What are your 3 Red flags for someones taste in vidya
What are your 3 Green flags?
What are your 3 Red flags for someones taste in vidya
What are your 3 Green flags?
they use discord
they're a trapfag
they like nintendo
what is that supposed to taste like?
Mountain dew?
we've come full circle, damn
>Red flags
Life is strange
>Green flags
New Vegas
Dead Space
Devil May Cry
That's clearly piss
>he doesnt eat his mountain dew and drink his doritos
see a doctor
red flags
>popular online fpses
>witcher III
>exclusively pc gaming
green flags
>exclusively pc gaming
>loves 95-05 sims and crpgs
>doesnt play anything newer than NV (except for games like pathfinder, atom, prey 2017 etc.)
>Orange piss
are you alright man?
your pee isnt supposed to look like that, you should go for a check up.
I wonder where the guy on the right is now
thats a lotta bait
>red flags
only plays multiplayer games
any AAA or zoomer shit
lack of Japanese games
>Green flags
overabundance of superior Japanese games
plays mostly or solely single player (or couch multiplayer) games
most of their favorite games came from before 2006
it really does bother me that it says "they grinded" instead of "they ground"
modern day fire emblem
mediocre indie games (not hidden gems, just completely mediocre humble indie bundle filler-type stuff)
Nintendo, Rocket League/SSB, gamer/gaming on the nick
>Yea Forums likes it
>Yea Forums hates it
>What are your 3 Red flags for someones taste in vidya
Strictly liking FPS' only
Considers VNs games
Thinks pre GenIV was peak Pokemon
>What are your 3 Green flags?
Plays a MOBA but doesn't do flamewars
Has both Physical and Digital games
Has played Power Stone/Gauntlet/House of the Dead 2 on arcade cabinets.
Green flags:
>they hate western games, because they like cute girls in their games
>they hate flavor of the month games (shooters, battle royale) while they love things like action games, fighting games and story based games
>they browse Yea Forums
Red Flags:
>*insert goblina orcuisha ugly ass western character* "finally some real representation!"
>"Dude you NEED to play apex it's not like the other games it's actually fun
by that logic Revolution 60, Lawbreakers and Anthem were good games.
They were tho
lol no
>ps4 bricker
>failed tf2 clone
has an anime girl avatar
likes Sonic
owns Sony handheld
best so far
What's wrong with anime
Red flags
>Refuses to play games because they were developed/published by X
>Refuses to play games before or after a certain time
>pepe/waifu/meme avatar or Yea Forums reference in name
Green flags
>PC gaming / Idort
>Top 3 favourite games are from different genres and aren't all large AAA releases
>Clear communication in multiplayer games without memes or wooooooow
>Refuses to play games because they were developed/published by EA
Kill yourself mate.
Whoa there user, first time not being called a faggot on Yea Forums, making me feeling uncomfortable here.
Not that guy, but nothing's wrong with anime, just the people with the avatars almost always make things weird in my experience.
>Refuses to play SSX Tricky
See it works
I guess that really grinded your gears huh.
>>ps4 bricker
that's why it's good
Understandable, not all are weirdos tho
Wait, I can get game pass AND doritos at the same time? Holy SHIT
Red lights:
Likes Ass Creed
Battle royale
Green lights:
Hates ass creed
Plays fighting games
Likes dark souls
>Red Flags
- Really into massive open world RPGs with too much content
- Actually wants to talk about the plot and characters of jRPGs in person
- Plays games 30+ hours a week but it's all single player games for the story and role playing rather than competition and optimisation.
>Green Flags
- Likes to be a 'gamer' in a casual way, like they own a 3ds rather than phone gaming and they play some old games every now and then (plays stuff like Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Katamari, new FE games, Kirby, etc)
- Isn't familiar with / doesnt follow dev studios or publishers, just plays games because they checked them out and it seemed cool.
- Has a couple favourite games from when they were a teenager but doesn't religious play entire series of games.
