Would you consider kissing an android that looks like a human?

Would you consider kissing an android that looks like a human?

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literally would have 0 hesitation, I would also mating press an android that looks like a human and raise the half human half android babies(how that works I have no idea)

No. I'm not a loser. And I don't kiss inanimate pieces of technology, no matter how elaborate it is, that's just retarded.

>Tfw no android gf

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but imagine being with a girl, that can also vibrate

>Makes the greatest choice based adventure game ever made and will never be outdone

Heh nothing personal

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I'd kiss her with less hesitation than a real woman

Robot pedophilia.We know sex droids exist but robots cant get pregant and if she has real artificial intelligence ill whipe her memory of sex but nothing else so it’s morally ok to fuck android children

It will never love you, no matter how close it will be to a faux simuli. And it can be hijacked to actually bring you harm or possibly cut off your dick and make you eat it. Why would you ever get emotionally invested in this shit? I can absolutely picture a dweeb from future 4chins hijacking androids to shit in someone's mouth.

a bioengineered organic android like a replicant or a carbon (Mega Man Legends), i'd 100%

a mechanical one, nope

Yeah, but I don't think I would care much for it.

a robot can't give you an STD user

Si. But only if its an android that doesnt have the strenght to rekt you.

>It will never love you

So like a real woman then

If it's intelligent/sentient and consents, sure.
If it's ambiguous, I'd want to find out for damn sure so I don't end up in a Humans-type situation.

Not a chunky mamassita like her.

Don't all androids look human?

More like a school can't give you the proper education. Condoms, try using them. Even a dumbass can learn how to use it properly so it doesn't break so no excuse to not go fuck some sluts in a bar.


do you know how many retards don't keep their onaholes sanitized? you're more likely to die of gangrene or any other infection of your dick than an std from a real woman

I was talking about how you can get herpes from kissing user, can't use condoms there

i'd fuck anything that resembles a woman

order of preference: woman > trap > bioandroid > android

how dare u not understand Detroit: Become Human's point.

I wonder if the shoe-horned in communist revolution messed with the theming at all.

No. It's a computer program inside a creepy flesh suit. Disgusting.

On the mouth?
I hear they lick weird stuff.

You only get it if she has an ingrowth that is literally on her face.
Don't kiss someone with a sore.

What's the point of making robots with emotions and the ability to feel pain if you're just going to make them slaves?

Disgusting flesh robots are not REAL robots!

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Yes you can.
Bunch of Herpes outbreaks come from Wrestling MATS in Gyms
Same with kissing a robot on the mouth that has been kissed by a fag with herpes
>Its cleaned in between
Well that fixes it, still not "impossible" to get it.

>And it can be hijacked to actually bring you harm or possibly cut off your dick and make you eat it.
Yep, exactly like one.

why is it a pokemon image in the thumbnail

If it felt 100% like a good smooth girl, I'd fucking ravage her face with my dick.

>Romantic with a android

I'd not give to much of a fuck.
I'd treat it like human but knowing full well I'm fucking it no matter what, so i don't have to care to much.

I would be loose in the mouth and sling shit without a second tought.
Like a retard
Just like Im doing now.
Good read?

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Honestly? I never understood this trope. A marvel of scientific ingenuity and a testament to our progress in technology as a species to reach such height with robotics and ai only to make it into a glorified nanny/maid for house appliance. Is it really that hard for a rich person to put their dishes in a dishwater themselves that they need an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in an Artificially Constructed Body to do it for them? Do you think there's going to be an algorithm for wiping your ass too?

They don't actually feel emotions or pain. Those are just programmed responses tailored to give the appearance of distress because humans would neglect them otherwise. Have you seen the abuse people do to their $1000 phones? Everything that happens in Become Human could have been avoided if androids had a functional custom personality interface.

Anthropomorphism is anti-thought and should be classified as mental illness. We are the only species capable of the brain pathways that we can measure and quantify emotions with. Intelligence, in the form of communication and reasoning however is another discussion. No other species "feels" emotion in the same way we do, even basic one such as pain or pleasure, a dog having sex is significantly different from humans experiencing it, with other humans, not dogs.

The design of the android was intentionally fucked to allow them to develop more real and human responses to distress and other stimuli based on the experience of their AI

Everything that happens in Become Human wasn't a bug, but a feature.


COndom on your mouth dumbass