Gold Orbs are a bad design choice and shouldn't be part of the game...

Gold Orbs are a bad design choice and shouldn't be part of the game. Devil Hunter should have been the lowest available difficulty setting. SoS should have been available as the veteran difficulty from the start. If you don't get an A or S rank at the end of a level then Nico will mock you after the post-mission screen through an unskippable cutscene that increases in length the lower your rank. If you achieve a D-rank the cutscene will last for 30 minutes. The game will not allow you to adjust the volume for theses cutscenes and if you turn the volume off on your PC or television then the cutscene will pause and you'll be stuck there until you turn on the volume again.

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Based. The default difficulty should've been Hell and Hell. Fuck casuals.

fuck learning. me gud

I'm cool with glorbs since they removed Vital Stars completely
My only gripe is that when you're defeated the game puts you on that fucking screen asking if you want to revive.

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Imagine the reviews for this game if the revival mechanic didn't exist. 99% of the articles written on this game would be by people who never finished the game.

I agree with all these points. Thanks for not being a contrarian ledditor.

Post more lady

It makes the game feel like a smartphone game that you're expected to pump money into. Every time I die I feel like I just hit a wall in temple run. DO YOU WANT TO PAY REAL MONEY TO CHEAT??? NO? WELL WHAT ABOUT THIS TIME? OR THIS TIME? YOU SURE YOU DONT WANT TO KEEP LIVING? NO?

So glad I pirated this piece of shit.

>reviewers finish games

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That sounds like a colossal waste of time. If the D-rank alone doesn't encourage the player to get better at the game, then an unskippable 30 minute cutscene certainly isn't going to change their mind.
Even in Crash 1, the "you missed X boxes" cutscene was quick and to the point. Even then, they got rid of it in the later games, and not because it hurt players feelings, but because it was a redundant waste of time when the gem is already incentive enough to perfect a level.

You sound like the sort of person who buys nachos at the movie theater with cheese dip and a large diet coke.

Actually I get a pizza, popcorn, Buncha Crunch, and a large blue raspberry ICEE

>Gold Orbs are a bad design choice and shouldn't be part of the game.
The way it's implemented is terrible. It removes all tension from combat in so many ways, despie not being ideal the old system at least wasn't game ruining.

>Game rewards your exploration with gold orbs
>Game punishes you for using them

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I was very happy at first when I saw that there were no items anymore, but they had actually just been condensed into Gold Orbs.
At least there's no Holy Water

so you admit to your crimes?

There's really no need for gold orbs until you get to Dante Must Die difficulty.
Sure it's entirely possible without them but it's a waste of time.

would you this entire pizza bros?

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How so? Even on the hardest available difficulty at start, enemies are AFK all game.

Vital stars at least had a ressource management aspect to it. Also gold orbs in DMC5 are more than just an item management streamlining, they drastically change the gameplay as by default you are supposed to be full life at the start of battle so the game ensures that by showering you with green orbs during exploration.

The tension from pushing forward with 1/10th of lifebar hoarding life stars not knowing what awaits you is entirely gone. Same for bosses, once you decide to use an item you're guaranteed to win. There is no more just getting a bit of help to barely make it.

Hey user
Just don't use them why do you guys get so mad with optional choices?

watch people play the game on twitch and you'll know.

>complaining about gold orbs when this thing existed

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If you were actually good at the game and defeat Urizen in the prologue all SoS is unlocked. So if you're complaining about Devil Hunter being too easy for you you're lying.

i'm a newfaggot, what did it do?

Made you invincible with unlimited DT for like 30 seconds

what the fuck

The franchise has always made accommodations for people who suck at action games, from the very first game.

That said I would pay an obscene amount of money for cutscenes where Nico mocks me. What you described isn't a punishment. I would go through gold orbs like candy in order to have her call me humiliating names. If Lady and Trish joined in I would never need to watch porn again.

Devil May Cry always let you cheat if you chose to break the game's balance by using items. The new game has made it like a old arcade game where you cheat by throwing away more or your money. I honestly thing just make this an option on the main menu and no one would give a shit (other than cheaters of course). I think higher ups in Capcom are stupid enough to think people would pay money to buy in-game currency to use cheat codes in the game.