I knew this guy that wouldn't try anything unless it was realistic and had a call of duty style gameplay, I tried introducing him to DMC, Metal Gear, Team Fortress 2, Half Life, Doom and Fallout New Vegas, Each and every time it'd be shot down with a
>This doesn't look good because it's not realistic
>Its gameplay isn't as good as CoD
Other people tried to get him into other games but he was a complete drone, I never understood why
>Hates games like COD on principle
>plays gacha
>Trader of any kind
>Doesn't justify their preferences
>plays weird niche titles, but not exclusively
>Is not restrained to 1-2 genres
What's wrong with loving single player games?
Life is Strange
Final Fantasy Tactics
Metal Gear in general
Is this truly the dawning of the Dewrito?
>red flags
witcher 3
fortnite or any other br obviously
sony tpp action game #2378
>green flags
nuFromSoftware games
Hollow Knight
Mass Effects
i'd say DMC5 but i'm newfag to this series and i don't want to shill something i haven't fully comprehend
what such shitty cunt like you doing here on Yea Forums?
Red flags
>bring up /pol/ discussion or political discussion at all
>plays multiple mmos
>plays fighting games
Green flags
>they like party games
>they like co-op games
>they have an anime avatar
>onions green is gamers
>red flags
-cares about graphics (ex: dude i dont play this 90's game cuz its graphics are shit lmao)
-plays sports games
-calls himself a gamer
>green flags
-doesn't act like a retard when playing multiplayer games (ex: no chat spamming, no friendly fire)
-plays different genres of games
-doesn't get carried away by others opinions because he's objectively sure about what he likes and dislikes
>This doesn't look good because it's not realistic
Man, I will never understand people like that. It’s a vidya gaem, why do they always have to be realistic?
-Multiplayer only games
-Games built primarily as a skinner box (division, anthem, destiny etc)
-Open world crafting survival early access
-RTS games (age of empires, command and conquer, starcraft 1, warcraft 3 etc)
That's all my green flags.
>Refuse to play games because it has subs and not a dub
>refuse to play games outside of their single genre comfort zone
>They like Life is Strange
>Red flags
New Vegas / Any TES/Fallout
Mass Effect / Any Bioware
>gtav is the best game ever
>just got the newest fifa
>wheres the english dub
Can someone explain the discord obsession to me
>red flags
lists life is strange as a red flag
These cosplayers are coming to beat your headass up nigga.
>anime profile pic
>meme profile pic
>slang in their username
>usernames that are coherent and simple (no random capitalization, numbers, etc.)
>deep voice
>doesn't change usernames often
its just zoomers version of IRC moaning
before discord everyone complained about the IRC boogieman too
S..oylent Gamer, it's PEOPLE!
>tfw you meet someone who is actually really good at a game at a con
Good times.
I went to an event a few months ago and it was pretty small, only a couple hundred folk so not a full on convention. They had a Taiko set up and I was the only person who understood the menus so I spent a good amount of time explaining it to people and playing with them etc.
These two girls in cosplay showed up and we played some, one was pretty quiet but she was damn good at the game. Was a fun time.
Sorry, but real people who play games don't call themselves gamers, they call themselves "Gamestas"
It tastes like GAMER
Ocarina of Time being their favorite game is a sure sign you're dealing with a casual NPC who "likes" games but gets all their opinions from what's popular.
>Red Flags
-Platform warrior
-East VS West retardation
-Has no actual opinion on the games they play other than "Lmao they're fun" or some other passive opinion
>Green Flags
-Autistic/Rare JRPGs and strategy games
-Well-curated and/or clearly defined trend for games they play
-Extensive knowledge of at minimum one game's mechanics (at least one game that isn't an FPS like CoD)
>Red Flags
Popular games
>Green Flags
games Yea Forums likes
Just dicking around
I'm gonna give 6 green flags instead:
Dragon's Dogma
Custom Robo
Amazing Frog w/ friends
Conan Exiles w/ friends
Monster Hunter w/ friends
Favorite Souls game is DS1 or DeS
This. It should be red.
I like all of those except LiS and kinda Dead Space. I appreciate Dead Space for what it is, and I am saddened that it became another of EA's victims. I just never felt the need to play Dead Space to begin with. Otherwise all of those are good.
thanks user. what are your green flags?
don't really have any green or red flags I'm pretty easy going and accepting
>Being this assblasted
what fucking convention is this with so many furfags walking around?
you sound alright, redpill me on amazing frog
a furry convention, obviously. those guys are just there to troll.