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what gaem
I thought of this game, and how much explosives would've come in hand
remember lads subscribe to pewdiepie
>shooting up a school with a 10/22
Fucking slants
It'll still kill you if you are 15m away
You say that like getting shot with a bullet won't still kill you.
It's the scariest gun anyone in japan has ever seen
There's a fucking reason it's called "training bullet". It's almost impossible to die by a .22LR
Redpill me on guns. Don't these bullets still go through clothes and organs and bone and stuff? Are they too small? Do they not have enough explosives in them to kill someone?
I have never seen held or been educated about the workings of a gun in my entire life, eurofag, apologies for ignorance
Morimiya school shooting
kill yourself europoor
.22lr is way too small and barely breaks the muscle. 90% of the time it will even bounce off of you since it can't penetrate bone
What's the latest patch and where can I get it?
I have the v1.1
>It's almost impossible to die by a .22LR
A shot in the temporal lobe with that tiny ass bullet would still kill you
They're all retarded. .22LR is enough to kill someone if you hit a vital area, same as any other gun.
And even if it doesn't kill, it's still a bullet, it's still being propelled at speeds faster than the eye can see. It's gonna hurt like a bitch and, unless you're wearing armor, will put you down from shock alone.
IRA used to use them to snipe out kneecaps.
The Greg Ellifritz 10 Year Shooting Study shows that .22LR has a 34% failure rate regardless of the number of shots fired, which means in a self-defence situation there's over a 1/3 chance you could empty an entire magazine into an attacker and they'd still keep coming.
Didn't that kid in Mexico use a .22lr? The teacher died instantly.
Effectiveness of any bullet is dependent on its weight and speed at which it leaves the barrel of the gun. .22lr is a small round with a variety of weights and velocities available from different manufacturers. Any of them is enough to kill although people have survived getting shot in the head by .22, just as they have by getting shot with a 12 gauge. I wouldn't recommend either.
I regret nothing
Not exactly faster than the eye can see. In certain lighting conditions, especially with the sun at my back, I've noticed sunlight off the reflection of the bullet as it travels down the range at my home. Max distance is about 50 feet. Much easier to see with handguns of course.
Bullets are weird sometimes. In general: the bigger the caliber, the less likely "how the hell did he survive that?" events are to happen.
That same "study" shows a 12% failure rate from an unspecified number of 12ga shotgun shells. Meaning at least two. Two shotgun shells. And the person didn't stop.
Why dont you shoot yourself with one then?
Didn't the one kid he shot pointblank survive or am i thinking of something else
The first rice cooker
how come there aren't any sights on this gun?
Entirely possible depending on distance and accuracy of the shooter.
Into the trash
Because you just point to your general direction and the area goes up in flames. you don't need aiming for this shit.
that's dumb as shit, I should be able to put a holo or an ACOG on it
>If the attacker was striking or shooting the victim, the round needed to immediately stop the attack without another blow being thrown or shot being fired. If the person shot was in the act of running (either towards or away from the shooter), he must have fallen to the ground within five feet.
That 12% could easily include people who managed to successfully flee the scene, it doesn't strictly mean they were in a fighting condition, only that they could continue for 5+ft.
How did the vid make you feel Yea Forums? I know you watched it
Yeah the kid that was sitting did survive.
it was kino aussie shitposting
I watched the Doom edit first, so I had a good chuckle. 10/10 would like, share and subscribe.
i thought its going to be a 3d open world shooter
wtf another rpg maker game?
>red and black
That’s pink
Hit or miss I guess they never miss ha
You got Burka I bet he doesn't kiss ya
He gonna find another magazine and he won't miss ya
Watched without sounds at work when it happened. Got a chuckle out of me when I rewatched it and heard all the meme music
why didnt she kill that girl
H rpg?
I didn't really care.
got my adrenaline pumping but that was about it
>muh yuri
It was fucking brutal. The man casually double tapped the head of a woman crying out for help on the side of a street, and was coordinated enough to maintain a count of how much ammo he had in reserve when he was massacring civilians. Other mass shooters, like the Columbine shooters, go into a daze after they have killed many of their targets, and begin to lose focus of their objective. This guy knew what he was doing, and was just fucking cold.
The edits of it can be funny, but watching the raw footage is just chilling.
22.lr can still shatter a person's skull if shot head on.
Sick, turned me into a leftie, so good job to him for accomplishing the opposite of what he wanted.
made me feel based
Having read his manifesto, he said in it that he had the idea of shooting up the mosque for about 2 years, after he saw the truck attack in sweden and that little 11 years old girl get split in half by the truck. 3 months ago he started planning the attack and every details of what he was gonna do. He was very prepared
>help mee! help mee! help mee! help mee!
>*BAM* *BAM*
picked the fuck up. finally i get to kill all the het and yaoi fucking shits
depressed because they dont sell any kind of assault rifles here
You're seething because he basically made you /pol/tards a near extinct and despised species? Fair enough.
it's actually what he wanted along with destroying Yea Forums and the other one
He wants people to get upset and start more shit.
He literally wanted you to become a lefty. Now quickly go racemix and invite more refugees into the country.
>He literally wanted you to become a lefty
How do you figure?
>people are dubbing the man who bumped into him as a hero
>saying he tried to tackle him
>can clearly see him trying to dodge and weave his way past as his hands try and grab onto the door for leverage to swing on by and get the fuck out of there while he had his back turned
>no route where she escapes to Roanapur and has lots and lots of hot lesbian sex
fuck this lack of h-content
Reminder that the guy was scared off by an Afghan with a credit card reader. And then he surrendered to the police without a fight.
/pol/ memeshitters are big strong heroes only when they've got all the power in a situation.
Efficient deadly cold killer
he knew everything he planed all of it
he knew that the place was small and crumbed making it easy target he made sure every bullet counts out of the 49 vitcims atleast few of them survived
It's written in his manifesto. By becoming a leftists you're going to actively participate in the destruction of our current culture and therefore enable faster radical change.
I don't understand the logic. some guy killed people so now the concept of being anything other than a liberal has suddenly vanished from the face of the earth?
where can i watch it wanna see those niggas get dabbed on
>serbia stronk
>initial D
>i am the god of hellfire
The comedic timings were out of this world.
Read the Manifesto.
>near extinct
>people are butthurt enough to call almost everyone they disagree with pol
must not be extinct then.
why did you fags overhype this game? literally finished it in 10 minutes and forgot it existed
Not yet, but soon.