Honestly I don't care about it, it's more the fact the loading takes a long while, because you have to wait for the prompt to come up, then every thing gets de-rendered and begins to reload.

>Random nigger talking about game design
Every time

It was only in DMC1 iirc, maybe 2 as well?

>>Random n*gger

Take your racism somewhere else. There's a containment board for your kind.

I agree about the difficulty but fuck everything else. This ain't the 2000s.

>You're not allowed to be shit at my super secret perfect action game for true gamers and should be hung drawn and quartered if you are

Why are DMCfags like this? No one gives a shit. This is why they're so annoying. Fucking bunch of gatekeeping faggots who tear people's heads off if they're not perfect at the game right off the bat.

very good ironic post friend, some might fall for this


>The game will not allow you to adjust the volume for these cutscenes
>if you turn[...] your [...] television then the cutscene will pause
I do not believe this technology exists and if it did it would almost certainly be illegal.

Get help

I don't think you understand what that phrase is meant to convey. The OP of this thread very directly expressed that people who are bad at the game should be severely punished and dissuaded from playing the game more. The post you are replying to did not instigate the topic of gatekeeping faggots since that was what the thread was about from the OP.

>Watch a co-worker's stream of the game
>Its his first playthrough but he's already gotten all blue orbs, probably used a guide
>Keeps burning through Gold Orbs in the last few stages of the game
>Can't style for shit
>Didn't even unlock the Trish/Lady and Jackpot scenes
I can't believe this guy has the audacity to talk about the series like he knows shit. Dude even said DMC2 had good gameplay.

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I'd fail that on purpose and beat my meat to it desu.

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>That Nico stuff

Mother fuckers would be sperging out because it has unskippable cutscenes, which is the third listed thing on every list for why DMC3 is god's own perfect creation.

Pure unbridled autism.

Why does your coworker have a stream? Why did you not immediately ignore anything they say/do regarding the franchise as soon as you heard them praise DMC2 for anything other than Dante's design and the music?

trust me there are people streaming the game that regularly get c and d. D, user, D.

>The OP of this thread very directly expressed that people who are bad at the game should be severely
If the last part of OP's post wasn't giving away that he was only joking then you're being willfully ignorant just so you can push your gatekeeping meme harder like it happened in other DMC threads

Thing is to get a D in this game you'd have to be a literal fucking retard because the ranking system is weird and it's hard to get anything below an A.
There's being shit and then there's needing effectively infinite respawns on the spot and somehow managing to get anything below a B in this already fairly forgiving entry into the genre.

Lol why are you dying so much scrub?

this would make sense if the game repeatedly killed you in bullshit ways, but it doesn't. it's the easiest dmc yet. it also throws gold orbs at you. i've finished two difficulties and used 2 gold orbs in total, and i'm not particularly good.
you must be a ridiculous faggot.

I'd do my damndest to the pizza, the drink, and the girl.

because people like you come in and compare dmc to fucking temple run because you are able to buy gold orbs if you are supremely retarded and for some reason need to.
instead of just trying to get better at the game. must be a zoomer thing, I don't know.

fuck off and get good

hi guys! im new to dmc desu and dmc5 is my first! I like nero a lot, wish id see more of dante though.

DMC5 is great!! I havent even used a gold orb yet and i play on human but im gonna up the difficulty.

Nice. Ignore the idiots in the thread.

I don't want help I want to jack off while Nico insults my gaming skills and my manhood.

>Yea Forums THIS desperate to not play video games they watch streams for extended periods of their coworkers
You don't have to tell me who's the more pathetic one.

yeah FUCK casuals the only reason you should play a game is to BRAG TO YOUR FRIENDS.
Why would you even play DMC if you're not going to play DMD with no upgrades blind and backwards controls? LOL casuals

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You should drink bleach but since you're too stubborn and won't do it, deporting yourself out of Yea Forums is the next best thing.

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Every time.

