You should be able to solve this, Yea Forums
You should be able to solve this, Yea Forums
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they're the same age
>7: I could figure it out, but I really don't want to.
Pretty much. I don't play an RPG for stupid math riddles.
They are the fucking same age. It is just a word puzzle meant to put a bunch of words to mean one simple thing just to knock people off balance.
Prince 30, princess 40. LMAO at people who cannot read and do first order logic
t. 3 INT
This was a lot more difficult for me than it should have been
Reminder 90% of Yea Forums does not have enough INT for this.
man, they really fucked up the dialog box... and just to appeal tabletcucks
30 and 40
what happens when you get the right one
I surely don't know
You should definitely be able to solve this as this is in a videogame meant for 6 year olds and above.
>You have at your disposal a large number of tiles like the one shown below. If you were to take these tiles and try to make a square, what is the fewest number of tiles you'd need?
Kill the genie.
Literally 1
couldn't i just put one tile on top of another but move it down a little so the width and height are both 12
Has nothing to do with intelligence, dumbass. It's a matter of whether you like math or not and are able to remember what you were taught it in school.
I'm so glad most games dropped this garbage. There is nothing smart about remembering school shit you will never use in your life or be useful.
math is cool though
50 tiles
This, just turn the tiles so that you have 10 and 12 side to side on each side.
thanks for reminding me that a literal middle schooler would annihilate me at math
the only shit I remember from school is english and all I use it for is shitposting on Yea Forums
That would leave a gap in the middle
Literally only one of you got it right
When it deals with something you’re interested in, if you’re interested in math then of course it’s cool to you.
But that's a cube, not a square?
Make a cube out of tiles. Okay, I'm not mad.
yeah ok but listen
they want you to do a square which is 2 dimensional
if you put one tile on another and move it a little so its 10 by 10 or 12 by 12 it's gonna look like a square from above, the z axis doesn't matter
With only 5 possible answers it is easier to bruteforce this.
Princess is older than prince so 2, 4 and 5 are not the options.
Half of the sum is 25 and 35 for 1 and 3. (25-10)x2 = 30, which doesn't work as princess would be 30 already.
That leaves us with 3, ((30+40)/2 -10)x2 = 50 is the future princess age. 40 for prince at this time, which is the same as current princes age in answer #3.
Being good at math probably does correlate with IQ.
It could be if i was studying IT or architecture or something like that, but i'm messing with animals daycare, no, it isn't. I rather learn biology
Welcome to Professor Layton logic. Have another.
It's 3, but tons of trolls will say otherwise because they're bored.
Exactly. Math problems are cool if you like math, but for those of us who are not interested in math, they become annoyances.
For the record, I was great at math. But I never found it interesting, and like anything that is uninteresting to me, I forgot about the more complex equations fairly quickly. And yeah, any math the vast majority of people won't ever use in their life is "complex". We don't forget basic things because basic = things we use all the time, like sum and multiplication.
That's a cube, not a square.
You don't need to know fucking anything from school to solve this problem, you troglodytes.
This is not even a perfect cube, fucking retard. For it to be perfect it will require far more than 30 tiles, which is the correct non-bullshit answer.
Sure, but knowing how to solve it using equations is a lot faster than trying to solve it using logic.
its a guy that's demonstrating a prostate exam to doctors and he's showing them where the bum hole is
It's not even a cube, since it doesn't have 6 equal squares
Sure, but there's a lot of things under "math" and I'm a civil/structural draftsman so the extent of my required math knowledge is basic arithmatic your almost 86 times tables.
Good thing I never touched these shit games
Literally least common multiple, I think they teach this even in nigger schools. 60 inches squire will take 6x5 tiles.
Only when it comes to learning and applying it. For those of us who don't know the proper method to solve these kinds of problems (because we have forgot about them or because we never learned them), it doesn't matter whether we are geniuses or retards.
If they're both 0 it still makes sense.
but you can do it with less
How the fuck would aliens know what a sheet of paper is? It bothers the hell out of me that these riddles are oh so smart when they want to but so retarded otherwise.
they could've been watching us for ages user, they had probably witnessed most of the groundbreaking inventions in human history
stack of 24, 12x12
prince is 20 princess is 30
20 + 30 = 50
half that sum is 25, prince is 15
princess will be twice as old as prince original when she turns 30, prince will be 20 then
20 (prince will) =/= 30 (princess is)
prince 40 princess 30
40 + 30 = 70, princess is 35 and prince is 45
princess will be twice as old as prince when she turns 90, prince will be 100 then
100 (prince will) =/= 30 (princess is)
prince is 30 and princess is 40
30 + 40 is 70, princess is 35 and prince is 25
princess will be twice as old as prince when she turns 50, prince will be 40 then
40 (prince will) = 40 (princess now)
It's 3. Did I do it right
I don't understand how people are so bad at this. You don't even need math, just some common sense.
You can easily see that the prince to be younger than the princess to make this whole thing work. Then you just plug in 20/30 and it doesn't work out, so it's 30/40.
>I don't understand how people are so bad at this. You don't even need math, just some common sense.
>Then you just plug in 20/30 and it doesn't work out, so it's 30/40.