Surrendering to the police was part of the plan, everything else is made up shit by media trying to produce peoples as heroes when we can clearly see the reality in his video. Like sheep to the slaughter do they gather in the corner.
You're dumb because getting mad over what he did and "shifting" political ideologies is exactly what he wanted from idiots like you. He specified this in his manifesto, he wants to make people mad.
>closeted raging Lesbian(wow!)
It has a cute girl in it
>(the edgiest colors!)
His manifesto is 70+ pages of inane, retarded /pol/ shit, stop taking it so seriously.
It's the same ar Breivik. They're highly mentally ill people thinking they're soldiers killing their enemies. You don't see other people as people when you're a soldier, all you do is kill and thanks to being mentally ill you can do it without any remorse. PTSD only affects the weak.
waifu posting and people bumping threads while simultaneously whining about gun violence
>people actually believe this
>scared off by an Afghan with a credit card reader
Imagine being so much of a normie that you could even 1/8 believe this
> he surrendered to the police without a fight.
He literally said in advance that he would do that and not attack the police
>/pol/shitter screams memes and blasts shitty music while shooting unarmed people
>flees the instant one of them starts posing a threat
>surrenders to the police in the hopes that he'll be the spark that ignites the New Civil War that the right will somehow win
Yeah nah, he's a faggot. You just like him because he had the guts to do what you've been wanting to do for ages.
I want /pol/ to leave Yea Forums, for good this time.
It's still a bullet in a firearm and firearms are dangerous. A .22LR can still kill someone. It can still penetrate a skull from close enough, probably up to 10 meters or so, and it can still cause internal bleeding. It doesn't "bounce off of you since it can't penetrate the bone." It can still break the skin and damage vital organs. It's not "almost impossible to die by one", you're just somewhat less likely to.
>le magical /pol/ word
Zoomer memes are so shitty and uninspired.
Subscribe to pewdiepie
Why, all you'll get is another extreme in the other direction. retarded newfag tumblrinas who scream "pol" at anyone who doesn't love brown dick.
someone post the chaika edits
He copied Breivik with that one, he too surrendered the moment armed forces appeared. NZ shooter just had memes to go with it to appear hip. Breivik still has the high score though.
Imagine falling for this. On the same level as the news people repeating the navy seals copy pasta.
Do not underestimate how small the bubble the grasshopperman lives in really is, they don't even interact with the brown people they white knight for, outside of ordering food
>i-if you get rid of all the election tourists, you'll only be left with DISCORD TRANNIES!
He’s an accelerationist. You played into his hands.
That didn't come from /pol/ you newfag boogeyman obsessed retard.
wasnt this game translated by vinesauce
thanks for proving him right schizo
Brevik happened and conservatives still exist. Why do people think that this is going to kill conservatives?
I thought you said "Pol" not trump memers? give rid of election tourist and you'll still have blatant racism.
there is nothing "gutsy" about gunning down innocent people who can't fight back, just how there's nothing gutsy about laughing about a mass shooting on an anonymous Burmese basketweaving forum, pretending to be an edgelord while you're hiding behind anonymity, "ironic memes", and multiple IPs
I didn't feel anything but disappointment knowing that some faggot was so influenced by memes he made it part of his identity as he killed people. Anyone who says "subscribe to PewdiePie" before mass murder and plays meme music while shooting people is probably some double digit IQ, impressionable retard who never learned how to think for himself, so he killed 40 some odd people, a few of which who may have contributed to society in some form way more than this faggot ever would have. It goes to show how much of a meme "white superiority" is when someone this retarded exists in your gene pool.
No, I do think it's possible to have some middle ground between "I support mass shooters if the targets are brown" and "I bought a switch for myself and my wife's son".
It's like a crazy murder coming at you with a dull paring knife. Sure, it's objectively less deadly than a freshly shapened long kitchen knife or combat knife, but you're still going to get fucked up very quickly if he gets to you.
/pol/ is majority election tourists. Not all, but most /pol/tards either share the same views or happily spread the memes. Still doesn't prove that getting rid of /pol/ will flood the site with tumblrinas.
$100 for jeb dox
>a muslim gets people killed
>white people keep going on mass shootings/school shootings
>hey, not ALL white people...
What did /pol/ mean by this?
But it's literally the other way around.
The best redpill against white superiority is learning history and seeing how whites can act even toward other whites. And I’m not talking about the world wars, though those count too.
Only retards start shooting at the police in countries with no death penalty.
He expects to get out in 27 years like Nelson Mandela, when his people have taken the power back.
>why do people take their own side?
Is this your first day as a human?
tumblrinas don't engage in terrorism though
Go on.
Outrage culture. It's even funnier when you compare reactions between Islamic and right wing terror.
if this turned you into a leftie you were one all along.
Nah, I was much closer to the middle, with right leanings.
>doesn't prove that getting rid of /pol/ will flood the site with tumblrinas.
no, but because pol is gone people who have those views of tumblrinas will feel like everyone sides with them and start becoming the new shitposters.
There are people who unironically get triggered at jokes like that thread where someone suggested Super Money Balls in response to "games that have black protagonist". with Pol gone they might mistakenly assume the site now sees things their way and start speaking out more against that sort of stuff. I've been called Pol for a lot of dumb reasons by easily triggered people.
Does it mean something when I feel literally nothing from watching it and chuckling at the edits?
>white people keep going on mass shootings/school shootings
>hey, not ALL white people...
more like
>hey, why not ALL white people...?
Bullets don’t explode
.22s are very dangerous but lack stopping power so unless you kill or cripple the target in a shot they will run away
It would be an ineffective and ill chosen m weapon for a mass murder but it could still get the job done in the same way that I could technically kill you with a toaster oven but I’d much rather have a hammer
>/pol/ causes yet another mass shooting
I'm surprised the FBI haven't taken the board down yet
I honestly dislike Trump a lot because the election shit up the place, but him moving the embassy to Jerusalem was amazing. Never have I seen so many different groups of people mad at the same time, shit was hilarious.
I guess he really did unite the country.
It means you're 16 and going through your angsty, nihilistic phase.
Remember lads subscribe to Pewdiepie
...and what else??
i want to fuck the edge out of her
Not really, public shootings like this are glorified so much on the news that they're akin to scandals now
It’s a bullshit tactic used by both the right and the left kind of like those mass killing statistics liberals like to bring up where “100% of extremist violence is right wing” because the statistic provider is constantly tweaking the definition to exclude violent Muslim activity.
