Bayonetta 3 Thread

Will it have uncanny faces, dlc shit, and a disappointing final boss?

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>uncanny faces
no, switch can't handle
>dlc shit
I don't think so
>disappointing final boss

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No uncanny faces. DLC will probably happen. Disappointing final boss is always a possibility.

>uncanny faces
>implying Platinum would ever go the realism route
>implying Kamiya would be able to find a girl that can live up to his waifu's name
yeah no

>implying Kamiya would be able to find a girl that can live up to his waifu's name
He can find a guy, though.

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>tfw will have to a Shitch for Bayo 3

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>Disappointing final boss is always a possiblity
Bayonetta has always been escalating and over-the-top shit so I thought the final boss of 2 will be some Asura's Wrath level shit. But no, just some faggot that would be a miniboss in other action games.

No, just shit quicktime button mashing.

boy let me tell you, I would let them fly me to the moon if you catch my drift

Idort here. I play Switch more than my other consoles to be honest. (Because Smash, BoTW, Odyssey. Yeah they look like shit in terms of graphics but they're more fun to play than generic walking simulator or a generic shootan. Also stuff like SMT 5, Bayonetta 3, SMM2. These games on Switch are the best in their respective genres too, so I don't mind the price tag. I can understand the despair if you're a poorfag tho)

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Aesir was super disapointing.
I'm sure they know that though. Hopefully 3 finds a good balance between 2's great set pieces and 1's batshit bosses

1 had terrible bosses as well

1 had great bosses. 2 kinda blew its load too early and after the first stage it's all downhill.

I feel the same way. I already played BoTW and Smash isn't a big enough draw for me. I'm also looking forward to Astral Chain and that mech game too at least. Also a new Animal Crossing. I also want to pick up Octopath and hopefully a Bravely Default 3 comes out on the Switch.

Some were bad but
>Jeanne fights
>First 3 headed dragon
Tell me at least one of those weren't good

I want a Bayonetta boss to surpass the buildup and hype of Vergil 3 in DMC3. Jeanne was too forgettable.

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Considering the final bosses of the last two games it would have to be Queen Sheba this time around.

It's not DMC5 so no.

Can Rodin beat Dante in a fight?


>being so desperate you'd fuck a diaperfag and a coalburner


What is his endgame?

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i fucking hate luka

Why do you hate luka

If you're still playing Odyssey or BotW then you have brain damage.

Switch emulator exists. Never support nintendo.

Not really. I only got my Switch recently and playing both games are fun. Despite the switch being a terrible overpriced gimmick it still does offer the best gameplay for each genre. There is no Xbone/PS4 alternative for BoTW, Odyssey and Smash.

Witch pussy.

Luka was great in the first game

Is Rodin really that strong?

Didn't Bayo 2 have dlcs and a pathetic final boss?

A-amiibos don't count snoy!

Snoyim still mad that he can't play Bayo 2

give me a fist weapon or just the option to fight with her bare hands

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What form will he have this time?

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I played it though, I'm a cuhrayzee fag and bayo2 is a shit game. Bayo1 is superior

>>uncanny faces
>no, switch can't handle
We live in a time where we need worse hardware for more appealing graphics.

Do you need a 10k pc to run bayo 2 tho? I would get CEMU just for that.

Does this imply rape? What fight is this?

Can't we just have a Bayonetta thread without all this shitposting and bait?

Bonus fight against Rodin that you have in every Bayo. Bayo 1 had him in his Lumen form and Bayo 2 in his infernal form.
I think they said that this scene just alludes to that weird Japanese pranks where they put 2 index fingers up your butt instead of assrape.

Maybe when Krillin releases new footage.

The only thing that matters is what will happen to Bayonetta's hair and outfit by extension.

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should have taken notes from DMC threads. Learn to ignore

Aesir wasn't nearly as epic a setpiece as Jubileus but he was a way better actual fight.

in my experience, no

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but her default fighting style is unarmed.

I just want more Jeanne

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Nah. Platinum already talked about this. They don't like too much hair covering Bayonetta's movements.

still uses guns

Thing is I already know that it's not gonna be as good as it could be because it's on Shitch. Not only that, but Bayo 2 already introduced enough dumb shit. Hopefully Platinum will be able to free themselves from Nintendon't.

Have sex.

Give her 2B hair in 3.

>free themselves
They could. All Sony has to do is fork over money for projects that don't contain gay nigger trannies from outer space fighting Brawnuld Brumpf.

thanks for reminding me to filter you

>all that seething
>free themselves from Nintendon't.
Bayo 2 and 3 wouldn't even exist if not for Nintendo, dum dum, no one else wanted it.

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Jubileus is a fucking chore to fight and I still don't understand how people prefer it to Aesir.

We will never have a good Bayo threads until sonybabbies exist.

ITT we post the objectively best weapon

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user, please never stop using the term "shitch".
Thank you.

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Kafka bow is one of my favorite vidya weapons ever

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Hime-cut Bayonetta when?

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Cope :^)

Only if you're holding the button or a few very specific moves, fundamentally its fist and kick combat.

