this games was literal perfection
>tfw you'll never play it again for the first time
This games was literal perfection
You’re the equivalent of losers who spend hours on r/askreddit trying to get a thread going to validate their sad lives. This is the lowest quality bait ever. Go kill yourself and never come back here.
Thankfully I never played it for the first time.
I'll be able to keep my brain cells intact, unlike the unfortunate mouth-breathers who think this game is a 10/10.
>tfw actually preorder this shit
>i'll never get that 60$ back
I tried to play it and didn't get past the first hour or 2 because it was so boring. Also, annoyingly in your face with it's political message. Like... yes, the Klan is bad. But making the bad guys dress like the Klan just to establish they're the bad guys is still lazy writing.
Great sound and art design, but the gameplay was meh. That's very bad for a video GAME.
>tfw bioshock name was tinted by this garbo
This place isn't fun at all :\
I'm sad I can't wank to elizabeth for the first time again it was good
Has there ever been a AAA game that disappointed you more then Bioshock Infinite? Like the hype alone could have been used to sell 3 other different games
Mass Effect
This game is good because it got Matt to say the word nigger 3 times in 45 seconds.
RDR2 definitely
Didn't live up to the hype in the slightest/most everyone hated it outside of the target normie audience and is even forgotten about now
It's definitely one of the best single-player FPSes ever made, but I can't give it a 10 in a world where Half-Life 2 exists. It's basically the best HL2 cover out there.
Who the fucks matt lol
someone who has had more sex than you and all he does is talk about video games.
if you're a brainlet and didn't play the other games i guess you could get enjoyment from this trainwreck
Well I've had sex twice but I also talk about movies
I wasn't dumb enough to have very high expectations to begin with. I did notice how bad original Bioshock was, and a lot of the materials released in the lead-up to the release made me even more dubious.
I won't deny that I was really surprised with just HOW MUCH it did suck, but I never really felt disappointed. Just bewildered and confused.
Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2 were all FAR bigger disappointments to me than B:I.
Breath of the Wild. After Skyward Sword I really wanted to see Zelda return to glory. Then I played the game. I tried to like it at first but the realization slowly sunk in that it was even worse than Skyward Sword
I liked it a lot. I don't replay it though because the gameplay was so-so.
It's a good single player FPS. It's massively overrated, and it's no where near the be all end all of narrative driven FPS games, but it's up there.
0/10 no Big daddies
Eaty ass faggot.
game had some pretty visuals and that's it
I think the version we didn't get looked so much more promising than the end result.
It's two swords, two keys and one scroll, right?
I actually liked everything but the visuals. I felt that was the game's biggest weakness, that it looked like utter shit compared to everything else that was being released around the same time.
>this kills the nip
It was held back by consoles. The 360/PS3 never should have lasted as long as they did. They were utterly, hopelessly outdated by the time Bioshock Infinite was released