Get free pass up to level 35

>get free pass up to level 35
>having fun
>hit level 18
>main quest is to now become a different class and start over
Yeah, fuck you. I'm done

Attached: logo (1).png (2500x1627, 3.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:!BwkBkCKa!aOOP57ghNUpipf2e6woMCDj4_Dr_7Wd0bdwxCo2bsz0

>hit level 18
>main quest is to now become a different class and start over
What? No it isn't.

Yes, please uninstall, I don't want yet another retard in my queues.

Bye. We need less Balmung yiffers and trannies.

I don't remember any point of the MSQ that requires you to reclass
They even got rid of the secondary class requirements for your Job in Stormblood

Yes it is. Forcing me to become an Archer now. Can't find anything else.

>Forcing me to become an Archer now.
I didn't pick up archer until I hit HW
What the fuck are you talking about

>Yes it is. Forcing me to become an Archer now. Can't find anything else.
No it isn't. Whatever you're doing isn't MSQ.
I'm not sure how you managed to fuck this up, I've never heard of anyone else doing this

is there a main quest to change classes to try out the class change system that he's misinterpreting as necessary to the next stage of the main questline?

No. You're never required to pick up a new class to got through the main story now. I started aaround the time of SB's launch and never had to change off of DRG.
Unless he's misinterpreting the Blue+ quests as MSQs, there's really nothing I can think of.

>wowfugees have no reading comprehension

Attached: smugman.png (555x594, 355K)

this is is bait, there's an MSQ guide in the UI, he'd just look there if he were actually playing and actually lost

It literally says next main quest on the top left of my screen and then makes me go to the fuck ass Archer guild

This never happened. You are retarded.

Years ago you used to have to level up a secondary class to 15 to unlock the advanced job for your main class, but the game never forced you to do that to complete the story or reach max level, and they removed the secondary class requirement two expansions ago anyway.

OP assuming you haven't bailed already due to embarrassment can you show me a screencap of where you thought you had to start over? I'm genuinely curious

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What fucking quest is it, you dong

Please stop playing. One less retard shitting up the endgame for the rest of us.

screenshot then fag, because either you're lying or dumb as fuck

>need a subjob at Lv18

are you playing FFXI?

okay so go to the archer guild and do whatever you have to do, it's not going to force you to become an archer. the main scenario quest doesn't have any class restrictions or anything like that

God, this is embarrassing to read
OP you are the biggest dumbass I've ever seen
I played before there was fucking distinction between msq quests and class quests and side quests and I never got lost, and I haven't even played an mmo before ffxiv

Is this a bait thread?

it's gotta be, I dont want to believe someone this stupid exists

OP, please just stop playing now.
I don't want you shitting up my DF queues if/when you ever make it to max level.

Holy shit OP you're dumb as fuck.

Attached: Hannibal.jpg (764x720, 87K)

what the fuck is wrong with you

OP is the big dumb


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but thats wrong


I wanna be in the screen too!

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Get out of here, Fray

you go to the guild but you dont go there to change classes, there's people other than the class change npc in the guild you dumb fuck. are you even playing attention the the quest icons and names?

It's almost impressive how you managed to not only fail to understand very simple instructions, but you also made up a nonexisting objective that you somehow think is mandatory

yeah bro, i hated that required class change, shit sucked retard

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did you, perchance, come from World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth?

fucking kek, great thread OP. GOT EM

obviously he got some quest to go to the archer's guild and instead of talking to whatever relevant NPC he had to, he talked to the guild receptionist and assumed the side quest to learn Archer was his next scenario quest
in other words, pure retardation

is there even a quest at that level that makes you go there?
what the fuck are you on about?

I hope youre just pretending to be retarded, jesus

I'm honestly still expecting a post with him linking to everyone and saying he was baiting the entire time.

If he started in Gridania, part of the MSQ makes you go there, and 18 is kind of around that level, so it's possible.
OP's just fucking dumb

merely pretending

Guild Wars 2

Is this the new XIV thread?

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SE better remove the quests in between ARR and HW to streamline the experience
the MSQ bloat is retarded

I recall Blufever teasing something like that but I might be making shit up

Lalafell are made for headpats and bouncing on your "lever"

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Condense sure, but not remove. Everything that happens during that time is to establish important plot points for later.

FOUND IT. There were a ton of NPCs and none had the icon over their heads. The one I needed to talk to had no indication. Fucking niggers

How fucking retarded can OP get?

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>no indication
There's always an indication on who you need to talk to. They have the quest bubble with a arrow-like icon in it, unless you had the quest hidden or something

>WoWnigger getting stuck for almost an hour because the game wasn't pointing at the NPC with huge flashing arrows

Attached: 1536676214757.gif (280x210, 1.48M)

>The one I needed to talk to had no indication
This is simply untrue

Gay priest has arrived.

Weekend threads are so terrible

Pretty sure that quest has you go into the Gods Quiver office in the back of the ARC guild and OP was too fucking stupid to both read the quest text and to find a door that wasn't marked for him.

Might as well post this here. My friend fucked up and has been using a windows character on the steam version of the game this whole time. He now has two service accounts and the steam one has all his expacs (Because he thought he had a steam liscense this whole time). Is there anyway to merge his service accounts or is he fucked?

But the door is marked on the map

The fuck are you on about?

