Do you use alternate costumes in games or you just go with the orignal?
Do you use alternate costumes in games or you just go with the orignal?
depends on how good (or bad) the OG is
mommy... sit on my face please..
only autists give a shit either way and anyone caring about the opinions of an autist is even a bigger loser
>Why yes, I always use the outfit that's on the cover and marketing material, how did you know?
i prefer the original usually, unless the alternative is infinitely better, but its very rare, usually the original is good, grounded and balanced
Generally I go with the original unless I'm playing with someone else who also likes the original. Then I'll go with the alt(s).
I love wearing them when they appear in cutscenes too. If not, I just go with the original because it feels weird otherwise
user, you're on an anonymous anime forum, in a board dedicated to video games.
Only if the alternate costume has fan service
Who dis?
Want to cum.
Tranny desu
Enji Night
I hope those legs have a name.
I only use alts if they show up in cutscenes
Otherwise whats the point? It's just laziness.
Because you are an imbecile, brother.
Same. If there is a cool already costume but it never shows up in cutscenes it triggers me and I deal with the og costume
Depends on how much I like the alternate costume or if the costume does something like change the music
Original for first playthrough
Alternate for second
I'll usually go with the original for the first playthrough and alternate for any future playthroughs.
bunnysuit best suit
>not always picking the silliest costume
Assuming it's not immersion breaking. I can't really enjoy joke costumes for too long.
>that one doujin where oolong transforms into bulma and gets his brain fucked out by master roshi
How don't get a gamer girl?
>cosplay whores
That's some funny shit bro