Playing as a female character

>playing as a female character
>mom enters my room
>"oh, are you gay now, user? haha"

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>"yes mom, please fuck my little boypussy with your strap-on!"

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dumb frogposter

t. loser who wants to be a girl

>Things that didn't actually happen

Your mom calls you user? Cool name

it actually did happen once

You two are queer freaks. Can't wait to see you burn in hell.

>son how come you play as the panda girl in world of warcraft
>y-yknow pandas are really OP their racials are great and the male pandas just, uhh, their animations are bad
>oh ok

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>playing as Alexios in Odyssey
>have to go underwater during quest
>dad walks in

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your dad already knows you're a fuckup user

>user, why are you growing your hair out? You looked so handsome before, but now you look like a hippie rockstar! haha!

>tell mom I'm gay
>says she was suspicious for a while and was waiting for me to say it
>not flamboyant or stereotypical in any way
>remember I played as girls in games and she inevitably must have seen them
That can't be it right bros

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>post le funni paypay maymay
>mom enters room
>"oh, so you're a faggot now, user?"

>your mom's face when

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>stepdad calls me girl version of my boy name when I'm a kid because he wants to be mean
>transition to girl


>Make all my characters Shirtless, buff men
>Dad walks in
>Starts massaging my shoulders

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>Mom yet again walking around the house with a salami in her pants to tease me about my fetish

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You showed him Stephanie

>when are you getting your hair cut, user?

>dad calls me names of girls with red hair to be mean

>playing as a female character
>dad enters my room
>beats the shit out of me on one of his drunken benders
>mom crying in the corner
>didnt even care what videogame i was playing

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she has 593 strength, which is really high

>your mom's face when

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wish my mom was still alive. threads like these make me miss her. i cant get into video game mommy threads because i just think about her. MILFs too. i think she wouldve been nice about it though, maybe thought that i wanted to experience different peoples view, not that i was horny lol

>not one, but two different doctors assume I'm gay
>catholic mother kept saying that she's OK with gay people whenever we were in a car alone
Why does it keep happening?

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Because you're going there too, faggot?

I just like to not play as myself as its creepy and i dont like the idea of being in these situations.Also I like writing characters with complex back storys “a female argonian trying to get money for her eggs protection” in skyrim for example.

No one has ever assumed I'm gay and I actually am half gay. Guess you just look like a faggot.

>that 20 year old loomer who "hated staring at man's asses" and always played female chars in MMOs
>ended up overdosing on titty skittles a few years later

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>play dragons dogma
>make female character
>dress her up like a qt 3.14
>fight monsters
>have fun

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Did they turn out hot or dead?

>be a soft little crybaby loser
>index finger is longer than ring finger
>like girly shit and don't take any interest in traditional boy stuff
>mom apparently makes bet with father that I'm gay
>become teenager
>get tired of being rejected by girls all the time
>start lifting
>speak with a deeper and commanding voice
>start acting more aggressive and confident
>get caught with a girl one day in the living room
>find out from dad that mom lost her bet

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This never happened, user

>Oh this is that RPG you were telling us about?
>Yeah, man! check it out you can do literally anything you wa-
>You made a girl? Is that a girl?
>... well yeah I just wan-
>Why are you playing as a girl, dude?
>I just didn't want to stare at a man's ass the whole time, you know?
>Why would you be starting at a man's ass?
>It's *voice cracks* always in f-front of you so it's like you d-
>I actually gotta go. I'll let myself out.
>Y-you too.

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>playing as female character
>dad enters room
>lol what do you think you look pretty in a dress or something son?
>find out dad is closet bisexual later in life and tried to convince my mom to have a threesome with another guy once.

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i want to jerk off so i play a female character dont @ me fucking faggots


At least you still have dads.

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>closet bisexual

kek, I feel bad for repressed boomers. He'll spend the rest of life dreaming about gloryhole cock and regretting marrying your mother

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Are they wrestling?

they haven't been together in years so he probably had his fair share when they split.

>living with your parents

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Bad reasons for playing as the girl
>I dont want to look at a mans ass
This shows that you're very insecure in your sexuality and cant stop looking at the mans ass meaning you're probably a huge faggot

good reasons for playing as a girl
>I want to stare at a girls ass all day
This shows that you want to look at a girls ass

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>uncle comes into my room and sees all my anime posters and figures
>"haha you must really like girls"

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You me? Mom saw me playing Dragon's Crown.

>decide to play dress up in a video game too
>dad kicks my door open
>he pulls down his pants and yells
>”N-NO DAD I MEAN YES” reply in tears
>he kicks my face in after
>wake up in the hospital with a broken nose, few broken teeth, and a dick drawn on the side of my face
>everyone in the hospital laughs and calls me a faggot as i go to check out


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this but unironically

>tfw unisex name so I can't be deadnamed but hateful bigots
ok this is epic :^)

Theres nothing wrong with wanting to be a girl without being a tranny freak

t. tranny freak in denial

>tfw unisex name

So? Did your uncle rape you or something?