Try contacting support I guess and see if they can transfer the stuff over to his non-steam account. Not really sure if you can do much else

Steam is considered it's own platform seperate from Windows.

>and bouncing on your "lever"
Post some examples, for science.

>>hit level 18
>>main quest is to now become a different class and start over
are you retarted user? first you hit 30 then you get an upgrade. and nothing else

You can swap to other classes once you hit level 10

go back to wow, playing your retarted 3 button face role classes without real content

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>>get free pass up to level 35-
>Giving gooks a monthly fee

Nice job choice

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You know you can switch at any time outside of a dungeon right?

Why did they make Krile so cute?

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So we could learn who Alphinaud hooked up with at the academy.

Are XI and XIV worth it just for the stories? I never played an MMO but those entries don't seem very FFish to me, or a lot more like WRPGs.

Never, ever, EVER leave your ley lines.

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Yes, absolutely. They're some of the best stories in the entire series. I personally think XI is the best one. And they're extremely FFish. XIV is slightly more "WRPGish" I guess just because it takes a ton of influence from the Ivalice games.

hopefully you quit playing just like you quit replying to this thread

if you don't like the mmo aspect I don't think the story alone will carry it. yeah it's more than some other mmo's but at the end of the day it's just mandatory fetch quest to unlock shit.

There is nothing wrpg about Ivalie.

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>leylines not being set down within range of a mechanic
Shit BLM desu

based retard-kun

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I enjoyed them heavily. I really enjoyed XI's story but it was my first MMO so I'm probably biased.

XIV's story is a bit more mixed but there's definitely some high points that are on par with some of the better FF stories.

stop standing at the edge of the arena, i can't hit you with my aoe heals there

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FFXI Chains of Promathia is one of the best video game stories ever written.

>FC falls apart because of girl drama
not again...

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ice only blm in the making

>mmo story
Don't be fooled. It's schlock. Except they have the gall to make you DA CHOSEN 1 in a MMO.

FF11 is so fucking good and even though it killed the SOUL of the game, i'm glad you can tear through the levels and solo the storyline missions now. its absolutely worth a run through if you've never done it

I don't know how else to describe it, but Ivalice games definitely have a more 'western' feel to them. FFXII even got a ton of flak from the typical FF audience because it spent more time talking about politics and other larger world matters instead of focusing on the characterization of the party.

Healers adjust

jesus christ, I didn't know people this stupid existed

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That's good to know, they've always been on my bucket list but I worry that XI will shut down any day since it's so old.

>if you don't like the mmo aspect
I really don't know how I feel about it. I'm not a fan of essentially neverending games, and I assume gacha shit is like a condensed version of MMOs without the interaction. I hate how they always focus on YOU, literally you to drive the story. It's so cheesy and completely makes me feel like the story is worthless. I did play some Dragon Ball Online recently and a couple hours of WoW free weekend and it was fun enough.

>Except they have the gall to make you DA CHOSEN 1 in a MMO.
ahhhhhh read this just as I typed the last part specifically about hating this lol

11 is. 14 is boring shit except Heavansward but its not worth the 50 hours of grinding through typical MMO trash just for the privilege of starting it

>tfw i still cry whenever Distant Worlds come on in my car

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Holy shit just quit and uninstall if you think going to a guild makes you become that guilds moniker

Wowfugees, literally fucking out please.

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>Except they have the gall to make you DA CHOSEN 1 in a MMO
FFXI doesn't do that. You're just a talented adventurer who happens to fall assbackwards into a story involving people who are actually important.

I'll let you adjust to the ground if you don't get closer to me

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You aren't actually stuck being an archer, but your perception of the situation as this, and overall frustration is a sign that this isn't the game for you, and possibly MMOs in general.

T. WoW player that doesn't want you shitting up my game either

At level 18 you should be going to copperbell mines.
You should have literally just done Sastasha and Tam-Tara
Did you not think I've done a dungeon in Gridania and Limsa Lominsa now maybe I have to do one in Ul'dah?
You're a fucking retard

This is why they removed cross-class skills and secondary class requeriments for jobs.

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rescue pls

Rescue me if you want me in range, I ain't moving.

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OP is literally going to be the guy that gets a purple aoe damage marker, looks at the stack marker his party is in, pauses for a sec, and then runs into stack with people

Uhironically quit the game OP

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There is only one quest in gridania when starting out that is not indicated by a fuck huge icon above a npc’s head and it when you first meet kann e senna and her representative at the conjureers aethernet

What restrictions are there to the free trial? and if I hit 35 on one job can I switch to others and level them too?

You two are staying dead until the RDM gets around to being useful

Please look forward to it

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He doesnt have to. WoW has been shit for years.

FFXIV is also shit though

>letting someone die
Trash healer, welcome to the blacklist

>What restrictions are there to the free trial?
You can't send /tells or friend requests. I think that's all.
>and if I hit 35 on one job can I switch to others and level them too?

yes you can level every job to 35 on one character before subbing if you want
as far as restrictions go I think it's mostly quality of life stuff, like you can't use the auction house or join a guild

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How long do you think it would take to beat the whole story plus expansions solo in XI?

Letting the 10k deeps lie on the floor, yikes

god 11 was so perfect. Vanilla->Zilart->Promathia is like this perfect interlocking trilogy about the world, the ancient civilization and the cosmology. Capped off with the fucking incredible Apocalypse Nigh fight bringing it all together.