It fits anime girls, Bayonetta's face is not completely anime so I don't think it will be woomy

Lumen sage fights were pure kino

It will have uncanny faces and a disappointing final boss but so far no info on dlc shit. Last year someone posted art not seen from the Bayonetta series that had Bayonetta in her new main outfit which was purple and actually pretty good, they also stated that the game had a specifically miniscule budget and would be reusing a lot of locations from earlier games. Basically expect disappointment.

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I agree.


Who's the director of 3? Should we ask him to please put this in the game?

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Are the first two playable on Switch or am I going to get a lot of FPS drops? I'll be playing undocked

Final boss was alright from what I remember.

Inkling outfit tho

>free themselves
They're still releasing games on other consoles you know.
Babylon's Fall is PS4 and PC only.
The only reason Bayonetta still exists is because Nintendo saved their asses
And they willing to fund their smaller ideas like Astral Chain.

I want to punch things with her bare hands. maybe throw in some martial arts as well if possible

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Sure. Bayo 1>Bayo 2. I cant for the life of me understand why anyone who enjoys playing action games past the first playthrough could disagree.

Just gotta accept it now, Bayonetta 3 is simultaneously competing with DMC3 because it's the 3rd entry in it's series, and DMCV because they are releasing relatively close to eachother but it won't come close to either, and that's with the drop in quality that Bayonetta 2 was.

Bayo's proportions may be fucked, but they're not THAT fucked.

I haven't played 2 but why does everyone hate it?

I just got this weapon and have no idea how to use it. Even with Witch Time the wind up for attacks takes too long and the enemies you fight against when you get this weapon have a ton of hyper armor so comboing them is pretty much a no-no. That's my problemo with Bayo2 in general, having come back to replay it after beating DMC5. I didn't remember at all how much the game relied on just dodging enemies and taking pot shots until you had enough magic to use Umbran Climax.

I hope it doesn't beg me to press the tortute attack and Umbran Climax prompts every time there's some meter.

Wii U

bayo 1 and 2 are already better so I don't think that will be an issue.

The fact that Bayonetta 2 has less Kamiya bullshit in it is enough for me to enjoy playing it a lot more than Bayonetta 1. Sure you get used to the instant death QTE's that come out of nowhere the first time, but it's still bullshit poor design that I can't abide.

I'ts just not as good
>story not as good
>no overtime boss fight
>moon river not alluding to final act like fly me to the moon
>umbran climax reduces ranking making it completely useless
>a few control issues thanks to new abilities

I don't believe Kamiya. He lost his touch

I know is futile to talk to a complete retard like you but DMCV was the only game were Itsuno had a proper budget and more than enough time to make the damn thing. DMC3 and 4 suffer from a subpar level desing and repetitive enemies because Itsuno had to rush the development. The combat carries the game but everything else falls flat. Bayo in the other hand doesn't have those issues even if you think the combat is not as good as DMC you can't say it is a bad action game because it is in fact the best game after DMC.

>story not as good
I'll never understand why fans of this genre pretend to care about story. None of them have a good one. The only thing we can hope for is to have funny dialogue that is full of zingers and one liners, but that's it.

>>no overtime boss fight
Huh? What's this?
>>story not as good
Come on now. It's better by every metric aside from the ending being less exciting.
Everything else I agree with.

>smoking after sex pose
> they said that this scene just alludes to that weird Japanese pranks


>DMC5 had a proper budget
DMC5 has the worst case of reusing assets. Apart from Mission 2,7, and 11, The level design environments are copy pasted as fuck. The level design is uninspired in the first place. It's just straight hallways with pockets. Capcom also talked about lowering the budget so they don't need to meet crazy sales goals like they did for RE6.

fuck you they're cute in that photo, plus I didn't know that

Overreliance on Witch Time (so much that every difficulty has it) and Umbran Climax are the main problems. All you end up doing is fishing WT until you have enough magic for UC. There's also some other stupid things like items not affecting your rank anymore. I wouldn't say people hate it though, it's a fun game but very unbalanced.

Hope it's better than 2. 2 was entertaining but not even close to the masterpiece that 1 was.

2 started out strong but every stage it got more and more dissapointing. I mean, the Jubileus stage in 1 was pure epicness, riding a motorcicle on the surface of a colossal missile as it's launched into the depths of space and then facing a goddess that can punch black holes into existance and makes use of every movement mechanic you've been learning through the game, on top of incredibly epic music.

I was expecting Bayo 2 to deliver the same, and what did we get? Another boring shooting stage, and a fight against a drag queen on a dorito outfit followed by body painted drag queen who literally uses his previous moveset, but slightly boosted, and throwing in some Balder attacks.

All they have to do is bring back that Bayo 1 combat, remove almost all the QTEs like they did with Bayo 2 and bring back the score penalty for using healing items.

As per a recent interview, Itsuno confirmed DMC4 wasn't rushed and they did everything they intended to do given the small budget (which was the same as 3)

It's unbalanced for people who want a deeper action game. For people who just want a quick fix and don't intend to stay for more than one play Bayo2 is probably a lot more fun.

>It's just straight hallways with pockets.

The whole genre is like this and it's for the better.

given some of the weird shit in bayo 3's teaser I'm pretty sure the bayo we see getting killed is either an impostor or some kind of alternate timeline bayonetta

This, the missions in 3 where you had to fuck around turning the tower was just tedious nonsense and not what I want to do in an action game

>Will it have uncanny faces, dlc shit, and a disappointing final boss?

no. its not dmc 5.

