Why yes i do play on the playstation 4

>Why yes i do play on the playstation 4

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Cute trap. Bet he rocks those heels like a boss.


post hole

Those are shitty heels/boots.

Those boots were made for walking.

Is this a dentist's office or something

wait a minute, i don't know how to feel about this.
Is this a delicious tomboy or a disgusting tranny?

you don't know what a tranny is ya simp

he's gay you idiot

It's a guy

I don't care. What does that thing have down there? That's all that matters.

theyre for fucking cock destroyers

Probably a massage place run out of his own house. No medical office would have hardwood floors.

Neither, technically, it's just an extremely faggy gay man who likes to were girl's clothes and makeup.

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Funny how this not-trappy gay dude manages to look more sexy and feminine (and has better taste in shoes) than most tryhard traps ever manage.

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its a laser hair removal

dont insult bj he is prescious

The fuck? He looks more like a woman than most trannies.

how do I get a smooth body like that tho

Holy shit, he looks like Miley Cyrus.

Do you mean that the hot gay dude looks like Miley Cyrus, or that Miley looks like a hot gay dude?
Also, video games

Well if you're beautiful it doesn't really matter how you present yourself, you'll always be beautiful


That's disappointing.

Looks like a Jerma genderswap.

That's not hard to do these days where being a tranny often means nothing more than giving yourself a retarded haircut/wearing a girly colored shirt and calling yourself Susie instead of Steven.

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