Then, instead of beating the Zilart dead horse even more, Aht Urhgan takes us across the ocean for a completely new story. Its a great sort of gaiden expansion and Nashmeira is 2nd best girl

Wings is weird. Lilisette is best girl but it's basically just Dr Who Series 6. At least theres no Matt Smith.

Never finished Seekers. Beginning felt like a set up for another new continent gaiden like Treasures which is really the only way to keep a 15 year story going without getting too stupid

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>Doing construct 7 in Ridorana
>Blank out while doing it because I've ran it a googillion of times for the coins
>Run towards a stack marker
>Wait why are they running away from me
>Realize that I have a damage marker on me right as it explodes and kills nearly an entire alliance

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I've never seen a 10k dps BLM

They usually do less than the SMN and die a lot more

I know for a fact that you can do up to CoP within a month. Use ffxiclopedia as a guide for your story missions, finding gear, and looking for leveling spots, because XI is an old style MMO that's extremely obtuse and vague when it comes to just about everything. Also make sure to grab Trusts (NPC party members) as soon as possible.

WoW is fucking gabrage. Kek

All me

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I'll remember that whenever I hopefully some day get around to it, I am absolutely shit at committing to anything

>Cute Beta Boy Brigade

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based BLM bro

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>mfw the (almost)only man in the FC

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Fancy a bum?

I think they do free periods every May and November, but only for accounts that have been previously active. So if you get around to it soon, I'm pretty sure your initial free month counts and you'll get more time when those free periods roll around.

Not that guy, but is the free trial for an unlimited time until that point?

Does the quest icon look like this?
If no its not msq

Attached: ffxiv20140912060624005_thumb.png (190x161, 61K)

Yeah, there's no time limit and a lot of people just sit on the free trial forever and do nothing but roleplay.

Pretty sure it is.

Well I know what I'll be doing during the interim before ShB.
Is SAM or DRK more fun in XI? I'm mainly going to play solo with trusts.

Cool, I always put off free trials because I never feel like it's the right time to take advantage.

So was this bait or are people playing video games these days actually this stupid?
Imagine if OP tried to play EverQuest, he'd end up drowning in the pond in Qeynos before even finding his trainer

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I'd suggest looking up how to properly get the game set up and logged in. I'm probably retarded but it took me like a day to actually figure it out.

I'm not sure about DRK, but SAM is pretty cool. They rapidly build up TP so they can fling out weaponskills constantly, and have an ability that lets them chain multiple weaponskills together for extra effects. If you've ever played Dissidia 012, Prishe's combo system is basically how SAMs play.

Playonline is hell.

So I picked up arcanist what should I expect?

Alright thanks, I've been drawn to samurai since I saw that they had actual armor instead of a ronin robe. DRK seemed appealing because I like big swords.

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>what should I expect?
If you're going Scholar, to be bored until you unlock Scholar. If you're going Summoner, to be bored until you get Deathflare.

Many DoTs

Some pet micro but probably not as much as you're expecting

Ladies and gentleman, expect more threads like this as more people bail from WoW

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>samurais cant have actual armor in xiv

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>come back to the game after a few months
>queue up for a level 70 dungeon
>meant to put TBN on a party member
>accidentally shirk them because I had the bright idea to put their inputs right next to each other
Man, past me sure was smart

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Look into unlocking Dancer ASAP too so you can use it as a subjob. SAM's high TP build rate synergizes really well with DNC's TP-based heals and is really great for soloing.

>maid bonnet
>slutglam stockings
>maid heels

I was surprised we never got any Samurai armor for tanks in the asian expansion. those ugly omega ones are the closest

If I'm gonna go weeb I want the full kit.

Attached: full-size-samurai-armour.jpg (1000x689, 133K)

>Tenzen wears the XI SAM armor
>you can't have it

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you go outside looking like that?

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who ready for shadowniggers?

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Follow the arrows user.

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Can't wait for classic to get released so they can fuck off back.

$20 on cash shop.

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>not showing maxed crafters/gatherers
ya blew it

>majority are JP ps4 controller users

Fucking embarrassing how bad eu and na are

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Atleast we got Iroha's gear, but its not dyable


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Did you miss the entire set of gear for every class that was basically just fucking samurai shit?

They removed the "get X class to level 15 to unlock your main job" so you're probably just a fucking moron.


OP is fucking retarded.
Prepare to get shit on for your inability to analyze, understand and comprehend.

You poor, fragile minded thing.

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Genji SAM is shit, DRG genji is better

>Prepare to get shit on
You're about two hours late for that train buddy

He's either being retarded on purpose or picked up the archer quest and thinks it's the MSQ. I'm leaning for the former.

>fantasy asymmetrical monk trash

>your inability to analyze
proceeds to fail to analyze that people have called out OP already

You poor, fragile minded thing.

what's the best way to level FSH? Its my only noncombat class at 70 but it's at around 13

Still doubting between storing crafting materia or selling it.
Grade VI are clearly going to tank in price when SB hits and yellow scrips become the new red scrips, but I'm not sure they are going to make the grade V and IV cheaper.

>to be bored until you unlock Scholar
I'm thinking of going scholar, what are some beginner tips?

Why do Highlander players have the worst taste in NPCs? Ran into two recently that thought Lyse was a well-written character, and another that put "I want a Yugiri dating sim" in their search info.

please stop playing games dude. stick to marvel movies and pokemon games if you can handle that jesus fucking christ you're some sort of half breed 56% brainlet arn't you.