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>bring back the score penalty for using healing items.
They should bring back penalties for using other items but penalties for healing items are kinda pointless. If you need to heal it's because you're taking hits and that damages your score already.

Haven't played since the year it came out so I may be misremembering, but I feel like the highest difficulty was so broken that it was impossible to land hits on bosses outside of WT.

>I didn't remember at all how much the game relied on just dodging enemies and taking pot shots until you had enough magic to use Umbran Climax.
You just described Bayonetta 2 in its entirety. This is why Bayonetta 1 will always be better.

>DMCV was the only game were Itsuno had a proper budget
Yet DMC3 with it's fucked budget still blew Bayonetta the fuck out. Nintendo needs to give Bayonetta 3 a proper budget too, but this isn't going to be the case unfortunately. Here's what it needs to top DMC3/5 anyway, and it won't get any of these.
>decent imrpovement of visual quality that is at least in line with Nintendo's other titles moving to Switch which is noticeable but not significant
It won't get this because Plat are reusing assets from previous titles as well as the engine, and the games budget is supposed to be small due to the failure of Bayonetta on WiiU.
>an overtime boss fight that places a final boss that is far greater than the person who the game built up to be a final boss
>a more relevant song that is moon related that hints at later elements in the story
>umbran climax fixed or replaced so that you aren't penalized for using it
>the ability to counter attacks naturally and the removal of QTEs except for the ones used in torture attacks
balance issues in the second game fixed
>the ability to switch between all weapons without accessing the menu
Probably more but I can't think of everything.

The stories are good though, but Bayonetta kept pulling things out of the hat and didn't have that little kid with his shit voice acting.

>Huh? What's this?
You don't remember beating Balder and having Bayonetta get placed int the Jubileus statue and then riding that rocket to the moon as Jeanne and then beating Jubileus, that's the overtime, you already beat what the game told you was the last boss only to have another last boss fight behind it, it was missing from Bayonetta 2.
If Bayonetta 3 is another Bayonetta 2 and still fun but just not as good then I'm done with the series.

Whatever I don't want to talk about DMCV because this is a Bayo thread but my point is how could anyone hate on Bayo when it is the second best thing after DMCV? Ninja Gaiden can't be saved and other P+ projects aren't action games entirely. Shitting on Bayo for no reason and using DMC as an excuse is extremely petty.


What the fuck.


And Bayo 2 was seriously lacking in the fun one liners department. Because the stakes were way higher Bayo herself wasn't nearly as cheeky.

The series will most likely end at 3 anyway. Part 1 is all about Paradiso and the god of Paradiso is the boss. Part 2 is all about Chaos (Earth) and the god of Chaos is the boss. Part 3 will be all about Inferno and the god of Inferno will be the boss. The Trinity of Realities has been the key point in the series.

Lumen Sage is still the high watermark for character action bossfights, even moreso than Virgil in 3.

Do you think we'll get news at E3 or only after Astral Chain comes out?

Maybe, but it would be nice to see it go out on a good note, I know that this won't be the case, DMC5 is everything fans wanted and more, Bayonetta 3 will fail to even be what fans want.

Stakes are high for everyone in DMC5 but that didn't stop the funny dialogue because all the characters were good. Bayonetta 2's problem was that Bayo had a dogshit traveling companion.

>character action

Sorry, "button-bashers"

Literally impossible, Vergil 3 from a gameplay and story standpoint is the best boss in vidya history. I know theres the whole DMC circle jerking going on, but really no one comes fucking close.

Meh. I'm just happy Bayo 1 is on PC. I can deal with bad sequels and I'll still buy a Switch for 3 like I bought a Wii U for 2.

And that's better. I don't want a retread of the past games. Why make a sequel if you're retreading old ground?

How could that mess of visual effects alongside unbalanced gameplay be the best boss in the genre?

Because DMCV is peak DMC, we didn't know how good the game could get if Itsuno had time to make it, now we know adn the series is ending with V. With Bayo the peak is the first game. Once again you're a based retard.

>Kamiya has mentioned several times that he likes Jeanne more than Bayo
>Had her breast sized reduced in later versions to better suit his tastes
I see Kamiya is a man of culture.

I'm more excited for Jeanne's new look than Bayo's tbqh. Her look in 2 makes me hard all the time.

>implying she won't have Bayo's beehive look while Bayo takes her long hair look to complete the cycle of beehive, short and long

The original Bayonetta was a pretty strong entry for the genre, so strong that it added many good features that have been copied by multiple games, but Platinum have just failed to build on top of it.

When did I say I wanted a retread.

Bayonetta 1 shouldn't be the height of it's series though, it should improve with each successive title, but Platinum just have no idea what to do, they are transitioning to action adventure games now anyway, less of an emphasis on skillful action, more fo an emphasis on character development and player drive exploration of an interconnected world.

>DMC5 is everything fans wanted

Lets not exaggerate here. People are still pissed about how much Nero time is forced on you.

It'll be as disappointing as 2 and pale in comparison to DMC5. The only way I'll be excited is if Saito was directing.

>That spacing

Chapter XII, not IV

What would Bayonetta look like in DMC5 artstyle?

