Do games with ambiguous endings annoy you?

Do games with ambiguous endings annoy you?

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mulignans annoy me

How about games with no ending?

depends honestly, if we're talking about ones like INSIDE, then yeah a little bit, ones that go completely off the rails from the rest of the game. I still liked INSIDE because it was fun but the ending felt off because there was only a little bit of payoff, if any at all, at the end. If its somewhat inline with what the game was going with and/or the player can theorize what happened afterwards on their own like Arkham Knight, then they aren't really a bad thing.

It would annoy me less if games took less time to come out. KH3’s ending annoyed a lot of people because they waited 13 years for a conclusion but still have to wait X number of years to get closure. Same with DMCV and MGSV but that’s a different story.

I just wanted to post this picture.

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I don't know how any game could be more conclusive than MGS4 though. Nobody was waiting for a conclusion in V

They should, but they don't often.

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Only brainlets were mad about the Sopranos ending.

>ending introduces new plot point and opens itself up to a sequel
>sequel never comes

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>hold up dutch
>WHAT was that plan of yours?

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>Final step, T - push dat big crystal into the glowin' beam, and we can finish up here

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>Face it Paulie, we're lost
>Get the fuck out of here. We're not lost, that talking Racoon said the road was this way

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depends on how it's presented. MGS2 did it bad because it was not even ambiguous, there were still threats out there that needed to be stopped but the MGS2 fanbase said that this ambiguous ending was "perfect"

to be fair, KH3 did end the Xehanort stuff but yeah, what is up with the secret ending stuff.


>Paulie this friggin suit is too tight, I can't feel my balls in this fuckin thing

Most peoples guess is it’s TWEWY Shibuya.

Pic unrelated

Depends. You can have satisfying conclusions that are ambiguous, but you can also have ambiguous endings that aren't satisfying at all. I think if your answer to your question is a resounding yes, then you're a complete brainlet mongoloid that probably exclusively watches capeshit.

Ay Tone

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love this meme

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>Look, eh, not for nothin'... I don't know what the fuck that was, or what's goin' on. But uh... where do you get your suits...?

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is this true

why is paulie such good meme material

wops annoy me

this, it was pure kino but also

Any good games about mobsters?

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Yes, except maybe if the ambiguity helps round out a theme, but games never do stuff like that right

plane crash that happened 5 days ago

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Godfather for ps2

I never saw the show, what was the ending? People didn't like it?

but the sopranos wasnt an ambiguous ending

The main character is sat in a reesturant with his family. You hear a door open and he looks up then the show ends


because he got shot, he dies at that instant

Most people don't understand. Some people think he's killed by a suspicious guy who enters the dinner and some people he think he lived. The real point of the ending is that it doesn't matter if he lives or dies because his existence will be one of constant paranoia and fear and his life is effectively over.

We don't know what really happens the guy who wrote it won't say a thing. But it does seem very likely the guy coming out of the bathroom shot him

Watch the show, it's well worth it.
They basically kill one person per episode, very fun.

>Tony Soprano's life was either going to be cut short by an assassin, spent rotting in prison, or a living hell of paranoia and fear and basically everyone he ever befriended being dead, some even at his hand
>Janice Soprano was a narcissistic, histrionic basketcase who was no doubt going to alienate Bobby's children
>Junior Soprano succumbs to Alzheimer's and is effectively already dead by the series finale

Jesus, what a miserable existence. Only Barbara escaped.

I'd like to think the very abrupt cut to black and lack of credit music (only time in the show) make it pretty clear what happened

Same, it seems like the most reasonable explination. I like that the writer wont say for sure though

Games with ambiguous endings are often sequel bait so its understandable

FFVII had pretty much the perfect ambiguous ending.
And then the compilation happened.

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>For a Vampire... Sebastian ain't a bad guy

How the fuck do i search for this meme. This is the most funny shit ive seen in a while