

DmC and the constant push to outsource (up to and including one "Japanese gaming is stagnant and dead" claim) are proof enough he's absolutely not a company-leader. Even within Mega Man he can be cited as a lot of problems, primarily within the X series and its focus on Zero (his character-design and his proposed protagonist for the X series at first until they decided to create X as a character) culminating in X5 being rushed and Zero's own series.

Always saddens me Hayato Kaji never gets the credit he deserves. Especially since he designed X and directed 8 and X4.

how dumb am i if i kept getting lost in DMC 1

>start using face skin
>the twin brothers now look like entirely different people
face scanning will always be a mistake, but otherwise the game is incredible

>LT: dodge roll
>wasting an entire button for an evasive action when jump exists

>bayonetta remains the queen of action games because it has dodging mechanics
>dmc fags think having a button for dodging is a waste
you niggas really are boomers

>Furies keep fucking with me
>See a gif of someone parrying one
>Switch to Balrog and spam punches until it shows up
>It gets auto-parried every time

jumping has iframes you braindead moron. also for the love of god stop this bayo vs dmc faggotry nobody wants a shitflinging contest

One random ass thing i hate about dmc5 is how orbs don't fly into the character, which makes get more orbs impossible to tell if its actually working.

It's even easier with Prop/Shredder, but you have to switch back to Sparda. They're the fucking worst with V, since Nero can just Ragtime. Obviously you can use Nightmare, but it feels cheap as shit just melting it with laser beams until it explodes into candy.

You're not, DMC1's architecture intentionally misleads you in places. Just take it easy, don't try to rush on your first go through.

jumping is casual

If you have to dodge in DMC then you already failed as the main focus of the series is to perform proper CC to not let enemies attack in the first place.

Why does DMC3 feel so much different than 4 and 5?
You can obviously feel the Itsuno touch in the cutscenes but I feel like some key people in the team left(?)
I can't put my finger on it

>They're the fucking worst with V
Just use round robin (Griffon's back) or hedgehog. Furies are annoying but they go down fast if you can make them walk into your attacks.

the main focus is getting high rankings which lowers if you get hit. bosses absolutely requires dodging

>reading profils
>read Dantes
>Says the tree was giving him a power boost while he was recovering for that whole month

No wonder hes such a spaz.

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Yeah, 3 had some oomph to the combos that was really satisfying to play. 4/5 lacks this feeling. It's hard to explain.


He started off as an artist for Mega Man and somehow managed to develop greater influence from there. It was Akira Kitamura who actually DESIGNED Rockman, sprite and all, but Inafune is the one who drew up the character afterwards.

So did Mundus kill Nicos grandmother the lady who gave him Eb and Iv
Reading in the gallery and it says he was killed right after she gave him the guns

you dont actually expect anyone to read this do you?

Because it was copy pasted from a review.