But historically speaking Muslims are objectively more violent than any other group of people.
no because that shit's sick and honestly new zealand is literally on the other side of the globe. It might as well have happened on jupiter
Non white/muslim here. I'm seeing the literal opposite of this right now.
Distaste for Jews is the one thing all peoples and cultures have in common it seems
Think of .22 as something like throwing a pub dart from a dartboard game at someone really hard.
It's unlike to kill someone in one shot unless you do it right in their face. It will not reliably kill anything other than mice squirrels, small, birds and rodents in one shot.
A good shot can reasonably get an opposom or raccoon, but your average dog or house cat is too much.
So, you CAN kill people, but they're quite likely to take an entire magazine and keep going. And because of the low energy, it really needs to be closer than you'd like.
MOST of the fatalities with .22 LR in the US is with gangbangers and criminals getting shot, and then dying several days later from infection, because they didn't get treatment, because they didn't want to go to jail.
Watch liveleak police videos. It's a reasonable number.
could it not be argued that religions are literally memes and that all those mass murders because of religion are also caused by memes?
>everyone who doesn't shit themselves while bawling their eyes out after watching the vid are either terrorists, edgy kids, or nihilist atheists
I don't get it. Why should I let it bother me so much.
>he could have joined the People's Protection Units and made his way to where ISIS is most concentrated
>he could have streamed himself with a gopro taking on ISIS
>he would have been hailed as a hero almost universally
>instead kills unarmed civilians and surrenders to police because he knows there's no death penalty
>just wants to sow chaos and division
>literally shit tier villain motivation
90% of Yea Forums is Australian, and to us NZ is basically an Australian state. I don't know what backwater shithole you're from but to the majority of Yea Forums, this was on their doorstep.
And this guy expects himself to be taken seriously? All the edgy teenagers love him for sure but will his ideals really carry on? Even that norwegian guy had more selfesteem.
Shhhh...he wants to feel cool and intelligent right now, don't burst his bubble.
"I beg to differ."
peak aussie shitposting
projecting incel
Blatantly displaying a far right symbol, absolutely disgusting
it doesn't because you have no understanding of what true suffering is, you're an NPC l
Heat dissapation outweighs accuracy.
Like I've had enough memes for the day. I wonder how the islamic fundamentalists reported it.
you're responding to a strawman in order to feel persecuted
>his people
who are this guys people
No? I didn't laugh and I felt sick watching it. You're either autistic or going through a phase, take your pick and kill yourself you trash human.
He's been spouting memes non stop from when he started streaming to getting it broadcast on the news and in the newspapers. It's the fucking dream
>go kill ISIS as a milita
>return home
>trialed for mass murder AND war crimes
Come the fuck on.
Protip: Cho's main weapon during the Vtec shooting was a .22. There was also some guy in England who drove around sniping people with a .22 as well.
its a mentality with generations, not really an age thing but probably anyone about 30 or younger has been exposed to so much shit and information so rapidly that we have become desensitized to horrible things, its exacerbated by the fact that one of the places you browse is Yea Forums, how shocking can watching someone get shot be when youve probably casually seen gore just in a thread that gets shitposted to death, its for it to have impact when its more commonly exposed than ever
absolutely disgusted
spoken like a true edgy teenager lmao
anymore edits? I'm trying to save as many as I can.
I'm not really sure where you got that idea when he said Spyro 3 made him convert to etho-nationalism
Hes like a Gangweed meme made reality
It confuses me you care enough to post to shitpost about the gun she uses when the developer has made research on guns in Japan and has her canonically use a gun you can LEGALLY GET in Japan, which makes it feasible for the character to acquire.
That Ruger is the only semi auto you can legally acquire in Japan. Fucking retards I swear.
Calm down mohammed.
you would get the same outcome, just not despised
>Charleston church
>Quebec mosque
>Now this
Why does /pol/ keep breeding mentally ill mass murderers?
That's what the current generation is growing up old man
So is he our guy or not? I'm thinking he is
Haven't read the manifesto yet but according to /pol/ he had real ideals behind the attack and not just memes and kebab removal. Guess I was wrong.
Isis propaganda really works
I swear I nut to eric's art at least 3 times a day every day. His content is way too fucking good.
>you have to own a gun in order to know a gun
What are you smoking?
It was pure kinography.
He's Cripplechan's guy, we gotta get our own
Say that to my face fucker and see what happens
Go get shot, subhuman
>"No.The police force in New Zealand is on overall good terms with the
public and, unlike in other European nations such as France, the UK, or
Norway they have so far remained loyal to the people.So harming the NZ
police officers was to be avoided at all costs unless the state enforcer was
from an invaders background
From his manifesto
here you go mate. Even if i'm not a fascist, I do agree with some of his points
That was his answer to the dumbfuck question if videogames made him do it. Just go read it yourself retard instead of trying to be spoonfed everything and forming opinions on hearsay.
we had dorner, and he's an undisputed american hero
What meme music did he play?
Only incels use incel
Dorner died like a bitch and had a shit high score
That guys so sick, so I'll do exactly what he said I would do
I've got it open right here buddy, no need to get so angsty.
A bullet is a bullet and can still kill you, that said the damaging effect of a .22 is much lower than a full meat round like 9mm or 5.56 even though 5.56 in terms of diameter is essentially a .22, it's moving much faster
Basically means your aim needs to be better or you need to fire more shots to ensure killing
Plus rim fire is inherently less reliable than center fire rounds, so using something like a 10/22 would be less than ideal
but it's not harmless
>It's the fucking dream
its obvious displacement. not even brave enough to take responsibility for his actions he just spouts memes cause he doesn't know what else to do. you see the same when a kid gets caught shoplifting at the mall and they just start laughing and shouting with their shitty teen 'gang'
he lived his life and at least he took a couple nigs with him. That's more then you'll probably ever do
I've been on the internet for a while and seen much worse with mexican drug cartel videos and isis attacks. Things like this don't faze me anymore. It just showed how many people here are pussies.
No one but people close to the victims actually feel bad in these incidents. Within hours people jump to their respective stoops to crow about their respective political positions without a shred of compunction, like far-right unironically calling for race war or the left empathy patrolling if it's a muslim or false equivalence with muslim terror when it's a European (5% of the population does 100x the terror of 80% of the population).
Are murder videos normally banned? Why is this one illegal but all the stuff on liveleak ok?
He played this over a speaker on his vest.. just imagine the terror this brings when you hear this along with gunshots...
Indifferent. I'd pity the people more if they were black to be honest.