>After several months of off and on farming finally get World of Darkness tank boots
>My face

That endorphin rush is just so good. Yes, I know there is a craftable version but I wanted the OG version.

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Leves and just fishing. You'll not only get the regular gathering challenge log for doing it but also the fisher log.

sadly most highlanders are shit-taste having normies... I should've gone Roe

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FSH leves work like Craffter Leves so they give you great EXP. And FSH in general levels fast just fishing. Keeping all the bait is annoying though, but the chocobo sattlebag helps now.

Does this game have a P2W aspect like WoW or Runescape where I can spend real money on subscription time tokens and then sell them to other players for in-game currency?



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Keep Eos on Obey, and let her do most of your healing for you. Rouse+Whispering Dawn is extremely powerful. The most healing you should be doing in casual content is applying shields on the tank before hard hitting attacks.

barafag lalafells lusting after your ass is a lot worse

>WoW player that doesn't want you shitting up my game either

oh, you got enough shitters. shitters for millennia.

Keep your pet on Obey
Use Rouse as soon as it's available
Keep your DoTs up

>not blacklisting all lalafells on site

sight* fuck

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anyone know what exactly the other players counter in the duty menu is supposed to be counting?

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I accidentally clicked on it once and it brought up the party finder so maybe it's how many people that are searching for it there?

Why do people hate lalas so much?

How many party finder listings there currently are for the duty you selected. Basically other people doing the duty you're after (just in pf instead of df)

Available PFs.

They're pedophiles and potatoes are the closest thing to children in this game.

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Dude's gonna be boned when he has to pay his respects to a friend.

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>play game
>game tells you to go talk to a guy in a bank

literally mentally challenged

How can she lust after something that can't fit inside of her?

Attached: wink.png (387x434, 241K)

>he abandoned the thread
come the fuck on, shows us what you thought was the MSQ

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ask mr. hands

Because she's not actually a Lalafell. The Warriors of Darkness all gave up their original bodies to come to our world, then had to inhabit corpses.

thanks OP, I'm pretty dumb at this game but I was never this dumb.

That being said I've been running Ifrit for weeks for his BLU spell, I've done him well over 100 times by now, probably 150, if I don't get it by the end of the month I'm unsubbing and playing EDF 5 instead.

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>mfw he's unironically right

who the fucks takes a shot for the fucking flu
americans are crazy

i fucking hate farming the endgame blu spells. thankfully I don't think any of them are required for the blue carnival, but fuck man, the learn rate. went 3 hours straight on ramuh last night.

Farm Ifrit at its lowest difficulty, the one you still fight while a class. You can get Eruption from that one and solo it ezpz.

Das rite brother. Go defeat Ifrit in EDF5 instead.

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>I've done him well over 100 times by now

You fucking coward come back and admit you were retarded like a man you've already made an ass of yourself.

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Female roes are so fucking gross

No. She's a lala

is he, dare i say it, /ourguy/?

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It's going to be an interesting ride with him around.

You're so fucking gay.

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>OP is a falseflag to start another XIV thread
>OP was a legit fucking retard

lmao @ u OP

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He's great, I can't wait to see more of him.

I found the female roe

it was so good to finally get the entire onion set
except the hat because fuck you S-E i had 1.0 but you refused to give it to me when i asked to get it over the 1.23c->2.0 beta since it glitched out at the end of 1.0

fookin' cunts

WoW really does rot your fucking brain doesnt it

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I play male highlander.

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>and another that put "I want a Yugiri dating sim" in their search info.
>mfw you met my friend

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>since we may not meet again
is this foreshadowing?

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Are they ever going to stop making likeable pureblooded garleans? The ones that are doing all the bad things to people are the conscripts. They are savages after all

I have everything to 70

but DRK.

no seriously, fuck DRK

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It used to be great fun before SB ruined it.

MCH is far worse than DRK
Don't know how you got that to 70

name a less fun job than mch
you fucking cant

Attached: 1542499419613.png (400x389, 48K)


seems like it. Hopefully it will be Varis that dies. Solus seems to be constantly pushing him on edge with all the revelations. I can see him pull Thordan VII and kill an ascien.


DRK is the funnest tank to run dungeons with IMO.

Gold saucer gacha game with MGP when?

But only after you get Quietus at the least

In the other languages, it's pretty clear Solus is going to the 1st Shard to see how Minfilia is handling the Flood of Light. Hes gonna go cause some shit.

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your friend has great taste

Good point. That fucking blood price nerf.

Attached: 1551345333854.png (1680x824, 824K)

Had it to 70 in SB

fuck Yoshi on that heat meter gauge that shit is absolute dumpster fire tier
MCH is even worse than DRK now, I absolute agree

>Abyssal drains sound effect

Attached: 1532119094863.jpg (427x300, 16K)

Your friend has shit tastes.

Quietus+TBN is a billion times better than infinite mana button tbqh

>not WAR
not a war baby, I just love the class

Attached: imploringexternally.jpg (468x285, 50K)

I think one of the expansions has you as the "chosen one" when some time traveler comes back to help you save the future or something.

