How is Epic getting out of this one?

How is Epic getting out of this one?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why is she smuggling raisins?

They're illegal.

why do women make such dumb fucking faces for no reason?

>that face
Is she the newest sleek n tears model?

No raisin


Attached: HUBBA HUBBA AWOOGA.png (853x510, 475K)

Imagine being stupid enough to install that epic shit on your pc

Attached: WHOOOOOOO.jpg (480x360, 13K)

They can't. Valve is going to sue the everloving fuck out of them.

>for no reason?
Wanna know how i can tell you're an incel?

have sex

she's cute

participate in coitus

>He also said that the Epic Store doesn't use the Steam API due to Epic's own user privacy concerns, not regarding Steam's API in particular, but because of a "general concern of APIs collecting more data than expected."
Instead, they collect every single bit of data possible.

Epic is fine if it works exactly as they say it does. What are the chances that they're telling the truth though?

Have you even ever looked at Steam's EULA? Epic gathers Steam contact info to import your Steam friends and stuff over. Everything they're doing is completely legal and fine.


consider intercourse

I really, really like eyebags.
Makes girls look sleepy and cute.

Attached: 1521410546589.png (665x1000, 1.1M)

is this some new meme I'm not aware of?

>n-no u
That meme only works if the person you reply to is an incel, not someone calling out an incel.
Incels can't meme

>What are the chances they're telling the truth though
Slim to none. Epic is as scummy as EA.

False on all counts. That isn't what they're doing at all and what they're doing isn't legal. 0/10 bait.

have sex

ironic reddit/twitter meme, also proof that Yea Forums is the dumping cesspool of those sites

They have an API that does just that. Epic is just trying to scrape whatever they can for their Tiannanmen botnet.

ah okay, same old then

Typical normalfag response. As if that would even come close to fixing my problems

long story short
>Yea Forums got triggered by Captain Marvel
>especially by Brie Larson and her political views
>start making literally 20 threads at a time reeing "this movie needs to bump, just look at this disgusting lefty bitch
>movie releases and is already on course to become one of the most succesfull movies of all time
>Yea Forums loses it completely "the mouse pays for all the tickets, boycoot this movie DA JOOZ are behind it
>now we are at 30 Captain Marvel threads at a time
>people who got tired of this autism call these obsessed retards incels
>to shorten it one guy simply replied "have sex"
>entire thread got ass blasted and starts writing virgin manifestos
>"have sex" now gets spammed in every thread bitching about Captain Marvel to instantly shut down the virgin rage
>same can be applied here

why head so bic?

Oh, so millennial gibberish, should have known.

to smart to wear a bra


>tfw I don't care about any of this
capeshit is for children

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Is that a 3d model or a real girl I honestly can't tell

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This predates captain marvel, and even ghostbusters, you fucking tourist, but the line of thinking is the same, so who really gives a fuck.

how about you shut up and have sex instead


dumb retardera newfag

Why do you fight over dumbass superhero movies?
They are fucking terrible and at the level of videogame adaptations.

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i'm not here to defend shitty memes, but you can look up "have sex" in the archive and you'll see that phrase was only spammed the last few weeks

>Why do you fight over dumbass superhero movies?
That's literally all that's left of Yea Forums. At least they still have Baneposting

why do you play mobas and battle royale garbage and overwatch and rainbow six siege and advertised console trash like god of war

The only one of those I play is Siege, and only with friends.
Although mostly we just grief.

>why do women make such dumb fucking faces for no reason?

Because nobody is looking at the face anyway

>Thread about Epic stealing user personal information
>Suddenly about capeshit
The fuck are you people doing.

so who is this semen demon?

I dont like their business practices and their launcher. It kinda sucks for consumers. Is it a chinese Tencent spy operation?

I can see the devs side I think. They get paid much more. And if they go exclusive they get a big chunk of money.

Kind of a mess.

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>look mom, I posted it again!

>What are the chances that they're telling the truth though?
If they are evading the actual API made by Valve is for a reason.

Chink derailment.

>"Interested users can find localconfig.vdf and other Steam configuration files in their Steam Client’s installation directory and open them in a text editor to see what data is contained in these files. They can also view all data related to their Steam account at:"

why in fuck's name is valve storing this information locally and completely unencrypted?

Probably because it isn't sensitive information?

when you're running a social network for children any data that pertains to it is sensitive information

Steam isn't a social network. Config files are entirely irrelevant.

>loom mom my, social score increased by 2 points again!

steam is a social network and if a third party client can harvest friends lists via these files the file are very relevant.

Steam isn't a social network. Valve lets you use their own software to access those files because they're not sensitive information. However Epic didn't use Valve's software and that's the problem here.

Yeah, because OP's intention with that image was clearly to make an Epic related thread.
Lurk more, you gullible newfag

How is it even a problem? What untoward things are they doing, locally on your machine, with that information? What could they do non-locally with that information? Anything at all?

steam is a social network with public profiles, public and private messaging, friends lists, groups etc.

the fact that epic's launcher can completely ignore steam's api and harvest data via local files is not an Epic problem - it's a security issue based on valve's incompetence when it comes to securing their user's data. Nothing should be able to read this data. this data shouldn't exist locally in unecrypted forms.

that's not really a problem either. lots of third party programs parse steam files including your video card driver suite. that's how they "find" your game library without performing a full disk scan.

the only real "problem" here is that epic is a competitor so valve is playing up the privacy issue when they allow everyone else the same plaintext access to your data

>OP's image is marvel
Kill yourself newfag.
>How is it even a problem
A library is free to access, but if you break into the library through the window, you're still gonna get arrested.
>with public profiles, public and private messaging
How exactly does this make steam a social network again?