That defeats the whole purpose of the exercise, which is to solve it entirely with logic. May as well simply try any and reload.
well you can also do it with 20
or 2
drawing a circle with a compass
not without incorporating empty space
Why the fuck would Aliens capable of interstellar travel not understand basic math. Math and by extension Geomtry is universal fuck you Layton you fucking hack and fuck your hat too.
Wow, all those idiots not realizing that it's the 10x10 square at the top that matters. No one cares about the dimension that is 12 in deep, just like you wouldn't care about it being .5 in deep if you made a huge square you first thought of.
How does this even work? Doesn't the character have an Intelligence stat? By asking that question and letting the player answer it,the whole stat system becomes completely useless. Did boomers actually play this crap and think it was good?
The question is retarded. Like many of these "puzzles" are. Why would ANYONE want a giant cube of tiles? It makes far more sense for one to want to place said tiles in a floor, in a square arrangement, which is why the answer is 30 and anything else is autistic or wrong.
Did the riddle make you feel stupid user?
It's okay. We won't tell anyone.
Baldur's Gate is an awful RPG series. Between the aged gameplay, the shitty writing, and the non-RPG options outside of combat, there's no reason for people to play it.
>specifically showed 0.5 inch depth in the picture
>obviously this one doesn't matter for the purposes of the question
5. 1 laid flat with the other four standing on end
But it said make a square, not a cube.
but the germs won't fill it entirely because some of the space will be occupied by the water
Its was good at some point but has age like milk.
It's just a puzzle, why does it have to go along with real world analogies you like?
59 minutes
No dumbass tricks like that, the illustration is irrelevant
It's simple, you drink the contents of the bottle
59 minutes.
why would it be there then
Wouldn't it be 5?
You should be able to solve this.
I just know it's the third one, not why or even WHICH just that it's third
I'll take the goat
Whichever one I didn't pick before.
>No quiestion + bait riddle pic
Fuck off
It's two.
Put one on top of the other with 2 inches exposed on the 10 inch side.
door 2 has the goat's backside and door 1 has a big pile of shit that the goat made
wtf is the riddle
Never, germs would turn on each other because of different ethnicity, race war nao
Every Layton puzzle has one because the DS has a second screen
funny, the answer's the same as the chances of you getting laid ever haha
But I fucked your mom just last night, bro.
The Xs are the same age
same, played through this game so many times back in the day.
oh sorry my calculations were off
Beamdog is a guilty of a number of different crimes. Here are the major ones.
1. The Enhanced Editions are essentially a collection of free mods that had existed for nearly twenty years. Beamdog gathered them all up, slapped "Enhanced Edition" on it and resold it as a new product. There's very very little in the Enhanced Editions that wasn't already out there, and most of it is stuff you don't want (like obnoxious character outlines).
2. The games didn't sell so well and the originals were still far outselling them, even twenty years after their release, so Beamdog had EVERY digital distributor stop selling the originals and ONLY sell the Enhanced Edition. If you want to buy a digital copy of the originals now, they're "bundled" into the Enhanced Edition. Now these scumbags can claim sales from people just wanting to buy the originals as their own.
3. The infamous 600+ bugs on launch. The game is still riddled with bugs (as even a perfunctory glance over their forums show) but the fact that it took nearly two years for them to get a game that had been working fine for 20 years to reach playability after launch is telling of their wild incompetence.
4. This is where we get to the ones that really piss people off. Beamdog couldn't just remaster the game, they had to fuck with the content too. New dialogue for existing NPCs like Jaheira, Viconia, Safana, Kivan, et cetera was written in to make the characters more progressive and leftist friendly. Beamdog shills will argue that "adding content isn't changing content XDDD" but it is when the new content changes the core personalities of the existing characters. This is in addition to adding a slew of their own LGBT (hitherto there were none in Baldur's Gate) NPCs, all flooded with OP attributes and magic items to encourage people to play them despite their cancer.
5. Siege of motherfucking Dragonspear.
what do you mean i don't know how to read
pick a random option, then answer the easier riddle he gives you after you fail.
I'd argue not. Consider that in this instance you need to do just as much legwork to translate the riddle into individual mathematical statements and at that point you may as well just plug the different options in your head and come to the correct conclusion that way rather than needlessly solving for y like that user did.
Disappointed in your tardiness
He's been getting slower and lazier.
You really think that? I think solving it by logic is much faster in this case.
2 and 4 can't be right as the text tells me the princess is older. "when she is twice as old as the prince when she was half their summed age": (20 + 30) / 2 is 15, twice is 30. This says "when she hits 30 he will be as old as she was, which is impossible as she can't hit 30 when the first answer says shecurrently is 30.
Thus only 3 can be true. Unless someone is really well versed in math and pulls equations out of his ass as easy as a faggot takes a dick in it I dare say the logic way is faster.
Yes but you should've immediately discarded any answer that has the Prince be older than the Princess to cut down on the work you put in.
Random pick between 1 and 2, each has a 50% of having a car since I didn't pick any door before.
>if people don't like that, then too bad
Funny how it wasn't "too bad" when it was her reeeeing at fictional female characters.
usually I'm the one autistic enough to post it at the start of a thread but i needed a shit and thought somebody else would handle it, also was banned for last few days so thats why its getting slower, its not me posting it
Acutally both of them have a pile of shit, the question never said there was a car behind one of them.