Nintendo traditionally has the shittiest hardware but the best art direction. Maybe they choose to be this behind.

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>fimbulventir's symbol is that of a diamond but the mountain is only a triangle
>the third games trailer shows an alternate version of bayonetta getting her shit kicked in
>there are only 3 realms discussed within the games worlds
>fimbulventir has a mountain underneath it and the mountains connect twin realities together.

>muh ribbit spacing

Ugly. Bayonetta's proportions are grotesque. Stop forcing face scanning. It's limiting and barely works. If you're going to use photorealism, Base your game around monsters.

>A boss that wont let you hit him unless you witch time so its a fight of nothing but dodge spam while annoying bullshit happens in the background is better than Vergil 3.
Not a fucking chance.

No, it'll have shallow mechanics lame one button dodge and no depth.

What game are you talking about here? Darksiders? Yeah that was awful

Bayonetta 1 is as good if not better than DMC3 in multiple regards. DMC3 is a fucking horrid when it comes to enemy designs and DMD Mode. DMC3 legitimately gets worse the more you climb in difficulty while Bayonetta 1 gets better. Bayonetta 1 enemy designs and blow 3 out of the water so hard it's not even a fair comparison.

Like most fags, people have no idea how to play Bayonetta because they think it needs to play like DMC, and when it doesn't people call it bad.

I feel dumb to think they can turn shit around and make it as good or better than bayo 1. seeing as how DMC5 returned to perfect form after coming home to the original team makes me hopeful though. I want kamiya to return to the helm but at the same time I'd rather him do something else. I dont get how anyone in the studio gave they okay to all the design changes they did with 2. Who fucking thought balancing the combo meter solely around damage?

DMC5 isn't perfect form. I played it through and there are multiple issues with just the enemy AI.

>a disappointing final boss?
We're talking Platinum here. So yes, especially if Kamiya is anywhere in the vicinity of the team working on it.

>Like most fags, people have no idea how to play Bayonetta because they think it needs to play like DMC, and when it doesn't people call it bad.
You can turn that right around and have the same result. Journos and people that hopped on the action genre with bayo easily go around saying DMC plays bad cause they cant dodge like a crazy person around every enemy and call it dated. Though I agree they are totally different gameplay wise with similarities. I find it weird that people cant like both.

>Bayo had Space Harrier
>Bayo 2 had Starfox

What minigame should Bayo 3 have?

>baiting out attacks for witch time: the boss

yeah no Lumen Sage took every lesson about Bayo1's difficulty curve (weaning the player off absuing witch time to make attacks) and threw it out the window. inb4 you can technically hit him out of witch time with frame perfect attacks etc I don't care.

Depends if the W101 team is helping with Bayo 3. Both TW101 and Bayo2 were in development at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised if TW101 guys were helping Kamiya on Astral Chain, which would mean AC will be GOTY.

One where I fuck her

Soulsfag pls.

>DMC5 is everything fans wanted and more
I honestly wouldn't go that far. The last half of the missions were obviously rushed and the story was not worth the 11 year weight. There's also no playable Vergil and Itsuno still likes to pretend that Nero is a likable protagonist.

What's up with this loud minority bitching about Bayo 2's mechanics?

Meet and Fuck

>Bayonetta 1 shouldn't be the height of it's series though, it should improve with each successive title, but Platinum just have no idea what to do
Because Bayo 2 wasn't made by Kamiya, he was off doing a bunch of other shit. Bayonetta 3 is being directed by the godfather of the genre like Bayo 1 was.

You shut your whore mouth

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Sin and Punishment.

Would he bring a whole team with him just to supervise? I hope they are the team making Astral Chain though. Very high hopes for that since I think they are doing something cool with it.
That they are punch bags save for the teleport lizard? Thats Every save 1 so yeah I'd say its a return to form. Bayo 1 has good enemies, bayo 2 has not one fun enemy to fight period.

fantasy zone in 3D space, basically star fox's all range mode areas

This makes too much sense.

Credo from a gameplay standpoint > Vergil 3
But yeah the themes, story, buildup rivalry of DMC3 remains the best. Maybe kill Jeanne off and introduce a new cooler rival for Bayo?

It's the people who've actually played the game more than once and see how shallow the gameplay is compared to the first game. The only people who think Bayo 2 is better than 1 are the people who only played both once.

W101 is an outlier.

And switch port fucking when

>mechanics are bad
>huh why are people pointing this out?
The game is a fun normal mode run but the moment you hop into anything higher you just see the bad ideas all over the place.

Everything is always a competition. But unfortunately since DMC has a monopoly on the genre (since it created it) if it's not DMC it's immediately viewed as inferior from the get go.

And this is all generated from newfags to the genre, naturally.

What's up with people who get ther wittle fee fees hurt by criticism?

Vergil is coming in DLC, Nero is fine, it's good that they added more features to him, Game is great.

Kamiya isn't working on Bayonetta 3, he's I don't know, producing or something, if he was working on Bayonetta 3 he wouldn't be working on Astral Chain.

Criticize my fist in your face, bitch.

Lol what?

Bayo 2 was a good game but failed to surpass the original and in some regards took steps back.From a casual standpoint it's fine but from a more advanced/technical point of view it has many problems.

He's supervising Astral Chain. He's not directing.