>playing as a female character
>mom enters my room
>"Oh she's nice, user, is she your girlfriend?"
also really happened

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Yeah so? Atleast im not a insecure faggot

>son how come you spend all day watching that streamer girl play games but never play them yourself
how the fuck do i respond to this

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I wish

You can't actually overdose on it. I thought you meant they got huge boobs or something.

anyone who wants to be the other gender is a tranny by definition. It's just some actually transition and others don't.


>>not one, but two different doctors assume I'm gay
in what situation would a doctor mention your assumed sexuality?

If you're a man, and you like man, why are you playing as a woman? I don't get it, how are women relevant to your life in any way?

Well, was she your girlfriend?

Talking about safe sex and sex life in general.

non-existent dads can't choke and shout at you

You aren't actually supposed to stick things up your butt. Having a vagina for penis to go in is simply a practical choice and is probably the
root of the fantasy. That's my theory anyways, since there's no men to trap in singleplayer games.

>>playing as a female character
>>mom enters my room
>>"oh, are you gay now, user? haha"
Considering i'm playing and staring at a girls body i think that would make me straight mom...i love pussy LMFAO XD!

Any doujin with this concept? I'm a searchlet

>always pick female because I'm a degenerate
>play with coworkers for the first time
>forgot to switch back to male
>"who's this faggot?"

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You should have calmly explained to her that female characters usually have a larger variety of outfits, the very idea of which makes you gigglesquee

I would actually jack off to the female characters I make. I admit I'm a loser but I'm certainly not gay.


>Playing with losers online
Ya blew it!

That's all porn artists do anyways.

If you have had the crushing feeling of being born in the wrong body ever since super early childhood, you have gender dysphoria (trans)

If you started getting a hard-on at the thought of being a girl while in puberty, you're not trans, you just have a sissy/feminization fetish and you're forcing it onto normal people.

95% of modern trannies are the latter.

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>itt: neets who have never had a real social interaction write fanfiction about what they think social interaction is like based off of shitposting on Yea Forums

how do I get rid of it

Very wise and lern-ed.


Just acknowledge it as a fetish and keep it to the internet. Don't start trooning out on your friends and colleagues.

the people that decided that autogynephilia leads into transsexuality are responsible for all of this shit
i'm an agp faggot that jerks off to giving titjobs and getting fucked in the pussy but i wouldn't actually want to be a girl. most things i jerk off to i wouldn't actually do in real life.

Sometimes I play as a girl in MMOs because it lets me use capitalization and punctuation and be courteous to people without being a weirdo loser faggot.

Playing a dude forces you to be all business all the time, use lowercase and acronyms, and be generally dismissive. If you care too much or act too proper as a guy then you will be ostracized. And I feel it both ways, I HATE partying with guys who type accurate English and try to be polite and shit. It's uncomfortable and it's a primary indicator that they're a casual shitter, or average at best.

When you play as a girl, people don't immediately think of you as being a guy, and therefore you can get a free pass to be sociable, express meaningless opinions to lighten the mood and engage others, and type properly.

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This only happens to people who post frogs and Wojaks

why are you ok with girls doing it but not guys?
also i consider a female character typing properly to be the number one indicator that it's probably a guy playing

>That one user who said his mom found out he had a fart fetish
>His mom cut a fart and told him "Sorry, didn't mean to arouse you" and laughed about it.

At least you don't have it as bad as that dude.

You just have that kind of look about you

What the fuck kind of MMOs have you been playing? No one takes you seriously if you don't use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
It makes you look like a god damn brazilian. You should probably just not concern yourself so much with the subhuman garbage that orbit
anything with a bagina on the internet. You're starting to think like subhuman garbage too.

I remember when I bought Bayonetta and my mom saw the box she made some comment about me being gay. Jokes on her. I'm just an incel



Why would it be gay to play as a woman? Unless you're romancing all the women? Or is it a game with only straight romances and playing as a woman is the only way to romance the men?

this If I were you're dad I'd be asking the same question, despite knowing full well the answer.

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What's your female name? I like Alice.

Don't you mean, 'huehuehuehue.'

Reminds of the old ты ceгoдня лeтчик pasta.

They like the idea of what a woman is and want to pretend they are one. That means pretending that you're a sexy girl who all the guys want to fuck.

This isn't complicated.

>playing MMO
>made a cute girl tank because that's my fetish
>mom enters my grotto
>Oh, so you're playing as a girl now?
>leaves before I can respond
>later asks me if I'm transgender

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