>the heat gauge
>shots are still RNG
>10 second Wildfire on a tight ass rotation
>rotation is mostly the same rigid flow on 1 minute timers
>rather large dps boost from 2 other jobs being in your party
>for like 10 levels now your only new skill is the fucking Rook turret
>removal of so many ogcds that could have greatly benefited the tighter WF
>flamethrower existing
I really wonder what the galaxybrains in charge of class balance comes up wtih next in Shadowniggers

Attached: hmm.png (640x632, 312K)

just fucking nuke MCH and rework it from the ground up
its absolutely trash ATM and has 0 reason to even be in a party

Im so butthurt because I have my HW relic on that fucker, absolutely love it, loved the class post 3.3, but then HEY GUYS ENJOY THIS NEW GAUGE STUFF ISNT THIS COOL with the SB launch

fuck yoshi
goddamn hack

Is the free trial(the first 35 levels) worth playing or is the early game devoid of anything enjoyable like it is in most MMOs

>Is the free trial(the first 35 levels) worth playing

If the tank can't draw and survive a trolley, then they deserved to die.

More or less if you don't enjoy the basic game at all you're not going to enjoy the rest of it, the trial's great for gauging whether you're gonna play the game to endgame or not.

>tfw they're going to take reloading away from MCHs in ShB and leave 'em with only the heat gauge and hot shot.

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it's pretty fucking shit low level mate.

MCH does fine damage for the most part, its just so ass to play its not fun to do 2x the work for the same dps as the rest of the group. Not to mention you're the most fucked if things go wrong. But I would unironically have gunmage back compared to how it is now.

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I feel like no one on the XIV staff actually plays MCH and that's how it got to this point.
I don't know who thought it would be a good idea for MCH to have to focus around 2 different 10 second windows and the heat gauge in general

>Are they ever going to stop making likeable pureblooded garleans?
I'm not sure they can. People love the empire and its characters and SE has tried again and again to make people dislike them to the point of making them cartoon villains like Zenos and Solus and if anything the opposite has happened. People love the them now more than ever.

How did 3.0 MCH work?
I can't find any decent videos on it from HWq

Nah at least 1 guy plays MCH. Problem is, he's the PvP dev.

I've lost brain cells from reading this retardation. Go fuck yourself moron

>gauss barrel did decent +% to damage
>cast bars
>several ogcd to supplement so you're basicallya regular dps
>wildfire timer being 15 seconds long
>the pro strat was to toggle gauss barrel off and on to make the most out of it

The game would improve considerably if they just removed MCH from the game in a hotfix. That's how bad the job is

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I can tell you've never played MCH

>tfw i'm looking to get into 14 and have been eyeing MCH
wow lads, don't know what to do right now

maybe on Yea Forums people like the empire.

I personally shit on this game a lot but fuck do I love it. Im surprised its been one of my favorite games for so long.

BRD is basically just better MCH at this point, and you don't have to wait to HW to get it, unlike MCH

Hold out until Shadowniggers skill reveal to see if you at least like the skill animations.

>tfw want to be ready for Shadowbringers because it actually intrigues me what they'll do
>can't fucking stand Stormblood at all
>plot is boring as fuck and Lyse is fucking garbage making the MSQ a slog to push through
How did anyone even remotely enjoy this expansion?

I don't think it's close to any of my favorite games, but I do enjoy my time with it.

>the pro strat was to toggle gauss barrel off and on to make the most out of it
>removing free damage boost
>with cast times that short

Attached: Hypernova.jpg (560x560, 319K)

WoW is better

>remove MCH
>turn on glamour animations/weapons for BRD
>make it so people can glamour guns over bows if they want
there, I fixed it

Did the whole overheat thing exist?

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It was something about getting auto attacks in between cast times (since MCH cast times didn't match up with the GCD). They didn't leave it off for multiple GCDs.

I actually just really like the way the abilities look, am a somewhat experienced ranged DPS/caster who just wants to have a character that looks cool, really

Lyse sucks ass. Just push through to 4.4 when shit starts being interesting again.

maybe 15 years ago

They just need to get rid of flamethrower and then either remove wildfire or find a way to make it not bully the rotation so much so it's less rigid and repetitive

I think the RNG combo + ammo system is fine, I actually enjoy that but the rest of the class is total raw ass

when guass barrel was on you lost auto attacks. the strat was to use all OGCDs with it on then toggle off for basic rotations where the damage boost is less than the auto attack damage.

Brainlet, the toggling did more dps in the end than strictly keeping gauss barrel on the whole time. You wanted it off during the none wildfire times to edge out more cheaper RNG shots and have it on for the real slappers.

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mch is still more fun than brd

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gods I thought they were actually gonna kill him. I teared up.

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they can never kill my husband

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>gauss didnt boost damage enough to cover autos
GfuckingG yoshit

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I think MCH is the only job I've hated the more I leveled it up.

Oh, God. Please leave. Please for the love of God, leave.

doesn't matter, game is boring shit anyway

I'm glad I got it to 60 in HW. 30-70 on SB's skillset sounds like a nightmare.

don't worry there's plenty of battle royale games for you instead

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>that feel that I will always use the CT tank mask no matter my glam

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MCH can still be good. It theoriticaly does more damage than BRD but it is EXTREMELY clunky to play. Hell even some of its tool and skills you should be using to pull off big numbers works AGAINST you and you have to rebuild meters/resummon your turret etc.
Go for it anayways if you want to be the technology guy but I personaly find it the most unfun job to play in the game. Hopefully they do a complete makeover in Shadowbringers.

