Vita Thread

Post your Vita.

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hideous omfg

stfu switchsoi

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wow how long did it take you to come up with that one dammm sure got me good
no but I'm not poor I've got a gpd win 2

for what purpose

he REALLY seems to enjoy his 400mhz guess

>I'm not poor I've got a gpd win 2
yeah but you sure are stupid
they're expensive as fuck now, and prices are only gonna go up
I have like 6 N3ds' so stay mad nigs

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>but you sure are stupid
i can be as stupid as I want but at least I have games

no fuck off.

>mad about a dead console
I mean alright I guess

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your massive no battery life brick with a fucking fan can play a ton of games I bet.
Also I was gonna buy a win 2 because portable dreamcast seemed cool, but the buttons are mushy as fuck and it runs hot as fuck.
Just buy a laptop, controller and 3ds.

my battery lasts like 8 hours budi
>the buttons are mushy as fuck
You do know the controller portion of the device is made by ALPS, the company that makes dualshock 4 button switches and thinkpad keyboards, right? I have NEVER felt "mush", the buttons feel closest to a Wii classic controller and the sticks feel like vita sticks.
>it runs hot as fuck.
i oc'd mine from stock 7 watts to 11 and it still doesn't get hot, were you letting it sit on a blanket or some shit?
Honestly though it all sounds retarded, I think you've never used one

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Vita collection

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dude the guy that fucking shills these shitty chink handhelds showed that they have massive thermal issues
There wouldn't be entire separate projects just to cool the fucking thing down

And yes the dpad fucking sucks and when the buttons don't feel like they have marshmellows under them they bind like a bitch. I used one for a few days and managed to get through most of SA2 before I got tired of sweaty hands and the stupid fan whirring.
You paid the equivalent of a very good PC for some shitty device.

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Who taiHenkaku + sd2vita here?

>gpd win 2

buy a replacement screen plate for that GBP right now

>dude the guy that fucking shills these shitty chink handhelds showed that they have massive thermal issues
I literally just watched that video and no surfaces of the win 2 ever broke past 35c. It's like putting your hand on your forehead.
Do you actually have brain damage?
>There wouldn't be entire separate projects just to cool the fucking thing down
Check your fucking water supply for fluoride Jesus Christ
>dpad fucking sucks
yeah I'll give you that but it's usually at least serviceable at least for the games I play.

I legitimately think you are thinking of the gpd win 1 and not the 2.

Are we doing this?

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hi papi

are you retarded?
from his own fucking video
also the plastics were hitting 50C in other video.
Hilarious trying to justify your $600 chinese toy.
did you install cfw? lets you load games without a flashcart and has a very good gbc emulator.
Does yours also have infinite fucking battery life?

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I have a fully hacked Vita 1000

Can I link my DualShock 4 to it?
Or was it only possible to do the contrary i.e. use Vita as controller

DS3 and 4 works

Are you telling me you think internal CPU temperature is something that would reflect outwardly?
67c is fine for a CPU. It doesn't break 35 outside.
>Hilarious trying to justify your $600 chinese toy.
I can play anything I want at any time anywhere

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on your plastic poorly ventilated toy? Absolutely.
Imagine trying this hard to defend your shitty purchase to strangers.

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>did you install cfw? lets you load games without a flashcart and has a very good gbc emulator.
Yup, HiyaCFW is a godsend.

>Does yours also have infinite fucking battery life?
Cant really put a time on it but compared to the 3DS it feels like it lasts forever, the other day I was playing through Spirit Tracks and by the time the light turned red I was halfway through the game. The Switch's battery life looks like a concept prototype in comparison. Also these things seem to be indestructible, my red/pink one took quite a beating and all it has is some plastic deformation.

imagine being this mad cuz someone has a cooler toy than u
ttyl playing ssx tricky on my handheld

reporting for duty, also have a Switch but my god is that thing built poorly and damn is it uncomfortable (Octopath was fun though)

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How many of you portablefags own one of these?

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A man of culture, never taken a photo of all my consoles together

wtf you need 4 psp for?
and wtf is that gameboy thing?

That shit looks like a Digivice.

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>pokemon mini
>most games not even released in NA
the pinball game was actually just pachinko and the tetris game used the fucking gyro to rotate blocks instead of the buttons. what a turd.

I saw a Neo Geo pocket at my thrift store once for 30 bucks, I thought that there was no way I could get games for that at a reasonable price and passed. Came back the same day later for it since it was only $30 and it was gone. Not sure if I should feel regret.

How's the games situation? How's the wonderswan btw?