Imagine throwing your life away and ruining 40 families because you read factually incorrect image graphs on /pol/ once and want to show everyone you can parrot memes that stopped being funny a year ago. This must actually be a stance against ethno-nationalism as you're doing a good job of looking as subhuman as all the groups you claim are below you, and making "white culture" seem arbitrary.
I expected to feel disgusted and end up turning it off part way through, instead I felt nothing. Am I broken?
False flag
where to find more?
He's trying to bait an overreaction. It's somewhat similar in Bin Laden trying to get the US involved in sending troops to the middle east, as it makes it easier to shoot at americans, and massively helps recruiting.
He actually directly paraphrases the attackers in the Battlan theater massacre's motivations. He wants a knee jerk overreaction where people go hard left, try to deplatform people on the right, try to use government power to regulate things they cannot, ect.
Just like what happened with the covington school kids? Oh wait..
Except it is all premeditated, he knew exactly what he was doing. If he didn't want to take responsibility he would have killed himself afterwards but he specifically stated that he wanted to be caught alive.
what am i supposed to be seeing here?
>not even brave enough to take responsibility for his actions
what was he supposed to do? ask for forgiveness? he knew what he was doing and he has no regrets
Holy shit don't give me ideas user, this is fucking great.
666 hand sign
Don't worry about it, it's just part and parcel of living in cities.
No you're used to it, don't let people who always get stepped on tell you different.
im gonna hook you up with the good shit
New Zealand is using their "guilty til proven innocent" laws to censor the video
Still better than anything you ever did or will do in your life.
one of the happiest and richest shitholes on the planet. Also the shithole that ''discovered'' your fun little country~
>No one but people close to the victims actually feel bad in these incidents.
Truth. The fake moralising is just as disgusting as the people justifying it, and it just makes people more cynical and heartless overall.
Sorry, other way round
"Innocent til proven guilty"
Anyone got a screencap of his post on Yea Forums before he committed the raid?
Or they're just use to watching it. Honestly dying to a bullet is a lot more humane than shit like getting your faced peeled off, getting raped and decapitated simultaneously, or other shit I've seen people like Isis do.
>as it makes it easier to shoot at americans, and massively helps recruiting.
No he wanted do it to financially ruin the USA which was a great success.
Don't you ever tilde at me again you pommy poofter
the most fucking annoying thing about all this is jannie has been on all the boards 24/7 monitoring and now any shitpost or funpost thread can't last more than 2 minutes.
I want to funpost offtopicly again...
Remove Kebab
British Grenadiers
A Grün ist Ünser Fallschirm remix
I am the god of hellfire! by Arthur Brown
And Gas Gas Gas from Initial D
Name one way this was a net-positive, loli girl
Nevermind you said discovered, Dutch, even gayer than Britain.
yes and
I would have if I was home when it happened, but I wasn't, so I was instead left thinking about how someone committed mass murder as a prank.
Kind of funny, but quite sad in that he was so deep into -chan culture that he let memes take over himself.
>Anyone got a screencap of his post on Yea Forums
That was on 8ch.
>Yea Forums
I want the Yea Forums screencap tho, can't you read?
You're correct that it was part of bin laden's plan It's the general concept of overreaching, and trying to do shit that is a really expensive bad idea, that is counter productive.
But islamic jihad isn't realistically going to try to invade NZ. They're unlike to do more than to fuck up tourists in Indonesia again, and they're already doing that.
Cheers lads.
So, what happens now?
>towel heads
Last month ragheads shot up a church in Libya and killed over 300 Christians. Where was the world wide condemnation?
>probably only saw the video with Hitler and Gas Gas Gas and decided to play it because of that
I can't believe how this rustles my jimmies so much.
Why didn't she just fuck somebody if she was lonely?
I expected to feel something, but kinda viewed it in the same way I viewed Isis/Cartel videos. The part where the lady cried for help in the street reminded me of the lady that died to those Moroccans that cried for her mom.
I also don't want to admit that I chuckled when he was listening to Gas Gas Gas, because the sheer absurdity of the situation.
Entertainment value for thousands if not millions of shitposters
Its more likely a reference to this video, he did say Trump was an inspiration
#prayfor -insertcitynamehere-
what is happening in that picture?
Is it me, or does he looks like the protagonist from Come and See?
I haven't felt this much joy in years.
>tfw my aunt and grandna we're talking about how sick all the people who watched it was the day after
>tfw I have it saved on my phone and saw it minutes after it was put up
That kinda stung. Not that I watched it since, in fact I skipped around a lit the only time I did watch it, I didn't see any of the stuff people keep talking about like the help meee or the guy trying to make a run for it
I know for a fact that some percentage of replies to this comment are trying to bait people pretending to be edgy.
but the other percentage newfags usually are actually thinking people in Yea Forums are like this, and they try to imitate this behavior to fit in.
When do we stop guys? This is getting out of control. A guy spouting memes while killing people isnt ok.
>4+Yea Forums in even more trouble
>tons of towelheads wiped
This is it bros.
>a poster from 4x2chan not knowing what Initial D is
I doubt it
Not sure why, Leftists are the pro-active ones and people like this are reacting to their actions. If not for leftist actions such as the european migrant disaster, murders like this recent one wouldn't occur.
>le two wrongs make a right man
Fuck off with the whataboutism.
t. Nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor
Someone post a link to the fucking video already, I missed it
Knowing what Initial D is and seeing Initial D is two different things.
why can't we have fun? Are you so miserable that you try to pass it on others? What's your problem?
/pol/ is unironically the most cowardly board here, which is why it's funny when i see threads here accusing other people of being weak or betas or cucks
there is nothing brave or alpha about being ironic on an anonymous image board, you are literally hiding behind two disguises (anonymity and irony) on top of having a dynamic IP because you are either too banal or cowardly to give a genuine opinion, when most "normalfags" usually hide behind one
there is nothing brave about evangelizing a retarded youth whose mind was completely warped and his life was completely ruined from coming here, or about how he slaughtered innocent men, women, and children who couldn't even fight back and who all have families and loved ones that they will never see ever again
if you do genuinely have no problem with a bunch of innocent people being gunned down then you're worse than an NPC, you have zero understanding of what actual suffering is and are incapable of feeling anything, which is sad and pitiful in its own way, even the dumbest, most basic normalfags who cry about depression when their gfs don't having sex with them can at least do something as basic as feel sad over a mass shooting
the anonymous culture here tries to pass itself off as superior to normalfags but in many ways is weaker and more pathetic than them, it's ironic when everyone accuses everyone else of being unthinking drones and NPCs when the level of dehumanization and obsession over memes slowly makes you the NPC
either a cowardly hypocrite or an NPC drone, pick your poison
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night hunny, but you maybe you should consider taking your video game discussion to resetera. unironically
It was pretty fucked but I'm desensitized to shit shit now. I'm watching for history at this point. Kind of the same reason I'm hooked to 9/11 footage, the reactions from the people are genuinely interesting.