I got all the spells in the first week easy peasy. Try harder.

god why

there were too many fake out deaths in SB. But I agree, i was sad when i thought he was going to die

It's boring as shit and they're not good for anything.

I've never played one but I'm sure they're better than MMOs

Honestly I thought it was a nice touch that they forced your character's headpiece to hide during this scene just to show you the Warrior of Light isn't a complete emotionless murder hobo.

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cool thing about this game is I can just change classes worst case

How good is FFXIV as a single-player game to just go out exploring and leveling? I'm less interested in doing some end-game shit, I'm just interested in immersing in a rich FF world and playing by myself, if that remains a viable option.

game is a literal 0/10 for that. the world is merely a set piece in which to conduct the main story quest.

>never played a BR
>BRs are still better than MMOs

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Actual exploration and leveling up in the overworld is something you're not gonna do very often but it's definitely singleplayer-oriented outside of the dungeons regardless. It's more like teaming up with other players in a single-player game every couple of levels.

>exposed skin
good luck getting dismembered you dumbass cat

How do you grind nowadays? Just came back and want to try and get everything to 70 for the xpac.

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palace of the dead and heaven on high

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Didn't he literally say he wanted to end the world?

>whm falling asleep during raid

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He just wanted to cause the last 5 Calamities all after another so all the races of the world would be fused back into the original race and then they could lead a united front against the Ascians. The world would still be there, but shitloads of people would be dead.

I do believe there's some MSQ involving Kenna-A-Sanna(?) or whoever her name is that involves going to the Woodwailer's guild and the First Bow(?) or whoever of the archer's guild plays a storyline role in some shit in Gridania somewhere.
>i actually think this happens more than once between 1.0 and 4.0


He was merely pretending because Ascians were probably breathing down his neck the whole time. He wanted to spill their plans to the alliance without blowing his cover and make them determined to fight against Garlemald so they can kill the fucking Ascians that are using his country as a tool for chaos.

Based retard

>tfw DF is full of lalafells

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Thanks. But yeah, pretty sure it's a low level ascian encounter in Gridania involving the iaxotl and shit at some big ol' tree, and has you going to and fro around the city to all the major characters.
same shit happens in all 3 major regions at some point during 1.0 MSQ.

the become an archer class quest is probably "So you want to be an archer", and has nothing to do w/ MSQ

>lewding the potato jews

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yes, if you start with gridania you work with them briefly before the ceremony defending that tree in central shroud

I'm messing with you, it's actually Kan-E-Senna

i believe this. but with how everything turned out plot wise he might really believe what he is saying

So how is the RP in this game?

>they think we will get dancer
>they think we will get bunnyboys
one week until the thread gets btfo

My fucking sides

It's abundant.
There's a lot of ridiculous sexual erp bullshit, but there's also a lot of 'real' RP going on. I don't do RP in FF14 but i see a lot of it.
A lot of it is blatantly warped and degenerate sexual shit.

Pretty fucking terrible unless you just want to typefuck.

Sounds like we've met. Wouldn't happen to be on Leviathan, would you?

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Gays not welcome.

Nope. Like i said, I don't do rp of any kind in 14, the last time i did any "RP" was in Neverwinter Nights custom online worlds/modules, The Magic Bubble was my jam, and it had nothing to do with sex.

god i wish i could kiss the middle catboy

you can't escape it, big boy.

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Quit avatarfagging.

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no fuck you.

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what haircut is the one in the middle?

I'm surprised none of you wear the star spangled subligar.

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You get it from the goldsaucer, the adventure one. It's very inexpensive, especially when compared to other gs hairstyles.

Reminder that only 11% of the Active population has done Eureka to Pyros Cap with many more possibly falling off Hydatos. To reference that to Savage clear rates around 6% of the Active Population has cleared Alphascape Savage.
>Eureka couldn't even get double that of Savage as the casual content of the expansion

Attached: Eureka_Numbers_BC.png (761x353, 18K)

It's mostly fine until you get Gauss Barrel, and at that point I just felt like I was playing wrong no matter what I did

Eureka was a bigger mistake than lalafells and everyone knows it.

This makes no sense. Thot? Bastard? Depressed?

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346th for Arya

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qt 3.14

>my first 70 was SAM followed by DRK

crossposted twitter/tumblr memes

I believe it's some of both.
Fact is that Garlameld is incredibly technologically advanced compared to the rest of the world and are getting scarily close to allagan levels.

Meanwhile Eorzeans literally can't stop scheming and backstabbing each other long enough to even worry about a looming invasion that's been threatening them at their doorstep for years, so when Ilberd starts the shit himself they're all caught with their pants down.

Not with that shit class gameplay m8
Not with that retarded lore and story

who even is this bitch

I agree.

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>Alphascape Savage Clears = 6%
>Eureka Cap = 11%
>BLU Lvl 50s = 18%
How can they release so much content that can't even get 1/2 the active playerbase playing? What is the other 80% of players even doing? We have around 61% of the 70s past 4.1 so you'd expect bigger numbers right?

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There's so much of the playerbase that doesn't actually want to play the game. They do the MSQ and whatever expert dungeons, and then nothing. They stand around half-AFK while they talk in discord, or they decorate their house, or they roleplay.