Lady is a sex goddess

>if you don't play the game like me, you should be discouraged from playing
Fuck off, I triple s ranked almost every mission in dmc 3, but people like you are the worst. I hope they add an easy mode to dark souls so more people play the series, it's not like they'll force you to play easy mode. I also hope they add it so I can hear all of you crying over nothing and embarrassing yourselves again

I feel like locking off SoS gives them the freedom to change enemy placements around, rather than being obligated to have a progression of new enemies like they do on DH. If they had SoS available to start it would have to be designed with a first playthrough in mind, and I think it's better that it not be designed that way.

part of what can make a game is satisfying is to force you to actually become proficient in it instead of stumbling your way to the end-credits with crutches so you can claim that you've "beaten the game".

Protip: He doesn't actually play video games

I know that.

4 is easier, at least for me

Yeah it would be weird to play SoS first and encounter Furies way before the introductory cutscene for them.

The reason it's the easiest is because it doesn't have bullshit enemies like 4. Furies and Judeccas aren't even that bad since you can parry them.

>Watching streams
>Watching streams of your fucking coworkers
You should honestly just kill yourself right now

>cute fiery tomboy in 3
>curvy sultry cocktease in 4
>adorable broken butterfly MILF in 5
Is there any other vidya female that evolved so perfectly? Not only is she best girl, she's three different best girls in one.

She was shit in 4.

Then that is the punishment for the casuals, not having the satisfaction of overcoming the real challenges. I would never play an east mode, but why should I be mad they exist?

Yikes imagine pretending you haven't died once on DMD mode. You probably just stuck to human you filthy casual.

Real. 4 is hot garbage, full of enemies that will hit you while you are in the middle of comboing them without warning.

Casuals don't feel punished playing the game on the easiest difficulty with all the aids the game provides. They just don't give a fuck.

Why are you pretending you completed DMD mode without dying you sad little virgin?

I mean technically, they are selling red orbs for real money so it could be kind of similar to that. They are far too generous with the gold orbs though so I don't think it really comes into play.

And why do you care? What difference does it make to you when it is 100% optional?

I don't understand how it being someone he knows makes it worse
He didn't even mention DMD what the fuck. You realize there are two difficulties you have to play to unlock DMD right? Shit he didn't even say he hadn't died, just that he hadn't resorted to respawning with a gold orb more than twice and the game throws dozens of them at you.

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>thought dh mode was too easy
>thought sos wasn't much harder
>get to vergil in sos
>get me teeth kicked in and can't get him past 50% hp

Give me tips. I can use Royalguard just fine.

Maybe but she was a shameless slut and I'll always love her for it.

Her sluttery was part of why she was shit. She's better in 3 and 5 because she's cute in those two.

>Didn't even unlock the Trish/Lady and Jackpot scenes

I didn't even know those were unlockable. How fucking bad do you have to be?

Lmfao what are you talking about just use a gold orb and he's piss easy honestly this game is TOO easy lol haha

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I just did the Mission 12 Urizen fight on DMD and my thumb hurts now. He has so much health. It was fun though and I'm glad, because that fight felt like it was just a tutorial for SDT on DH and SoS.

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>I don't understand how it being someone he knows makes it worse
Do I seriously have to explain you retarded weeb?

Royal Guard him alot. Learn his timing. Some of his attacks deceptively hit twice Use air taunt since it launches him up when you juggle him. Use Coyote to clear the summoned swords.

I just dodged him with Trickster and went in when he was on recovery, which is just the same as what I did on DH. The recovery on all his moves is really long.

It keeps the competitive spirit of single-player difficulties alive where beating the game isn't just inevitable and feels like an accomplishment.

He keep spamming the vine attacks, which are hard to dodge. It's why Urizen 3 is so disappointing. He's weaker than Urizen 2.

The vine attacks are easy to dodge with trickster. Honestly it's the ONLY way I can dodge them though.

You don't have to, but I'm certain your reasoning makes no sense you fucking schizo.

She's still cute in 4, it's just that she knows she's hot shit and will use her charms to get what she wants. Plus her thighs are literal perfection.

You are on to something.

He didn't need to mention DMD, I mentioned how awful the microtransaction screen is when you die and his response is 'hurr how do you even die you fag hurr'

haha yeah!!! the ps4 should brick itself if you get all D's and a hit man should be sent ti kill you and your family! woohoo! fuck casuals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUDCKOIWSEgmjouierjnghoauer5johpuie4r5s

Competitive singleplayer? Just talk about the higher difficulties

I don't believe there's anything cute about being slutty. She also has a piggish face in 4 which doesn't help.