>death cult that's been murdering everyone that's not in their death cult for 1400 years and counting can be reasoned with we just have to try harder
>now hand in your guns and let them build mosques that blast call to prayers 5 times a day in your neighborhood
Alright, thanks user.
Except he never posted on Yea Forums retard.
Don't worry about it, it's just part and parcel of living in a city.
It was actually quite entertaining in the context of fucked up shit. If this was old Yea Forums, we'd be screaming oursels laughing at it all.
>you guys don't actually believe this do you
You must lurk for 2 years before posting fuccboi.
what is going on in this image?
>there is nothing brave or alpha about
yes there is
His manifesto said he would surrender. What you are doing is EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS.
Nobody said you couldn't have fun retard, but I'm just calling a spade a spade and saying why this idiot does absolutely nothing for his cause, to which you come at me riding his nuts like he actually did something good for society. Fuck I've laughed at the jokes regarding this too, doesn't mean the guy wasn't an absolute retard who's going to bring other retards down with him
His plan is to ferment unrest and push people to become more radical and more polarised so to create a global war.
>death cult that's been murdering everyone that's not in their death cult for 1400 years
I know whites are pretty fucked up man
still nothing if you've seen shit like Al Qaeda beheading videos.
Well judging by the public's reaction. It played into the goal of accelerationism quite well. To keep things Yea Forums, Sometimes linking the fire to keep a dying flame temporarily alive isn't the best option compared to just letting it die.
>this idiot does absolutely nothing for his cause
New Zealand is banning guns just like he wanted them to. People are blaming Donald Trump and the Right just like he wanted them to. Seems like it's advancing his cause.
Then why would you do what a crazy eco-lunatic wanted you to do?
We kinda lucked out by a very slim hair this time though when you think about it
4*2 chan isn't that different from us, it could have easily been /pol/ instead.
In fact it might as well have been to anyone who knows what these places are. If I was the investigator for this case no way would I not go after /pol/ too
I wonder if 4+Yea Forums will actually get shutdown or something because of this. This is easily the most important and direct crime to come from a chan.
>said he'll surrender
>flees from the scene of the crime like a little bitch when he planned to burn the mosque down
What a faggot
And yet you're doing exactly what he said you would.
Unironically made me think. I don't usually care about recent politics but his manifesto was a great read.
Not every plan goes as intended. But right now it's working great on you.
Literally playing them like a damn fiddle
Agreed. I watch it mostly just to see what happened
Two years lurking before posting.
I'll never forgive GaymerGate for ruining Yea Forums.
>lol I bet if I murder a bunch of muslims it'll turn people off right wing politics xD right into my hands lolol!
Yeah I think murder is fucked up, it's a weird position to take but I'm an epic fencesitter amirite my 'pedes
I fucking hated it. I hated the dude and hated the people who thought it was funny. I knew the reality of the situation and I couldn't hide behind humor to rationalize it. I had sympathy for the families, the victims and I realized how shitty these kinds of people are.
Important maybe but don't forget that /r9k/ had a mass shooter too with posters giving the guy tips on how to rack up a high body count which he followed through on
I do love the effect of the tilde.
Gayer, taller, better than britain. You won't get arrested for making your dog sieg heil on the internet here. Hope you're alright though, my Nieuw-Holland/Nieuw-Zeeland friend
People are being arrested for talking about this in my country. Mosques are being guarded by police in my country even when other stuff wasn't when we had actual terrorist events. His shit is working.
that's just what you start with, you earn money to buy better guns. Its realistic too, the .22 is extremely shitty and takes like 10 shots to kill one person
its actually a pretty good game.
>I had sympathy for the families
They won't even notice, they have 17 more trash bag ducklings to replace them.
Well whats the next step of his master plan
>Joining the Left falls into his plans
>Joining the Right falls into his plans
Fucking Tzeentch
>NPCs not realizing they're doing exactly what he wants by defending muslims and defaming anyone who isn't overly upset by the shooting
I think murder is wrong and that he's a bastard who murdered innocent people. You're the one who's responding as he wants you to.
Will you protect her smile?
>the .22 is extremely shitty and takes like 10 shots
22lr has the highest death toll of any caliber in all recorded murders in the USA over the last 75 years.
I wish he should've killed you as well, white people who support shitskin immigration are even more dangerous.
You're right, he should have dropped the memes and just kill people instead
>New Zealand is banning guns just like he wanted them to. People are blaming Donald Trump and the Right just like he wanted them to
Is there any support for these mental gymnastics or are you just wanting to spin a narrative to not make your group seem like a bunch of retards
No, user. your family wont notice if you die. So go hang yourself, you're doing the world a favor if you do.
>the only way to win is to not play
the game
Kino game. Now thanks to the recent happening in NZ I'm using remove kebab and the British song while attempting to break my record of only 52 killings.
>This is easily the most important and direct crime to come from a chan
wasn't the Sandy Hook guy or some other notorious school shooter from here
Nigga a fucking BB can kill you if done close enough and aimed right.
they're both fucking shite, but nothing can be as bad as yanderenigger
not him but yeah the prime minster is going through gun reforms now
The don't come to school tomorrow guy? I thought that never really even got proven whether it was him or just a coincidence. I thought it was him but I don't think we ever got confirmation
Can't outmeme the memester kid. That's what makes it all so beautiful.
Going to trial and pleading no guilty as he was taking partisan action as a uniformed combatant against foreign invaders.
You do know he went to a second mosque after that stream right?
grr so angery at what hapn
No one who holds a "right wing view" is going to stop this because of this, just like how millions of Muslims don't drop the religion or try to reform it after an Islamic terrorist attack. But it will, as we have seen, drive the left to clamp down on speech, increase gun control, continue the rhetoric and rampen it up and that will, as we have seen, cause more reactions against it.
You're literally reacting exactly as this psychopath wanted to.
What, that I think the alt-right is stupid? I've thought that for a while already. What I'm more concerned about is muslim retaliation to this direct incident that will just resort in the loss of more lives.