Go back to your hugbox faggot

a traditional fighting game level

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>Maybe kill Jeanne
Or maybe you could kill yourself.

Her new rival is clearly going to be Rosa since she's already fought Balder twice.

That's fine and all, but extremist faggots are acting like it's teh worst thing evar.

>looks nothing like Bayo
Shit fan art.

Can't think of a worst case of my opinion is fact. According to your retarded autistic ass maybe if game is not a DMC copy cat is bad but for the majority we don't mind as long as the game has a satisfying combat. You're the only retard in this thread that keeps comparing DMC to Bayo because that's the only straw you have.

I know he's not directing it but he's working on it in some form, I don't see him realistically working on Bayonetta 3, when he supervised Bayonetta 2 he had a large space between the release of TW101 and starting work on Scalebound, Astral Chain and Bayonetta 3 are in development simultaneously with Bayonetta 3 having been in development for well over a year at this point.

Where the fuck did you read any of that shit from his reply you fucking schizo?

I'd like some hindu enemies

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I mean have you seen what he can do to Bayo in the boss fight vs him?

The dude regularly travels to hell and back like a business.

How is Bayo2 QTEwise? Love first Bayo and wanted to play Bayo2 for a while now but all those QTE make me not want to play it again.
I'm not the biggest player of this genre but I'm playing DMCV and I'm so glad there's no QTE bullshit in it, MGSR had a few but it was ok.

>all those QTEs
>All 2 of them that aren't even an issue on NSIC

I've read that the QTEs that kill your score are mostly non-existent

Its not the worst but I like playing action games to master the combat and get good scores while looking cool And Bayo went from being all about that in 1 to in 2 where I feel like they actively don't want me to have any fun past normal. For me thats a big ass disappointment. I dont care if people like Bayo 2 but I'd rather them understand why people dislike it rather than them be like lol who cares or I didn't buy a Wii U and am just mad.

>Kamiya isn't working on Bayonetta 3, he's I don't know, producing or something, if he was working on Bayonetta 3 he wouldn't be working on Astral Chain.
After Scalebound was dumped, he confirmed that he was going to direct Bayo3.

right here
>But unfortunately since DMC has a monopoly on the genre (since it created it) if it's not DMC it's immediately viewed as inferior from the get go.
This is of course wrong since DMC was pretty much dead prior to DMCV and most of P+ games including Bayo 1 and 2 were released during that time. The overwhelming majority of people who play this games agree that Bayo had a worst combat but much better level and enemy desing. Name one action game better than Bayo that isn't DMC you can't. NG has an absurd difficulty curve that makes the game frustrating, God Hand takes a lot of patience and grind to play it right. Once again Bayo is still the best of the genre.

The thing that still is hammering in my head is the fact that they made very clear in the teaser that this time Bayo is facing someone really powerful, to the point where she is beaten and effectively defeated. Bayonetta matched 1v1 Loptr who had both Eyes of the World, you know, the things capable of giving one the power to create entire universes and even mess with the Trinity of Realities itself. WHAT could be more powerful than that in Bayonetta lore?? The premise sounds bonkers to me...

>Agree Bayo has a worst combat
What the fuck, stop this nonsense

Want a source on that. Also you think that crazy rumor Nintendo picked up Scalebound holds any water? It was originally pitched during the Wii days.

>overwhelming majority of people who play this games agree that Bayo had a worst combat
Don't think that's true at all

People often underestimate how far good art direction and carry a game's graphics.

>I dont care if people like Bayo 2 but I'd rather them understand why people dislike it rather than them be like lol who cares or I didn't buy a Wii U and am just mad.
Eh, sometimes you should just keep your opinons to yourself and let people enjoy themselves.

Bayo > DMC

Her mom

probably just some guy killing a different timeline bayo who's weaker

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>Once again Bayo is still the best of the genre.

Danger's coming, looming large
So who's gonna make a stand?
One-hundred rangers are taking charge
The line is drawn in the sand
Knuckles crack
In two-hundred very different ways
But each and every one has got
The same thing to say...

Unite Morph!
Because their hearts beat as one
Unite Hand!
And put the bad guys on the run

When the job's too ominous
For an average Jill or Joe
They go anonymous
And watch their powers grow!

Got no fame, no fortune to claim
Fighting for the status quo
Don that mask and take 'em to task
Hurry, now it's time to go!
They can do it, they can do it
'Cause they're super-sisters and bros...
The won-stoppable Wonderful
Wonderful 100!

Evil's coming
And you need a savior to appear
One-hundred rangers will take the lead
They gladly volunteer
Way up high
Can you spy them out in outer space?
Two-hundred eyes like fire,
Looking danger in the face...

Blue: Unite Morph!
A single heart like a blade
Blue: Unite Sword!
They dish out justice in spades

When the world is teetering
Hanging by a thread
They administer a beating
And stop the menace dead!

Go, go team!
Demolish those fiends!
Toss 'em in a garbage can!
Wipe the floor with aliens galore
'Til the world is spick and span!
They can do it, they can do it,
'Cause they're fearless daredevil pros...
The won-destructible Wonderful,
Wonderful 100!

NSIC? Played it when it came out on the 360 and I think I remember more than 2 QTEs, might be wrong tho but I clearly remember insufferable QTEs (I really hate those, so that might be the reason they were so annoying to me in this game) and it has prevented me from replaying Bayo after finishing it once.