Why release Ultimate when only 1% of the playbase clears?

because is the only content worth doing till the expansion drops

>5 days and 22 hours remain

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I'd be curious out of those blue mages how many actually even completed azulmagia

>4 arcane mage skills
Even summoner does more

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Yeah people aren't memeing when they say wow has 5 button rotations

How fun is Bard on a scale from 1-10?

could you ask anything less subjective

I think the bigger question here is how is that even the "Hardcore" content isn't heavily outpaced by the "Casual" Content. I think its natural to expect BLU to be the highest given how easy it was to level but Eureka vs Savage? Eureka being the casual and the premiere "content" of the expansion should have at least have had 40-50% of the Active population at the end.

but not as fun as Black-Funmage.
That would be leylines/10

>Finally getting my Squadron shit done
>So close to max rank
>Have to wait a week between deployments for the fancy missions
>My face

What the fuck

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">Worry not Soroban. We will not let it be for nothing."

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How do you feel about horsecock futas?

Just know this that at level 35 you have less than half the skills for you class and it will not feel like a complete class at all in dungeons. The game is completely different once you reach max level and finally have your full rotation.


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The Alexandrian Cannon is one of the best looking MCH guns. Prove me wrong
you can't

It's about the only thing they're good for.

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This music will haunt me in hell.

>giving a single fuck about MCHshit

you meant the midan rifle

The only downside is that you have to play MCH.

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>no doujins where a lala reverserapes a roe

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So is Alexander Savage the quickest way to get anima light? Haven't even touched normal Alexander yet

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Give me that lore book i fucking want it

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Smoking emote when

Not even close.

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>Only a little less that six days until the genderlock shitstorm ends.
>And another begins

How do we fix MCH bros

>Genji Armor

Attached: Gilgamesh.(Final.Fantasy).full.1394363.jpg (662x700, 265K)

>need account to download vol1

Attached: FUCK (3).png (907x669, 293K)

>not Flame of the Dynast
>not Armageddon
>not Shoryuu Handgonne
>not Elemental Handgonne
>not Kunitomo
>not Pre-Imperial Garlean Revolver
Truly shit taste

I like the aesthetic
Shame it plays like shit right now. If it plays aight in ShB, I might make it one of the classes I level.
The others as of right now are DRK, GBR, SMN/SCH, DRG, BRD, new healer/potentially dps, MNK, PLD, and WAR in that order

Anybody got the SAM one?

By removing it and forcibly castrating anyone who plays it

It'll take longer but you can save each individual page manually.

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how do you order stuff like that to america

It's literally shit. Besdies the Hakama. There's no good weeb glamour.

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Bros, I want to fuck an Elezen

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Er the one with the armor.

OP here.
Everyone in this thread just got fucking trolled hard.
God, how dare you call other people stupid when you fall for obvious bait this easily?

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>We didn't get Chokken
>We just got a shitty DRK version of it instead

>katana with kenki accelerator
i hate that yoshi is such a coward he refuses to give interesting gear attributes

He should be so lucky.

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STUPID fucking idiot

>haha i was only pretending to be retarded lmao GET TROLLED.

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>oh shit I'm retarded
>u-uhh, I was trolling! y-yeah, trolling!
Every time

Friendly reminder that anyone who announces that they were trolling wasn't trolling

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Should I save my Genesis Tomes for the Alphascape weapon?

Is there a Genji Blade for SAM yet?
This is important to whether or not I'll bother to resub.

I just leveled to 22 via the main quest and I never had to become another class.

How many crystalloids you got, user?

If you don't know, then yes.

>Worn on the left hand, literally worn on both hands.


Only one.

are you retarded

Can you post the SMN one?

>I worry that XI will shut down any day since it's so old.
There is no way that they would possibly do this without 6 months warning, minimum. They have customers who pay for months in advance. Taking the service that they'd paid for away would be unlawful. When FF11 is going to kick it for real you'll know about it well in advance.

Why are Fates still a thing

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>main quest is to now become a different class and start over
it isn't though

If you already have 3 or 4 crystalloids, save.
If you only have like 1 or 2 of them, you'll most likely get enough tomestones later down the line

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Maybe they should try making new content that's not a mind numbing chore.
I'm all for grinds, but only if the grind is somewhat enjoyable. And there in lies the problem, without the spectacle and presentation, XIV's combat is fucking boring. The whole game basically suffers from it in basically every single facet.

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Involute designs are top tier

Books are so fucking lame. Literally every other weapon type looks cooler.

Yeah for about two years now buddy.

There a version for SCH?

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Keep giving me (you)s please! I love it lol

I never reached SB content, just the end of HW's initial story.
My inner Gilgamesh is pleased.

Holy shit you're embarrassing

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>play monk
>almost always use emperor's new fists because monk weapons are 99% shit

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>can't even reply properly
>calls other people embarrassing

Best world to transfer to with the free transfer when it happens?

Last request. MNK?

>he doesn't have the Sephirot fists
I feel sorry for you

XI talked about doing something for their 20th anniversary which is still 2 or 3 years away on their dev stream the other day.

>he doesn't have the feast wolverine claws
lmaoing @ u

>SAM is just more aether faggotry

What the fuck? why is every job aether based, what's the point of SOULSTONES if you just need to be a fucking magic faggot.

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Are you fucking stupid? Do you even know the first thing about the lore?

