Anyone else feel like Resident Evil 6 is underrated and had one of the best, if not THE best...

Anyone else feel like Resident Evil 6 is underrated and had one of the best, if not THE best, Mercenaries mode in the series?

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No it's just you.

RE6 was trash.

Have been playing it for 3 weeks ever since I got bored of 2make. Once I got the hang of the controls it became pretty cash. While Mercenaires is fun if they had added some kind of unlockable for beating every map on s rank I would have more incentive to actually do so.

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good gameplay mechanics on a mediocre game

You unlock the character's alt costumes dont you? Schoolgirl Sherry was the best.

>sold 8.8 million

The husbando/waifu faggotry was worse than the game itself.

Meant more like something special for the campaign when beating every map with every character on S rank. Like an infinite rocket launcher.

Nope it’s shit

That's quite the unique opinion you got there friend, I've literally never heard that one before.

Glad I helped

>underrated =/= undersold

It's only underrated in the sense that anyone thinks 5 is better when 6, at the very least, did everything it tried to do better. That said, they're still both quite shit and I couldn't care less about Mercs so no comment there.

>thinks 5 is better
People only think that because they want wesker dick up their ass.

Yes it had the best mercenaries but that's it

Will the poor reception of this game affect whether we see adult Sherry and Jake again, both of whom were well received? And Helena's tits, of course.

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Helena a shit, even Carla was better.

While I agree that Helena is shit Carla was even worse. Should have removed the Ada/Carla stuff since that's where the most retarded stuff of the campaign is.

I liked Ada's campaign more than others for the puzzles and crossbow. Don't really give a shit about the soap opera that the story was, it was all really contrived garbage save maybe Chris & Piers' bromance.

They should have removed Ada entirely after RE2. Stupid Mary Sue character RE6 was the magnum opus of the devs to their eternal waifu.

I'm the opposite. For me Ada's campaign is the worst. Her smugness is pure cringe and her schizophrenia is creeping me the fuck out.
My favorite is Chriss because of his character arc, Piers and having an ending that actually delivers. Jakes chemistry with Sherry is also nice. Leon's is ass to play.

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aww, you mad

Giraffe blowjob

>villains that got away with literally everything

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I don't like what she's become, a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card for the regulars and an unnecessary foil for Leon which has grown to infamously absurd proportions (blue balling himself for 20 years until he's nearing middle age just to get a glimpse of her manicured bush). Her epilogue in 3 implied we'd never see her again, yet her return in 4 reeked of the devs just missing her so much they had to bring her back.

It looks like a person giving a blowjob to a giraffe

They tried to sell it like a horror game, but lacked the horror

No, the game is shit

They tried to sell it like a horror game, but it had a person giving a blowjob to a giraffe on the cover