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Dude NGP has a flawless library, literally no bad games and unlike the other Neo Geo hardware there's actually a lot of stuff besides fighting games and shmups (not like the AES etc. don't have other types of games but they're few and far between).
I'd recommend Sonic Pocket Adventure if you want platformers or Biomotor Unitron if you want RPGs, also the joystick is the best one ever made i'd say

I was asking more about rarity and prices of the games. The gameboy family games are fairly cheap and common but I don't think I ever saw NGP games ever at thrift or garage sale but maybe I wasn't paying attention.

lol what a fag

Interesting game.

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now I see why snoy discontinued the vita


>sony announces support is officially dead
>all vitas in my area drop $40 in price
Their going for $80 now which seems like just the right time to jump on, buy a shit tonne of ps1 games and persona golden, then fuck off.

Its actually pretty good

The charger has been like this for years, I don't know why it still works.

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my charger is starting to get like that too. when it goes out I'll solder a microUSB in there.

Clean your console nigger. Get a soft brush and some isporopyl alochol and scrub that shit.

DT2 is unironically a great game.

Man, have some shame and clean your Vita.

The Vita Shiren The Wanderer Dice of Fate game is unironcially amazing. Best mystery dungeon game.

based and dirtypilled

Recommend me good vita games

good evening my vitabros

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where the fuck do I go to find some niggas to play vita multiplayer with? shiiiiiit

I love my vitas
tell me how shit my taste is

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good games. I love the vita's library.

what case is that?

looks like a generic trigger grip off amazon

any idea if those have room to fit a glass screen protector?

nope, I don't have one. the grip that is. but the glass isn't very thick and looks like it should be fine.

It's just the standard generic case from eBay. Just put "Vita Grip R2 L2" and you'll find them. It's a really good grip, very comfy.

is there enough of a gap for a glass protector?

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>dariusburst had a vita release
playing that in the full arcade setup must be fun

I still have my original ps vita from when i got it in 2014 and i love the thing but never really play it much.
Is the slim version worth getting? Does it feel better?

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Limited Run did the physical release

Too bad they ruined the graphics for the Vita release.

There is a small gap but I don't own a glass protector so its hard to say. If its not too thick it should be fine.

not even sure how that happened

I have a white/blue vita 2k, and I'm thinking of snapping up a red vita 1k in case this one craps out. Do you guys think it'll be cheaper now or after the exploit for 3.69/3.70 comes out?

I can only imagine they'll keep dropping in price
back before EOL faggots were claiming their vitas were only going to increase in price. like in what backwards ass line of thinking did they come to that conclusion?

price is only going to go up from here.

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Prices are only going to rise for the Vita. Once the 3.70 exploit is out, expect every 3.70 Vita on Ebay to get a $30-50 price increase or worse. Every sub-3.69 Vita is grossly overpriced. At best, those Vitas will see a price drop but the current updated Vitas will get higher. Especially if its a mint condition one and a phat one.

Have they been dropping in price? All the vitas on are third party at over $300+ now and ebay doesn't seem to be cheap either.

Would you say that 50€ for an OG pic related is worth it considering it comes with the box and all accessories?

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I got my Vita for $110 a few weeks ago. It came with the system near-mint, charger and 8GB memory card. Very happy with it.

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I feel the original 3ds has the best build quality out of the entire 3ds line

I bought mine for $70, but I overpaid because it is a japan-only color I wanted (to match my Vita). 50 eurobucks for a complete boxed 3DS sounds good. if you are coming from a Vita you should temper your expectations, the 3DS is inferior in every way hardware wise, and you can't leave it in sleep mode forever like the Vita (the battery drains slowly). I still enjoy mine though.

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>super Mario 3D Land

I just realized the 3DS was 8 years ago.

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You think it wouldve been more comfortable if the vita was a bit larger, like 3ds xl type larger?

I think the Vita is too big and heavy as it is.

question, is this the ice white or the pure white?
both came out in japan so I was confused
I'm considering getting one because damn that looks really nice

>vita right stick doesn't respond properly

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No. With the Vita they went as big as they possibly could without sacrificing portability. The 3ds xl is too large for what it's worth and it's shape already makes it less pocket friendly than the Vita.

In hindsight though it doesn't matter considering 90% of Switch owners use it in handheld mode.

mine was advertised as Ice White and I'm not sure what the difference is between Pure White. Mine has a slight sparkle/glitter in the finish, you can see it better in this photo.

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oh, alright
the difference was the pure white is much more glossier like the flame red variation

from all the anons in these threads with giant wing grips I think a Vita XL would have sold well even though I think it would be ridiculous

do you have a 2000 model? that's normal. buy new sticks off aliexpress, it only takes a phillips head screwdriver to replace them. and get two, the other one will fail eventually.