>n-no i'm gonna flip it around so it's against YOU! That'll show you!
Not that user but you children need to stop doing that.
because niggers use it as an assassination weapon
ofc if you walk up behind someone and shoot someone in the head point blank from behind it will kill them
According to FBI statistics though, the actual "deadliest" caliber is the .357. Not because of number of people killed, but because it takes less shots to kill reliably.
Is there any proof that it's what he wanted?
Why would I care about some retarded aussie killing mudslimes, but I found it funny how many /pol/acks were actually upset over this. Guess, /pol/ really is reddit.
Does anyone not care in the slightest about any of these attacks, muslim or far-right?
The vast majority of people who die in Islamic terror attacks are open borders morons anyway, they're just getting what they asked for (Nice is a left-wing city for example). Same for the brown people that get shot up, I'd never want to meet them anyway.
>manifesto says he didn't do it for fame
>does shit like this
Also the manifesto is so much like Breiviks I can't help but wonder if he's proud. Guess Breivik really managed to turn some heads.
it's not what he wanted but it's what he knew the media was going to do, in his manifesto he said they were going to repeat the cycle of
>crying on the media
>ban Guns and divide the nation
That day had to be the best I have ever seen
tell me the context of the OP image
>and I realized how shitty these kinds of people are
Why didn't you realize such things after hundreds of Europeans died to terrorist attacks?
>bu-but what about
Why is this the only way /pol/ can argue?
There's three pages long in his manifesto. You haven't read it at all and are just acting like an ignorant faggot
even 9mm have some trouble going through the temple
Politics really is for autistic retards
>Haha I was just pretending to be retarded
As I said, no net-positive for society.
They're gonna take down this place, aren't they?
Mad, cause all this fucker has done, aside from killing over 40 people obviously, is add to a shit flinging contest no one is going to win.
For the next several weeks I get to see, hear, and read nothing but shit flinging because the actual few voices of reason are going to be drowned out by outrage culture. I don't give two shits about peoples political affiliation because 95% of them, regardless of what they believe, will complete miss the issue at hand.
The real problem is that dialogue with opposition is becoming increasingly difficult to have. If we lose the ability to communicate with others then we are well and truly fucked.
>Wikipedia as sources
fucking retard, no wonder he did a mass shooting
>ITT: neets and yuropoors who have never fired let alone owned a gun debate retardedly about .22lr ballistics
>if we just keep banning platforms and people that spread mere information, evil things will stop happening
>but no dont ban the quran that actually advocates violence
Will anyone ever be able to surpass Aussie shitposting?
In his manifesto he says that by doing a shooting and politicians getting up in arms against guns the country gets divided in two, and the ones who want to keep their guns will be much more likely to take action.
Pretending to be retarded to prove an obvious media cycle isn't some big-brained move, but maybe to a fucking idiot like yourself it's genius.
Download the game and figure it out!
Muslims literally follow a book that tells them to commit terrorism you fucking moron. I don't recall seeing a white people book telling them to destroy all lesser races.
alright. THIS is where I draw the line
>no net-positive for society.
I don't think there is any positives for that his manifesto was literally shitpost and how his actions were going to fuel a bigger divide in the country
it's not a big brain move but somehow it's fucking working lmao
people forget Yea Forums is /pol/
Feels good man
>Nice Truck rampage
>New Zealand Shooting
>I cannot believe how shitty these kinds of people are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be honest, how young or dumb are you?
Explicitly states accelerationism is his goal in his manifesto. A rather fruitless effort as European people won't take action whilst they're comfortable and fed.
>pretending to be retarded
I dont think anyone is implying that whatsoever.
Looks like the dude had a heated gamer moment
been seeing this for years, where is it even from
it really hasn't. Of the half dozen or so people I've shown the video to or talked to irl they've ALL either said "good" or "oh well, don't they do this shit all the time"?
Mein Kampf
I would DESTROY astolfo in bed
just wanted to let you all know that
have a good day
>epic gamer moment
he should turn black
Take notice that the longer away from 9/11 we are the more zoomers are able to shape a world view that ragheads aren't a constant menace to western society.
I don't understand what this endgame is supposed to be
>if I shoot people, division will occur and the media will inevitably call for gun control
Congrats? I don't have to shoot anyone to understand that. What is the teleological implication
i was expecting him to crash the court with NO SURVIVORS
When's the sequel released? I want to watch it, don't care from which side.
felt right
isn't france still doing the protests though or did those die down?
Correct. It's what extremes want. Not open dialogue between two sides conversing on best possible solutions, but getting everyone to hear only their side. The shooter even says he wants that in his manifesto.You can already even see this in the U.S. Nobody actually expects the left or right to talk about things, it's just an endless war between which one is right and which wrong, when they both have both good and bad qualities. And the scary part is for most people the mindset of "us vs them" is the easiest one so they follow it just like that.
>inb4 fencesitter
No religion follows everything that's written explicitly in their holy books, otherwise christians would still be crusading to wipe out anyone who dared worship another god. You just want to pretend they do to try to give legitimacy to your hate of brown people. If you hate non-whites you should just be honest about it, not pussyfoot around the subject.
The people you associate with in real life sound like absolute window lickers then.
Bring South Africa to other western countries. South Africa took the guns and there's currently a genocide against whites going on down there. His belief is that whites aren't going to do anything until they're actually being hunted in the streets after being disarmed so he wants it to happen faster.
Yeah, I guess it was to further divide left and right and make politics more partisan
Has there been any actually good yanderekino in the past few years?
Glad I avoided this one
Requesting someone talented to use the same kind of RPG maker engine the dev for Morimiya used (if he made it available), make the protagonist look a little like pic quoted and change the interior to be a mosque.
>haha I clapped when the muslim run over people in paris
>oh no why aren't you sad by the shooting you're literally hitler stop laughing
fucking same
I just want comfy happening threads on the daily
I hope those goatfuckers live up to their word and do something ten times worse.
at least most of them didn't suffer, dude even double tapped
I felt nothing.
You don't talk to anyone in real life except the people in your sped class
need more gifs like this
t. fencesitter
>get so worked up over some sand niggers and actual somali niggers getting wasted
>only because it was in a white country though, who gives le fuck about it when a few dozen or hundred get car bombed in some shithole country #prayforchristchurch
I am feeling kindhearted and this thread was quite fun so I am going to share this with you lads since I haven't seen it posted here yet
Remember to subscribe to PewDiePie.
pretty fucked up, but I'm not really fazed by it.