It still tickles me to this day that Bayo 2 is one of the most blatant of examples of "praised by casuals who don't know anything the game'. Its just amazing seeing people praise the shallow unmitigated mess of a game 2 was then use the same 4 points to say Bayo 1 was somehow godawful.

>Sequel never

>Stop liking what I don't like

can't wait until there's actual info revealed so threads are more than shitposting garbage. only 86 days until E3

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The hardest difficulty. If you only played the game once then you never played Bayo on the only difficulty that matters. Basically you barely even touched the game.

So, Loki destroys both eyes, one coming from Bayo, and the other from past Baldur, who then goes back into the past to eventually become the old Baldur from the 1st game, but he had the eye in the first game, and now he doesn't anymore. Have they adressed this plothole?

>After Scalebound was dumped, he confirmed that he was going to direct Bayo3.

You will never see this game ever again.

>I'm mad cause that guy doesn't like thing I like!

>game ends with closure and no loose ends

Nothing wrong with that desu.

Wouldn't mind that switch port though.

Weird way to spell God of War

>Bayonetta 3 gets a VF boss fight
>Boss has ____ moveset
Which character would the boss have as a moveset?

Nah consolewar faggotry is to strong here and people can't look past the Nintendo exclusivity.

I like both of them for different reasons, you stupid white faggot.

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Bayonetta didn't win that fight Loki did.

Yeah I said I wasn't the biggest player of the genre, I'm shit at those kinds of games but still enjoy playing them casually. I wanted to play it more than once and maybe get better, but like I said the QTEs turned me off. That's why I'm asking about the QTEs in Bayo2....

Bayo 1 is a stylish action game
Bayo 2 is a 3D beat em up

Bayo 2 is a good game, but mechanically its easier, in a bad way. They wanted to find more use for Magic but made a way too powerful DT.

Hey its that guy who can't bring the bants so he calls them white like its a bad thing. Welcome back Bayo 2 still isn't as good as 1.

No but it will have dumbed down scoring, worse combat mechanics, and poor bossfights like 2 did.

But hey, no QTEs and fewer minigames so I guess you retards will still eat it up and say it's better than 1.

Only whites get mad at people who like things they don't.

We have no info on Bayo 3. For all we know, he may just be working on Bayo 3 after getting burnt by Microsoft.

Tell me HOW Bayonetta has worse combat. If you have no idea what Dodge Offset is, let alone Taunt/Accessory/Panther Offset, legitimately don't even bother replying to me.

Bayonetta 3 isn't an E3 2019 game, the only announced way too fucking early game we know we are seeing this year, and not even necessarily at E3 is SMTV.
Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4 and Story of Seasons Switch are all games that are multiple years off at a minimum at this point.

I kind of hope that Astral Chain sells big and breaks past 1.5 million units since when Xenoblade 2 did that Nintendo gave Monolith the funding to get 2 new offices and 2 new development teams, imagine if Nintendo went to Platinum and said they want 2 additional Platinum teams working on a Nintendo published title at all times, that's the potential for a Platinum title on a Nintendo platform every single year.

There was another rumour that he was direct a self published title.

Its not about liking anything, bayo 2 is pure shite and is contradictive to the genre its in, the game is pure bad design.

its not a terrible game but people often say "bayo2 is better than 1 in every way" and it never comes from a place of thought


Platimun needs to make that Xenoblade Chronicles X 2 combat tho. That would be perfect JRPG.

>Bayonetta 3 isn't an E3 2019 game
doubt it

>bayo 2 is pure shite
and your posts are pure retardation.

Well now I wouldn't say that. Final boss wasn't as good as the first, but I had a fun time.

It's really unfortunate that Kamiya is allowed to ruin his games with gimmicks because he's a senior director. If only the producer tried to restrain him Bayo1 and especially 101 would have been great games.

Is Inaba still at PG? Dude needs to twist Kamiyas arm more

>baby outfit

Attached: WHAT THE MOTHER OF FUCK.jpg (850x850, 75K)

>based retard doesn't understand anything the post
cool beans, but bayo 2 is mechanically broken and shallow not just compared to the first game but to action games as a whole.

>Waaaaa, I can't make my combo videos

Bayonetta's core combat is as good as DMC's, it's just different. DMC is all about freedom, Bayonetta has freedom but the core of its combat is much tighter. DMC does not have a central mechanic like Dodge Offset My opinion is this, "combat" happens when mechanics interact with enemies. DMC has phenomenal mechanics but usually poor enemy design be it them being too docile or incredibly annoying to fight against. Bayonetta has great mechanics and phenomenal enemy design. When you play Infinite Climax in Bayo 1 it feels incredibly rewarding. Not because you did a 30 minute combo video, but because you fucking stomped these difficult enemies into dust.

Considering Inferno is the only realm yet to have a full game to itself, would we all be okay with Dante showing up as the Platinum ticket bonus fight instead of Rodin?

they're already great

>based retarded strawmans
nothing to do with that but you keep trying user.

Bayo 1 is such a hard game to go back to, its just like DMC4 in that way.

and yet it's still fun. I forgot that Yea Forumsirgins are autists who like to over exaggerate though.

