Engineer truly is the cancer of TF2. His sentry gun is easy to build and way too fucking OP...

Engineer truly is the cancer of TF2. His sentry gun is easy to build and way too fucking OP. You need half the team to take it down sometimes, and he can get another one built in less than a minute. Plus, if there's a lot of enemy engineers, the objective is just swarmed with these aimbot bullshit guns, and the game becomes a long, boring standoff. Multiply that by 9000 if he has the wrangler equipped (fuck that item). If Valve fixed or got rid of the Engineer, TF2 would be a better game.

Attached: 250px-Engineer_TeddyRoosebelt.png (250x336, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

git gud
the correct only real cancer character is sniper and he's really not that bad

help, should I join RED or BLU?

Attached: 000.png (1074x567, 189K)

blu without a doubt

BLU, you can pocket rando.

Hey OP

Attached: tf3.png (683x548, 334K)

Going by classes alone, BLU is going to stomp. But the real answer is neither because they're both full.

blu never join memespewing dipshits they're usually bad

Definitely BLU

Attached: Australian TF2 Servers.webm (722x406, 1.94M)

>napolean blownapart
>russian guy
BLU without a doubt

Explain this meme to a newfag.

Attached: 1494362906305.webm (720x406, 2.91M)

Still need more clarification

Attached: basedaf.webm (720x404, 1.81M)

hey Yea Forums

Attached: ugleh.webm (1408x792, 2.33M)

what a blessed thread that was

Attached: ʸᵒʳᵉ.webm (74x42, 607K)

>build nest in 2fort Intel by myself
>friendly scout teleports in
>switches to the other team after hitting me for a few minutes
>go to spectate to find him sneaking into the Intel as spy
>he shows up and it's emptied
Got him

Attached: 1545703977645.png (543x543, 442K)


Attached: friendlies.png (564x768, 446K)

anyone who still has that as their name fucking 9 years later is not just a faggot but also retarded

Engineer's issue is that he's a flat class capable of doing anything - damage, heal, movement, tank - so long as it's defensive, and can't do anything if it requires him to be on the move. So Engineer is either the strongest and most important class or irrelevant, and rarely in-between.

Further, while these aren't directly issues with the class, Engineer suffers from two parasitic classes - Spy and Pyro. Spy is just a worse Scout with the ability to take down Engie nests as compensation - which means there's no point in taking Spy unless there's a Engie nest on the enemy team. And Pyro is just a fucking mess of a class - his name doesn't even matter to his playstyle, no-one gives a shit about afterburn unless there's another forced gimmick involved like crits - with his only singularly-strong role being to ward off Spies.

So Engie brings two other clases into the game, and if Engie isn't there then he takes them away with him. That leaves six classes remaining, and of them two are Heavy and Sniper, who are already pretty limited classes (slow and only good for mulching at mid-near range + emergency healing, ultra linearity defensive control). No wonder the remaining four classes are so overplayed.

Attached: Need Doktor NAO.png (399x384, 261K)


can someone elaborate on this
did some guy just went into 2 mosques and killed everyone?