If the hajis had guns they would've been able to kill the shooter.
In the end this will just play into his plans; dude wants to accelerate tensions in regards to immigration and gun control. Some haji is gonna bomb or shoot up some white ppl and the cycle will continue until one side is completely obliterated. The media will prob take the haji side and some independent platforms will defend the white nibbas. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>mfw watching the video while listening to maddens combat 8 ost
maximum edge
>that gif
What the fuck is this retarded shit holy fuck
>dropping my mags all over the floor
I was in tears when 9/11 happened. I was 9 years old and I never knew what a terrorist was. I was afriad for my life even though I didnt live in NY and I wondered why someone would do something so awful. When I got older I laughed at the shitty memes, because the joke was all about making light of a serious event. It was easy to joke about it, after all I wasnt really there.
Based. Have a taimanin.
>haha yea, I'm a nazi I just don't believe in racial differences
Literally what it sounds like
French people protest all the time. Macron being popular was always an anglo news meme, he only got 23% of the vote versus a corrupt catholic running a "moral" campaign, a crusty 900 year old communist and a proto-fascist old woman.
doesn't look that Australian but i would impregnate
>hey, not ALL white people...
Most people on this site probably think of this as retaliation.
Many people on this site would probably like ALL white people to be like this.
no one cares faggot
nice projection faggot.
>It's unlike to kill someone in one shot unless you do it right in their face.
Just like pretty much every other pistol caliber, then.
I'm a swarthy South Italian Catholic, the way he was just popping people outside the mosque seems like if I was walking passed, he would have shot me just for having olive skin. I don't want that shit in my country.
filtered :)
If even a place like New Zealand gets shot up, is there anywhere safe left in the world?
>avatarfagging anime girl
>crying about 9/11
Makes me feel like I'm in some sort of internet backwater or something...
What's a fencesitter?
>I'm an arab rape baby cathlicuck pls don't kill me huwyte man
A person that sits on fences.
Islam is not a race, no matter how much you repeat it is
The ones who use their brains
Reminder guys
There is no innocents in an invasion
A muslim child is just a future terrorist
Where can I watch it? I missed the train, was in work
I agree that it's all bad. I still will laugh at good jokes regarding any tragedy, because juxtaposition is funny. Doesn't mean I can't take a hardline stance against any of these retarded politically motivated, backwards actions
> where is it even from
It's shit, don't bother. That scene is the only good one.
How about we deport all whites back to Europe and give the lands they stole back to their rightful owners?
White people are fucking nuts. ISIS is literally nothing compared to John Smith shooting up public buildings on a whim.
A term generally used for someone who refuses to take a side in a debate, and usually just calls both sides stupid, since your position is unassailable if you never have one. Hence, they're not on either side of the fence.
I don't know, but I made your mom a face sitter
Gays who like the feeling of metal up their butts
saw it with my bf, we laughed
>Arab rape baby
Founder of western civilization
>He's an atheist
lol, you degenerates should be lined up and gunned down way before Muslims are.
Go skim /pol/. I found a magnet there.
>shooter didn't believe mutts were white
Come to the USA and buy a gun
At least you have the power to protect you and yours then, no need to cower in a corner hoping a killer thinks you are dead only to get popped while you're shitting yourself in fear
LONDON and faggot-pilled
>otherwise christians would still be crusading to wipe out anyone who dared worship another god.
where in the new testament does it tell you it okay to purge non-believers?
Stop it, now I'm just imagining Native American minority ruling the US and locking down minorities into a gambling-based economy
Always bet on red
can i fuck your bf?
Thanks, user.
>implying atheist
I felt a lot of things. I thought his guns, the actual guns not his dumb writing on it, were cool, because I like guns. I was surprised that people watched the guy walk up with a shotgun and gear on and didn't do anything until it was too late. I felt terrible when I saw a dead little boy curled up in the mosque, when the guy who ran at him ultimately didn't succeed, and when he double tapped the woman in the street. At the end of it all, I still struggled not to chuckle at the meme songs and had to try very hard not to make a joke about high scores to my friend who lives in New Zealand.
Also that fucking "subscribe to pewdiepie" quip before it all was almost enough to make me turn off the video right then, fucking cancerous.
that would actually be pretty fucking interesting to watch
people who disagree with me
on the site where leaks are live
>the lands they stole
very based
>I was 9 years old
>moralfag is borderline underage
wow.... really makes you think
Honestly, give it a week and I'd probably laugh to, but I had something happen to me when I saw it. And I remembered I was human.
I don't give a shit about your shitty religion or whatever you believe.
Muslim enablers like you should be shot.
>I was 9 years old and I never knew what a terrorist was. I was afriad for my life even though I didnt live in NY and I wondered why someone would do something so awful
Literally they were refugees escaping from religious persecution.
but the tiny terrorists are cute! cute!
a reminder under Islam if you're a non-Muslim(Kafir) you have less rights than a animal
>A Kafir can be beheaded—
>47:4 When you encounter the Kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thoroughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly.
...nigger, do you know how to math?
After thousands of videos where Muslims behead/shoot/burn/stone etc. innocent people, it was refreshing with a change of pace.
>Japan dude
>rifle and Katana
More like a moralfag is a disgusting balding loser
is that his instagram?
Eat lead, shitskin
Most of the jokes just aren't funny yet. Except for the post that went
>walks up to mosque with a gun
>guy at the door says "Hey brother"
This shooting exposed all the newfags. If you didn't laugh when he shot the woman crying for help, you need to leave.
>A Kafir can be plotted against—
>86:15 They plot and scheme against you [Mohammed], and I plot and scheme against them. Therefore, deal calmly with the Kafirs and leave them alone for a while.
>write a paper about how people will obviously react to a white terrorist attack
>actually go out and commit a terrorist attack
>people react accordingly
>Ha! I knew you'd react that way!
That sounds like a lot of effort for someone already dead
user, what timeline are you living in?
Tell us what year it is to you
Kids born on 9/11 will be able to post here this year
>9/11 2001
>9 years old
>2001 was 18 years ago.
I'm gonna assume, based on what his views and what he wrote in his manifesto, that he threw Pewdiepie under the bus because he knew the media would attack him and that it would push his "fanbase" even more to the right, creating more division like he wanted
But this is just what I think, don't quote me on that
>cowonies was just da mayfwower wike danksgibbun cawtoons sayyy
Discord you moron
>A Kafir can be terrorized—
>8:12 Then your Lord spoke to His angels and said, “I will be with you. Give strength to the believers. I will send terror into the Kafirs’ hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fingers!”