You sweet innocent boy, you clearly haven't been on the internet long enough.

I have no idea how. I can revisit that game forever

I agree at least in part, no witch time.

What makes you think it will be? Nintendo's entire 2019 lineup apart from Yoshi's Crafted World launches after this years E3, it's already packed even if there are no new announcements, Bayonetta 3 will at the earliest be shown at the game awards 2019.
>animal crossing
>pokemon sword and shite
>luigi's mansion 3
>daemon x machina
>fire emblem three houses
>astral chain
>super mario maker 2
>the legend of zelda link's awakening remake
>ninja box
>dragon quest xi s
>marvel ultimate alliance 3
>more games i forgot
It's going to be utterly packed, no room for Bayonetta 3, no room for new announcements either.

Combat wise yes, everything else is a chore. QTEs, minigames, backtracking for secret verses etc make replaying the games tedious. Personally I also do not like the giant bosses but that's secondary.

Well anything can be fun if you're a troglodyte with no standards user, you keep trying though.

I can revisit Angel Slayer forever, Bayo 1 campaign is utter shit.

The second half of 2019 is fucking loaded. Especially compared to 2018's lineup.

A boss fight with Pious Augustus? With patented sanity effects, maybe?

Attached: PIOUSBROS.png (428x418, 102K)

>Space harrier bit
>Route 666
Wow 1 easy level and half another level, guess the entire campaign is awful

Anarchy Reigns shout-out please

The game flat out regressed everything good about 1's combat system, for people who took the time to learn the game and loved it through multiple playthroughs bayo 2 is a huge disappointment and just not fun to play.

It's his turn

Attached: Enzo2_Gallery.png (593x660, 657K)

It's the single biggest lineup of exclusives any console has had this generation in the space of a year, let alone the space of just over half a year.

And people were complaining about 2018's anemic showing.

Just because 2019 is packed doesn't make 2018 not a shit year for the Switch.

I hope for her hairstyle, they give her a hair highlight, that starts at the head, but little flashes of it weave in and out of her outfit. I think that'd look pretty cool.

Maybe gold, purple, or green.

Outside of Nintendo games, it's all niche stuff so I'd say that complaining about the Switch's lineup is still legitimate. Personally out of those I might buy Astral Chain if it's decent, and Bayo3 if it comes out this year.

Name one action game from this decade that isn't DMCV better than Bayo 2. Come on faggot I'll wait all night if necesary.

>so I'd say that complaining about the Switch's lineup is still legitimate
Based retard poster

Unironically TFD even with it's problems. It captures Bayos gameplay better than 2 full stop

Bros why is Bayo so sexy

>Space harrier bit
>Route 666
That turret section before Balder is worse than both to be honest. But yeah, the campaign is fucking awful, full of cutscenes and these annoying sections where you just flee from things or have to protect Cereza or look for pieces of puzzles. Final Fight perfected level design for this kind of game almost 30 years ago and developers still manage to fuck up.

the only one trying hard here is you, sperglord.

>Final Fight
Oh you were trolling the whole time gotcha

You're a very optimistic person.

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What the hell happened with Scalebound on Xbone? Did Microsoft get cold feet because they wanted a dudebro game, and were getting Kamiya weirdness?

But he never scores

Transformers devestation and bloodborne, though I don't get the point of the question. Bayo 2 is still a shit game like dmc:devil may cry even if nothing came out in the last decade action game wise. It broke the number one rule of the genre: providing a unilateral strategy/mechanic that bypasses all other strategies.

>it takes effort to type 'you're a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about' multiple times
Uh sure user, you keep trying.

Good face,long legs and a cheeky attitude. I want to climb her like Mount Everesr.

Please, no twintails. They are worst hairstyle. Elegant bun that goes slip knot during super mode please!

I don’t see why not. They recycle demons, models, and portraits shamelessly

>Transformers Devastation
Not a bad awser but that game is fucking shovelware
lmao Fromsoft can't make a proper action game Sekiro proves this. The most you can do in Bloodborne is maybe spam R2 a bit more than R1. You can't be serious. DmC is ludcrious.

So wonder how they'll up the stakes this time.

Think I saw some people thinking it'll involve alternate timeline stuff.
Wonder how that will work out.

YFD was made on a shoestring budget yet even with the dumb loot system it still felt better to play than Bayo 2

For the retards:

>Bayo 1:
Jeanne, Short razored hair
Bayonetta, Beehive

>Bayo 2:
Jeanne, Long straight hair
Bayonetta, Short razored hair

>Bayo 3:
Jeanne, Beehive
Bayonetta, Long straight hair

Fucking NG3RE was more fun than Bayo2 and thats also a piece of shit game.


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That would be a good point if SMT V already came out and we were talking about other Switch MegaTen game. SMT V will be their first UE4 game, there's nothing to recycle.

>Bayo 1:
>Jeanne, Short razored hair

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wtf why is that censored?!
Help! Help I'm being raped!

>Outside of Nintendo games, it's all niche stuff
That's a fair criticism, but Nintendo can't force third parties to make games for them, or even entice them to, third parties don't much care for the Switch, it's success in Japan is largely irrelevant. if Nintendo had brains they take some of that mountain of gold and form a subsidiary that handles the development of studios to make games to fill that gap.

