I'm so excited for Bayo 3 lads

Bayo 1 and 2 are in top 10 favorite games of all time and I'm beyond hyped for 3

Attached: Bayonetta-3-Teaser.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

In my top 10*

Won't be better than DMC5. Hell, even DmC Definitive was better than Bayonetta 2.

I was really dissapointed with DMC 5. It was a massive let down, 10 fuckin years for that.

And no I'm not baiting, I can explain why I was dissapointed if you like.

Sure. Personally, I'm not too happy with it either, but I'm not the most hardcore DMC fan, so I'm sure whatever complaints I have are probably stupid.

So, basically, very split messy campaign due to 3 characters and messy jumping back and forth in time and flash backs, no interesting iconic level design like 1 and 3, boring bosses other than vergil who's always brilliant because vergil. Not enough time and focus on each character. Lady and trish get barely any time. No button to switch devil breakers. Audio bugs galore. No puzzles like 1 and 3. Game is too short, and V is really boring to play as, interesting character but boring to play. There's more but I don't remember it off the top off my head. But anyway I wish there was just 2 fully fleshed out campaigns for Dante and Nero and no V.

>messy campaign
this is only a valid complaint if you have a tiny attention span
>iconic level design like 1 and 3
I agree here but personally I am fine with 5's level design
>boring bosses
not true at all, maybe they were boring to (you)
>not enough time
why would they need a lot when their character arcs have been handled in previous entries?
>lady and trish
see above
>breaker switching
valid complaint, but where would you even put that fucking button(s)?
>audio bugs
literally experienced zero
>no puzzles
this is not a bad thing
>game is too short
you shouldnt have outed yourself as someone who doesnt play these games. dmc games focus on replayability instead of making 100 hour games with no fun after you beat the game for the first time
>V is boring
I agree here, but even he can be handled well in the right hands.

By messy campgain I mean 2 okay characters, and 1 awful, v is shit, dante and nero are okay, they're handled pretty badly, not as complex or fun as in 1 and 3. And It's not fun replaying it when it forces you to play as a certain character. I've had loads of audio bugs. And when I say not enough time I mean gameplay wise, Dante and Nero don't get their full potential shown in my opinion. Puzzles were a fun part of the games for me. I don't understand how you can be fine with 5's level design, it's the most bland and basic shit

>not as complex as 1 and 3
bait. im not gonna talk to retards like this, not even wanting to replay the fucking game

I've replayed it twice now though, I did enjoy Son Of Sparda more but, not enough to where I can say the game is great.

post any of your combos with nero and dante and i might just take you seriously

You mean recorded from my ps4?

yeah, that'll do

How do I get that onto here

upload to a file sharing site or your youtube channel unlisted i dont know nigga are you new to the internet

I've never had to take anything from my ps4 to my PC before

PS4Share > upload unlisted to youtube > share it on Yea Forums, if you have privacy issues make a quick throwaway account

I'm pretty sure the thread would be archived by then

well shit then nigger, what can ya do /shrug

God i want a Cereza and Jeanne mommies