For instance, when I beat wolfenstein on uber difficulty, it was much more rewarding than just beating on normal, there's the competitive spirit, just beat the highest difficulty you nerd

I don't think Urizen 3 is disappointing, he may not have all of the strong moves he had before, but his moveset's a lot cooler, which makes him fun to fight. Also, I feel like Urizen 2 is a lot more limited in his moves aside from the ones they share, like the laser and the purple beams he rains down. Aside from that he just does the tracking vine, an attack where he slams a bunch of vines down in front of you, and one where he swipes a bunch of vines while backing off, and the only one of those that's really tricky is the tracking vine.

Nah, I don't like square cut pizza.

>Shit on people bad at video games when all you do is watch streams of other people playing games
>Watching the streams of complete fucking nobodies you work with and obviously don't like
Reconsider your life choices

Dante's wife looks beautiful

i really want pizza now, why op

You were talking about the lowest difficulty though, not the highest.

>skim over someone's stream for 10 minutes
Epic, Yea Forums.

Anyone else have issues with the cutscenes? They sometimes run like shit and the lip sync is usually off. Any solutions? PC.

>Watching streams at all let alone ones of people you work with
You are the reason eceleb garbage plagues this board 24/7.

>somehow thinking watching someone you know irl stream a game is the same as promoting ecelebs
are you retarded? Did your mother drop you as a child?

Using Quad S effectively feels so great.

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First line is a ridiculous assumption and the second isn't much better, just stop posting.
Even if he does actually dislike the guy there's nothing wrong with taking a look at his stream out of curiosity.
>guy mentions watching streams in any capacity
>You are the reason eceleb garbage plagues this board 24/7.
Based schizo poster.

I only needed gold orbs for DMD for V who I suck with I am not that bad am I

Play whatever difficulty you want, that's my point. If you just want to experience the game, play easy, if you want "competitive spirit" play hard. It's just that simple

>Imagine being a console pleb where loading takes more than 3 seconds.

just beat urizen on prologue and get sos instantly

When the number of people that attempt to beat the game doesn't scale with the number of people that actually beat the game then the game becomes singleplayer competitive because beating it is an accomplishment. Souls games for example have this reputation of being "hard" because most of the crutches you expect from modern games just aren't there even though mechanically it's by far not the hardest game. There are games out there with harder enemies and bossfights that end up being easier games because of revive mechanics, difficulty scaling, special item etc. Taking away crutches from players instead of expecting them to voluntarily give them up makes the game more engaging. Think of it like the equivalent of climbing mount everest except for entertainment. It wouldn't be nearly as interesting to do it if it was trivially easy for most people.

This is not to say that every form of entertainment needs to simultaneously provide a challenge. However, videogames and especially games like DMC that are based around reaction speed, timing, muscle memory and creativity are well suited to remove unnecessary aids that accomplish the opposite of what the game is trying to teach. The difficulty is necessary to force people to learn how to maintain your style meter. If you give people the option to spam gold orbs to get through encounters they never learn what is satisfying about DMC games. It actually robs them of the core experience of DMC games.

This series has always been so retarded with how it approached difficulty settings. Devil Hunter feels like a punishment for not being a total shitter, why the fuck do I have to always play these dull baby modes that offer no challenge and let me mash my way to S rank. There is no real reason to put the player through the fucking grind for ability unlocks and not just let them play on higher difficulty settings including DMD and up from the get-go, especially if it's not the first game in the series.

oh yeah, I just made a webm in the other thread
You can cancel stuff with the teleport too, screwing around with it is good practice, there's probably a lot that can be done with it

beat the prologue boss then

Does it unlock anything ingame?

If you die on a level, the only true option is to restart from the beginning.
I'd go so far as to restart the level if you get hit, but some people can't play Heaven and Hell on every difficulty.

the next difficulty level
just do the first 5-6 missions and get some upgrades and buy a bunch of buster arms, then go back and beat the prologue, you'll get SoS, then you'll get DMD if you beat the SoS prologue boss