SMTV isn't coming this year but there is going to be an update on it this year which will more than likely be a trailer, should have clarified this.

And it's using Unreal 4 which should save an ass load of time, but it's still taking well over 3 years, personally I don't expect it until 2021/2022.

it's not censored though, simply because it was like this since day 1, not like certain other games post patch ;)

>SMTV isn't coming this year but there is going to be an update on it this year which will more than likely be a trailer, should have clarified this.
Bayonetta 3 is coming out this year though. Why would they show a trailer for a game that isn't coming out this year and not show gameplay for a game that is coming out this year?

>Bayonetta 3 is coming out this year though

Who is she?

October 29, 2009 Bayonetta 1
October 24, 2014 Bayonetta 2
See a pattern? October 2019 is Bayonetta 3 guaranteed.


No, I don't see a pattern because there are only 2 points to build off of, and there's no way Nintendo are putting out 2 Plat games so close to eachother unless they really want both to undersell Astral Chain moreso.

>Astral Chain
Literally fucking who?



Can i fire it to Mars instead?

So you think they're going to delay Bayonetta who's actually a well known character thanks to Smashbabbies for some literal who?

I don't think they are going to delay Bayonetta at all, I think a game that entered development in late 2017 won't be releasing in under 2 years.

Just because it was announced in late 2017 doesn't mean it entered development in late 2017.

No, it absolutely did start development in 2017, maybe not late 2017 but 2017 undoubtedly, the game won't be ready for 2019. In fact I will post a thread later this year to gloat about it to you, and you specifically for being such a dumbass that you thought that bayonetta 3 was coming this year.

Natalie Mars

Attached: ShesCute.jpg (720x1280, 142K)

legit 10/10 mating press breeding material

Wow what a sore winner. I hope you're wrong and I won't gloat like a baby if I'm right. Eat a dick, bitch.

Yeah she's got a nice dick.

Here's the thing though, there's no way that I'm wrong.

Spoken like a true baby.

Just someone who's right, Bayonetta 3 isn't coming in 2019, simple fact.


>The overwhelming majority of people who play this games agree that Bayo had a worst combat
Now this is straight up shitposting, the demo release of DMC5 had a good chunk of complaints from people who found it stiffer than Bayonetta. It's very debatable at best.

>tfw Dante is a total manlet next to Bayo

Attached: Bayonetta and Dante.png (214x334, 21K)

Bayonetta is like 8 feet though, so a lot of people are manlets compared to her

bayo 3 will be at E3 and come out 2020

>tfw bought WiiU just to play bayo
it was worth it since it cost me about ~150yuropbucks but no way am i doing the same for a switch, too bad.

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Bayonetta 1 does a much better job at efficiency while making competent use of enemy encounters that don't feel like sandbags with garbage movesets in order to make the style meter work mechanically. Its one if the biggest reasons why i have a hard time putting DMC3-onwards ahead of NGB and Bayo 1 despite improving a couple of aspects over DMC1.

Can we at least admit it's at least nowhere near as bad as DMC2? For all the shit Bayonetta 2 gets at least it's functional in comparison to that trainwreck.

>he didn't reply to him
Fucking based

I compare Bayo 2 to DmC instead. It's ok as a stand alone game but fails to recapture what made the original(s) great.

Just play BP/Angel Slayer if you don't want to play a real game.

I loved both of them, Bayo 2 just felt a lot smoother and polished as far as mechanics go. I am a filthy casual that doesn't bother with the highest difficulty though or is there something else wrong that makes it worse than 1?

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>Playing DMC 3 S ranking every difficulty isn't a "real game"
I see

It's more like Nintendo prioritizes their own development purposes, and for their purposes they really don't need the power. Also goes hand in hand with how they don't sell consoles at a loss.

I kinda agree but i feel it was forced to be that way cause of the wiiu's gimmick pad to showcase the console

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If you don't want puzzles and level design that isn't corridors, just play the survival mode. The whole genre shouldn't suffer because some autists only want to play BP all day.

Not really. It's just the director missing the point of Bayo 1 hard.

Jesus christ this post is "I have a shallow understanding of the genre": The Post

Just play BP if you don't want a decent well-developed campaign.

>DMC 3
>Well developed campaign
Yeah you have no idea what you're talking about

Holy shit i didn't even know Kamiya wasn't the director of 2. Its not surprising that its different but they did a good job nonetheless

Jubileus was climactic, but the fight itself was shit. You're basically just fighting its hair.

That's not what I'm arguing retard.

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>who is he?


Attached: 1542903671439.png (372x334, 217K)

>hair fighting hair

Try playing the games before posting

What Bayo 3 needs to do is pull the go back to Bayo 1 and improve what was good and fix/replace what was bad in the first game, it doesn't need to go full DMC5 because the DMC franchise was in a much more dire spot than Bayo is. Bayo doesn't need to do a total revival with a game that has to go above and beyond anything in the series, it just needs to correct itself from the mistakes of 2

Try asking mommy next time you want to use the computer.

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What makes you think EVERYONE hates it?

There is no grind in God Hand to play it right, you just get better at the game. If you suck ass and refuse to learn then yeah you'll be fighting the same enemies until you wake the fuck up.

Style, Confidence, Looks, and Limberocity.