Contribooting with a pic of my vita and 3ds. Vita gets way more love and use than the 3ds; I wish fatlus would put SMT/DeSu games on Sony consoles again.

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When I bought it the screen was scratched to all hell so I replaced the entire front, but at least it came with a spongebob game

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damn that actually looks pretty good with the blue buttons and black frame

looks pretty slick user.

Thank you guys
I wonder why Sony never tried to release models with accented buttons

they released a new patch for vita in the past months, yes?
can I still spoof the version to ps4 link and all that stuff?
also what is a reliable way to get vita games? nopaystation with the browser thing?

nopaystation is the best way, or PKGj for the least effort but downloading takes longer.

could never get pkgj to work desu
gonnna play vidya with the lads, thanks have a good thread all

I wonder why the face buttons aren't color coordinated? I hate how soulless they look.

some of the Asian colors straight up look like prop consoles at times

ah neogeo pocket color and wonderswan color, nice.

Got dodonpachi running today.
Found out how to get it to play vertically and I've been having a blast all day.

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What color do you guys prefer your handhelds to be?

white with black trim

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Matte black finish only.

White pretty much always. The Vita's glossy finish is just a crime against humanity, especially with black. I learned my lesson with my black PSP.

where's the best place to get parts for the vita nowadays?

Why do britcucks call it a Paystatin Veeter?

aliexpress, ebay if you can't wait and don't mind paying 2-3x as much.

damn, I might have to pay more. interacting with the chinese and reading "dear friend" again might just push me over the edge.

Why do britcucks say PS FREE instead of PS THREE?

nah that goes to the smoll N3ds

Chinks usually don't fuck up the orders, so if you order it, you can be sure it'll be delivered without ever interacting with the seller.
t. frequent aliexpress user

how are the sly ports? as good as MGS or shitty like jak?

>I've got a gpd win 2
Self owned

>considering 90% of Switch owners use it in handheld mode
considering they all walk around with soifanny packs and backpacks that doesn't really count.
To me the the 3dsxl is more pocketable because you don't have to worry about fucking your stick(s) with a clamshell. But it's kinda top heavy which makes it a little uncomfortable when you use the dpad or hold it with one hand for KIU

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I wish the vita would get P5 as its last real game


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Better than Jak. Pretty much most of the PS2 to Vita ports are playable, with the Jak collection being the absolute worst due to frame rate issues that make it a pain in the ass to play.

Yeah, if the P5 remake came out on the vita that'd be fucking awesome. I did end up remote playing a fair bit of P5 on the vita and honestly it managed fine (without L2/R2 trigger grips either), so... pls notice us Sony-senpai.

They ported catherine FB right pretty much right before production stopped (inshallah we'll get an english patch), published caligula in the vita's dying years and P4G was pretty much the main system pusher throughout most of the vita's relevancy in NA.
If they can get it to work on switch it should also be possible to port it to vita.

Whats the best grip for the vita?

Any GBA emulators for Vita/PSP that run this scene without lagging? It's been my test for performance.

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One can only hope, user. Did you do the Atlus survery awhile back where they were trying to gauge system usage and interest in their titles? I really gave a bit of a push on mine about Vita representation and Trauma Centre REEEEEE GIVE ME MORE.
Have you tried gpSP?

Just use a 3DS for GBA games since it runs them natively.

Using the Retroarch version? Still lags. If there's a better version I'd like to know.
I can do that, but I vastly prefer my Vita's screen so I'm looking into this first.

I wanted excuses to buy a vita but there isn't a single "must play" vita exclusive

Persona 4 Golden.

How's moonlight? I got 5ghz router connected to my PC with Ethernet cable. Does vita even support 5ghz WiFi?

Not sure but I don't think so? I'm using UO gpSP kai v3.4 test 4 build 225 through Adrenaline.

i got an entire column of deal pixels on my vita 1.0 .. so mad that it happened I havent touched it since. Been thinking of buying a replacement screen for $40 but who fucking knows if it's worth the hassle.. might just let it rot and get a switch

>my original launch aqua blue 3DS has a screen scratch that bothers the hell out of me when playing anything
>Nintendo doesn't do repairs on that model anymore

Fuck bros, should I just shell out for a used original 3DS on ebay? I won't be using my 3DS a ton, but I really care about my console/game collection being in good condition.


>mfw installed homebrew
>Can get literally anything I want
>Been learning nip so it doubles as a nip practice machine
I ran out of spacejavascript:;

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No I got to figure out the best aspect ratio to fill the vita screen.

