It will sell millions

It will sell millions...

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Good, the first one was great.

.....of atl righters!!!

No where near the first game

they killed millions (of boners)

Attached: cute couple.webm (1130x720, 2.87M)

>Make them animesque
>Yea Forums automatically approves


Humanity needs a major culling. Prove me wrong.

(((naughty dog)))

Of course, normalniggers love western degeneracy. They destroyed society and I don't care anymore. Fuck it, we as human deserve to be wiped out. I hope a AI takes over the whole world.

Oh jesus christ, granny porn is gross even if it's female on female.

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Ok now i need to masturbate

>I'm an incel because I've got MORALS
lol l. At this point even you can't still believe your own coping bullshit

Hey, we're not on Roman-level of degeneracy right now.

Hahaha it will sell like shit.

We're much worse than anything ever. Bottom of the barrel really.

You clearly don't know how upper class romans behaved. Right now, USA is in the same place as late Roman Empire. Soon, barbarians shall come and history will repeat itself, making China the sole pole of civilisation in the world.


>muh romans

>no arguments
I win, you lose

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Jesus Christ

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>The US is identical to this primitive civilization from thousands of years ago
>Rome fell because it wasn't oppressive enough

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>tumblr filename
wow imagine my shock