Is XIV comfy, at least for a good while?
I work a tiring job and I want something peaceful, even if it's killing mudcrabs

Saw my sister playing it, and it seemed alright
Haven't played an MMO in 7 odd years

>implying wowfugees even look at old zones and quests they outlevel

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What the fuck are you talking about you dumb tranny.

don't let these faggots fool you. XIV is super comfy, especially if you like shitposting in shout chat.

I'm saying you're a dumb nigger that should stop skipping fucking cutscenes. Yes, of course they use aether when they're charging a magical fucking explosion of cherry petals out of their sword. EVERY job uses aether. The only one slightly different is MCH, which still uses aether but has the machine on their hip doing the conversions for them.

is there a place to get all these scanned images?

Awesome! Got anything on DRK?

Longer neck to house the dick user

I posted it here

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No joke, shit like platinum trophy Wipeout HD is on another level. Devil May Cry 3, 4, and 5 are brutal as well. Trying to S rank every DMC5 mission on Dante Must Die and Hell & Hell difficulties must be a nightmare, and that's the easiest DMC game out of the three.

That said, FF14 does require skill. The later Extreme and Savage difficulty content is pretty ridiculous, especially if you and your team are going in blind. But yeah, it really is literal baby shit compared to a lot of the harder games out there.

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Lol get baited you fucking community school graduate.

>main WHM and DRK
This is accurate.

Glad to see you admit your retardation.

>I was only pretending to be retarded!
jesus dude stop posting

>not using makai fists
that said I can't use monk glams where they don't actually hold something, because they don't close their fists when it's empty and looks retarded

Give me more (you)'s, I bet the school you went to has a commercial.

Alright, sounds like it's free to try anyways
Maybe it's just what I've been needing

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I bet the school you went to has padded walls.

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>Run Alphascape 5 times
>get no loot
Shit like this makes me think Blizzard was on to something with personal loot

you won't ever do content that could benefit from that kind of gear
why even bother

Uh the 380 gear seems way better than anything else I can get

And it has zero relevance until you step foot n savage, even then you can get upgraded crafted for 390

And what if I want to do the savage stuff? I can't afford crafted gear anyway.

>it's another "OP is a dumb fucking faggot and everyone calls him out on it" episode

Attached: image.jpg (589x553, 55K)

it's on par with tome gear and only relevant during the first weeks of a savage patch due to caps and time constraints, after that it's redundant at best.

oh so that's sid's tribe

Well then you tell me what's a better way to spend my time.

level your crafters to make the crafter gear now and for future patches/expansions

Literally anything, normal raids are only worth doing the once to unlock savage. Maybe grind Omega for the weapon token but that's a bit of a stretch.

Fuck that. The expansion is still 3 months way I want to raid and have fun until then. Level up crafting shit is the opposite of fun.

>Want to play again
>Account is gone due to shenanigans
>Have to play through 1000 hours of main quest again
Convince me not to

It's worse than you remember.

is this worth my time or i'll just stick my ass to GW2

sure thing user, you totally didn't get banned.

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I'd tell you to play the free trial and form your own opinion but I don't want you shitting up my game with your shit taste.

MSQs are easy enough to blow through. I got a fresh alt to raid ready for Stormblood in 3 days of going at it hard, if you skip all the dialogue/cutscenes and just rush through you can catch up quick enough.
Leveling all your other jobs, collecting all the misc shit you had and will want again, and just unlocking/doing all the random fucking content outside of the MSQs is a different story though.

>Depressed bitch and depressed bastard

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>havent been able to do weekly o11s because pugs have single digit iq
fuuuck i just need 2 more pages for my pants

Based NiggerMage

>all my classes considered edge
fuck, it's like it sees in to my soul
>my linkin park listenan soul

its decently fast as warrior, just skip everything, much shorter than you think if you have the will to sit through the monotony

Just uninstall the game you chimp.

They don't make you THE chosen "one", you're a warrior of light and there has always been multiple warriors of light throughout all FFs that have them

There have even been multiple warriors of light in 14's world, they appear on the eve of every calamity.

>They don't make you THE chosen "one",
The whole point is you're the current astral/umbral cycle's Warrior of Light, it's not a unique title but you most certainly are the chosen one. It does a decent enough job of writing off other players, though, if they're accompanying you for a primal then they also have the Echo and everyone else is a random adventurer. Even jobs have write-offs, part of a lot of jobs' storylines is the information about them becoming widespread (ie Warrior, Scholar, Summoner), so the only jobs that you'd have to do some finagling to justify without being the WoL are Dragoon, Astrologian, and Black Mage.

Look at you spreading facts. Nice job user

Fuck off, faggot.

Not skipping cutscenes during a rerun of titan and corrupted crystal questlines will drive you insane but it's not the worst thing that'll await you.
Stormblood msq is far worse than anyone dares to remember and second playthrough will only make it worse, abandon hope ye who enter there

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Are people still doing The Great Hunt EX?

I kind of want that mount.

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>how can user say such things about ala mhigo!
>*clenches fist*

Just go back to it at level 80 in 5.0 (assuming there is no syncing fuckery).

for the intent and purpose of this story, you are the chosen one for the plot.

>part of a lot of jobs' storylines is the information about them becoming widespread (ie Scholar)
That's incorrect though, Scholar is one of few jobs that don't have a logical way to become widespread as main selling point of a Scholar, mainly the fairy, is bound to the jobstone of which there's only the one in WoLs possession.

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