>Valve has an API for third parties to get this information
>EPIC for some reason bypasses this, search all your Steam files and encrypts what ever it saved
What a mistery

This is my favorite chink defence.
Just because it's there, doesn't give the Epic Store the right to use it. Imagine if you put all of your passwords in a file on your computer, and then the Epic Store reads it and parses it, and uses it to gain access to all of your accounts. According to you, that would be YOUR fault. This is how flawed your argument is. Go back to the drawing board, Chang. You need a new approach to this catastrophe.

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Good taste user.

I think a court may find that those things define a social network, if it's ever relevant. Currently I don't think there is any law that applies specifically to "social networks", though.

i'd like to hear your definition of a social network, specifically what features Steam is missing that would qualify it as a social network.

>and encrypts what ever it saved
this is the responsible to approach to handling user data.

epic's scummy for taking that data, but valve's negligent for leaving the data in the open.

if anything on your computer is storing passwords in plaintext it's an open attack vector begging to be exploited. this lesson has been learned time and time again.


>Is their fault for not protecting their files from me hard enough.
I am totally sure this will hold in Count.

The Division 2 shitshow showed us Epic's true colors.

Tim Sweeney has to be the most unlikable person in the industry today. At least Bobby Kotick uses PR speak.

Attached: sweeney 1.png (614x474, 51K)

Sweeney is a two faced scoundrel. Moneyhatting is bad only when others do It.

i'm willing to believe that epic is more crooked than steam
one reason being the tie up with windows 10

Steam has too many features!

Attached: sweeney 2.png (628x347, 38K)

>I think a court may find that those things define a social network
Skype isn't a social network for example and it has everything that steam has. Friends list, instant messaging, voice chat, profiles.
Steam is missing something quintessential that all social networks have. The "news feed" that allows you to share information with other people.

Also he confirmed that Epic paid Ubisoft to remove The Division 2 keys from other storefronts (such as Green Man Gaming and Fanatical).

Hope you like paying full price!

Attached: sweeney 3.png (633x396, 40K)

>Sweeney is a two faced scoundrel.
no he's pretty honest about things

Someone post OP's image now, the comments have me intrigued

Attached: enough pepe.jpg (600x384, 15K)

steam has an activity feed.

Braging about the 88% revenue share would work better if he didn't have to shit millions on exclusives.

Also this guy has a huge fucking ego and thinks he's a champion of PC gaming.

Attached: sweeney 4.png (623x487, 53K)

You don't actually use steam do you

Whatever happened to "Fuck you MS put your shit places other than your walled garden?

No I don't use it at all.

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The boot is on the other foot

Fortnite money went to his head.

he's now in cahoots with microsoft
i mean he supports windows 10

Click your username and then click activity, there's your news feed. Imbecille.

>XYZ owns a game is a user feed
Based retard.

go on, friend: post a status update on your not-social-network

: - )

Attached: 835308111_preview_Steam_2017-01-05_20-59-52.png (663x97, 7K)

So explain to me how one such as yourself can claim that steam has no news feed when the activity feed (which allows users to post text, video and images like any other social networking site) has been a thing for years?

>It's not my fault I don't know how to follow the games and devs and all I get is friends buying games and getting acheivments
>Steam groups, such nonesense.

The Division is exclusive, what?

So where's the ability to upload videos and photos then like facebook or myspace?

So how long until the EU sues the shit out of them for GDPR violations?@

On your profile, once you upload to youtube it uploads to your profile and it shows on your feed.

It's currently exclusive to EGS and Uplay. Third party sites were selling it for ~10-15% off before Epic and Ubi forced them to pull the game. Now you either have to pay full price or not play it at all.

>Once you upload to youtube
This is nowhere near the same thing that actual social networking sites do.

>>and encrypts what ever it saved
>this is the responsible to approach to handling user data.
Epic doesn't encrypt it, it just XORs the file with 0xFF.

You're such a moron, it's not even funny.

>Social networks specifically are designed for users to upload their own content and share with others
>Y-yeah well you can upload something to youtube and then it embeds into steam
Nigger by this logic Yea Forums is a social network and not an anonymous imageboard because I can embed youtube links.

That's awful.

Cool story, bro.

Remember when that said the Epic store was good for the competition? That It would only benefit the consumers.?

>If Valve didn't steal 30% of each sale, games would be cheaper
I remember.

Linkedin is undeniably a social network and that's how their video posting works

they're just as bad as valve in this case.

you've moved from arguing that steam isn't a social network because it doesn't have a newsfeed to arguing that it isn't a social network because a gaming focused social network doesn't have a newsfeed optimised for sharing pictures of your wedding

Just stop responding to him.

Because the files can't be used while they're encrypted. If they could, then the was no point in encrypting them.

That was before he got money.
As far as I'm concerned he can get fucked, during the 2006-2013 dark ages Epic completely abandoned PC to focus on consoles, whereas Valve stuck to their guns, so anyone who's not an underageb& or a chink already doesn't trust these chucklefucks.
I might not like Steam, but I hate Valve a whole lot less than I hate Epic.
When you fuck off to consoles you need to stay there, don't come back and pretend to be all buddy buddy and try to fuck up the market.

To be fair she is a crazy, obnoxious hollywood puppet-lady

Too bad the movie was shit.


Get cancer,faggot.

And then later admit they upcharge outside the u.s. because 88%is unsustainable.

Dude is a complete moron at this whole pr thing.

Anyone have the "Steam only carries valve games" one. Tim is a fucking goldmine of retardation.