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not nice

why not sell it then? dead columns are repairable (sometimes).

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As someone who played MGS3D which ran at 9-15 fps multiple times Jak 1 running at 20 and the rest running at 20-30 fps doesn't seem so bad.
I only had jak 2 when I was young and they emulate like shit so I guess I'll deal. I'll download it when I get my sd2vita
Zero 2 seems to be one of the most demanding GBA games and it runs fine with an overclock other than the occasional stutter here and there. So FFVI, even patched, should be fine.

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I meant specifically the Intro Title Screen thing with the animated flames, which is of course not a gameplay section so it doesn't matter in the end, but I'm afraid of playing a game for the first time and it lagging to the point it ruins the experience.

install lolicon and retroarch and just try it out dude

I played through 1-3 and they ran perfect, though the later games have some assets that weren't updated to Widescreen but it isn't an issue.


Anyone else play this game? Dont want to derail the thread, but Hit detection is lenient in some areas. I see bullets coasting past my wings.

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I'm going off personal experience, user, every emulator I've tried so far can't handle it even with Overclocking, was hoping for some emulator I've missed.

thanks bro


Has the best dpad I've ever used desu.

I really wish I'd picked up a Vita TV while they were $30.

best I can see is TempGBA via Adrenaline, because nobody fucking optimizes shit for vita.


Reminder they thought of giving Shinya a Vita but they didn't do it.

p4g sold better on vita that PS2 with an install base less than 10% of what the PS2 had.
P5R will come out on both switch and vita, watch.

Don't be surprised if they don't localize the Vita version, like with Catherine Full Body

i want that hello kitty gbc


Someone on Letgo is selling a vita which he claims is in perfect condition for 40$ just lacking a charger.
How much of a chance do I have of this being real and not getting my kidneys stolen?

I really want to turn it into my portable emulation machine

Jesus the amount of soi in this picture...

meet him at a police station to make the sale.

>Catherine Full Body
100% it's getting the english script patched in
CFB and P5 run a similar engine, there's no way they would just port one game over without the other

>100% it's getting the english script patched in
If someone's working on it feel free to link me I'd like it too.

it should be straightforward to port the english PS4 script when it comes out, whether it be automated or by hand.
vita and 3ds scenes are fucking based unlike the tranny infested shit with the switch.

>wtf you need 4 psp for?
not him but those are comfy for lan parties

>vita thread
>we never add each other as friends
don't be shy, guys, I know some of you are down for playing golf, or EDF

how much should i be paying for a vita in good condition and hackable firmware?

now get the blue/black new 2ds xl for maximum aesthetic

hori grip>everything else

Posting again from yesterday. Tyrian 2000 is great.

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>Those times when my cousins worked together to capture the tanks in peace walker

It was tedious and wasted a lot of time but was damn fun

My collection (and Spelunky, whenever it ships).

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Retired my Vita now Catherine is out and the new game market is looking dead. Great little console, this was the only grip I could stand for it.

Picked up a Switch because I figured it'd be the next go-to for most of the companies I liked, and it's a pretty nice console. I fucking LOVE the detachable controllers so I don't have to hold the hunk of plastic up, I can just set it in a mount or something. I tried something similar with the Vita and a DS3, but it was pretty cumbersome.

My main complaints are probably the lack of D-pad, terrible stick orientation if you ever want to use the D-pad, and how easy it is to block the wireless signal with your fingers because Nintendo are retarded and thought anyone would use those awful straps.

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Boy I sure love my handhelds!

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Has the Vita been fully hacked to where it gets software that runs better than it would on PSP?

Does it have any SD to whatever expensive proprietary memory format it has that costs a fucking fortune?

I'm on 3.70 like an asshole and I just want to hack it already

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All I want is a sequel for the PS5 with good production values!

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Sexy af

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>it should be straightforward to port the english PS4 script
How would they do that when it's not possible to decrypt newer PS4 games?

How can I sync ds4 to vita? It won’t let me do it. I’d love to use it for remote play

Post a game that made you bought vita .

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still mad Aegis Rim got it's vita version axed.

It wasn't bad but definitely one of the weaker entries.

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you need the ds4 plugin.

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the vita is seriously the best handheld its just a shame that the library flopped

What do you even play on this shit beside weeb games?

Yeah it's tricky to get it working. Use a tutorial from a website called psvitamod or something like that. It pops up around 3rd on Google

Yep, it's fast, lightweight, good battery, touchscreen, psn features (+voice chat), a browser and although it was a mistake, easy homebrew installation. The only bad thing is that it's kinda hard to aim on fps games but still better than all the other handhelds.