Who likes Futaba?
Who likes Futaba?
>*Stinks up your path*
low test fags probably
I love girl stink
futa is garbagetrash
I do
She's the only sexy girl in the game aside from the twins.
Futaba reminds me of this girl I used to work with who would fuck guys for drugs.
I'd fuck her.
she was alright. i went for the teacher though. i like women, not girls
She a qt
>tfw no petite neet gf
Never smelled it before.
shit navi.
i went for dr. thunder thighs instead.
Unshowered anons
If she was true neet she would be smelly and have hairy armpits+ bush
Boys like futaba. Men love sadayo
I picked Kawakami on my first playthrough then Futaba on my second.
Dumb master1200 poster.
She is mentally ill, OP.
Thats the best part
Just imagine
What kind of man doesn't like 15yo cunny?
I likes Futaba
15 is prime.
I can
Na. It's 16
She's alright but I love Anne.
No the people that play dubbed, her VA sounds like 30 year old smoker
Anne is the prime defition of basic bitch
I want to have children with her.
Wish I had a cute little sister like her.
best girls
I like Makoto.
An absolutely meaningless phrase and you should kill yourself for using it.
Too old
Me too.
Definitely wouldn't want to fuck her.
The proper term is Lovers Arcana user.
I dont blame you, but she is my wife so the only children she'll be having are mine
I LOVE Futaba!
Marry kawakami, adopt futaba, fuck both
>used goods
Greasy neet waifufags who like her because "omg she likes anime and games just like me xd"
Fags who have a fantasy/fetish with being a girl's "savior" by "showing her the real world" and her looking up to them.
Bunch of sad pathetic neckbeards.
Stop spreading lies ms chouno you skank
Tae > Hifumi > Haru > Makoto > Futaba > Chihaya > Ann > Sadayo > Ichiko
Sort of like Ann's meaningless existence. All she does is coast through life eating sweets and getting groped by disgusting old men. No real dreams, no aspirations, just half asking whatever strikes her fancy until she gets bored and moves on because she'll never actually struggle in life thanks to her looks.
I like the way you think
i do, she so cute, i wanted to date her but, i spent most of the game putting legwork into romancing the doctor that it would of been rude to fuck her and cuck her for this cutie.
How the fuck did these designs end up being so damn similar?
Me holding joker
I wanna date Futaba!
Futaba is my wife
he says while posting his waifu on a nipponese animu image board
oof, sounds like that hit close to home.
Muh gaming gf retards
More of a Tomorrow user myself, fuck Burichan fags.
I want to sleep in that butt
how do i get a gross smelly fujo girlfriend
Why not both?
>Buffs activates when the battle is nearly over
Arigatou Futaba-chan
except everyone had formed an idea about her based on her looks, that she was a stuck up bitch that fucked the teacher to get good grades, and even though she used her looks to get a modelling job that she was willing to work hard at all her colleages looked down on her, because she wasn't good enough in their eyes, not to mention her parents were always away, she was pretty lonely and depressed
t. Mika
>ywn go down on Futaba while she plays vidya
this guy gets it.
Well said but I feel people like that aren't even worth responding to.
>she was willing to work hard
>because she wasn't good enough in their eyes
That's literally the exact opposite of what happened. That fat pig just eats what she wants but never gains an ounce, she literally has life set to babby mode, that's why Mika despised her, because she did actually put work into her true goal in life, Ann was just passing by and figured she'd give it a whirl for shits and giggles.
>Kawakami isn't a pedo for dating a high schooler
>liking Futaba is pedo though
>Ann was just passing by and figured she'd give it a whirl for shits and giggles.
What is wrong with that? She had no attachment to modeling. It was literally nothing but part time job to her until she decided she wanted to make a career out of it towards the end of her confidant. She even mentions that modeling is how she caught the attention of Kamoshida which is another reason she's apprehensive about taking it more seriously in the beginning of her confidant.
She has no attachment to anything, that's the literal definition of a basic bitch.
Yup, this is why I said this Last time I respond to a retard like you.
>d-don't insult muh waifu
Pathetic, gonna cry?
>fucking your imouto
Obviously she has a fast metabolism because she is young, would catch up with as she ages, also doesn't she go running at the park to offset that?
Mika was jealous of Ann's youth, or of how accessible the business is now the compared to the past( which isnt anns fault) even though she was more popular and successful, so what if ann was passing through, is it wrong to try multiple things to find out what you want to do in life, that is literally what youth is for?
>is it wrong to try multiple things to find out what you want to do in life, that is literally what youth is for?
People tend to forget these characters are high schoolers and treat them like their adults.