>A Muslim is not the friend of a Kafir—
>3:28 Believers should not take Kafirs as friends in preference to other believers. Those who do this will have none of Allah’s protection and will only have themselves as guards. Allah warns you to fear Him for all will return to Him.
>A Kafir is evil—
>23:97 And say: Oh my Lord! I seek refuge with You from the suggestions of the evil ones [Kafirs]. And I seek refuge with you, my Lord, from their presence.
What will their take on this situation be?
How about degeneracy enablers like you Anglo/Germanic atheist maggots? At least my country keeps the Muslims out, while you bend over and welcome them. Don't worry, when you're outbred by them, we'll take it over and make your country right, and what's left of you can be part of a new Roman Empire.
That is pretty damn cute
False, the puritans left because they were furious the King ignored them when they demanded Catholics be persecuted and mostly left of their own accord.
whats her motive?
im a retard
>Kids born on 9/11 will be able to post here this year
in war, you are allowed to kill your enemy until they surrender
ding ding ding it only took 450+ posts but we have a winner
I don't use discord, tranny
>Getting an emotional response from the video at all.
How has your first two months here been?
I'll be honest, I got hard.
>ywn teleport to that moment in time, stop time for everything except for me and her, then rape the living shit out of her in her wound before he double taps her in the head
That one actually mad me cry harder.
Don't care how funny this comes off, im glad im entertaining to the NEETS.
Crying followed by exploiting families for comedy
So when are poor people going to stop killing each-other so we can go after the rich assholes who profit off our internal strife and actively make the world worse for everyone?
After seeing Muslim savages slowly beheading young women crying for their mothers, you can't expect anyone to really feel anything much. In a few years it will be mentioned as casually as Hiroshima and Nagasaki were payback for Pearl Harbor.
>this thread has been deleted because of a possible violation of our terms of service
>A Kafir is cursed—
>33:60 They [Kafirs] will be cursed, and wherever they are found, they will be seized and murdered. It was Allah’s same practice with those who came before them, and you will find no change in Allah’s ways.
you mean jews?
>How about we deport all whites back to Europe
The don't fucking want me back. I'm a disgusting colonial. Otherwise I'd go.
>full POV video
>said 'subscribe to pewdiepie'
>meme music on the way there and getaway
>tied for 2nd deadliest mass shooting (I think?)
>did the fucking ok sign meme in a court picture
Still feels like this is some crazy dream
>>guy at the door says "Hey brother"
those were two men who were turned away from the killer talking to each other, actually watch the video instead of buying into the bullshit propaganda
this. slept like a baby 20 minutes after seeing the video.
when they stop being retarded oh but then they wouldnt be poor in the first place sorry never mind
Oh hes just a stupid memer that plays fucking gas gas gas in his car
Let me hear your analysis for that one, some sort of plot to make Initial D fans take up arms?
I really hope people acknowledge the accelerationism angle that is portrayed in the manifesto. I've already seen news articles about it. People need to not fall into some retard memer's trap card
Crocodile tears followed by fake outrage then ended with muh drumph and wyte men r bad
>hes not in the year 408
I'm talking about a joke in a thread you dense retard.
I went into that not knowing that I would have such joy in my hart by the end of it.
>I was surprised that people watched the guy walk up with a shotgun and gear on and didn't do anything until it was too late
Well what would you do if you saw a guy walking down the street with an AR-15 and full tac gear?
That fucking nose on the right man is a walking meme
Fucking hell, I just watched it there. It's up on bestgore, but I can't get it to load
Never. You gotta aim for that spot yourself because sure as hell modern generation won't try to topple their overlords.
>gee I love Apple xD
>I only use Samsung phones!
>I wish I was super rich and went partying everyday like my instagram models
I actually tried it and it didn't work.
I feel mildly homosexual now...
I don't live in a cucked country so I would've shot him when he turned his back to walk in and began shooting.
That's John Oliver, pure Aryan English chap.
>$.01 has been deposited to your account, courtesy of Koch Industries
>although this terrible tragedy happen, we must remember that this is not all whit people`s fault. most are kind hearted and hardworking, you shouldn't let this horrible act let you take prejudice against white christians.
what is this?
In order for the media to not fall for it, the public needs to be able to think in a way that the media hasn't already conditioned them for.
Whether or not they talk about the motive, it's going move things along.
News outlets are only a small part of a wider network of public discussion.
That one is simple, he likes the song
How about you stop acting like an autist for once, it's getting pretty obvious you didn't watch the video nor read his manifesto, so you can't really argue about what his intentions were
rat shot .22lr
Assume you do live in a cucked country though and don't have a firearm, what then?
It's already happened user. The same delusional people who think they'll disarm the American public without a civil war are already vomiting out their usual idiocy.
Interesting note, Texas has a clause in it's constitution that states if the federal government ever repeals the first or second amendment, they automatically secede from the union.
Proud tbqh
What if he was an undercover cop? LOL
>you shouldn't let this horrible act let you take prejudice against white christians.
I hope you do, faggot.
Take it personally.
Wave hello. It's actually not too uncommon here.
I did watch the video and I did read the manifesto there's and in line with the rest of the video and his fucking fortnite taught me to floss on my enemies crap the subside to pewdiepie is nothing more than more of him meming dummy
It's an abstract kind of feel, to witness a shitposter murder people in real life whilst shitposting
Based Texas.
Except Austin, fuck that city.
Not sure. Either tackled him at that time or tried to run. I'm not an old man and I'm pretty big, so I guess I could say that.
I don't know how any gay dude can feel sorry for Muslims
You know that line about spyro and fortnite was sarcastic, right? I hope you're not THAT retarded user
So basically two of the things the victims tried anyway.
>try to tackle him
Someone did. They died.
yeah! You sure gottem champ!
man, say what you will about mudslimes-- I had fuck ton of respect for the guy who tried to tackle the shooter.
You were here for the MC11 thread and you fucking ruined it with your >POST YER FACE HWEN shit.
I still hold a grudge you faggot.
wtf did madness ever end?
All he needed was another guy to help and they would've taken him down. He got pretty close.
I was just thinking this to myself earlier today. that's the common argument when talking about immigration. "b-b-but we're a nation of immigrants" well we fuckin shouldn't be. time to turn this car around.
That guy was obviously just trying to run away though. The "tackle" is only him falling on the shooter after getting shot.
ah I honestly couldn't tell.